All Relations between ang and norepinephrine

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F A Gesek, A C Schoolwert. Hormone responses of proximal Na(+)-H+ exchanger in spontaneously hypertensive rats. The American journal of physiology. vol 261. issue 3 Pt 2. 1991-10-04. PMID:1716062. a significant reduction (57-79%, p less than 0.05) in norepinephrine and ang ii stimulation was observed with 8- and 16-wk-old wky tubules incubated in combination with pth or da, but only a 3-33% reduction was produced in 8- and 16-wk-old shr tubules. 1991-10-04 2023-08-11 rat
K Hayashi, Y Matsumura, Y Yoshida, Y Suzuki, S Morimot. The role of endogenous angiotensin II in antidiuresis and norepinephrine overflow induced by stimulation of renal nerves in anesthetized dogs. Journal of cardiovascular pharmacology. vol 17. issue 5. 1991-09-11. PMID:1713997. we examined the possible involvement of endogenous angiotensin ii (ang ii) in norepinephrine (ne) overflow and antidiuresis induced by renal nerve stimulation (rns). 1991-09-11 2023-08-11 Not clear
B Tidgren, P Hjemdahl, E Theodorsson, J Nussberge. Renal neurohormonal and vascular responses to dynamic exercise in humans. Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985). vol 70. issue 5. 1991-09-09. PMID:1677937. effects of graded supine dynamic exercise (30, 60, and 80-90% of maximal physical capacity, i.e., work loads of 69, 132, and 188 w) on renal vascular resistance (rvr); renal sympathetic nerve activity [assessed by the renal venous overflow of norepinephrine (ne)]; renal overflows of dopamine (da), immunoreactive neuropeptide y (npy-li), and renin; as well as plasma concentrations of angiotensin-(1-8)-octapeptide (ang ii) were evaluated in eight healthy male volunteers. 1991-09-09 2023-08-11 human
R K Handa, J W Strandhoy, V M Buckale. Selective inhibition of vasoconstrictor responses by platelet-activating factor in rat kidney. The American journal of physiology. vol 261. issue 1 Pt 2. 1991-08-23. PMID:1907104. intrarenal infusion of c16-paf at hypotensive (2.5 or nonhypotensive (0.5 doses caused renal vasodilation and dose dependently antagonized the renal vasoconstrictor responses of intrarenal boluses of angiotensin ii (ang ii) greater than norepinephrine (ne) greater than vasopressin (avp). 1991-08-23 2023-08-11 rat
P C Wong, S D Hart, P B Timmerman. Effect of angiotensin II antagonism on canine renal sympathetic nerve function. Hypertension (Dallas, Tex. : 1979). vol 17. issue 6 Pt 2. 1991-07-12. PMID:2045159. the objective of this study was to examine effects of nonpeptide angiotensin ii (ang ii) receptor antagonists on renal vasoconstrictor responses to renal nerve stimulation (rns) and intrarenal injection of norepinephrine in pentobarbital-anesthetized dogs. 1991-07-12 2023-08-11 Not clear
P C Wong, S D Hart, P B Timmerman. Effect of angiotensin II antagonism on canine renal sympathetic nerve function. Hypertension (Dallas, Tex. : 1979). vol 17. issue 6 Pt 2. 1991-07-12. PMID:2045159. the subtype 1-selective ang ii receptor antagonists, dup 753 (2-n-butyl-4-chloro-5-(hydroxymethyl)-1-[(2'-(1h- tetrazol-5-yl)biphenyl-4-yl)methyl]imidazole, potassium salt) and exp3174 (2-n-butyl-4-chloro-1-[(2'-(1h-tetrazol-5-yl) biphenyl-4-yl)methyl]imidazole-5-carboxylic acid) given intra-arterially to the kidney caused dose-dependent reductions of renal vasoconstrictor responses to rns but not to norepinephrine. 1991-07-12 2023-08-11 Not clear
