All Relations between planning and mr

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J W Wijlemans, L W Bartels, R Deckers, M Ries, W P Th M Mali, C T W Moonen, M A A J van den Bosc. Magnetic resonance-guided high-intensity focused ultrasound (MR-HIFU) ablation of liver tumours. Cancer imaging : the official publication of the International Cancer Imaging Society. vol 12. 2013-01-04. PMID:23022541. the image guidance, using mr imaging and mr temperature mapping, provides excellent planning images and real-time temperature information during the ablation procedure. 2013-01-04 2023-08-12 Not clear
Ripen Misri, Dominik Meier, Andrew C Yung, Piotr Kozlowski, Urs O Häfel. Development and evaluation of a dual-modality (MRI/SPECT) molecular imaging bioprobe. Nanomedicine : nanotechnology, biology, and medicine. vol 8. issue 6. 2012-12-03. PMID:22100757. it is anticipated that combining spect with mr will help obtain both functional and anatomical imaging information with high signal sensitivity and contrast, thereby providing a powerful diagnostic tool for early diagnosis and treatment planning of mesothelin-expressing cancers. 2012-12-03 2023-08-12 Not clear
Reto Sutter, Marco Zanetti, Christian W A Pfirrman. New developments in hip imaging. Radiology. vol 264. issue 3. 2012-11-29. PMID:22919039. while radiographs are the basis of any imaging of the hip, mr imaging is paramount in the evaluation and preoperative planning of patients suspected of having femoroacetabular impingement, especially when assessing geometrical deformities of the proximal femur. 2012-11-29 2023-08-12 Not clear
Sandra Baumann, Wulf Euringer, Michael Markl, Philipp Blanke, Ute Ludwig, Tobias Bauman. Peripheral vessel scout imaging based on continuously moving table acquisition of projection data. Journal of computer assisted tomography. vol 36. issue 5. 2012-11-29. PMID:22992611. a fast and spatially seamless peripheral vessel scout is desirable for subsequent planning of magnetic resonance (mr) angiography. 2012-11-29 2023-08-12 Not clear
J C de Munck, R Bhagwandien, S H Muller, F C Verster, M B Van Her. The computation of MR image distortions caused by tissue susceptibility using the boundary element method. IEEE transactions on medical imaging. vol 15. issue 5. 2012-10-02. PMID:18215943. static field inhomogeneity in magnetic resonance (mr) imaging produces geometrical distortions which restrict the clinical applicability of mr images, e.g., for planning of precision radiotherapy. 2012-10-02 2023-08-12 human
J L Diaz de Leon S, J H Sossa . Automatic path planning for a mobile robot among obstacles of arbitrary shape. IEEE transactions on systems, man, and cybernetics. Part B, Cybernetics : a publication of the IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society. vol 28. issue 3. 2012-10-02. PMID:18255964. a novel and fast path planning method for a mobile robot (mr) among objects of arbitrary shape is described. 2012-10-02 2023-08-12 Not clear
J-A Lotterie, P Duthil, A-C Januel, A Redon, D Menegalli, S Blond, I Latorzef. [Stereotactic and diagnostic imaging in radiosurgery]. Cancer radiotherapie : journal de la Societe francaise de radiotherapie oncologique. vol 16 Suppl. 2012-09-25. PMID:22592146. finally, the mri sequences useful in planning and follow-up are discussed and the role of mr angiographic sequences compared to conventional x-ray angiography in the particular case of the arteriovenous malformation planning. 2012-09-25 2023-08-12 Not clear
M Essig, N Anzalone, S E Combs, À Dörfler, S-K Lee, P Picozzi, A Rovira, M Weller, M La. MR imaging of neoplastic central nervous system lesions: review and recommendations for current practice. AJNR. American journal of neuroradiology. vol 33. issue 5. 2012-09-21. PMID:22016411. mr imaging is the preferred technique for the diagnosis, treatment planning, and monitoring of patients with neoplastic cns lesions. 2012-09-21 2023-08-12 Not clear
A Srinivasan, S Mohan, S K Mukherj. Biologic imaging of head and neck cancer: the present and the future. AJNR. American journal of neuroradiology. vol 33. issue 4. 2012-09-20. PMID:22194364. while anatomic imaging (ct and mr imaging) of hnc is focused on diagnosing and/or characterizing the disease, defining its local extent, and evaluating distant spread, accurate assessment of the biologic status of the cancer (cellularity, growth rate, response to nonsurgical chemoradiation therapy, and so forth) can be invaluable for prognostication, planning therapy, and follow-up of lesions after therapy. 2012-09-20 2023-08-12 Not clear
Christian Schumann, Jennifer Bieberstein, Stefan Braunewell, Matthias Niethammer, Heinz-Otto Peitge. Visualization support for the planning of hepatic needle placement. International journal of computer assisted radiology and surgery. vol 7. issue 2. 2012-09-12. PMID:21656376. the established planning workflow is based on viewing 2d slices of a pre-interventional ct or mr scan. 2012-09-12 2023-08-12 Not clear
