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M Peracchi, E Reschini, L Cantalamessa, A Catania, G Giustin. Inhibitory effect of somatostatin on dibutyryl cyclic AMP-induced insulin and growth hormone release in human subjects. Metabolism: clinical and experimental. vol 25. issue 3. 1976-04-19. PMID:175241. |
the effect of somatostatin on the responses of blood glucose, plasma immunoreactive insulin (iri), growth hormone (gh), and free fatty acids (ffa) to the injection of dibutyryl cyclic amp (dbc) was studied in six normal volunteers. |
1976-04-19 |
2023-08-11 |
human |
R D Clemons, G Costin, M D Kogu. Laron dwarfism: growth and immunoreactive insulin following treatment with human growth hormone. The Journal of pediatrics. vol 88. issue 3. 1976-04-02. PMID:1107504. |
peak plasma insulin levels increased in response to glucose administration after hgh suggesting that gh has a direct effect on the pancreatic beta cell which is not mediated by sm. |
1976-04-02 |
2023-08-11 |
human |
H Leblanc, L A Rigg, S S Ye. The response of pancreatic and pituitary hormones to pulses and constant infusion of somatostatin. The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism. vol 41. issue 06. 1976-04-01. PMID:1206096. |
the elevated basal levels of gh, insulin and glucagon seen in acromegalics, were inhibited by a pulse of somatostatin as little as 2 mug. |
1976-04-01 |
2023-08-11 |
Not clear |
H Leblanc, L A Rigg, S S Ye. The response of pancreatic and pituitary hormones to pulses and constant infusion of somatostatin. The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism. vol 41. issue 06. 1976-04-01. PMID:1206096. |
these inhibitions were sustained during the constant infusion of somatostatin (2.5 mug/min), and a rebound in gh, insulin and glucagon appeared promptly following the infusion. |
1976-04-01 |
2023-08-11 |
Not clear |
T E West, D Owens, P H Sönksen, M C Srivastava, C V Tompkins, J D Nabarr. Metabolic responses to monocomponent human insulin infusions in normal subjects and patients with liver and endocrine disease. Clinical endocrinology. vol 4. issue 6. 1976-03-01. PMID:1104216. |
gh responses to insulin infusion in normal subjects reflected the pattern of fall of plasma glucose. |
1976-03-01 |
2023-08-11 |
human |
T E West, D Owens, P H Sönksen, M C Srivastava, C V Tompkins, J D Nabarr. Metabolic responses to monocomponent human insulin infusions in normal subjects and patients with liver and endocrine disease. Clinical endocrinology. vol 4. issue 6. 1976-03-01. PMID:1104216. |
in the diabetic patients gh secretion appeared to be related to the infusion of insulin and occurred before plasma glucose had fallen to hypoglycaemic levels. |
1976-03-01 |
2023-08-11 |
human |
P C Sizonenko, A Rabinovitch, P Schneider, L Paunier, C B Wollheim, G Zahn. Plasma growth hormone, insulin, and glucagon responses to arginine infusion in children and adolescents with idiopathic short stature, isolated growth hormone deficiency, panhypopituitarism, and anorexia nervosa. Pediatric research. vol 9. issue 9. 1976-03-01. PMID:1105371. |
the effects of intravenous infusion of arginine (20 g/m2) after an overnight fast on plasma immunoreactive growth hormone (gh), insulin (iri), and glucagon (irg), and blood glucose were examined in five groups of children and adolescents: 10 normal individuals, 18 with idiopathic short stature, 6 with isolated growth hormone deficiency, 8 with panhypopituitarism, and 6 with anorexia nervosa. |
1976-03-01 |
2023-08-11 |
human |
T Oyama, P Latto, D A Holada. Effect of isoflurane anaesthesia and surgery on carbohydrate metabolism and plasma cortisol levels in man. Canadian Anaesthetists' Society journal. vol 22. issue 6. 1976-03-01. PMID:1201472. |
the present study was undertaken to investigate in nine male surgical patients the effects of isoflurane anaesthesia alone on the carbohydrate metabolism by determining plasma growth hormone (gh), insulin, blood glucose, and cortisol, and to compare them with the effects of anaesthesia associated with surgical operations. |
1976-03-01 |
2023-08-11 |
Not clear |
T Oyama, P Latto, D A Holada. Effect of isoflurane anaesthesia and surgery on carbohydrate metabolism and plasma cortisol levels in man. Canadian Anaesthetists' Society journal. vol 22. issue 6. 1976-03-01. PMID:1201472. |
determination of plasma gh, insulin, cortisol, and blood glucose were made simultaneously before induction of isoflurane anaesthesia, after maintenance of anaesthesia for 15 minutes and 30 minutes and during and after conclusion of the operation. |
1976-03-01 |
2023-08-11 |
Not clear |
