All Relations between cs and matrix compartment

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Ethan Lh Daley, Rhima M Coleman, Jan P Stegeman. Biomimetic microbeads containing a chondroitin sulfate/chitosan polyelectrolyte complex for cell-based cartilage therapy. Journal of materials chemistry. B. vol 3. issue 40. 2019-11-20. PMID:26693016. increased serum content resulted in more uniform pec distribution within the microbead matrix, and both high and low cs:ch ratios resulted in more homogeneous microbeads than 1:1 formulations. 2019-11-20 2023-08-13 Not clear
Fernando A Quintana, Wesley O Johnson, Elaine Waetjen, Ellen Gol. Bayesian Nonparametric Longitudinal Data Analysis. Journal of the American Statistical Association. vol 111. issue 515. 2019-11-20. PMID:28366967. we observe that models that fail to incorporate cs or ar structure can result in very poor estimation of a covariance or correlation matrix. 2019-11-20 2023-08-13 Not clear
Samuel A Verburg, Efren Fernandez-Grand. Reconstruction of the sound field in a room using compressive sensing. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. vol 143. issue 6. 2019-11-20. PMID:29960501. the validity of the cs assumptions are discussed, namely, the assumption of the wave field spatial sparsity (which depends strongly on the properties of the specific room), and the coherence of the sensing matrix due to different spatial sampling schemes. 2019-11-20 2023-08-13 Not clear
Taiga Okumura, Noriko Yamaguchi, Terumi Dohi, Kazuki Iijima, Toshihiro Kogur. Inner structure and inclusions in radiocesium-bearing microparticles emitted in the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident. Microscopy (Oxford, England). vol 68. issue 3. 2019-11-20. PMID:30721986. elemental mapping of the csmps shows a distinct radial distribution of cs with a higher concentration near the surface of the csmps, implying that cs was in a gaseous state in the reactor atmosphere and diffused into the glass matrix after formation of the glass particles. 2019-11-20 2023-08-13 Not clear
M Ablikim, M N Achasov, S Ahmed, M Albrecht, M Alekseev, A Amoroso, F F An, Q An, J Z Bai, Y Bai, O Bakina, R Baldini Ferroli, Y Ban, K Begzsuren, D W Bennett, J V Bennett, N Berger, M Bertani, D Bettoni, F Bianchi, E Boger, I Boyko, R A Briere, H Cai, X Cai, A Calcaterra, G F Cao, S A Cetin, J Chai, J F Chang, G Chelkov, G Chen, H S Chen, J C Chen, M L Chen, P L Chen, S J Chen, X R Chen, Y B Chen, W Cheng, X K Chu, G Cibinetto, F Cossio, H L Dai, J P Dai, A Dbeyssi, D Dedovich, Z Y Deng, A Denig, I Denysenko, M Destefanis, F De Mori, Y Ding, C Dong, J Dong, L Y Dong, M Y Dong, Z L Dou, S X Du, P F Duan, J Fang, S S Fang, Y Fang, R Farinelli, L Fava, S Fegan, F Feldbauer, G Felici, C Q Feng, E Fioravanti, M Fritsch, C D Fu, Q Gao, X L Gao, Y Gao, Y G Gao, Z Gao, B Garillon, I Garzia, A Gilman, K Goetzen, L Gong, W X Gong, W Gradl, M Greco, L M Gu, M H Gu, Y T Gu, A Q Guo, L B Guo, R P Guo, Y P Guo, A Guskov, Z Haddadi, S Han, X Q Hao, F A Harris, K L He, X Q He, F H Heinsius, T Held, Y K Heng, Z L Hou, H M Hu, J F Hu, T Hu, Y Hu, G S Huang, J S Huang, X T Huang, X Z Huang, Z L Huang, T Hussain, W Ikegami Andersson, M Irshad, Q Ji, Q P Ji, X B Ji, X L Ji, X S Jiang, X Y Jiang, J B Jiao, Z Jiao, D P Jin, S Jin, Y Jin, T Johansson, A Julin, N Kalantar-Nayestanaki, X S Kang, M Kavatsyuk, B C Ke, I K Keshk, T Khan, A Khoukaz, P Kiese, R Kiuchi, R Kliemt, L Koch, O B Kolcu, B Kopf, M Kornicer, M Kuemmel, M Kuessner, A Kupsc, M Kurth, W Kühn, J S Lange, P Larin, L Lavezzi, S Leiber, H Leithoff, C Li, Cheng