All Relations between dbh and dopamine

Publication Sentence Publish Date Extraction Date Species
J D Harralson, B I Wolfe, F C Brow. Inhibition of dopamine beta-hydroxylase by 4-hydroxypyrazole: ethanol-pyrazole effects on serum dopamine beta-hydroxylase in vivo. The Journal of pharmacology and experimental therapeutics. vol 206. issue 1. 1978-09-01. PMID:660559. chronic pyrazole treatment caused a 40% decrease in rat serum dopamine beta-hydroxylase (dbh) activity. 1978-09-01 2023-08-11 rat
F Guerinot, C Bohuo. [Preparations of human dopamine beta hydroxylase subunits and antibodies against these subunits (author's transl)]. Experientia. vol 34. issue 6. 1978-08-28. PMID:95969. the present study deals with the dissociation of human dopamine beta hydroxylase (dbh) in subunits with a mol. 1978-08-28 2023-08-11 human
P A Serrano, I Hava-Kuri, B Chávez-Lara, L Cervantes-Osorio, H M Zaldiva. [Hypotension, mental disorders and changes in catecholamine excretion observed during the administration of disulfiram in a case of pheochromocytoma]. Archivos del Instituto de Cardiologia de Mexico. vol 48. issue 2. 1978-08-28. PMID:666450. urinary amines decreased while the drug was used, and upon interruption of its administration dopamine increased, as a rebound phenomena probably due to availability of tissue dopamine previously blocked by dbh inhibition. 1978-08-28 2023-08-11 Not clear
T P Jacobs, D P Henry, D G Johnson, R H William. Epinephrine and dopamine beta-hydroxylase secretion from bovine adrenal. The American journal of physiology. vol 234. issue 6. 1978-08-14. PMID:665763. the perfusate of the isolated, acetylcholine-stimulated bovine adrenal was studied for epinephrine (e) concentration and dopamine beta-hydroxylase (dbh) activity. 1978-08-14 2023-08-11 cattle
A Carlsson, M Henning, P Lindberg, P Martinson, G Trolin, B Waldeck, B Wickber. On the disulfiram-like effect of coprine, the pharmacologically active principle of Coprinus atramentarius. Acta pharmacologica et toxicologica. vol 42. issue 4. 1978-07-15. PMID:350009. the activity of dopamine beta-hydroxylase (dbh) was estimated in the same animals by measuring the amount of 14c-octopamine formed from 14c-tyramine in the heart. 1978-07-15 2023-08-11 rat
J H Wong, A D Baine. Effect of acute blood volume expansion on cardiac output, plasma dopamine beta-hydroxylase, and renal function in rats with chronic constriction of the ascending aorta. Canadian journal of physiology and pharmacology. vol 56. issue 2. 1978-06-28. PMID:638876. filtration fraction, fractional unav, mean arterial pressure (map), and plasma dopamine beta-hydroxylase (dbh) were the same in both groups. 1978-06-28 2023-08-11 rat
D L Nelson, T K Harden, P B Molinof. Adrenergic storage vesicles in rat heart: quantitation of membrane-bound and membrane-enclosed dopamine beta-hydroxylase. The Journal of pharmacology and experimental therapeutics. vol 205. issue 2. 1978-06-28. PMID:641833. norepinephrine-containing storage particles in rat heart have been disrupted to determine their stability and to quantitate the amount of dopamine beta-hydroxylase (dbh) that exists in a soluble, membrane enclosed pool. 1978-06-28 2023-08-11 rat
C D Wise, J D Belluzzi, L Stei. Possible role of dopamine-beta-hydroxylase in the regulation of norepinephrine biosynthesis in rat brain. Pharmacology, biochemistry, and behavior. vol 7. issue 6. 1978-02-23. PMID:201940. in experiment 1, the dose-response effects of three dopamine-beta-hydroxylase (dbh) inhibitors (diethyldithiocarbamate, fla-63 and u-14, 624) on the endogenous levels of norepinephrine and dopamine in pons-medulla of rat brain were determined. 1978-02-23 2023-08-11 rat
J B Furness, S Y Lewis, R Rush, M Costa, L B Geffe. Involvement of complement in degeneration of sympathetic nerves after administration of antiserum to dopamine beta-hydroxylase. Brain research. vol 136. issue 1. 1978-02-18. PMID:589447. the involvement of complement in the degeneration of noradrenergic nerves in the guinea-pig iris produced by administration of antibody to dopamine beta-hydroxylase (dbh) in vivo was investigated histochemically. 1978-02-18 2023-08-11 Not clear
A J Roberts, A P Niarchos, V A Subramanian, R M Abel, S D Herman, J E Sealey, D B Case, R P White, G A Johnson, J H Laragh, W A Ga. Systemic hypertension associated with coronary artery bypass surgery. Predisposing factors, hemodynamic characteristics, humoral profile, and treatment. The Journal of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery. vol 74. issue 6. 1978-01-27. PMID:303728. these included a well-documented history of hypertension, an elevated blood pressure the day prior to operation, greater than 50 percent obstruction of the left main coronary artery, and increased levels of dopamine beta hydroxylase (dbh). 1978-01-27 2023-08-11 Not clear
