All Relations between planning and mr

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L M Box. How to perform cardiac MR imaging. Magnetic resonance imaging clinics of North America. vol 4. issue 2. 1996-10-09. PMID:8724562. if care is taken in the planning and execution of the cardiac mr examination, the radiologist will be able to exploit this exciting new technology to its full potential as a noninvasive cardiac imaging modality. 1996-10-09 2023-08-12 Not clear
M W Vannier, J L Mars. Three-dimensional imaging, surgical planning, and image-guided therapy. Radiologic clinics of North America. vol 34. issue 3. 1996-08-01. PMID:8657871. computer-assisted planning and simulation of complex craniofacial surgery is feasible with commercially available software and hardware using ct scan and mr images. 1996-08-01 2023-08-12 Not clear
T Mizowaki, Y Nagata, K Okajima, R Murata, M Yamamoto, M Kokubo, M Hiraoka, M Ab. Development of an MR simulator: experimental verification of geometric distortion and clinical application. Radiology. vol 199. issue 3. 1996-07-11. PMID:8638017. to evaluate the geometric distortion on magnetic resonance (mr) images obtained with a permanent magnet system and determine the usefulness of mr imaging-assisted x-ray simulation in radiation therapy treatment planning (rttp). 1996-07-11 2023-08-12 Not clear
J Maldjian, S W Atlas, R S Howard, E Greenstein, D Alsop, J A Detre, J Listerud, M D'Esposito, E S Flam. Functional magnetic resonance imaging of regional brain activity in patients with intracerebral arteriovenous malformations before surgical or endovascular therapy. Journal of neurosurgery. vol 84. issue 3. 1996-05-24. PMID:8609561. blood oxygen level-dependent mr imaging is a noninvasive method used to localize areas of eloquent cortex in patients harboring avms; it may prove to be of value in treatment planning. 1996-05-24 2023-08-12 Not clear
T J Cheng, T T Wu, J D Hs. A dumbbell spinal lipoma presenting as a neck mass: CT and MR demonstration. Pediatric radiology. vol 25. issue 7. 1996-02-13. PMID:8545195. mr is judged to be superior to ct for preoperative planning by virtue of its superb intraspinal resolution and multiplanar capability, and should be the procedure of choice for evaluating spinal lipomas. 1996-02-13 2023-08-12 Not clear
M Unal, C Tuncer, K Serçe, M Bostan, C Erem, M Gökç. A cardiac giant hydatid cyst of the interventricular septum masquerading as ischemic heart disease: role of MR imaging. Acta cardiologica. vol 50. issue 4. 1996-02-06. PMID:8540274. we concluded that mr imaging is useful in diagnosis and planning of surgery. 1996-02-06 2023-08-12 Not clear
B C Lee, T S Park, B A Kaufma. MR angiography in pediatric neurological disorders. Pediatric radiology. vol 25. issue 6. 1996-01-04. PMID:7491188. in addition, the value of mr angiography for surgical planning was subjectively evaluated. 1996-01-04 2023-08-12 Not clear
M P Mark. Vascular malformations. Magnetic resonance imaging clinics of North America. vol 3. issue 3. 1995-12-14. PMID:7584252. mr angiography may also have a significant role in the planning and follow up of patients undergoing radiosurgical treatment. 1995-12-14 2023-08-12 Not clear
I Fried, V I Nenov, S G Ojemann, R P Wood. Functional MR and PET imaging of rolandic and visual cortices for neurosurgical planning. Journal of neurosurgery. vol 83. issue 5. 1995-11-28. PMID:7472554. functional mr and pet imaging of rolandic and visual cortices for neurosurgical planning. 1995-11-28 2023-08-12 human
M F Chan, K M Ayyanga. Confirmation of target localization and dosimetry for 3D conformal radiotherapy treatment planning by MR imaging of a ferrous sulfate gel head phantom. Medical physics. vol 22. issue 7. 1995-11-22. PMID:7565392. confirmation of target localization and dosimetry for 3d conformal radiotherapy treatment planning by mr imaging of a ferrous sulfate gel head phantom. 1995-11-22 2023-08-12 human
J J Abrahams, J A Eklun. Diagnostic radiology of the cranial base. Clinics in plastic surgery. vol 22. issue 3. 1995-11-21. PMID:7554713. with knowledge of the underlying anatomy, with an understanding of the strengths of ct and mr imaging, and with a familiarity of the commonest lesions, a rational approach to diagnostic imaging can be made, narrowing the clinical differential diagnosis and simplifying presurgical planning. 1995-11-21 2023-08-12 Not clear
