All Relations between taste perception and conditioned response

Publication Sentence Publish Date Extraction Date Species
J L Neisewander, S A McDougall, S L Bowling, M T Bard. Conditioned taste aversion and place preference with buspirone and gepirone. Psychopharmacology. vol 100. issue 4. 1990-04-30. PMID:2320709. the effects of the nonbenzodiazepine anxiolytics buspirone and gepirone were compared to diazepam at 1, 3, and 10 mg/kg using the conditioned taste aversion (cta) paradigm. 1990-04-30 2023-08-11 Not clear
R A Fox, M Corcoran, K R Brizze. Conditioned taste aversion and motion sickness in cats and squirrel monkeys. Canadian journal of physiology and pharmacology. vol 68. issue 2. 1990-04-26. PMID:2311004. the relationship between vomiting and conditioned taste aversion was studied in intact cats and squirrel monkeys and in cats and squirrel monkeys in which the area postrema was ablated by thermal cautery. 1990-04-26 2023-08-11 monkey
R A Fox, M Corcoran, K R Brizze. Conditioned taste aversion and motion sickness in cats and squirrel monkeys. Canadian journal of physiology and pharmacology. vol 68. issue 2. 1990-04-26. PMID:2311004. in cats conditioned 7-12 months after ablation of the area postrema, three successive treatments with xylazine failed to produce either vomiting or conditioned taste aversion to a novel fluid. 1990-04-26 2023-08-11 monkey
R A Fox, M Corcoran, K R Brizze. Conditioned taste aversion and motion sickness in cats and squirrel monkeys. Canadian journal of physiology and pharmacology. vol 68. issue 2. 1990-04-26. PMID:2311004. in squirrel monkeys conditioned 6 months after ablation of the area postrema, three treatments with lithium chloride failed to produce conditioned taste aversion. 1990-04-26 2023-08-11 monkey
R A Fox, M Corcoran, K R Brizze. Conditioned taste aversion and motion sickness in cats and squirrel monkeys. Canadian journal of physiology and pharmacology. vol 68. issue 2. 1990-04-26. PMID:2311004. these findings confirm other studies indicating motion can produce vomiting in animals with the area postrema destroyed and demonstrate that motion-induced conditioned taste aversion can be produced after ablation of the area postrema. 1990-04-26 2023-08-11 monkey
P J Frawley, J W Smit. Chemical aversion therapy in the treatment of cocaine dependence as part of a multimodal treatment program: treatment outcome. Journal of substance abuse treatment. vol 7. issue 1. 1990-04-26. PMID:2313768. twenty (20) patients (9 treating for cocaine only and 11 treating for cocaine/alcohol), who primarily snorted cocaine, completed a program which included chemical aversion therapy to develop a conditioned aversion to the sight, smell, and taste of a cocaine substitute (tetracaine, mannitol, and quinine with psychem. 1990-04-26 2023-08-11 Not clear
W F Liu, J H Shi. Neurobehavioral effects of the pyridinium aldoxime cholinesterase reactivator HI-6. Neurotoxicology and teratology. vol 12. issue 1. 1990-04-26. PMID:2314363. these procedures were fixed-ratio (fr) responding, shuttle-box conditioned avoidance response (car), conditioned taste aversion (cta), drinking behavior, open-field exploratory behavior, negative geotaxis, and wire suspension time. 1990-04-26 2023-08-11 rat
G N Brito, L S Brit. Septohippocampal system and the prelimbic sector of frontal cortex: a neuropsychological battery analysis in the rat. Behavioural brain research. vol 36. issue 1-2. 1990-03-22. PMID:2302312. rats with lesions in the posterodorsal septal area (aimed at transecting the precommissural fornix) and rats with lesions in the prelimbic sector of the medial frontal cortex were tested postoperatively on a neuropsychological test battery comprised of the following tasks: time-spent-eating in two adaptation boxes, time-to-emerge and ambulation in an open field, general activity, contingently-reinforced (continuous) and schedule-specific (delayed non-matching-to-sample) t-maze alternation, visual and olfactory discrimination in a t-maze, temporal alternation (response patterning) and tactile go/no-go discrimination in a runway, approach-avoidance conflict in the runway, step-through inhibitory avoidance, one-way active avoidance, two-way active avoidance, and conditioned taste aversion. 1990-03-22 2023-08-11 rat
B M Rabin, W A Hun. Interaction of haloperidol and area postrema lesions in the disruption of amphetamine-induced conditioned taste aversion learning in rats. Pharmacology, biochemistry, and behavior. vol 33. issue 4. 1990-03-06. PMID:2616604. interaction of haloperidol and area postrema lesions in the disruption of amphetamine-induced conditioned taste aversion learning in rats. 1990-03-06 2023-08-11 rat