L Cubeddu, E Santiago, R Talmaciu, G Pinard. Adrenal origin of the increase in plasma dopamine beta-hydroxylase and catecholamines induced by hemorrhagic hypotension in dogs. The Journal of pharmacology and experimental therapeutics. vol 203. issue 3. 1978-01-27. PMID:925960. controlled hemorrhagic hypotension in anesthetized dogs causes progressive increases in dopamine beta-hydroxylase (dbh) and catecholamine (ca) plasma levels and in heart rate. 1978-01-27 2023-08-11 Not clear
C R Lake, L F Major, M G Ziegler, I J Kopi. Increased sympathetic nervous system activity in alcoholic patients treated with disulfiram. The American journal of psychiatry. vol 134. issue 12. 1977-12-29. PMID:920841. the authors measured plasma levels of norepinephrine (ne) and dopamine beta-hydroxylase (dbh), pulse rates, and blood pressures of 81 hospitalized alcoholic patients. 1977-12-29 2023-08-11 Not clear
D Athen, H Beckmann, M Ackenheil, M Markiano. Biochemical investigations into the alcoholic delirium: alterations of biogenic amines. Archiv fur Psychiatrie und Nervenkrankheiten. vol 224. issue 2. 1977-12-29. PMID:921518. in eight male patients with alcoholic delirium concentrations of 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylglycol (mhpg) and homovannilic acid (hva) in csf, activity of dopamine-beta-hydroxylase (dbh) and urinary excretion of noradrenaline (na), adrenaline (a), and dopamine (da) were measured during the delirium and a drug-free control period. 1977-12-29 2023-08-11 Not clear
T Caraceni, G Calderini, A Consolazione, E Riva, S Algeri, F Girotti, R Spreafico, A Branciforti, A Dall'olio, P L Morsell. Biochemical aspects of Huntington's chorea. Journal of neurology, neurosurgery, and psychiatry. vol 40. issue 6. 1977-11-25. PMID:143508. a possible correlation was looked for between some biochemical data (cerebrospinal fluid (csf), homovanillic acid (hva), and 5-hydroxyindolacetic acid (5hiaa) levels, plasma dopamine-beta-hydroxylase (dbh), dopamine (da) uptake by platelets), and clinical data (duration of illness, severity of symptoms, age of patients, iq scores, 'slow' and 'fast' groups). 1977-11-25 2023-08-11 human
N Halász, A Ljungdahl, T Hökfelt, O Johansson, M Goldstein, D Park, P Biberfel. Transmitter histochemistry of the rat olfactory bulb. I. Immunohistochemical localization of monoamine synthesizing enzymes. Support for intrabulbar, periglomerular dopamine neurons. Brain research. vol 126. issue 3. 1977-07-18. PMID:16685. in the principal bulb the first two enzymes, tyrosine hydroxylase (th) and dopa decarboxylase (ddc), but not dopamine-beta-hydroxylase (dbh), were present in a proportion of periglomerular cell bodies and dendrites indicating that these neurons synthesize dopamine (da). 1977-07-18 2023-08-11 rat
A Olukotun, J Dunnette, R Weinshilbou. Dissociation of changes in enzymatic and immunoreactive rat serum dopamine bets-hydroxylase during growth and development. The Journal of pharmacology and experimental therapeutics. vol 201. issue 2. 1977-06-30. PMID:67207. dopamine beta-hydroxylase (dbh) activity was measured in the serum, heart and salivary glands of sprague-dawley rats from 1 day after birth to 90 days of age. 1977-06-30 2023-08-11 rat
R D Ciaranello, T F Anders, J D Barchas, P A Berger, H M Can. The use of 5-hydroxytryptophan in a child with Lesch-Nyhan syndrome. Child psychiatry and human development. vol 7. issue 2. 1977-06-30. PMID:1088261. during the course of drug treatment, self-mutilation, crying, sleep state architecture, serum dopamine b-hydroxylase (dbh), and cerebrospinal fluid levels of 5-hydroxyindolylacetic acid and homovanillic acid were studied. 1977-06-30 2023-08-11 Not clear
T Nagatsu, T Kato, Y Numata, K Ikuta, M San. Phenylethanolamine N-methyltransferase and other enzymes of catecholamine metabolism in human brain. Clinica chimica acta; international journal of clinical chemistry. vol 75. issue 2. 1977-05-20. PMID:14798. the activities of tyrosine hydroxylase (th), dopa decarboxylase (ddc), dopamine beta-hydroxylase (dbh), phenylethanolamine n-methyltransferase (pnmt), and monoamine oxidase (mao) with serotonin and phenylethylamine as substrates were measured in catecholaminergic regions of human brain from 10 controls and 3 patients with parkinsonism. 1977-05-20 2023-08-11 human
A Simon, J P Lehner, M Safar, J M Alexandre, Y Weiss, P Millie. [Labile arterial hypertension and sympathetic tonus. Hemodynamic study]. Archives des maladies du coeur et des vaisseaux. vol 69. issue 12. 1977-02-24. PMID:827268. cardiac output, cardiopulmonary (cpbv) and total (tbv) blood volumes, vascular reactivity to norepinephrine and dopamine b hydroxylase (dbh) were determined in 41 borderline hypertensives patients in comparison with 28 normal subjects. 1977-02-24 2023-08-11 human
J T Shen, W F Ganon. Effect of variations in adrenocortical function on dopamine beta-hydroxylase and norepinephrine in the brain of the rat. The Journal of pharmacology and experimental therapeutics. vol 199. issue 3. 1977-01-29. PMID:994021. the effect of adrenalectomy and corticosterone treatment on dopamine beta-hydroxylase (dbh) activity, catecholamine content and norepinephrine formation and metabolism were studied in the hypothalamus and other parts of the brain of male rats. 1977-01-29 2023-08-11 rat