All Relations between dopaminergic and dopamine

Publication Sentence Publish Date Extraction Date Species
M Ojima, N Itoh, Y Kusano, K Yaginuma, S Fukuch. [The effect of metoclopramide and dopamine on mineralocorticoid secretion--in vivo and in vitro studies]. Nihon Naibunpi Gakkai zasshi. vol 62. issue 3. 1986-07-24. PMID:3709883. the present studies were designed to investigate the mechanism of dopaminergic control of corticosteroid secretion and to determine at which step in the aldosterone biosynthetic pathway metoclopramide and dopamine exert their effect. 1986-07-24 2023-08-11 human
N M White, J Blackbur. Effect of glucose on amphetamine-induced motor behavior. Life sciences. vol 38. issue 24. 1986-07-23. PMID:3086651. the findings are also consistent with other data suggesting that glucose antagonizes dopamine function, but they suggest that this antagonism may not be uniform over all dopaminergic neurons or receptor types. 1986-07-23 2023-08-11 rat
C M Bitler, B D Howar. Dopamine metabolism in hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase-deficient variants of PC12 cells. Journal of neurochemistry. vol 47. issue 1. 1986-07-23. PMID:3519867. to assess whether an hprt deficiency in a dopaminergic cell can adversely affect dopamine metabolism in that cell, dopamine metabolism was examined in hprt-deficient variants of pc12 pheochromocytoma cells and in cells that had regained hprt activity by virtue of transformation with a recombinant retrovirus containing the human gene for hprt. 1986-07-23 2023-08-11 human
M A Sherman, D S Linthicum, M B Bolge. Haloperidol binding to monoclonal antibodies: conformational analysis and relationships to D-2 receptor binding. Molecular pharmacology. vol 29. issue 6. 1986-07-18. PMID:2423865. other dopaminergic ligands such as dopamine and the d-1 antagonist sch-23390 were not recognized by monoclonal antibodies raised against the succinic acid conjugate. 1986-07-18 2023-08-11 mouse
N Tuross, R L Patric. Effects of propranolol on catecholamine synthesis and uptake in the central nervous system of the rat. The Journal of pharmacology and experimental therapeutics. vol 237. issue 3. 1986-07-16. PMID:2872325. these results indicate that propranolol administration may cause a potentiation of norepinephrine activity specifically at alpha receptors, due to concurrent beta receptor blockade and inhibition of norepinephrine reuptake and a decrease in dopamine activity at dopaminergic receptor sites due to an inhibition of dopamine formation. 1986-07-16 2023-08-11 rat
L D Middaugh, J W Zem. Dopaminergic mediation of long-term behavioral effects of in utero drug exposure. Neurobehavioral toxicology and teratology. vol 7. issue 6. 1986-07-14. PMID:3835467. the dopaminergic systems are particularly suitable for examining the hypothesis, since the neural tracts using dopamine have been widely studied; their influence on behavior is, to some extent, understood; the tracts begin development in mice and rats late in gestation; and there are a number of drugs known to have particular effects on these systems. 1986-07-14 2023-08-11 mouse
L D Middaugh, J W Zem. Dopaminergic mediation of long-term behavioral effects of in utero drug exposure. Neurobehavioral toxicology and teratology. vol 7. issue 6. 1986-07-14. PMID:3835467. literature is reviewed that supports the hypothesis that drugs affecting dopamine metabolism, when administered during the early development of the dopaminergic tracts, produce persistent changes both in the metabolism of dopamine and in behavior mediated by neural systems which utilize dopamine as a transmitter. 1986-07-14 2023-08-11 mouse
L J Thal, K Laing, S G Horowitz, M H Makma. Dopamine stimulates rat cortical somatostatin release. Brain research. vol 372. issue 2. 1986-07-07. PMID:2871899. dopamine increased the release of somatostatin from cortex and this effect of dopamine was blocked by haloperidol and other dopaminergic antagonists. 1986-07-07 2023-08-11 rat
G M Tyce, T L Yaks. Conjugates of biogenic amines in ventriculocisternal perfusates of conscious African green monkeys. Brain research. vol 372. issue 2. 1986-07-07. PMID:3708364. efflux of conjugated dopamine was not decreased in the presence of nomifensine, suggesting that conjugation did not occur subsequent to reuptake of transmitter into dopaminergic neurons. 1986-07-07 2023-08-11 monkey
K Ando, C E Johanson, C R Schuste. Effects of dopaminergic agents on eye tracking before and after repeated methamphetamine. Pharmacology, biochemistry, and behavior. vol 24. issue 3. 1986-06-17. PMID:3703903. since other data reported elsewhere have shown that dopamine is depleted in the caudate after similar repeated administration regimens, long lasting brain dopaminergic changes are likely present in these monkeys. 1986-06-17 2023-08-11 monkey
J Arita, F Kimur. Effect of aging on in vitro dopamine biosynthesis in the median eminence of rat hypothalamic slices. Brain research. vol 369. issue 1-2. 1986-06-13. PMID:3008942. however, the rate of ca2+-dependent, depolarization-induced dopa accumulation was smaller in aged rats, suggesting that the ca2+ system in the regulation of dopamine biosynthesis in tuberoinfundibular dopaminergic neurons is altered by aging. 1986-06-13 2023-08-11 rat
