All Relations between delta and alpha

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Roberta Lizio, Claudio Babiloni, Claudio Del Percio, Antonia Losurdo, Lucia Vernò, Marina De Tommaso, Anna Montemurno, Giuseppe Dalfino, Pietro Cirillo, Andrea Soricelli, Raffaele Ferri, Giuseppe Noce, Maria Teresa Pascarelli, Valentina Catania, Flavio Nobili, Francesco Famá, Francesco Orzi, Franco Giubilei, Carla Buttinelli, A Ivano Triggiani, Giovanni B Frisoni, Anna Maria Scisci, Nicola Mastrofilippo, Deni Aldo Procaccini, Loreto Gesuald. Different Abnormalities of Cortical Neural Synchronization Mechanisms in Patients with Mild Cognitive Impairment due to Alzheimer's and Chronic Kidney Diseases: An EEG Study. Journal of Alzheimer's disease : JAD. vol 65. issue 3. 2019-08-19. PMID:30103322. delta (<4 hz), theta (4-8 hz), alpha 1 (8-10.5 hz), alpha 2 (10.5-13 hz), beta 1 (13-20 hz), beta 2 (20-30 hz), and gamma (30-40 hz) cortical sources were estimated by eloreta freeware and classified across individuals by area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (aurocc). 2019-08-19 2023-08-13 human
Md Ahsanul Kabir Khan, Junhuan Yang, Syed Ammar Hussain, Huaiyuan Zhang, Victoriano Garre, Yuanda Son. Genetic Modification of International journal of molecular sciences. vol 20. issue 7. 2019-08-05. PMID:30987311. genetic modification of stearidonic acid (sda; 18:4, n-3) is the delta 15-desaturase product of gamma linolenic acid (gla; 18:3, n-6) and delta 6-desaturase product of alpha linolenic acid (ala; 18:3, n-3). 2019-08-05 2023-08-13 Not clear
Çağdaş Güdücü, Emre Eskicioğlu, Didem Öz, Adile Öniz, Raif Çakmur, Murat Özgöre. Auditory brain oscillatory responses in drug-naïve patients with Parkinson's disease. Neuroscience letters. vol 701. 2019-07-29. PMID:30826418. therefore, we aimed to establish the sensorial processing of simple auditory stimulations in naïve pd comparing to healthy controls (hc) via delta, theta, and alpha brain oscillatory responses. 2019-07-29 2023-08-13 human
Çağdaş Güdücü, Emre Eskicioğlu, Didem Öz, Adile Öniz, Raif Çakmur, Murat Özgöre. Auditory brain oscillatory responses in drug-naïve patients with Parkinson's disease. Neuroscience letters. vol 701. 2019-07-29. PMID:30826418. the peak-to-peak maximum amplitudes were measured in the delta, theta and alpha frequency bands on 11 electrodes (including the frontal, central and parietal areas) for the statistical analysis in which one-way anova test was employed for the comparisons between pd and hc. 2019-07-29 2023-08-13 human
Yuezhi Li, Cheng Kang, Zhaoguo Wei, Xingda Qu, Tiebang Liu, Yunfei Zhou, Yong H. Beta oscillations in major depression - signalling a new cortical circuit for central executive function. Scientific reports. vol 7. issue 1. 2019-07-19. PMID:29269891. compared with the control subjects, the depressed patients showed a lower task-dependent increase in the psi of delta, theta, and alpha oscillations in a frontoparietal network, but a higher task-dependent increase in the psi of beta oscillations in the frontoparietal network. 2019-07-19 2023-08-13 human
Mark O Huising, Sharon Lee, Talitha van der Meule. Evidence for a Neogenic Niche at the Periphery of Pancreatic Islets. BioEssays : news and reviews in molecular, cellular and developmental biology. vol 40. issue 11. 2019-07-11. PMID:30264410. islets also contain glucagon-producing alpha cells and somatostatin-producing delta cells, that are important for glucose homeostasis and form a mantle surrounding the beta cell core. 2019-07-11 2023-08-13 Not clear