P C Wong, S D Hart, P B Timmerman. Effect of angiotensin II antagonism on canine renal sympathetic nerve function. Hypertension (Dallas, Tex. : 1979). vol 17. issue 6 Pt 2. 1991-07-12. PMID:2045159. in contrast, the subtype 2-selective ang ii receptor specific ligand, pd 123177 (1-[(4-amino-3-methylphenyl)methyl]-5-(diphenylacetyl)-4,5,6,7- tetrahydro-1h-imidazo[4,5-c]pyridine-6-carboxylic acid), did not alter the renal vasoconstrictor responses to rns, norepinephrine, and ang ii in doses of 10-100 micrograms/kg/min i.a. 1991-07-12 2023-08-11 Not clear
P C Wong, S D Hart, P B Timmerman. Effect of angiotensin II antagonism on canine renal sympathetic nerve function. Hypertension (Dallas, Tex. : 1979). vol 17. issue 6 Pt 2. 1991-07-12. PMID:2045159. however, saralasin did not alter the renal vasoconstrictor responses to rns and norepinephrine, although it was as effective as dup 753 and exp3174 in blocking the renal vasoconstrictor response to ang ii. 1991-07-12 2023-08-11 Not clear
T E Lohmeier, H M Yan. Preservation of renal function by angiotensin during chronic adrenergic stimulation. Hypertension (Dallas, Tex. : 1979). vol 17. issue 3. 1991-04-10. PMID:1999358. the purpose of the present study was to determine the role of angiotensin ii (ang ii) in mediating renal responses to chronic intrarenal norepinephrine infusion. 1991-04-10 2023-08-11 Not clear
T E Lohmeier, H M Yan. Preservation of renal function by angiotensin during chronic adrenergic stimulation. Hypertension (Dallas, Tex. : 1979). vol 17. issue 3. 1991-04-10. PMID:1999358. in three additional groups of dogs, norepinephrine infusion was repeated during chronic intravenous captopril administration to fix plasma ang ii concentration at 1) low levels (no ang ii infused), 2) high levels in the renal circulation (ang ii infused intrarenally at a rate of 1 ng/kg/min), and 3) high levels in the systemic circulation (ang ii infused intravenously at a rate of 5 ng/kg/min). 1991-04-10 2023-08-11 Not clear
T E Lohmeier, H M Yan. Preservation of renal function by angiotensin during chronic adrenergic stimulation. Hypertension (Dallas, Tex. : 1979). vol 17. issue 3. 1991-04-10. PMID:1999358. in marked contrast, when captopril was infused chronically without ang ii, mean arterial pressure was 20-25 mm hg less than that under control conditions, and the renal hemodynamic effects of norepinephrine were greatly exaggerated; by day 3 of norepinephrine infusion, both glomerular filtration rate (16 +/- 2% of control) and renal plasma flow (12 +/- 4% of control) were considerably lower than values in control animals (86 +/- 4% and 80 +/- 8% of control, respectively). 1991-04-10 2023-08-11 Not clear
T E Lohmeier, H M Yan. Preservation of renal function by angiotensin during chronic adrenergic stimulation. Hypertension (Dallas, Tex. : 1979). vol 17. issue 3. 1991-04-10. PMID:1999358. similarly, when a high level of ang ii was localized in the renal circulation during captopril administration, mean arterial pressure was depressed, and again there were pronounced renal responses to norepinephrine. 1991-04-10 2023-08-11 Not clear
T E Lohmeier, H M Yan. Preservation of renal function by angiotensin during chronic adrenergic stimulation. Hypertension (Dallas, Tex. : 1979). vol 17. issue 3. 1991-04-10. PMID:1999358. conversely, when ang ii was infused intravenously during captopril administration, mean arterial pressure was not reduced, and the glomerular filtration rate and renal plasma flow responses to norepinephrine were similar to those that occurred under control conditions. 1991-04-10 2023-08-11 Not clear