Valentina Pompa, Sabrina Galasso, Michele Cassetta, Giorgio Pompa, Francesca De Angelis, Stefano Di Carl. A comparative study of Magnetic Resonance (MR) and Computed Tomography (CT) in the pre-implant evaluation. Annali di stomatologia. vol 1. issue 3-4. 2012-08-23. PMID:22238713. the aim of our study was to evaluate the reliability of magnetic resonance imaging (mr) compared with computed tomography (ct) for dental implant planning in respect to bone measurements and to observe and analyze the differences. 2012-08-23 2023-08-12 Not clear
Pyo Nyun Kim, Dongil Choi, Hyunchul Rhim, Sung Eun Rha, Hyun Pyo Hong, Jongmee Lee, Joon-Il Choi, Jin Woong Kim, Jung Wook Seo, Eun Joo Lee, Hyo K Li. Planning ultrasound for percutaneous radiofrequency ablation to treat small (≤ 3 cm) hepatocellular carcinomas detected on computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging: a multicenter prospective study to assess factors affecting ultrasound visibility. Journal of vascular and interventional radiology : JVIR. vol 23. issue 5. 2012-08-21. PMID:22387030. to assess factors affecting tumor visibility on planning ultrasound (us) for percutaneous radiofrequency (rf) ablation to treat small hepatocellular carcinomas (hccs) primarily detected on computed tomography (ct) or magnetic resonance (mr) imaging. 2012-08-21 2023-08-12 Not clear
Michael J Tuit. Magnetic resonance imaging of rotator cuff disease and external impingement. Magnetic resonance imaging clinics of North America. vol 20. issue 2. 2012-08-08. PMID:22469399. many surgeons rely on mr imaging to assist in decision making and presurgical planning for patients with rotator cuff pain. 2012-08-08 2023-08-12 Not clear
John F Hibbeln, Stephanie M Shors, Sharon E Byr. MRI: is there a role in obstetrics? Clinical obstetrics and gynecology. vol 55. issue 1. 2012-07-20. PMID:22343250. mr can provide additional information that cannot be obtained by us and is invaluable in central nervous system anomaly evaluation, airway management, and planning for postnatal intervention. 2012-07-20 2023-08-12 Not clear
Ewa Nowosinska, Stefanie Avril, Iain Murray, Teresa Szyszko, Norbert Avri. FDG-PET/CT as a molecular biomarker in ovarian cancer. Cancer biomarkers : section A of Disease markers. vol 8. issue 4-5. 2012-07-13. PMID:22045351. fdg-pet/ct has a suggested role for staging, by improving treatment planning in individual cases, but it is particularly helpful in the setting of disease recurrence when ca125 tumor marker levels are rising and conventional imaging (ct or mr) is inconclusive or negative. 2012-07-13 2023-08-12 Not clear
Himesh V Vyas, S Bruce Greenberg, Rajesh Krishnamurth. MR imaging and CT evaluation of congenital pulmonary vein abnormalities in neonates and infants. Radiographics : a review publication of the Radiological Society of North America, Inc. vol 32. issue 1. 2012-05-22. PMID:22236895. mr imaging provides a wealth of anatomic and functional data that are valuable in case management and planning intervention. 2012-05-22 2023-08-12 Not clear
Souad Acid, Thomas Le Corroller, Richard Aswad, Vanessa Pauly, Pierre Champsau. Preoperative imaging of anterior shoulder instability: diagnostic effectiveness of MDCT arthrography and comparison with MR arthrography and arthroscopy. AJR. American journal of roentgenology. vol 198. issue 3. 2012-04-27. PMID:22358006. the purpose of this article is to assess the diagnostic effectiveness of mdct arthrography in the preoperative planning of anterior shoulder instability compared with mr arthrography and arthroscopy. 2012-04-27 2023-08-12 Not clear
B Bender, C Mänz, A Korn, T Nägele, U Klos. Optimized 3D magnetization-prepared rapid acquisition of gradient echo: identification of thalamus substructures at 3T. AJNR. American journal of neuroradiology. vol 32. issue 11. 2012-04-24. PMID:21979493. because the substructures of the thalamus are not visible on standard t1- and t2-weighted mr images, planning of deep brain stimulation implantation relies on stereotactic atlas coordinates. 2012-04-24 2023-08-12 Not clear
Yusheng Feng, David Fuente. Model-based planning and real-time predictive control for laser-induced thermal therapy. International journal of hyperthermia : the official journal of European Society for Hyperthermic Oncology, North American Hyperthermia Group. vol 27. issue 8. 2012-03-13. PMID:22098360. the framework provides the backbone for not only treatment planning but also real-time surgical monitoring and control with a focus on mr thermometry enabled predictive control and applications to image-guided litt, or mrglitt. 2012-03-13 2023-08-12 Not clear
Arpád Kovács, Lilla Tóth, Csaba Glavák, Gábor Liposits, Janaki Hadjiev, Gergely Antal, Miklós Emri, Csaba Vandulek, Imre Rep. Integrating functional MRI information into conventional 3D radiotherapy planning of CNS tumors. Is it worth it? Journal of neuro-oncology. vol 105. issue 3. 2012-03-08. PMID:21725803. before the planning process, conventional ct planning, postoperative mr, and individual functional mri examinations were conducted. 2012-03-08 2023-08-12 Not clear