A U Parma. Effects of hypophysectomy and short-term growth hormone replacement on insulin release from and glucose metabolism in isolated rat islets of Langerhans. The Journal of endocrinology. vol 67. issue 1. 1976-02-19. PMID:1104738. |
the effects of hypophysectomy and short-term gh replacement on insulin release and on some aspects of glucose metabolism in isolated rat islets of langerhans were investigated. |
1976-02-19 |
2023-08-11 |
rat |
A U Parma. Effects of hypophysectomy and short-term growth hormone replacement on insulin release from and glucose metabolism in isolated rat islets of Langerhans. The Journal of endocrinology. vol 67. issue 1. 1976-02-19. PMID:1104738. |
short-term gh replacement partially reversed the depression in glucose-stimulated insulin release. |
1976-02-19 |
2023-08-11 |
rat |
A U Parma. Changes in insulin content of, and insulin and RNA synthesis in, isolated rat islets of Langerhans after hypophysectomy and short-term growth hormone replacement. The Journal of endocrinology. vol 67. issue 1. 1976-02-19. PMID:1104739. |
after short-term gh replacement, insulin release and insulin content were slightly increased such that the ratio of release to content remained virtually unaltered. |
1976-02-19 |
2023-08-11 |
rat |
A U Parma. Changes in insulin content of, and insulin and RNA synthesis in, isolated rat islets of Langerhans after hypophysectomy and short-term growth hormone replacement. The Journal of endocrinology. vol 67. issue 1. 1976-02-19. PMID:1104739. |
glucose-stimulated insulin synthesis was also depressed but improved slightly after gh replacement. |
1976-02-19 |
2023-08-11 |
rat |
F Brambilla, A Guerrini, A Guastalla, C Rovere, F Rigg. Neuroendocrine effects of haloperidol therapy in chronic schizophrenia. Psychopharmacologia. vol 44. issue 1. 1976-02-09. PMID:172929. |
the following hormonal variables were examined before therapy and at 10-20 and 30 days of treatment: total urinary gonadotropins, serum fsh and lh, gh response to insulin stimulation, acth reserve (metyrapone test), total urinary 17-ketosteroids and 17-hydroxycorticoids before and after an acth stimulation test, serum testosterone, insulin response to glucose load, plasma thyroxine before and after a tsh stimulation test. |
1976-02-09 |
2023-08-11 |
Not clear |
L I Larsson, F Sundler, R Håkanso. Fluorescamine as a histochemical reagent: demonstration of polypeptide hormone-secreting cells. Histochemistry. vol 44. issue 3. 1976-01-29. PMID:1102500. |
among the cells demonstrated are the pituitary gh cells, the gastrin cells, the insulin cells and the thyroid c cells. |
1976-01-29 |
2023-08-11 |
Not clear |
L I Larsson, F Sundler, R Håkanso. Fluorescamine as a histochemical reagent: demonstration of polypeptide hormone-secreting cells. Histochemistry. vol 44. issue 3. 1976-01-29. PMID:1102500. |
in models neither of the hormones tested--gh, gastrin, insulin--gave fluorescamine-induced fluorescence after pretreatment with formaldehyde. |
1976-01-29 |
2023-08-11 |
Not clear |
U Adamson, E Ceras. Acute effects of exogenous growth hormone in man: time- and dose-bound modification of glucose tolerance and glucose-induced insulin release. Acta endocrinologica. vol 80. issue 2. 1975-12-23. PMID:1101599. |
the time and dose dependency of the effects of a 30-min long iv infusion of human growth hormone (gh) on glucose tolerance and glucose-stimulated insulin release was investigated in 19 healthy subjects. |
1975-12-23 |
2023-08-11 |
human |
U Adamson, E Ceras. Acute effects of exogenous growth hormone in man: time- and dose-bound modification of glucose tolerance and glucose-induced insulin release. Acta endocrinologica. vol 80. issue 2. 1975-12-23. PMID:1101599. |
glucose-stimulated insulin release was significantly inhibited 1 h after administration of a relatively high gh dose (40 mug per kg), both if expressed as mean plasma insulin levels, or as insulin release per magnitude of glucose stimulation (insulinogenic index). |
1975-12-23 |
2023-08-11 |
human |
U Adamson, E Ceras. Acute effects of exogenous growth hormone in man: time- and dose-bound modification of glucose tolerance and glucose-induced insulin release. Acta endocrinologica. vol 80. issue 2. 1975-12-23. PMID:1101599. |
in the majority of subjects, insulin release was inhibited also by lower gh doses (5-20 mug gh per kg). |
1975-12-23 |
2023-08-11 |
human |
U Adamson, E Ceras. Acute effects of exogenous growth hormone in man: time- and dose-bound modification of glucose tolerance and glucose-induced insulin release. Acta endocrinologica. vol 80. issue 2. 1975-12-23. PMID:1101599. |
the inhibitory effect of gh on insulin secretion seemed to have a duration of several hours. |
1975-12-23 |
2023-08-11 |
human |