All Relations between olfactory and nasal

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Kai Zhao, Prashant Malhotra, David Rosen, Pamela Dalton, Edmund A Pribitki. Computational fluid dynamics as surgical planning tool: a pilot study on middle turbinate resection. Anatomical record (Hoboken, N.J. : 2007). vol 297. issue 11. 2015-06-22. PMID:25312372. however, the resection did not strongly affect the overall nasal airflow patterns, flow distributions in other areas of the nose, nor the odorant uptake rate to the olfactory cleft mucosa. 2015-06-22 2023-08-13 Not clear
Bela Purohit, Thomas Winder, Ewerton M Maggio, Spyros S Kollia. Aggressive primary olfactory neuroblastoma of the sphenoclival region: a case report and literature review. The Laryngoscope. vol 125. issue 4. 2015-06-08. PMID:25215962. olfactory neuroblastoma (onb) is an uncommon malignant tumor of neural crest origin, which commonly arises in the superior nasal cavity. 2015-06-08 2023-08-13 Not clear
Marc R Rosen, Mindy R Rabinowitz, Christopher J Farrell, Madeleine R Schaberg, James J Evan. Septal transposition: a novel technique for preservation of the nasal septum during endoscopic endonasal resection of olfactory groove meningiomas. Neurosurgical focus. vol 37. issue 4. 2015-06-02. PMID:25270146. septal transposition: a novel technique for preservation of the nasal septum during endoscopic endonasal resection of olfactory groove meningiomas. 2015-06-02 2023-08-13 Not clear
Divya Gupta, Achal Gulati, Ishwar Singh, Uma Teku. Endoscopic, radiological, and symptom correlation of olfactory dysfunction in pre- and postsurgical patients of chronic rhinosinusitis. Chemical senses. vol 39. issue 8. 2015-05-20. PMID:25165069. the aim of the present study was to correlate olfactory dysfunction determined with psychophysical testing with nasal endoscopy, computed tomography (ct) scan, and patient's self-assessed olfactory deficit in patients of chronic rhinosinusitis (crs) before and after sinus surgery. 2015-05-20 2023-08-13 Not clear
Divya Gupta, Achal Gulati, Ishwar Singh, Uma Teku. Endoscopic, radiological, and symptom correlation of olfactory dysfunction in pre- and postsurgical patients of chronic rhinosinusitis. Chemical senses. vol 39. issue 8. 2015-05-20. PMID:25165069. all of them were given connecticut chemosensory clinical research center test for olfactory evaluation, nasal endoscopy, ct scan, and a graded questionnaire for perceived olfactory ability preoperatively on the same day after failing maximal medical management for 3 weeks. 2015-05-20 2023-08-13 Not clear
Divya Gupta, Achal Gulati, Ishwar Singh, Uma Teku. Endoscopic, radiological, and symptom correlation of olfactory dysfunction in pre- and postsurgical patients of chronic rhinosinusitis. Chemical senses. vol 39. issue 8. 2015-05-20. PMID:25165069. hence, it could be concluded that severity of olfactory disturbance determined by olfactory tests correlates well with nasal endoscopic findings, presence of ct opacification, and the patient's self-perceived olfactory insufficiency in crs both before and after sinus surgery and can guide us well to determining the olfactory burden. 2015-05-20 2023-08-13 Not clear
Michał Kuciel, Eugenia Rita Lauriano, Giuseppa Silvestri, Krystyna Zuwała, Simona Pergolizzi, Daniele Zaccon. The structural organization and immunohistochemistry of G-protein alpha subunits in the olfactory system of the air-breathing mudskipper, Periophthalmus barbarus (Linnaeus, 1766) (Gobiidae, Oxudercinae). Acta histochemica. vol 116. issue 1. 2015-05-14. PMID:23769676. the olfactory sensory epithelium is in the form of islets which cover part of the olfactory canal running from the upper lip toward the eye, where large single accessory nasal sacs occur. 2015-05-14 2023-08-12 Not clear
