All Relations between delta and alpha

Publication Sentence Publish Date Extraction Date Species
J M Seddon, K Harlos, D Mars. Metastability and polymorphism in the gel and fluid bilayer phases of dilauroylphosphatidylethanolamine. Two crystalline forms in excess water. The Journal of biological chemistry. vol 258. issue 6. 1983-05-05. PMID:6833234. the beta 1 phase undergoes an endothermic transition (delta h congruent to 50 kj x mol-1 (12 kcal x mol-1)) to l alpha at 35 degrees c. the beta 2 phase undergoes an endothermic transition (delta h = 57 kj x mol-1 (13.7 kcal x mol-1)) to l alpha at 43 degrees c. 1983-05-05 2023-08-12 Not clear
G Martínez, R Menénde. Differences in affinity of beta and delta hemoglobin chains for alpha chains. A possible explanation for the variation in the percentages of hemoglobin A2 in thalassemia and other disorders. Biochimica et biophysica acta. vol 743. issue 2. 1983-04-21. PMID:6824703. differences in affinity of beta and delta hemoglobin chains for alpha chains. 1983-04-21 2023-08-12 human
G Martínez, R Menénde. Differences in affinity of beta and delta hemoglobin chains for alpha chains. A possible explanation for the variation in the percentages of hemoglobin A2 in thalassemia and other disorders. Biochimica et biophysica acta. vol 743. issue 2. 1983-04-21. PMID:6824703. in order to measure the relative affinity of beta and delta chains for alpha chains, an equimolar mixture of beta and delta chains was incubated with decreasing concentrations of alpha chains. 1983-04-21 2023-08-12 human
G Martínez, R Menénde. Differences in affinity of beta and delta hemoglobin chains for alpha chains. A possible explanation for the variation in the percentages of hemoglobin A2 in thalassemia and other disorders. Biochimica et biophysica acta. vol 743. issue 2. 1983-04-21. PMID:6824703. when alpha chains were present in an amount equal to or greater than that of the mixture of beta and delta chains, the amount of hb a2 was similar to that of hb a. 1983-04-21 2023-08-12 human
G Martínez, R Menénde. Differences in affinity of beta and delta hemoglobin chains for alpha chains. A possible explanation for the variation in the percentages of hemoglobin A2 in thalassemia and other disorders. Biochimica et biophysica acta. vol 743. issue 2. 1983-04-21. PMID:6824703. the data as interpreted indicate that alpha chains have an affinity for beta chains at least 7.6-times greater than that for delta chains. 1983-04-21 2023-08-12 human
J P Cartron, D Blanchar. Association of human erythrocyte membrane glycoproteins with blood-group Cad specificity. The Biochemical journal. vol 207. issue 3. 1983-04-07. PMID:6187337. sodium dodecyl sulphate/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis of erythrocyte membranes from a blood-group-b individual with the rare cad phenotype indicates a lower-than-normal mobility of the main sialoglycoproteins, suggesting an increase in apparent molecular mass of 3kda and 2kda respectively for glycoprotein alpha (synonym glycophorin a) and glycoprotein delta (synonym glycophorin b). 1983-04-07 2023-08-12 human
W J Judd, J R Geisland, P D Issitt, S L Wilkinson, D J Anstee, C Shin, H Glidde. Studies on the blood of an MiV/Mk proposita and her family. Transfusion. vol 23. issue 1. 1983-04-07. PMID:6829056. j-1's hybrid mnss sgp is considered to be gene-fusion product resulting from unequal crossover between a normal alpha m and delta gene, and her red cells lack that portion of the ena antigen that is resistant to ficin. 1983-04-07 2023-08-12 Not clear
W J Judd, J R Geisland, P D Issitt, S L Wilkinson, D J Anstee, C Shin, H Glidde. Studies on the blood of an MiV/Mk proposita and her family. Transfusion. vol 23. issue 1. 1983-04-07. PMID:6829056. her hybrid mnss sgp differs, therefore, from that reported for the miv homozygote, which probably arose from unequal crossover between alpha n and delta genes. 1983-04-07 2023-08-12 Not clear
P Etevenon, P Péron-Magna. [Value of quantitative electroencephalography in psychiatry]. La semaine des hopitaux : organe fonde par l'Association d'enseignement medical des hopitaux de Paris. vol 58. issue 44. 1983-03-17. PMID:6297054. computerized quantitative eeg processes the signal in four sequential steps: 1) eeg sampling with rejection of artefacts; 2) fourier analysis (power spectrum according to frequency); 3) data reduction with computation of spectral parameters in five-minute recordings on at least four eeg channels (mean frequencies, mean amplitudes in microvolts and %, with standard deviations for delta, theta, alpha and beta frequency bands); 4) data base and multivariate statistical analyses. 1983-03-17 2023-08-12 human
M Noda, H Takahashi, T Tanabe, M Toyosato, S Kikyotani, T Hirose, M Asai, H Takashima, S Inayama, T Miyata, S Num. Primary structures of beta- and delta-subunit precursors of Torpedo californica acetylcholine receptor deduced from cDNA sequences. Nature. vol 301. issue 5897. 1983-03-17. PMID:6687403. the achr from the electroplax of the ray torpedo californica consists of five subunits present in a molar stoichiometry of alpha 2 beta gamma delta (refs 4-6); the apparent molecular weights of the alpha-, beta-, gamma- and delta-subunits are 40,000 (40k), 50k, 60k and 65k, respectively. 1983-03-17 2023-08-12 Not clear