B L Wenig, K L Ziffra, M F Mafee, J A Schil. MR imaging of squamous cell carcinoma of the larynx and hypopharynx. Otolaryngologic clinics of North America. vol 28. issue 3. 1995-10-17. PMID:7675471. mr imaging appears to be a reliable indicator of tumor size and location and should be judiciously incorporated into the staging and pretreatment planning of patients presenting with laryngopharyngeal malignancies. 1995-10-17 2023-08-12 Not clear
J C Weinreb, G Newstea. MR imaging of the breast. Radiology. vol 196. issue 3. 1995-09-21. PMID:7644617. the authors review the current state of breast mr imaging and address a number of issues, including the basis for contrast material-enhanced imaging, techniques, and possible clinical roles, including treatment planning, evaluation of the posttreatment breast, evaluation of breast implants, characterization of breast masses, mr imaging-guided biopsy, and the potential for cancer screening. 1995-09-21 2023-08-12 Not clear
A Cotten, R M Flipo, B Herbaux, F Gougeon, M Lecomte-Houcke, P Chastane. Synovial haemangioma of the knee: a frequently misdiagnosed lesion. Skeletal radiology. vol 24. issue 4. 1995-09-18. PMID:7644936. the objective of this study was to assess the contribution of magnetic resonance (mr) imaging in the diagnosis and surgical planning of five cases of synovial haemangioma of the knee. 1995-09-18 2023-08-12 Not clear
J A Taren, G C Curtis, S S Gebarsk. Late local and remote structural changes after capsulotomy for obsessive compulsive disorder. Stereotactic and functional neurosurgery. vol 63. issue 1-4. 1995-08-31. PMID:7624620. five ocd patients treated with sc received mr imaging for pre-sc planning, early (1-7 days) post-sc assessment, and late (5-12 months) follow-up. 1995-08-31 2023-08-12 Not clear
P L Gildenberg, S Woo, B Butler, W Grant, B Berne. Fractionated brachytherapy: catheter insertion and dosimetry. Stereotactic and functional neurosurgery. vol 63. issue 1-4. 1995-08-31. PMID:7624641. stereotactic catheter placement is by contrast-enhanced mr guidance, and takes advantage of the three-dimensional planning offered by voxel orientation. 1995-08-31 2023-08-12 Not clear
R Day, M P Heilbrun, S Koehler, P McDonald, W Peters, V Siemiono. Three-point transformation for integration of multiple coordinate systems: applications to tumor, functional, and fractionated radiosurgery stereotactic planning. Stereotactic and functional neurosurgery. vol 63. issue 1-4. 1995-08-31. PMID:7624655. in planning pallidotomy procedures, spatial cross-registration of ct and mr image coordinates were performed to target the posteroventral pallidum. 1995-08-31 2023-08-12 Not clear
P Lang, S Grampp, M Vahlensieck, J O Johnston, G Honda, W Rosenau, K K Matthay, C Peterfy, C B Higgins, H K Genan. Primary bone tumors: value of MR angiography for preoperative planning and monitoring response to chemotherapy. AJR. American journal of roentgenology. vol 165. issue 1. 1995-07-20. PMID:7785572. primary bone tumors: value of mr angiography for preoperative planning and monitoring response to chemotherapy. 1995-07-20 2023-08-12 Not clear
P Lang, S Grampp, M Vahlensieck, J O Johnston, G Honda, W Rosenau, K K Matthay, C Peterfy, C B Higgins, H K Genan. Primary bone tumors: value of MR angiography for preoperative planning and monitoring response to chemotherapy. AJR. American journal of roentgenology. vol 165. issue 1. 1995-07-20. PMID:7785572. the purposes of our study were to investigate the use of mr angiography with two- (2d) and three-dimensional (3d) displays in evaluating vascular morphology of musculoskeletal neoplasms for preoperative planning of limb-salvage surgery and to assess the use of mr angiography for monitoring changes in neovascularity and evaluating response to chemotherapy. 1995-07-20 2023-08-12 Not clear
J Michiels, H Bosmans, B Nuttin, M Knauth, R Verbeeck, D Vandermeulen, G Wilms, G Marchal, P Suetens, J Gybel. The use of magnetic resonance angiography in stereotactic neurosurgery. Journal of neurosurgery. vol 82. issue 6. 1995-06-27. PMID:7760202. although digital subtraction images are still superior in contrast and vascular detail, state-of-the-art high-resolution mr angiography sequences provide sufficient vascular detail for planning surgery. 1995-06-27 2023-08-12 Not clear