All Relations between representation and dg

Publication Sentence Publish Date Extraction Date Species
James J Knierim, Joshua P Neunuebe. Tracking the flow of hippocampal computation: Pattern separation, pattern completion, and attractor dynamics. Neurobiology of learning and memory. vol 129. 2016-12-13. PMID:26514299. in contrast, the change in the ca3 representation of the cue-mismatch environment was less than the changes in its entorhinal and dg inputs, providing support for a pattern completion/error correction function of ca3. 2016-12-13 2023-08-13 Not clear
Wei Deng, Mark Mayford, Fred H Gag. Selection of distinct populations of dentate granule cells in response to inputs as a mechanism for pattern separation in mice. eLife. vol 2. 2016-04-11. PMID:23538967. particularly, the dentate gyrus (dg) is hypothesized to perform pattern separation by forming distinct representations of similar inputs. 2016-04-11 2023-08-12 mouse
Vassilis Cutsuridis, Panayiota Poiraz. A computational study on how theta modulated inhibition can account for the long temporal windows in the entorhinal-hippocampal loop. Neurobiology of learning and memory. vol 120. 2016-04-08. PMID:25721691. a model of the dentate gyrus (dg), ca3 and ca1 microcircuits is presented that uses biophysical representations of the major cell types including granule cells, ca3 and ca1 pyramidal cells (pcs) and six types of interneurons: basket cells (bcs), axo-axonic cells (aacs), bistratified cells (bscs), oriens lacunosum-moleculare cells (olms), mossy cells (mcs) and hilar perforant path associated cells (hc). 2016-04-08 2023-08-13 Not clear
Panagiotis C Petrantonakis, Panayiota Poiraz. Dentate Gyrus circuitry features improve performance of sparse approximation algorithms. PloS one. vol 10. issue 1. 2016-01-13. PMID:25635776. memory representations are seen as activated neuronal populations of granule cells, the main encoding cells in dg, which are estimated to engage 2-4% of the total population. 2016-01-13 2023-08-13 Not clear
Panagiotis C Petrantonakis, Panayiota Poiraz. Dentate Gyrus circuitry features improve performance of sparse approximation algorithms. PloS one. vol 10. issue 1. 2016-01-13. PMID:25635776. the ability of dg to achieve pattern separation by sparsifing its representations is exploited here to improve the performance of the state of the art sparse approximation algorithm "iterative soft thresholding" (ist) by adding new algorithmic features inspired by the dg circuitry. 2016-01-13 2023-08-13 Not clear
Takashi Kitamura, Chen Sun, Jared Martin, Lacey J Kitch, Mark J Schnitzer, Susumu Tonegaw. Entorhinal Cortical Ocean Cells Encode Specific Contexts and Drive Context-Specific Fear Memory. Neuron. vol 87. issue 6. 2015-12-30. PMID:26402611. here, we show that ocean cells, excitatory stellate neurons in the medial ec layer ii projecting into dg and ca3, rapidly form a distinct representation of a novel context and drive context-specific activation of downstream ca3 cells as well as context-specific fear memory. 2015-12-30 2023-08-13 Not clear
Jared Stokes, Colin Kyle, Arne D Ekstro. Complementary roles of human hippocampal subfields in differentiation and integration of spatial context. Journal of cognitive neuroscience. vol 27. issue 3. 2015-11-03. PMID:25269116. prior studies suggest that, during the acquisition of information from the environment, the dentate gyrus (dg) and ca3 subfields rapidly differentiate competing contextual representations, whereas ca1, situated downstream from ca3/dg, is believed to process input from both ca3 and neocortical areas via the temporoammonic pathway. 2015-11-03 2023-08-13 human
Joshua Sariñana, Takashi Kitamura, Patrik Künzler, Lisa Sultzman, Susumu Tonegaw. Differential roles of the dopamine 1-class receptors, D1R and D5R, in hippocampal dependent memory. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. vol 111. issue 22. 2014-08-20. PMID:24843151. these results suggest that dg d1rs, but not d5rs, contribute to the formation of distinct contextual representations of novel environments. 2014-08-20 2023-08-13 mouse
Joshua P Neunuebel, James J Knieri. CA3 retrieves coherent representations from degraded input: direct evidence for CA3 pattern completion and dentate gyrus pattern separation. Neuron. vol 81. issue 2. 2014-03-20. PMID:24462102. here we present direct, quantitative evidence that ca3 produces an output pattern closer to the originally stored representation than its degraded input patterns from the dentate gyrus (dg). 2014-03-20 2023-08-12 rat
Andrea M Morris, Christy S Weeden, John C Churchwell, Raymond P Kesne. The role of the dentate gyrus in the formation of contextual representations. Hippocampus. vol 23. issue 2. 2013-07-22. PMID:23034739. the present findings provide further support for dg involvement in the formation of conjunctive contextual representations. 2013-07-22 2023-08-12 rat
Edmund T Roll. A quantitative theory of the functions of the hippocampal CA3 network in memory. Frontiers in cellular neuroscience. vol 7. 2013-06-28. PMID:23805074. the dentate gyrus (dg) performs pattern separation by competitive learning to produce sparse representations suitable for setting up new representations in ca3 during learning, producing for example neurons with place-like fields from entorhinal cortex grid cells. 2013-06-28 2023-08-12 Not clear
