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Y Ozawa, S Takashim. Developmental neurotransmitter pathology in the brainstem of sudden infant death syndrome: a review and sleep position. Forensic science international. vol 130 Suppl. 2003-01-02. PMID:12350301. |
in sids infants, there are an increase of glial fibrillary acidic protein (gfap)-positive astrocytes in the brainstem, an increase of substance p (sp) in the medulla and pons, a decrease of tyrosine hydroxylase (th)-positive catecholaminergic neurons in the ventrolateral medulla (vlm), and vagal nuclei in the medulla oblongata and basal ganglia, a decrease of tryptophan hydroxylase (trh)-positive serotonergic neurons in the periaqueductal gray matter (pag), and decreases of 5-hydroxytryptamine 1a (5-ht1a) and 5-ht2a receptor immunoreactivities in the vlm and vagal nuclei in the medulla oblongata. |
2003-01-02 |
2023-08-12 |
Not clear |
C R Bjarkam, J C Sørensen, F A Genese. Distribution and morphology of serotonin-immunoreactive neurons in the brainstem of the New Zealand white rabbit. The Journal of comparative neurology. vol 380. issue 4. 1997-06-27. PMID:9087529. |
it was possible to divide the serotonergic neurons into a rostral group, which is situated in the mesencephalon and the rostral part of the pons containing four serotonergic nuclei, and a caudal group, which is located in the medulla and the caudal part of the pons containing five serotonergic nuclei. |
1997-06-27 |
2023-08-12 |
rabbit |
Y Hishikawa, T Shimiz. Physiology of REM sleep, cataplexy, and sleep paralysis. Advances in neurology. vol 67. 1996-10-24. PMID:8848973. |
these abnormalities in neural mechanisms probably involve hypersensitivity or hyperactivity of muscarinic cholinergic and/or cholinoceptive neuronal populations in the pontine and suprapontine structures, and/or abnormally decreased activity of noradrenergic or serotonergic neuronal populations in the pons and/or other brainstem structures. |
1996-10-24 |
2023-08-12 |
Not clear |
Y Kobayashi, K Matsuyama, S Mor. Distribution of serotonin cells projecting to the pontomedullary reticular formation in the cat. Neuroscience research. vol 20. issue 1. 1995-01-05. PMID:7984340. |
using immunohistochemistry and retrograde transport techniques, this study demonstrates that serotonin (5-ht) cells in the dorsal tegmental gray of the pons at rostrocaudal from p1 to p6 levels are sources of bilateral serotonergic projections to the gigantocellular tegmental field of the medial pontine and medullary reticular formation in the cat. |
1995-01-05 |
2023-08-12 |
cat |
M J van Veldhuizen, M G Feenstra, G J Boe. Effects of neonatal exposure to clonidine on basal and activated central noradrenaline metabolism and in vivo overflow. Brain research. Developmental brain research. vol 79. issue 2. 1994-11-30. PMID:7955326. |
a challenge with yohimbine did not reveal altered responses of monoaminergic systems, except for the failure of an increased serotonergic activity in the medulla pons. |
1994-11-30 |
2023-08-12 |
rat |
L Kubin, C Reignier, H Tojima, O Taguchi, A I Pack, R O Davie. Changes in serotonin level in the hypoglossal nucleus region during carbachol-induced atonia. Brain research. vol 645. issue 1-2. 1994-09-21. PMID:7520343. |
based on our earlier studies in decerebrate cats using injections of carbachol into the pons to induce a rem sleep-like atonia and microinjections of serotonin (5ht) into the xii motor nucleus, we hypothesized that a sleep-related withdrawal of the serotonergic excitatory input to xii motoneurons may play a major role in these processes. |
1994-09-21 |
2023-08-12 |
Not clear |
N J Dun, S L Dun, U Försterman. Nitric oxide synthase immunoreactivity in rat pontine medullary neurons. Neuroscience. vol 59. issue 2. 1994-07-21. PMID:7516501. |
the majority of cholinergic and serotonergic neurons in the pons are nitric oxide synthase-positive, whereas the immunoreactivity was either too low to be detected or absent in the large majority of serotonergic, aminergic and cholinergic neurons in the medulla. |
1994-07-21 |
2023-08-12 |
rat |
M Tanaka, H Okamura, N Yanaihara, Y Tanaka, Y Ibat. Differential expression of serotonin and [Met]enkephalin-Arg6-Gly7-Leu8 in neurons of the rat brain stem. Brain research bulletin. vol 30. issue 5-6. 1993-04-26. PMID:8457905. |
in midbrain and pons serotonergic cell groups (b5-b9), no coexistence of 5-ht and meagl was detected. |
1993-04-26 |
2023-08-12 |
rat |
R W Dot. Schizophrenia: a disease of interhemispheric processes at forebrain and brainstem levels? Behavioural brain research. vol 34. issue 1-2. 1989-09-27. PMID:2669836. |
while the forebrain commissures must contribute substantially to this competitive process, it is emphasized in this review that the serotonergic raphé nuclei of pons and mesencephalon are also participants in interhemispheric events. |
1989-09-27 |
2023-08-11 |
human |
N Schaffar, J P Kessler, O Bosler, A Jea. Central serotonergic projections to the nucleus tractus solitarii: evidence from a double labeling study in the rat. Neuroscience. vol 26. issue 3. 1989-01-17. PMID:3200434. |
after injection of the radioactive tracer ([3h] wheat germ agglutinin) into the lateral nucleus tractus solitarii, nerve cell bodies exhibiting both radioautographic labeling and immunostaining were detected in all the serotonergic nuclei investigated, namely the nucleus raphe magnus, the ventromedial paragigantocellular nucleus, the nuclei raphe pontis, medianus and dorsalis, the medial lemniscus and the reticulotegmental nucleus of the pons. |
1989-01-17 |
2023-08-11 |
rat |
M Zalesk. Effect of pentobarbital anesthesia on serotonin metabolism in hypoxic rat brain. Polish journal of pharmacology and pharmacy. vol 31. issue 3. 1980-01-24. PMID:41228. |
pentobarbital pretreatment of hypoxic rats resulted in further diminution of 5-ht degradation after probenecid, having synergistic character in pons with medulla, which points to the specific sensitivity of serotonergic system in the latter area. |
1980-01-24 |
2023-08-11 |
rat |
J R Couc. Further evidence for a possible excitatory serotonergic synapse on raphe neurons of pons and lower midbrain. Life sciences. vol 19. issue 5. 1976-10-20. PMID:957906. |
further evidence for a possible excitatory serotonergic synapse on raphe neurons of pons and lower midbrain. |
1976-10-20 |
2023-08-11 |
Not clear |