Li, D M Li, F Li, F Y Li, G Li, H B Li, H J Li, J C Li, J W Li, K J Li, Kang Li, Ke Li, Lei Li, P L Li, P R Li, Q Y Li, T Li, W D Li, W G Li, X L Li, X N Li, X Q Li, Z B Li, H Liang, Y F Liang, Y T Liang, G R Liao, L Z Liao, J Libby, C X Lin, D X Lin, B Liu, B J Liu, C X Liu, D Liu, D Y Liu, F H Liu, Fang Liu, Feng Liu, H B Liu, H L Liu, H M Liu, Huanhuan Liu, Huihui Liu, J B Liu, J Y Liu, K Y Liu, Ke Liu, L D Liu, Q Liu, S B Liu, X Liu, Y B Liu, Z A Liu, Zhiqing Liu, Y F Long, X C Lou, H J Lu, J G Lu, Y Lu, Y P Lu, C L Luo, M X Luo, T Luo, X L Luo, S Lusso, X R Lyu, F C Ma, H L Ma, L L Ma, M M Ma, Q M Ma, T Ma, X N Ma, X Y Ma, Y M Ma, F E Maas, M Maggiora, S Maldaner, Q A Malik, A Mangoni, Y J Mao, Z P Mao, S Marcello, Z X Meng, J G Messchendorp, G Mezzadri, J Min, T J Min, R E Mitchell, X H Mo, Y J Mo, C Morales Morales, N Yu Muchnoi, H Muramatsu, A Mustafa, S Nakhoul, Y Nefedov, F Nerling, I B Nikolaev, Z Ning, S Nisar, S L Niu, X Y Niu, S L Olsen, Q Ouyang, S Pacetti, Y Pan, M Papenbrock, P Patteri, M Pelizaeus, J Pellegrino, H P Peng, Z Y Peng, K Peters, J Pettersson, J L Ping, R G Ping, A Pitka, R Poling, V Prasad, H R Qi, M Qi, T Y Qi, S Qian, C F Qiao, N Qin, X S Qin, Z H Qin, J F Qiu, S Q Qu, K H Rashid, C F Redmer, M Richter, M Ripka, A Rivetti, M Rolo, G Rong, Ch Rosner, A Sarantsev, M Savrié, K Schoenning, W Shan, X Y Shan, M Shao, C P Shen, P X Shen, X Y Shen, H Y Sheng, X Shi, J J Song, W M Song, X Y Song, S Sosio, C Sowa, S Spataro, G X Sun, J F Sun, L Sun, S S Sun, X H Sun, Y J Sun, Y K Sun, Y Z Sun, Z J Sun, Z T Sun, Y T Tan, C J Tang, G Y Tang, X Tang, M Tiemens, B Tsednee, I Uman, B Wang, B L Wang, C W Wang, D Wang, D Y Wang, Dan Wang, K Wang, L L Wang, L S Wang, M Wang, Meng Wang, P Wang, P L Wang, W P Wang, X F Wang, Y Wang, Y F Wang, Z Wang, Z G Wang, Z Y Wang, Zongyuan Wang, T Weber, D H Wei, P Weidenkaff, S P Wen, U Wiedner, M Wolke, L H Wu, L J Wu, Z Wu, L Xia, X Xia, Y Xia, D Xiao, Y J Xiao, Z J Xiao, Y G Xie, Y H Xie, X A Xiong, Q L Xiu, G F Xu, J J Xu, L Xu, Q J Xu, X P Xu, F Yan, L Yan, W B Yan, W C Yan, Y H Yan, H J Yang, H X Yang, L Yang, R X Yang, Y H Yang, Y X Yang, Yifan Yang, Z Q Yang, M Ye, M H Ye, J H Yin, Z Y You, B X Yu, C X Yu, J S Yu, J S Yu, C Z Yuan, Y Yuan, A Yuncu, A A Zafar, Y Zeng, B X Zhang, B Y Zhang, C C Zhang, D H Zhang, H H Zhang, H Y Zhang, J Zhang, J L Zhang, J Q Zhang, J W Zhang, J Y Zhang, J Z Zhang, K Zhang, L Zhang, S F Zhang, T J Zhang, X Y Zhang, Y Zhang, Y H Zhang, Y T Zhang, Yang Zhang, Yao Zhang, Yu Zhang, Z H Zhang, Z P Zhang, Z Y Zhang, G Zhao, J W Zhao, J Y Zhao, J Z Zhao, Lei Zhao, Ling Zhao, M G Zhao, Q Zhao, S J Zhao, T C Zhao, Y B Zhao, Z G Zhao, A Zhemchugov, B Zheng, J P Zheng, W J Zheng, Y H Zheng, B Zhong, L Zhou, Q Zhou, X Zhou, X K Zhou, X R Zhou, X Y Zhou, Xiaoyu Zhou, Xu Zhou, A N Zhu, J Zhu, J Zhu, K Zhu, K J Zhu, S Zhu, S H Zhu, X L Zhu, Y C Zhu, Y S Zhu, Z A Zhu, J Zhuang, B S Zou, J H Zo. Measurement of the Dynamics of the Decays D_{s}^{+}→η^{(')}e^{+}ν_{e}. Physical review letters. vol 122. issue 12. 2019-11-20. PMID:30978074. from the first measurements of the dynamics of d_{s}^{+}→η^{(')}e^{+}ν_{e} decays, the products of the hadronic form factors f_{+}^{η^{(')}}(0) and the cabibbo-kobayashi-maskawa matrix element |v_{cs}| are determined with different form factor parametrizations. 2019-11-20 2023-08-13 Not clear