Akinori Nakamura, Pablo Cuesta, Alberto Fernández, Yutaka Arahata, Kaori Iwata, Izumi Kuratsubo, Masahiko Bundo, Hideyuki Hattori, Takashi Sakurai, Koji Fukuda, Yukihiko Washimi, Hidetoshi Endo, Akinori Takeda, Kersten Diers, Ricardo Bajo, Fernando Maestú, Kengo Ito, Takashi Kat. Electromagnetic signatures of the preclinical and prodromal stages of Alzheimer's disease. Brain : a journal of neurology. vol 141. issue 5. 2019-07-08. PMID:29522156. the results demonstrated that regional spectral patterns of resting state activity could be separated into several types of meg signatures as follows: (i) the effects of amyloid-β deposition were expressed as the alpha band power augmentation in medial frontal areas; (ii) the delta band power increase in the same region was associated with disease progression within the alzheimer's disease continuum and was correlated with entorhinal atrophy and an alzheimer's disease-like regional decrease in glucose metabolism; and (iii) the global theta power augmentation, which was previously considered to be an alzheimer's disease-related eeg/meg signature, was associated with general cognitive decline and hippocampal atrophy, but was not specific to alzheimer's disease because these changes could be observed in the absence of amyloid-β deposition. 2019-07-08 2023-08-13 Not clear
Chenyun Dai, Henry Shin, Bradley Davis, Xiaogang H. Origins of Common Neural Inputs to Different Compartments of the Extensor Digitorum Communis Muscle. Scientific reports. vol 7. issue 1. 2019-07-05. PMID:29066852. our results showed that the mu coherence across different muscle compartments accounted for only a small proportion (<20%) of the total input in the alpha (5-12 hz) and beta (15-30 hz) bands, but was a major driver (>60%) in the delta (1-4 hz) band. 2019-07-05 2023-08-13 Not clear
Birgit Frauscher, Nicolas von Ellenrieder, Rina Zelmann, Irena Doležalová, Lorella Minotti, André Olivier, Jeffery Hall, Dominique Hoffmann, Dang Khoa Nguyen, Philippe Kahane, François Dubeau, Jean Gotma. Atlas of the normal intracranial electroencephalogram: neurophysiological awake activity in different cortical areas. Brain : a journal of neurology. vol 141. issue 4. 2019-06-28. PMID:29506200. we found significant differences in the spectral density distributions across the different brain lobes, with beta activity in the frontal lobe (20-24 hz), a clear alpha peak in the occipital lobe (9.25-10.25 hz), intermediate alpha (8.25-9.25 hz) and beta (17-20 hz) frequencies in the parietal lobe, and lower alpha (7.75-8.25 hz) and delta (0.75-2.25 hz) peaks in the temporal lobe. 2019-06-28 2023-08-13 human
Birgit Frauscher, Nicolas von Ellenrieder, Rina Zelmann, Irena Doležalová, Lorella Minotti, André Olivier, Jeffery Hall, Dominique Hoffmann, Dang Khoa Nguyen, Philippe Kahane, François Dubeau, Jean Gotma. Atlas of the normal intracranial electroencephalogram: neurophysiological awake activity in different cortical areas. Brain : a journal of neurology. vol 141. issue 4. 2019-06-28. PMID:29506200. alpha activity was not present throughout the occipital lobe, and some cortical regions showed peaks in delta activity during wakefulness. 2019-06-28 2023-08-13 human
Hale M Tasyurek, Hasan Ali Altunbas, Mustafa Kemal Balci, Thomas S Griffith, Salih Sanliogl. Therapeutic Potential of Lentivirus-Mediated Glucagon-Like Peptide-1 Gene Therapy for Diabetes. Human gene therapy. vol 29. issue 7. 2019-06-24. PMID:29409356. among the variety of effects it mediates, glp-1 induces delta cell secretion of somatostatin, inhibits alpha cell release of glucagon, reduces gastric emptying, and slows food intake. 2019-06-24 2023-08-13 human
Dirk J A Smit, Margaret J Wright, Jacquelyn L Meyers, Nicholas G Martin, Yvonne Y W Ho, Stephen M Malone, Jian Zhang, Scott J Burwell, David B Chorlian, Eco J C de Geus, Damiaan Denys, Narelle K Hansell, Jouke-Jan Hottenga, Matt McGue, Catharina E M van Beijsterveldt, Neda Jahanshad, Paul M Thompson, Christopher D Whelan, Sarah E Medland, Bernice Porjesz, William G Lacono, Dorret I Boomsm. Genome-wide association analysis links multiple psychiatric liability genes to oscillatory brain activity. Human brain mapping. vol 39. issue 11. 2019-06-10. PMID:29947131. we performed the largest genome-wide association study to date of oscillatory power during eyes-closed resting electroencephalogram (eeg) across a range of frequencies (delta 1-3.75 hz, theta 4-7.75 hz, alpha 8-12.75 hz, and beta 13-30 hz) in 8,425 subjects. 2019-06-10 2023-08-13 human
Haitao Yu, Xinyu Wu, Lihui Cai, Bin Deng, Jiang Wan. Modulation of Spectral Power and Functional Connectivity in Human Brain by Acupuncture Stimulation. IEEE transactions on neural systems and rehabilitation engineering : a publication of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. vol 26. issue 5. 2019-06-03. PMID:29752232. it is found that eeg power significantly increased in the delta and alpha bands under acupuncture and high power level remained in alpha band after acupuncture. 2019-06-03 2023-08-13 human