T Gasser, J Möcks, H G Lenard, P Bächer, R Verlege. The EEG of mildly retarded children: developmental, classificatory, and topographic aspects. Electroencephalography and clinical neurophysiology. vol 55. issue 2. 1983-03-11. PMID:6185309. the unipolar 8-channel record of eeg at rest was subjected to blind clinical rating, and a computerized analysis (broad band spectral parameters delta, theta, alpha 1, alpha 2, beta 1, beta 2). 1983-03-11 2023-08-12 Not clear
T Gasser, J Möcks, H G Lenard, P Bächer, R Verlege. The EEG of mildly retarded children: developmental, classificatory, and topographic aspects. Electroencephalography and clinical neurophysiology. vol 55. issue 2. 1983-03-11. PMID:6185309. spectral parameters differentiated the two matched groups particularly in bands and leads of developmental relevance (theta, delta, and fronto-central beta in absolute power and theta, delta occipitally and alpha 2, with the exception of frontal leads for relative power). 1983-03-11 2023-08-12 Not clear
F Bon, E Lebrun, J Gomel, R van Rapenbusch, J Cartaud, J L Popot, J P Changeu. [Relative orientation of the two oligomers composing the heavy form of the acetylcholine receptor from Torpedo marmorata]. Comptes rendus des seances de l'Academie des sciences. Serie III, Sciences de la vie. vol 295. issue 3. 1983-03-11. PMID:6817855. the analysis discloses a large variability in the relative orientation of the two alpha 2 beta gamma delta oligomers (l), suggesting a flexible mode of association between oligomers through the delta chains. 1983-03-11 2023-08-12 Not clear
M Timsit-Berthier, H Mantanus, D Dethier, D Hans, M Lamy, T Niethammer, G Pozzesser. [Quantified EEG and CNV changes during inhalation of nitrous oxide]. Revue d'electroencephalographie et de neurophysiologie clinique. vol 12. issue 3. 1983-03-11. PMID:7156449. polymorphic effects of n2o were evidenced on behaviour and on cns: some of the behavioural manifestations could evoke a depression of snc: muscle relaxation with difficulty of motor initiation, psychomotor slowing, slower eeg with diminution of the percent alpha component and increase in the percent theta and delta, loss of amplitude of both exogenous (n1) and endogenous (p300) components of the aep. 1983-03-11 2023-08-12 human
B Einarson, W Gullick, B Conti-Tronconi, M Ellisman, J Lindstro. Subunit composition of bovine muscle acetylcholine receptor. Biochemistry. vol 21. issue 21. 1983-02-14. PMID:7171558. bovine acetylcholine receptor is composed of four glycoprotein subunits designated alpha (mr congruent to 41 000), beta (mr congruent to 50 000), gamma (mr congruent to 53 000), and delta (mr congruent to 56 000) which correspond immunochemically to the four glycoprotein subunits of fish electric organ acetylcholine receptors of the same designations. 1983-02-14 2023-08-12 human
B Einarson, W Gullick, B Conti-Tronconi, M Ellisman, J Lindstro. Subunit composition of bovine muscle acetylcholine receptor. Biochemistry. vol 21. issue 21. 1983-02-14. PMID:7171558. the evidence presented strongly suggests that acetylcholine receptors from fish electric organ tissue and mammalian muscle share a fundamentally similar shape, antigenic structure, and alpha 2 beta gamma delta subunit structure. 1983-02-14 2023-08-12 human
P R Lambden, J E Heckels, P J Wat. Effect of anti-pilus antibodies on survival of gonococci within guinea pig subcutaneous chambers. Infection and immunity. vol 38. issue 1. 1983-01-19. PMID:6128301. guinea pigs were immunized with either alpha or beta pili from neisseria gonorrhoeae p9 before the inoculation of subcutaneous chambers with a mixture of variants having alpha, beta, gamma, or delta pili. 1983-01-19 2023-08-12 Not clear
F Lille, F Chéliou. Variations in diurnal and nocturnal waking state in air traffic controllers. European journal of applied physiology and occupational physiology. vol 49. issue 3. 1983-01-19. PMID:6890447. eeg (alpha and theta indices, slow delta waves), eog (palpebral blinks), emg (from the neck muscles) and ekg (hr) were recorded. 1983-01-19 2023-08-12 Not clear
S S Sheu, H A Fozzar. Transmembrane Na+ and Ca2+ electrochemical gradients in cardiac muscle and their relationship to force development. The Journal of general physiology. vol 80. issue 3. 1983-01-07. PMID:6292328. na+- and ca2+-sensitive microelectrodes were used to measure intracellular na+ and ca2+ activities (alpha ica) of sheep ventricular muscle and purkinje strands to study the interrelationship between na+ and ca2+ electrochemical gradients (delta muna and delta muca) under various conditions. 1983-01-07 2023-08-12 Not clear
S S Sheu, H A Fozzar. Transmembrane Na+ and Ca2+ electrochemical gradients in cardiac muscle and their relationship to force development. The Journal of general physiology. vol 80. issue 3. 1983-01-07. PMID:6292328. under the conditions we have studied, delta muna and delta muca appeared to be coupled and n was nearly constant at 2.5, as would be expected if the na-ca exchange system was able to set the steady level of alpha ica. 1983-01-07 2023-08-12 Not clear