Natrayasamy Viswanathan, Ilango Aswin Kumar, Sankaran Meenaksh. Development of chitosan encapsulated tricalcium phosphate biocomposite for fluoride retention. International journal of biological macromolecules. vol 133. 2019-11-19. PMID:30986457. to trounce such technological troubles and to enhance the defluoridation capacity (dc) of tcp, chitosan (cs) encapsulated tcp polymeric composite was prepared by dispersing tcp particles into chitosan polymeric matrix to produce tricalcium phosphate/chitosan (tcpcs) composite which could be made into any desirable form. 2019-11-19 2023-08-13 Not clear
Lin Zou, Yujue Zhang, Xiaocui Liu, Jingdi Chen, Qiqing Zhan. Biomimetic mineralization on natural and synthetic polymers to prepare hybrid scaffolds for bone tissue engineering. Colloids and surfaces. B, Biointerfaces. vol 178. 2019-11-18. PMID:30870789. the integration of synthetic/natural polymers benefited nhap crystallization in the polymer matrix and thus improved the mechanical performance of the chitosan (cs)/collagen (col)/ poly (lactic acid) (pla)/nhap scaffolds. 2019-11-18 2023-08-13 Not clear
Tao Chen, Jian Yang, Muran Gu. A MIMO Radar-Based DOA Estimation Structure Using Compressive Measurements. Sensors (Basel, Switzerland). vol 19. issue 21. 2019-11-13. PMID:31671917. it is noted that cs is used after the matched filters and that a measurement matrix with less rows than columns is multiplied with the received signals. 2019-11-13 2023-08-13 Not clear
Govindan Rajivgandhi, Muthuchamy Maruthupandy, Thangasamy Veeramani, Franck Quero, Wen-Jun L. Anti-ESBL investigation of chitosan/silver nanocomposites against carbapenem resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa. International journal of biological macromolecules. vol 132. 2019-11-04. PMID:30946905. powder x-ray diffraction showed that the obtained cs/ag ncs are constituted of highly crystalline ag nanoparticles (nps) embedded in an amorphous cs matrix material. 2019-11-04 2023-08-13 Not clear
Govindan Rajivgandhi, Muthuchamy Maruthupandy, Thangasamy Veeramani, Franck Quero, Wen-Jun L. Anti-ESBL investigation of chitosan/silver nanocomposites against carbapenem resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa. International journal of biological macromolecules. vol 132. 2019-11-04. PMID:30946905. transmission electron microscopy (tem) analysis provided structural information about cs/ag ncs, revealing the formation of spherical cluster structures constituted of ag nps with size ranging from 6 to 18 nm embedded in the amorphous cs matrix. 2019-11-04 2023-08-13 Not clear
Vanessa R A Ferreira, Manuel A Azenha, M Teresa Mêna, Cosme Moura, Carlos M Pereira, Ricardo I Pérez-Martín, José A Vázquez, A Fernando Silv. Cationic imprinting of Pb(II) within composite networks based on bovine or fish chondroitin sulfate. Journal of molecular recognition : JMR. vol 31. issue 3. 2019-09-20. PMID:28156029. the process was based on the assumption that particular arrangements of the linear cs chains in aqueous solution, induced so as to accommodate cross complexation with the cations, would be embodied into a tridimensional matrix created through an organoalkoxysilane sol-gel scheme. 2019-09-20 2023-08-13 cattle
Arman Jafari, Shadi Hassanajili, Mohammad Bagher Karimi, Amir Emami, Farnaz Ghaffari, Negar Azarpir. Effect of organic/inorganic nanoparticles on performance of polyurethane nanocomposites for potential wound dressing applications. Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials. vol 88. 2019-09-18. PMID:30212687. for the purpose of pu nanocomposite preparation, chitosan (cs) was converted into nanoparticles by the ionic-gelation method to improve its blending capability with the pu matrix. 2019-09-18 2023-08-13 Not clear
