All Relations between representation and cerebellum

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J E Schlerf, T D Verstynen, R B Ivry, R M C Spence. Evidence of a novel somatopic map in the human neocerebellum during complex actions. Journal of neurophysiology. vol 103. issue 6. 2010-09-09. PMID:20393055. while the anterior somatotopic representation responded selectively during ipsilateral movements, the new cerebellar map responded during both ipsi- and contralateral movements. 2010-09-09 2023-08-12 human
Catherine J Stoodley, Jeremy D Schmahman. Evidence for topographic organization in the cerebellum of motor control versus cognitive and affective processing. Cortex; a journal devoted to the study of the nervous system and behavior. vol 46. issue 7. 2010-08-03. PMID:20152963. we have hypothesized that there is topographic organization in the human cerebellum such that the anterior lobe and lobule viii contain the representation of the sensorimotor cerebellum; lobules vi and vii of the posterior lobe comprise the cognitive cerebellum; and the posterior vermis is the anatomical substrate of the limbic cerebellum. 2010-08-03 2023-08-12 human
Martin Bares, Ovidiu V Lungu, Ivica Husárová, Tomás Gescheid. Predictive motor timing performance dissociates between early diseases of the cerebellum and Parkinson's disease. Cerebellum (London, England). vol 9. issue 1. 2010-07-02. PMID:19851820. there is evidence that both the basal ganglia and the cerebellum play a role in the neural representation of time in a variety of behaviours, but whether one of them is more important is not yet clear. 2010-07-02 2023-08-12 human
Antonino Casabona, Gianfranco Bosco, Vincenzo Perciavalle, Maria Stella Vall. Processing of limb kinematics in the interpositus nucleus. Cerebellum (London, England). vol 9. issue 1. 2010-07-02. PMID:20013085. neural representations of limb movement kinematic parameters are common among central nervous system structures involved in motor control, such as the interpositus nucleus of the cerebellum. 2010-07-02 2023-08-12 Not clear
Christopher J Steele, Virginia B Penhun. Specific increases within global decreases: a functional magnetic resonance imaging investigation of five days of motor sequence learning. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. vol 30. issue 24. 2010-07-02. PMID:20554884. finally, functional connectivity between m1 and cerebellum in late learning points to their interaction as a mechanism underlying the long-term representation and expression of a well learned skill. 2010-07-02 2023-08-12 Not clear
Brendan E Depue, Gregory C Burgess, Erik G Willcutt, L Cinnamon Bidwell, Luka Ruzic, Marie T Banic. Symptom-correlated brain regions in young adults with combined-type ADHD: their organization, variability, and relation to behavioral performance. Psychiatry research. vol 182. issue 2. 2010-07-01. PMID:20399622. the results implicated a broad array of brain regions that are linked to behaviors compromised in adhd, including executive function/cognitive control (prefrontal cortex, dorsal striatum), reward and motivational circuitry (ventral striatum), and stimulus representation and timing (posterior cortex and cerebellum). 2010-07-01 2023-08-12 Not clear
Massimiliano Oliveri, Sonia Bonnì, Patrizia Turriziani, Giacomo Koch, Emanuele Lo Gerfo, Sara Torriero, Carmelo Mario Vicario, Laura Petrosini, Carlo Caltagiron. Motor and linguistic linking of space and time in the cerebellum. PloS one. vol 4. issue 11. 2010-04-26. PMID:19936216. the aim of the present study was to verify whether representation of past and future is also mapped onto spatial representations and whether the cerebellum may be a neural substrate for linking space and time in the linguistic domain. 2010-04-26 2023-08-12 human
G Raboyeau, K Marcotte, D Adrover-Roig, A I Ansald. Brain activation and lexical learning: the impact of learning phase and word type. NeuroImage. vol 49. issue 3. 2010-04-13. PMID:19837173. during the consolidation phase, the activation in the left premotor cortex, the right supramarginal gyrus and the cerebellum indicated that articulatory planning may contribute to the consolidation of second-language phonetic representations. 2010-04-13 2023-08-12 human
Tadashi Yamazaki, Shigeru Tanak. Computational models of timing mechanisms in the cerebellar granular layer. Cerebellum (London, England). vol 8. issue 4. 2010-02-19. PMID:19495900. several computational models of the cerebellum have been proposed to explain the mechanisms of time representation, and they commonly point to the granular layer network. 2010-02-19 2023-08-12 human
