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Marta Simó, Pablo Ripollés, Lluís Fuentemilla, Lucía Vaquero, Jordi Bruna, Antoni Rodríguez-Fornell. Studying memory encoding to promote reliable engagement of the medial temporal lobe at the single-subject level. PloS one. vol 10. issue 3. 2016-04-13. PMID:25803273. |
the medial temporal lobe (mtl)—comprising hippocampus and the surrounding neocortical regions—is a targeted brain area sensitive to several neurological diseases. |
2016-04-13 |
2023-08-13 |
human |
Deborah E Hannula, Daniel Tranel, John S Allen, Brenda A Kirchhoff, Allison E Nickel, Neal J Cohe. Memory for items and relationships among items embedded in realistic scenes: disproportionate relational memory impairments in amnesia. Neuropsychology. vol 29. issue 1. 2016-02-24. PMID:25068665. |
patients with amnesia, who either had extensive mtl damage or damage that was relatively restricted to the hippocampus, were tested, as was a matched comparison group. |
2016-02-24 |
2023-08-13 |
Not clear |
Joseph J Cicchese, Stephen D Berr. Hippocampal Non-Theta-Contingent Eyeblink Classical Conditioning: A Model System for Neurobiological Dysfunction. Frontiers in psychiatry. vol 7. 2016-02-23. PMID:26903886. |
our findings indicate a significant electrophysiological and behavioral impact of the pretrial state of the hippocampus that suggests an important role for this mtl system in associative learning and a significant deleterious impact in the absence of theta. |
2016-02-23 |
2023-08-13 |
rabbit |
Neal J Cohe. Navigating life. Hippocampus. vol 25. issue 6. 2016-02-19. PMID:25787273. |
these discoveries and approaches have had far-ranging impact on and implications for work in human cognitive neuroscience, where we see (1) confirmation in humans that the hippocampus and overlying mtl cortex are critically engaged in supporting a relational representation of space, and that it can be used for flexible spatial navigation and (2) evidence that these regions are also critically involved in aspects of relational memory not limited to space, and in the flexible use of hippocampal memory extending beyond spatial navigation. |
2016-02-19 |
2023-08-13 |
human |
Neal J Cohe. Navigating life. Hippocampus. vol 25. issue 6. 2016-02-19. PMID:25787273. |
recent work, using tasks that emphasize the requirement for the active use of memory in online processing, just as spatial navigation has long placed such a requirement on rodents, suggests that the hippocampus and related mtl cortex can support the navigating of environments even more complex than what is needed in spatial navigation. |
2016-02-19 |
2023-08-13 |
human |
Richard James Addant. A critical role of the human hippocampus in an electrophysiological measure of implicit memory. NeuroImage. vol 109. 2016-01-07. PMID:25562828. |
in a recent study of a group of mild amnesia patients with evidence of mtl damage limited to the hippocampus, subjects were tested on a direct test of item recognition confidence while electroencephalogram (eeg) was acquired, and revealed intact measures of explicit memory from 400 to 600 ms (mid-frontal old-new effect, fn400). |
2016-01-07 |
2023-08-13 |
human |
Elizabeth Race, Daniela J Palombo, Margaret Cadden, Keely Burke, Mieke Verfaelli. Memory integration in amnesia: prior knowledge supports verbal short-term memory. Neuropsychologia. vol 70. 2016-01-04. PMID:25752585. |
in experiment 1, we investigated hippocampal contributions to within-domain stm-ltm integration by testing whether immediate verbal recall of words improves in mtl amnesic patients when words are presented in familiar verbal contexts (meaningful sentences) compared to unfamiliar verbal contexts (random word lists). |
2016-01-04 |
2023-08-13 |
Not clear |
Elizabeth Race, Daniela J Palombo, Margaret Cadden, Keely Burke, Mieke Verfaelli. Memory integration in amnesia: prior knowledge supports verbal short-term memory. Neuropsychologia. vol 70. 2016-01-04. PMID:25752585. |
in experiment 2, we investigated hippocampal contributions to between-domain stm-ltm integration by testing whether immediate verbal recall of digits improves in mtl amnesic patients when digits are presented in a familiar visuospatial context (a typical keypad layout) compared to an unfamiliar visuospatial context (a random keypad layout). |
2016-01-04 |
2023-08-13 |
Not clear |
Christopher R Doxey, C Brock Kirwa. Structural and functional correlates of behavioral pattern separation in the hippocampus and medial temporal lobe. Hippocampus. vol 25. issue 4. 2015-12-02. PMID:25394655. |
in this study, we used magnetic resonance imaging (mri) to measure the volumes of mtl regions of interest, including hippocampal subfields (dentate gyrus, ca3, ca1, and subiculum) in healthy older and younger adults. |
2015-12-02 |
2023-08-13 |
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Christopher R Doxey, C Brock Kirwa. Structural and functional correlates of behavioral pattern separation in the hippocampus and medial temporal lobe. Hippocampus. vol 25. issue 4. 2015-12-02. PMID:25394655. |
as previous studies have only hinted, it seems that the size of left ca3/dentate gyrus contributes more to successful discrimination between similar mnemonic representations than other hippocampal sub-fields, mtl structures, and other neuroimaging correlates. |