R M Gorczynski, W Holme. Neuroleptic and anti-depressant drug treatment abolishes conditioned immunosuppression in mice. Brain, behavior, and immunity. vol 3. issue 4. 1990-02-27. PMID:2575410. treatment of conditioned animals with chlorpromazine or amitriptyline after challenge with erythrocytes in the presence of saccharin reduced the degree of immunosuppression and, though to a lesser degree, the conditioned taste aversion. 1990-02-27 2023-08-11 mouse
K P Ossenkopp, L Giugn. Gamma radiation-induced conditioned taste aversions in rats: a comparison of the protective effects of area postrema lesions with differing doses of radiation. Physiology & behavior. vol 46. issue 4. 1990-01-30. PMID:2690155. gamma radiation-induced conditioned taste aversions in rats: a comparison of the protective effects of area postrema lesions with differing doses of radiation. 1990-01-30 2023-08-11 rat
K P Ossenkopp, L Giugn. Gamma radiation-induced conditioned taste aversions in rats: a comparison of the protective effects of area postrema lesions with differing doses of radiation. Physiology & behavior. vol 46. issue 4. 1990-01-30. PMID:2690155. lesions which destroy the area postrema (ap) and damage the adjacent nucleus of the solitary tract (nts) attenuate or abolish conditioned taste aversions (cta) induced by a variety of pharmacological agents as well as exposure to radiation. 1990-01-30 2023-08-11 rat
C L Cunningham, D R Niehu. Effect of ingestion-contingent hypothermia on ethanol self-administration. Alcohol (Fayetteville, N.Y.). vol 6. issue 5. 1990-01-02. PMID:2818840. these results support the conclusion that oral intake of ethanol is modulated by ethanol-induced hypothermia, most likely through a conditioned taste aversion mechanism. 1990-01-02 2023-08-11 rat
T Kosten, R J Contrera. Deficits in conditioned heart rate and taste aversion in area postrema-lesioned rats. Behavioural brain research. vol 35. issue 1. 1989-12-07. PMID:2553056. previous studies have shown that area postrema (ap) lesions cause deficits in conditioned taste aversion in the rat. 1989-12-07 2023-08-11 rat
T Kosten, R J Contrera. Deficits in conditioned heart rate and taste aversion in area postrema-lesioned rats. Behavioural brain research. vol 35. issue 1. 1989-12-07. PMID:2553056. in intact rats, licl-mediated conditioned taste aversion was associated with decreased conditioned stimulus (cs) intake and decreased heart rate both effects were blunted by ap lesions, although all rats displayed heart rate ucrs to licl. 1989-12-07 2023-08-11 rat
T Kosten, R J Contrera. Deficits in conditioned heart rate and taste aversion in area postrema-lesioned rats. Behavioural brain research. vol 35. issue 1. 1989-12-07. PMID:2553056. the ap rats that drank saline behaved like intact rats exhibiting both a conditioned taste aversion and conditioned heart rate responses to the cs. 1989-12-07 2023-08-11 rat
A Kusnecov, M G King, A J Husban. Immunomodulation by behavioural conditioning. Biological psychology. vol 28. issue 1. 1989-11-09. PMID:2675991. in particular a variant of pavlovian conditioning, the conditioned taste aversion (cta) paradigm, has proved very robust; here a novel gustatory experience (cs) is paired with an aversive physiological event (ucs) and subsequent gustatory avoidance of the cs alone is measured. 1989-11-09 2023-08-11 mouse
B R Smith, R B Segal, Z Ami. Administration of a GABA antagonist selectively attenuates an ethanol-induced conditioned taste aversion. Pharmacology, biochemistry, and behavior. vol 33. issue 1. 1989-10-26. PMID:2780784. administration of a gaba antagonist selectively attenuates an ethanol-induced conditioned taste aversion. 1989-10-26 2023-08-11 Not clear
B R Smith, R B Segal, Z Ami. Administration of a GABA antagonist selectively attenuates an ethanol-induced conditioned taste aversion. Pharmacology, biochemistry, and behavior. vol 33. issue 1. 1989-10-26. PMID:2780784. pretreatment with the gaba antagonist picrotoxin attenuated the development of an ethanol-induced conditioned taste aversion (cta), while no effect of this compound was observed on the development of an amphetamine-induced cta. 1989-10-26 2023-08-11 Not clear
D C Hoffman, R J Beninge. Selective D1 and D2 dopamine agonists produce opposing effects in place conditioning but not in conditioned taste aversion learning. Pharmacology, biochemistry, and behavior. vol 31. issue 1. 1989-08-08. PMID:2908061. selective d1 and d2 dopamine agonists produce opposing effects in place conditioning but not in conditioned taste aversion learning. 1989-08-08 2023-08-11 rat