Rebecca M C Spencer, Richard B Ivr. Sequence learning is preserved in individuals with cerebellar degeneration when the movements are directly cued. Journal of cognitive neuroscience. vol 21. issue 7. 2009-08-12. PMID:18752399. behavioral studies indicate that sequence learning, at least with short periods of practice, involves the establishment of effector-independent, abstract spatial associations, a form of representation not associated with cerebellar function. 2009-08-12 2023-08-12 Not clear
Leh Woon Mok, Kathleen M Thomas, Ovidiu V Lungu, J Bruce Overmie. Neural correlates of cue-unique outcome expectations under differential outcomes training: an fMRI study. Brain research. vol 1265. 2009-06-03. PMID:19401182. visual-specific imagery additionally activated stimulus-specific representations in prefrontal, lateral and medial frontal, fusiform and cerebellar regions, whereas auditory-specific imagery recruited claustrum/insula. 2009-06-03 2023-08-12 human
R Chris Miall, Dominic Kin. State estimation in the cerebellum. Cerebellum (London, England). vol 7. issue 4. 2009-05-18. PMID:18855092. an exciting hypothesis about the cerebellum is that its role is one of state estimation--a process that combines efferent copies of motor commands with afferent sensory signals to produce a representation of the current status of the peripheral motor system. 2009-05-18 2023-08-12 human
K Rabe, B Brandauer, Y Li, E R Gizewski, D Timmann, J Hermsdörfe. Size-weight illusion, anticipation, and adaptation of fingertip forces in patients with cerebellar degeneration. Journal of neurophysiology. vol 101. issue 2. 2009-03-26. PMID:19036861. findings show that representation and adaptation of internal models of object characteristics are not exclusively located in the cerebellum. 2009-03-26 2023-08-12 human
Massimo Barresi, Luca Bruschini, Diego Manzon. Neuronal responses to tilt within the rat cerebellar vermis. Brain research bulletin. vol 78. issue 4-5. 2009-03-06. PMID:18992305. the aim of the study was investigating whether a similar representation of labyrinth signals was present in the rat cerebellar vermis by recording units activity during tilt and wobble rotations. 2009-03-06 2023-08-12 rat
Uwe J Ilg, Peter Thie. The neural basis of smooth pursuit eye movements in the rhesus monkey brain. Brain and cognition. vol 68. issue 3. 2009-02-03. PMID:18835077. the cerebellum contains two pursuit representations: in the paraflocculus/flocculus region and in the posterior vermis. 2009-02-03 2023-08-12 human
J H Balsters, N Ramnan. Symbolic representations of action in the human cerebellum. NeuroImage. vol 43. issue 2. 2009-01-26. PMID:18692577. symbolic representations of action in the human cerebellum. 2009-01-26 2023-08-12 human
S A Badalyan, V A Sargsya. Reorganization of the vestibulothalamic projections in lesions to the interpositus nucleus of the cerebellum and the vestibular nucleus of Deiters. Neuroscience and behavioral physiology. vol 38. issue 8. 2008-12-08. PMID:18802766. preliminary (three months) lesioning of the contralateral nucleus interpositus of the cerebellum or the lateral vestibular nucleus of deiters led to reorganization of vestibulothalamic projections with formation of ipsilateral projections to the ventrolateral nucleus of the thalamus from the nuclei of the vestibular complex, along with changes in the normal representation of the contralateral projections of the vestibular complex to this thalamic nucleus. 2008-12-08 2023-08-12 Not clear
Massimiliano Conson, Simona Sacco, Marco Sarà, Francesca Pistoia, Dario Grossi, Luigi Trojan. Selective motor imagery defect in patients with locked-in syndrome. Neuropsychologia. vol 46. issue 11. 2008-11-05. PMID:18533201. to explain lis patients' inability in manipulating hand representations, we suggested that the pontine lesion, both determined a complete de-efferentation, and affected a component of the motor system, which is crucial for mental representation of body parts, probably the neural connections between parietal lobes and cerebellum. 2008-11-05 2023-08-12 Not clear
Roby T Kanichay, R Angus Silve. Synaptic and cellular properties of the feedforward inhibitory circuit within the input layer of the cerebellar cortex. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. vol 28. issue 36. 2008-10-16. PMID:18768689. precise representation of the timing of sensory stimuli is essential for rapid motor coordination, a core function of the cerebellum. 2008-10-16 2023-08-12 rat
Regina E McGlinchey, Stephen M Capozzi, Catherine Brawn Fortier, John F Disterhof. Procedural memory system supports single cue trace eyeblink conditioning in medial temporal lobe amnesia. Neuropsychology. vol 22. issue 2. 2008-04-23. PMID:18331171. the pattern of acquisition suggests that amnesic patients may be relying on the expression of previously acquired, likely cerebellar based, procedural memory representations in trace conditioning. 2008-04-23 2023-08-12 Not clear