M Steinhausen, D Ballantyne, M Fretschner, J Hoffend, N Parek. Different responses of cortical and juxtamedullary arterioles to norepinephrine and angiotensin II. Kidney international. Supplement. vol 30. 1991-01-31. PMID:2259077. intravenous injection of small, equivalent pressor doses of norepinephrine (ne) and angiotensin ii (ang ii) reduced the diameter of c afferent arterioles by -16 +/- 2.4% and -14 +/- 1.9%, respectively, whereas that of jm afferent arterioles was reduced by only -3.8 +/- 2.7% and -3.8 +/- 1.5%. 1991-01-31 2023-08-11 rat
B Tidgren, P Hjemdahl, E Theodorsson, J Nussberge. Renal responses to lower body negative pressure in humans. The American journal of physiology. vol 259. issue 4 Pt 2. 1990-11-19. PMID:2221095. renal blood flow, renal sympathetic nerve activity, assessed by the renal overflows of norepinephrine (ne), dopamine (da), and neuropeptide y-like immunoreactivity (npy-li), as well as plasma renin activity and angiotensin ii (ang ii) were evaluated during stepwise increases in lower body negative pressure (lbnp) in 10 healthy volunteers. 1990-11-19 2023-08-11 human
M B Ganz, M C Perfetto, W F Boro. Effects of mitogens and other agents on rat mesangial cell proliferation, pH, and Ca2+. The American journal of physiology. vol 259. issue 2 Pt 2. 1990-09-14. PMID:2117398. serum-starved mcs incubated in hco3- were exposed to one of the following: fetal calf serum (fcs), serotonin, angiotensin ii (ang ii), arginine vasopressin (avp), bombesin (bom), bradykinin (bk), epidermal growth factor (egf), epinephrine (epi), interleukin 1 (il-1), norepinephrine (ne), neuropeptide y, oxytocin, substance p (sp), platelet-derived growth factor, or 12-o-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (tpa). 1990-09-14 2023-08-11 rat
P Madeddu, X P Yang, V Anania, C Troffa, A Pazzola, A Soro, P Manunta, G Tonolo, M P Demontis, M V Varon. Efficacy of nifedipine to prevent systemic and renal vasoconstrictor effects of endothelin. The American journal of physiology. vol 259. issue 2 Pt 2. 1990-09-14. PMID:2201205. intravenous bolus injection of either angiotensin ii (ang ii, 0.006-0.024 nmol/kg) or norepinephrine (0.40-1.60 nmol/kg) caused a dose-related short-lasting increase in mbp and a decrease in rbf. 1990-09-14 2023-08-11 rat
P Madeddu, X P Yang, V Anania, C Troffa, A Pazzola, A Soro, P Manunta, G Tonolo, M P Demontis, M V Varon. Efficacy of nifedipine to prevent systemic and renal vasoconstrictor effects of endothelin. The American journal of physiology. vol 259. issue 2 Pt 2. 1990-09-14. PMID:2201205. endothelin was less potent than ang ii (1:3.42) and more potent than norepinephrine (1:0.015) as a renal vasoconstrictor. 1990-09-14 2023-08-11 rat
P Madeddu, X P Yang, V Anania, C Troffa, A Pazzola, A Soro, P Manunta, G Tonolo, M P Demontis, M V Varon. Efficacy of nifedipine to prevent systemic and renal vasoconstrictor effects of endothelin. The American journal of physiology. vol 259. issue 2 Pt 2. 1990-09-14. PMID:2201205. nifedipine (1 mg/kg ip) was equally effective in preventing the increase in mbp caused by endothelin, norepinephrine, or ang ii. 1990-09-14 2023-08-11 rat
K M Baker, J F Acet. Angiotensin II stimulation of protein synthesis and cell growth in chick heart cells. The American journal of physiology. vol 259. issue 2 Pt 2. 1990-09-14. PMID:2386231. the stimulatory effect of ang ii (32%) on total cellular protein was slightly greater than that seen with norepinephrine (20%) in contrast to the greater stimulatory effect seen with phorbol 12,13-dibutyrate (47%). 1990-09-14 2023-08-11 chicken