2015-12-02 |
2023-08-13 |
Not clear |
Donna Kwan, Carl F Craver, Leonard Green, Joel Myerson, Fuqiang Gao, Sandra E Black, R Shayna Rosenbau. Cueing the personal future to reduce discounting in intertemporal choice: Is episodic prospection necessary? Hippocampus. vol 25. issue 4. 2015-12-02. PMID:25676022. |
to investigate how the extended hippocampal system, including the hippocampus and related mtl structures, contributes to the valuation of future rewards, we compared the performance of six amnesic cases with impaired episodic prospection to that of 20 control participants on two versions of an intertemporal choice task: a standard discounting task, and a cued version in which cues prompted them to imagine specific personal future events temporally contiguous with the receipt of delayed rewards. |
2015-12-02 |
2023-08-13 |
human |
S Sheldon, S Vandermorris, M Al-Haj, S Cohen, G Winocur, M Moscovitc. Ill-defined problem solving in amnestic mild cognitive impairment: linking episodic memory to effective solution generation. Neuropsychologia. vol 68. 2015-11-13. PMID:25575452. |
it is well accepted that the medial temporal lobes (mtl), and the hippocampus specifically, support episodic memory processes. |
2015-11-13 |
2023-08-13 |
human |
R Shayna Rosenbaum, Kelly J Murphy, Jill B Ric. The amnesias. Wiley interdisciplinary reviews. Cognitive science. vol 3. issue 1. 2015-08-26. PMID:26302472. |
alternative theories of mtl amnesia are considered through a selective review of the current amnesia and neuroimaging literatures on the seemingly disparate roles of the hippocampus in episodic and spatial memory, future imagining, perception, implicit memory, and working memory. |
2015-08-26 |
2023-08-13 |
human |
Paul A Yushkevich, John B Pluta, Hongzhi Wang, Long Xie, Song-Lin Ding, Eske C Gertje, Lauren Mancuso, Daria Kliot, Sandhitsu R Das, David A Wol. Automated volumetry and regional thickness analysis of hippocampal subfields and medial temporal cortical structures in mild cognitive impairment. Human brain mapping. vol 36. issue 1. 2015-08-19. PMID:25181316. |
thickness analysis results are consistent with volumetry, but provide additional regional specificity and suggest nonuniformity in the effects of amci on hippocampal subfields and mtl cortical subregions. |
2015-08-19 |
2023-08-13 |
human |
Monika Milian, Lena Zeltner, Michael Erb, Uwe Klose, Kathrin Wagner, Lars Frings, Cornelia Veil, Sabine Rona, Holger Lerche, Silke Klame. Incipient preoperative reorganization processes of verbal memory functions in patients with left temporal lobe epilepsy. Epilepsy & behavior : E&B. vol 42. 2015-08-19. PMID:25500359. |
correlations between bold activity and neuropsychological data were calculated for the i) hippocampus (hc) as well as ii) extrahippocampal mtl structures. |
2015-08-19 |
2023-08-13 |
human |
Auriel A Willette, Nina Modanlo, Dimitrios Kapogianni. Insulin resistance predicts medial temporal hypermetabolism in mild cognitive impairment conversion to Alzheimer disease. Diabetes. vol 64. issue 6. 2015-08-19. PMID:25576061. |
mean fdg metabolism was derived for ad-vulnerable regions of interest (rois), including lateral parietal and posteromedial cortices, medial temporal lobe (mtl), hippocampus, and ventral prefrontal cortices (vpfc), as well as postcentral gyrus and global cerebrum control regions. |
2015-08-19 |
2023-08-13 |
human |
Auriel A Willette, Nina Modanlo, Dimitrios Kapogianni. Insulin resistance predicts medial temporal hypermetabolism in mild cognitive impairment conversion to Alzheimer disease. Diabetes. vol 64. issue 6. 2015-08-19. PMID:25576061. |
for mci-progressors, higher homa-ir predicted higher fdg in the mtl and hippocampus. |
2015-08-19 |
2023-08-13 |
human |
Alessandra Colciago, Lavinia Casati, Paola Negri-Cesi, Fabio Celott. Learning and memory: Steroids and epigenetics. The Journal of steroid biochemistry and molecular biology. vol 150. 2015-07-20. PMID:25766520. |
memory formation and utilization is a complex process involving several brain structures in conjunction as the hippocampus, the amygdala and the adjacent cortical areas, usually defined as medial temporal lobe structures (mtl). |
2015-07-20 |
2023-08-13 |
human |
Derek J Huffman, Craig E L Star. Multivariate pattern analysis of the human medial temporal lobe revealed representationally categorical cortex and representationally agnostic hippocampus. Hippocampus. vol 24. issue 11. 2015-07-07. PMID:24976498. |
contemporary theories of the medial temporal lobe (mtl) suggest that there are functional differences between the mtl cortex and the hippocampus. |
2015-07-07 |
2023-08-13 |
human |
Derek J Huffman, Craig E L Star. Multivariate pattern analysis of the human medial temporal lobe revealed representationally categorical cortex and representationally agnostic hippocampus. Hippocampus. vol 24. issue 11. 2015-07-07. PMID:24976498. |
high-resolution functional magnetic resonance imaging and multivariate pattern analysis were utilized to study whether mtl subregions could classify categories of images, with the hypothesis that the hippocampus would be less representationally categorical than the mtl cortex. |
2015-07-07 |
2023-08-13 |
human |