Andrea M Morris, John C Churchwell, Raymond P Kesner, Paul E Gilber. Selective lesions of the dentate gyrus produce disruptions in place learning for adjacent spatial locations. Neurobiology of learning and memory. vol 97. issue 3. 2012-07-30. PMID:22390856. more specifically, the dentate gyrus (dg) hippocampal subregion is thought to support pattern separation, a mechanism for encoding and separating spatially similar events into distinct representations. 2012-07-30 2023-08-12 rat
Yee Lee Shing, Karen M Rodrigue, Kristen M Kennedy, Yana Fandakova, Nils Bodammer, Markus Werkle-Bergner, Ulman Lindenberger, Naftali Ra. Hippocampal subfield volumes: age, vascular risk, and correlation with associative memory. Frontiers in aging neuroscience. vol 3. 2011-07-14. PMID:21331174. we discuss the role of the dg in pattern separation and the formation of discrete memory representations. 2011-07-14 2023-08-12 human
Edward M Hubbard, Mariagrazia Ranzini, Manuela Piazza, Stanislas Dehaen. What information is critical to elicit interference in number-form synaesthesia? Cortex; a journal devoted to the study of the nervous system and behavior. vol 45. issue 10. 2009-10-15. PMID:19698941. the aim of the present study is to further explore these internal spatial representations by presenting a case-study of an unusual synaesthete, dg, who reports highly detailed representations not only of numerical sequences (including representations of negative and roman numbers), but also different representations for other ordinal sequences, such as time sequences (months, days and hours), the alphabet, financial sequences and different units of measure (e.g., kilograms, kilometres and degrees). 2009-10-15 2023-08-12 human
C D Clelland, M Choi, C Romberg, G D Clemenson, A Fragniere, P Tyers, S Jessberger, L M Saksida, R A Barker, F H Gage, T J Busse. A functional role for adult hippocampal neurogenesis in spatial pattern separation. Science (New York, N.Y.). vol 325. issue 5937. 2009-07-22. PMID:19590004. the dentate gyrus (dg) of the mammalian hippocampus is hypothesized to mediate pattern separation-the formation of distinct and orthogonal representations of mnemonic information-and also undergoes neurogenesis throughout life. 2009-07-22 2023-08-12 mouse
Leonardo Restivo, Elisiana Tafi, Martine Ammassari-Teule, Hélène Mari. Viral-mediated expression of a constitutively active form of CREB in hippocampal neurons increases memory. Hippocampus. vol 19. issue 3. 2009-06-08. PMID:19004015. here, we provide direct evidence that a brief increase in creb-dependent transcription in either ca1 or dg neurons, using in vivo viral vectors, is sufficient to boost memory for contextual representations, as tested in the contextual fear conditioning task, without affecting motor, pain, or anxiety behaviors. 2009-06-08 2023-08-12 Not clear
V Hernández-Rabaza, L Hontecillas-Prieto, C Velázquez-Sánchez, A Ferragud, A Pérez-Villaba, A Arcusa, J A Barcia, J L Trejo, J J Canale. The hippocampal dentate gyrus is essential for generating contextual memories of fear and drug-induced reward. Neurobiology of learning and memory. vol 90. issue 3. 2009-01-16. PMID:18644245. these observations indicate that the integrity of the dg is essential for establishing a coherent representation of the context to which emotional experiences, either hedonic or aversive, are bound. 2009-01-16 2023-08-12 rat
Naomi J Goodrich-Hunsaker, Michael R Hunsaker, Raymond P Kesne. The interactions and dissociations of the dorsal hippocampus subregions: how the dentate gyrus, CA3, and CA1 process spatial information. Behavioral neuroscience. vol 122. issue 1. 2008-06-23. PMID:18298245. dorsal dg is required for spatial information processing via pattern separation or orthogonalization of sensory inputs to generate metric representations. 2008-06-23 2023-08-12 rat
V Hernández-Rabaza, J A Barcia, M Llorens-Martín, J L Trejo, J J Canale. Spared place and object-place learning but limited spatial working memory capacity in rats with selective lesions of the dentate gyrus. Brain research bulletin. vol 72. issue 4-6. 2007-07-24. PMID:17452292. these data demonstrated that rats with selective lesions of the dg readily acquire and retain neural representations relative to objects and places but are specifically impaired in their ability to update rapidly and flexibly spatial information that is essential to guide goal-directed actions. 2007-07-24 2023-08-12 rat
M K Chawla, J F Guzowski, V Ramirez-Amaya, P Lipa, K L Hoffman, L K Marriott, P F Worley, B L McNaughton, C A Barne. Sparse, environmentally selective expression of Arc RNA in the upper blade of the rodent fascia dentata by brief spatial experience. Hippocampus. vol 15. issue 5. 2005-09-07. PMID:15920719. to quantify the degree of sparsity of dg coding and its corresponding ability to generate distinct environmental representations, behaviorally induced arc expression was assessed using in situ hybridization coupled with confocal microscopy. 2005-09-07 2023-08-12 Not clear