O Serr. Somatotroph responsiveness to low dose dopamine infusion in normal subjects and acromegalic patients. Neuroendocrinology. vol 42. issue 6. 1986-06-11. PMID:3010156. we have investigated the effects of intravenous administration of a low dose of dopamine (da) on plasma growth hormone (gh) concentrations in acromegalic patients and normal subjects with the aim of defining the somatotroph responsiveness to peripheral (i.e., outside the blood-brain barrier) specific dopaminergic stimuli. 1986-06-11 2023-08-11 human
M Parenti, C Flauto, E Parati, A Vescovi, A Groppett. Manganese neurotoxicity: effects of L-DOPA and pargyline treatments. Brain research. vol 367. issue 1-2. 1986-06-09. PMID:2421838. moreover, rats treated two weeks before with a dose of manganese chloride that produced a 70-80% drop in striatal dopamine concentrations, rotated ipsilaterally to the dopamine-depleted striatum when injected with apomorphine, suggesting that in these animals the stimulatory effects of apomorphine were more relevant in striatum where presynaptic dopaminergic neurons were not affected by manganese chloride. 1986-06-09 2023-08-11 rat
G M Simpson, E H Pi, J J Srame. An update on tardive dyskinesia. Hospital & community psychiatry. vol 37. issue 4. 1986-06-09. PMID:2870977. supersensitivity of dopamine receptors is believed to be the cause of tardive dyskinesia, and treatment strategies have consisted of pharmacologic blockade of dopamine receptors, depletion of dopamine, and restoration of the balance between the dopaminergic system and the neurotransmitter systems that regulate it. 1986-06-09 2023-08-11 Not clear
J P Bennett, G F Woote. Dopamine denervation does not alter in vivo 3H-spiperone binding in rat striatum: implications for external imaging of dopamine receptors in Parkinson's disease. Annals of neurology. vol 19. issue 4. 1986-06-09. PMID:3707090. striatal particulate preparations, both from rats with lesion-induced striatal dopamine (da) loss and from some striatal dopamine (da) loss and from some patients with parkinson's disease, exhibit increased 3h-neuroleptic binding, which is interpreted to be the mechanism of denervation-induced behavioral supersensitivity to dopaminergic compounds. 1986-06-09 2023-08-11 rat
M Parenti, C Flauto, E Parati, A Vescovi, A Groppett. Differential effect of repeated treatment with L-dopa on dopamine-D1 or -D2 receptors. Neuropharmacology. vol 25. issue 3. 1986-06-06. PMID:2871516. unilateral degeneration of the nigro-striatal dopaminergic pathway with 6-hydroxydopamine induced contralateral rotations to apomorphine injection, increased [3h]-spiroperidol binding and enhanced sensitivity of adenylate cyclase to dopamine stimulation in lesioned striata. 1986-06-06 2023-08-11 Not clear
F Vives, G J Mogenso. Electrophysiological study of the effects of D1 and D2 dopamine antagonists on the interaction of converging inputs from the sensory-motor cortex and substantia nigra neurons in the rat. Neuroscience. vol 17. issue 2. 1986-05-30. PMID:3517688. the present findings support the hypothesis that the nigrostriatal dopaminergic pathway modulates the excitatory response of striatal neurons to cortical stimulation by means of dopamine d2 receptors. 1986-05-30 2023-08-11 rat
E Jungmann, P H Althoff, C Rosak, U Schwedes, K Schöfflin. Endogenous dopaminergic inhibition of aldosterone and prolactin secretion is apparently not increased in primary aldosteronism. Hormone and metabolic research = Hormon- und Stoffwechselforschung = Hormones et metabolisme. vol 18. issue 2. 1986-05-27. PMID:3699687. to examine the previous suggestion that the endogenous dopaminergic activity would be increased in patients with primary aldosteronism, dose-response curves of aldosterone and prolactin stimulation by the dopamine antagonist metoclopramide were established in a pilot study by injecting metoclopramide 1, 2.5, and 10 mg i.v. 1986-05-27 2023-08-11 human
T C Napier, D A Gay, K L Hulebak, G R Brees. Behavioral and biochemical assessment of time-related changes in globus pallidus and striatal dopamine induced by intranigrally administered neurotensin. Peptides. vol 6. issue 6. 1986-05-23. PMID:3938838. these studies indicated that: dopaminergic functions of the globus pallidus are influenced, like the striatum, by manipulations of the substantia nigra: nt and ghb likely act via different mechanisms to effect nigral dopamine-containing cells; and nt was capable of inducing changes in dopamine neurons which had long term consequences. 1986-05-23 2023-08-11 rat
J O Rinne, E Säkö, L Paljärvi, P K Mölsä, U K Rinn. Brain dopamine D-2 receptors in senile dementia. Journal of neural transmission. vol 65. issue 1. 1986-05-09. PMID:2870131. the findings of this study on dopamine d-2 receptors suggest the involvement of the nigrostriatal dopaminergic system in ad but not in the other two major types of dementia. 1986-05-09 2023-08-11 Not clear