Haitao Yu, Xinyu Wu, Lihui Cai, Bin Deng, Jiang Wan. Modulation of Spectral Power and Functional Connectivity in Human Brain by Acupuncture Stimulation. IEEE transactions on neural systems and rehabilitation engineering : a publication of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. vol 26. issue 5. 2019-06-03. PMID:29752232. in acupuncture state, delta and alpha bands exhibit significantly higher synchronization degree than pre-acupuncture state. 2019-06-03 2023-08-13 human
Haitao Yu, Xinyu Wu, Lihui Cai, Bin Deng, Jiang Wan. Modulation of Spectral Power and Functional Connectivity in Human Brain by Acupuncture Stimulation. IEEE transactions on neural systems and rehabilitation engineering : a publication of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. vol 26. issue 5. 2019-06-03. PMID:29752232. the result shows the functional networks in delta and alpha bands are small world networks (swn) and acupuncture improves the swn efficiency of functional network. 2019-06-03 2023-08-13 human
Peng Liu, Hongkui Shen, Shumei J. Functional Connectivity Pattern Analysis Underlying Neural Oscillation Synchronization during Deception. Neural plasticity. vol 2019. 2019-05-13. PMID:30906317. event-related coherence was computed separately in four frequency bands (delta (1-3.5 hz), theta (4-7 hz), alpha (8-13 hz), and beta (14-30 hz)) for the long-range intrahemispheric electrode pairs (f3p3, f4p4, f3t7, f4t8, f3o1, and f4o2). 2019-05-13 2023-08-13 human
Haitham S Mohammed, Yasser A Khadrawy, Tharwat M El-Sherbini, Hanaa M Ame. Electrocortical and Biochemical Evaluation of Antidepressant Efficacy of Formulated Nanocurcumin. Applied biochemistry and biotechnology. vol 187. issue 3. 2019-04-17. PMID:30167967. the chronic administration of reserpine resulted in a significant decrease in the duration of the active phase in the fst; a significant decrease in the cortical and hippocampal levels of serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine; a significant increase in spectral power of alpha and delta waves; and a significant decrease in spectral power of theta, beta-1, and beta-2 waves with respect to control values. 2019-04-17 2023-08-13 rat
Haitham S Mohammed, Yasser A Khadrawy, Tharwat M El-Sherbini, Hanaa M Ame. Electrocortical and Biochemical Evaluation of Antidepressant Efficacy of Formulated Nanocurcumin. Applied biochemistry and biotechnology. vol 187. issue 3. 2019-04-17. PMID:30167967. a significant increase in alpha and beta-2 waves, an increase in theta and beta-1, and a decrease in delta waves have been recorded after 7 days of treatment. 2019-04-17 2023-08-13 rat
Katerina Kalemaki, Xanthippi Konstantoudaki, Simona Tivodar, Kyriaki Sidiropoulou, Domna Karagogeo. Mice With Decreased Number of Interneurons Exhibit Aberrant Spontaneous and Oscillatory Activity in the Cortex. Frontiers in neural circuits. vol 12. 2019-04-05. PMID:30429776. we also find that this developmental decrease in the number of cortical interneurons results in local neuronal networks with alterations in neuronal oscillations, exhibiting decreased power in low frequencies (delta, theta, alpha) and gamma frequency range (30-80 hz) with an extra aberrant peak in high gamma frequency range (80-150 hz). 2019-04-05 2023-08-13 mouse
GiangThi Thuy Nghiem, Muneko Nishijo, Thao Ngoc Pham, Mika Ito, Tai The Pham, Anh Hai Tran, Hiroshi Nishimaru, Yoshikazu Nishino, Hisao Nishij. Adverse effects of maternal dioxin exposure on fetal brain development before birth assessed by neonatal electroencephalography (EEG) leading to poor neurodevelopment; a 2-year follow-up study. The Science of the total environment. vol 667. 2019-04-05. PMID:30849612. on the right frontal and parietal regions, relative delta powers were significantly decreased, and relative alpha and beta powers were significantly increased with increasing dioxin exposure. 2019-04-05 2023-08-13 Not clear