Gabriele Griffanti, Mark James-Bhasin, Ilaria Donelli, Giuliano Freddi, Showan N Nazha. Functionalization of silk fibroin through anionic fibroin derived polypeptides. Biomedical materials (Bristol, England). vol 14. issue 1. 2019-08-06. PMID:30412470. cell-induced mineralized matrix deposition appeared to be accelerated on cs incorporated es sf suggesting an osteoinductive potential of these polypeptides. 2019-08-06 2023-08-13 Not clear
Lu Zhou, Yanqing Le, Jieyu Tian, Xia Yang, Rong Jin, Xiaoyan Gai, Yongchang Su. Cigarette smoke-induced RANKL expression enhances MMP-9 production by alveolar macrophages. International journal of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. vol 14. 2019-07-29. PMID:30587964. cigarette smoke (cs) induces alveolar destruction through overproduction of proteinases including matrix metalloproteinase (mmp)-9 by alveolar macrophages (ams). 2019-07-29 2023-08-13 Not clear
Wuzhen Shi, Feng Jiang, Shaohui Liu, Debin Zha. Image Compressed Sensing using Convolutional Neural Network. IEEE transactions on image processing : a publication of the IEEE Signal Processing Society. 2019-07-28. PMID:31331892. in the study of compressed sensing (cs), the two main challenges are the design of sampling matrix and the development of reconstruction method. 2019-07-28 2023-08-13 Not clear
Wuzhen Shi, Feng Jiang, Shaohui Liu, Debin Zha. Image Compressed Sensing using Convolutional Neural Network. IEEE transactions on image processing : a publication of the IEEE Signal Processing Society. 2019-07-28. PMID:31331892. the sampling network adaptively learns the sampling matrix from the training images, which makes the cs measurements retain more image structural information for better reconstruction. 2019-07-28 2023-08-13 Not clear
Wuzhen Shi, Feng Jiang, Shaohui Liu, Debin Zha. Image Compressed Sensing using Convolutional Neural Network. IEEE transactions on image processing : a publication of the IEEE Signal Processing Society. 2019-07-28. PMID:31331892. in addition, csnet with {0,1}-binary matrix, and {-1,+1}-bipolar matrix gets comparable performance with the existing deep learning based cs methods, and outperforms the traditional cs methods. 2019-07-28 2023-08-13 Not clear
Di Huang, Lulu Niu, Jian Li, Jingjing Du, Yan Wei, Yinchun Hu, Xiaojie Lian, Weiyi Chen, Kaiqun Wan. Reinforced chitosan membranes by microspheres for guided bone regeneration. Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials. vol 81. 2019-07-25. PMID:29529590. the results show that the in situ biomimetic nha/cs microspheres were embedded in cs membrane and were integrated tightly with cs matrix. 2019-07-25 2023-08-13 Not clear
Yansen Wang, Xueling Yuan, Kun Yu, Haoye Meng, Yudong Zheng, Jiang Peng, Shibi Lu, Xiaotong Liu, Yajie Xie, Kun Qia. Fabrication of nanofibrous microcarriers mimicking extracellular matrix for functional microtissue formation and cartilage regeneration. Biomaterials. vol 171. 2019-07-11. PMID:29684676. the nf-mcs were structurally and functionally designed to mimic natural extracellular matrix (ecm) by crosslinking dialdehyde bacterial cellulose (dbc) with dl-allo-hydroxylysine (dhyl) and complexing chitosan (cs) with dhyl through electrostatic interactions. 2019-07-11 2023-08-13 mouse
Deepak Kadam, Bilal Momin, Shanooba Palamthodi, S S Lel. Physicochemical and functional properties of chitosan-based nano-composite films incorporated with biogenic silver nanoparticles. Carbohydrate polymers. vol 211. 2019-07-08. PMID:30824072. scanning electron micrographs (sem) showed an uneven distribution of agnps all over the cs polymer matrix. 2019-07-08 2023-08-13 Not clear