Michał Kuciel, Eugenia Rita Lauriano, Giuseppa Silvestri, Krystyna Zuwała, Simona Pergolizzi, Daniele Zaccon. The structural organization and immunohistochemistry of G-protein alpha subunits in the olfactory system of the air-breathing mudskipper, Periophthalmus barbarus (Linnaeus, 1766) (Gobiidae, Oxudercinae). Acta histochemica. vol 116. issue 1. 2015-05-14. PMID:23769676. close to the entrance to the accessory nasal sac, in the non-sensory epithelium of the nasal cavity and the skin epithelium covering the olfactory organ, areas of solitary chemosensory cells (sccs) are reported for the first time. 2015-05-14 2023-08-12 Not clear
Jacob D McDonald, Melanie Doyle-Eisele, JeanClare Seagrave, Andrew P Gigliotti, Judith Chow, Barbara Zielinska, Joe L Mauderly, Steven K Seilkop, Rodney A Mille. Part 1. Assessment of carcinogenicity and biologic responses in rats after lifetime inhalation of new-technology diesel exhaust in the ACES bioassay. Research report (Health Effects Institute). issue 184. 2015-04-28. PMID:25842615. limited nasal epithelial changes resulted from ntde exposure, including increases in minor olfactory epithelial degeneration, hyperplasia, and/or metaplasia. 2015-04-28 2023-08-13 mouse
E Christopher Kirk, Parham Daghighi, Thomas E Macrini, Bhart-Anjan S Bhullar, Timothy B Row. Cranial anatomy of the Duchesnean primate Rooneyia viejaensis: new insights from high resolution computed tomography. Journal of human evolution. vol 74. 2015-04-22. PMID:24856914. the nasal fossa of rooneyia resembled that of living strepsirrhines in retaining an obliquely oriented nasolacrimal canal, four ethmoturbinals, and an olfactory recess separated from the nasopharyngeal meatus by a transverse lamina. 2015-04-22 2023-08-13 Not clear
Jeffrey J Lochhead, Daniel J Wolak, Michelle E Pizzo, Robert G Thorn. Rapid transport within cerebral perivascular spaces underlies widespread tracer distribution in the brain after intranasal administration. Journal of cerebral blood flow and metabolism : official journal of the International Society of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism. vol 35. issue 3. 2015-04-20. PMID:25492117. the intranasal administration route is increasingly being used as a noninvasive method to bypass the blood-brain barrier because evidence suggests small fractions of nasally applied macromolecules may reach the brain directly via olfactory and trigeminal nerve components present in the nasal mucosa. 2015-04-20 2023-08-13 rat
Hilary Afeseh Ngwa, Arthi Kanthasamy, Huajun Jin, Vellareddy Anantharam, Anumantha G Kanthasam. Vanadium exposure induces olfactory dysfunction in an animal model of metal neurotoxicity. Neurotoxicology. vol 43. 2015-04-17. PMID:24362016. these findings suggest that nasal exposure to v2o5 adversely affects olfactory bulbs, resulting in neurobehavioral and neurochemical impairments. 2015-04-17 2023-08-12 mouse
Kaori Kanaya, Kenji Kondo, Keigo Suzukawa, Takashi Sakamoto, Shu Kikuta, Kazunari Okada, Tatsuya Yamasob. Innate immune responses and neuroepithelial degeneration and regeneration in the mouse olfactory mucosa induced by intranasal administration of Poly(I:C). Cell and tissue research. vol 357. issue 1. 2015-04-17. PMID:24744264. regarding the innate immune responses, many neutrophils had infiltrated the olfactory neuroepithelium at 8 h and had exuded into the nasal cavity by 3 days. 2015-04-17 2023-08-13 mouse
Shousen Wang, Yehuang Chen, Jianzhong Li, Liangfeng Wei, Rumi Wan. Olfactory function and quality of life following microscopic endonasal transsphenoidal pituitary surgery. Medicine. vol 94. issue 4. 2015-04-08. PMID:25634190. the objective of this study was to investigate nasal symptoms including olfactory function as well as quality of life following transsphenoidal pituitary surgery. 2015-04-08 2023-08-13 Not clear
Laura K Shanahan, Jay A Gottfrie. Olfactory insights into sleep-dependent learning and memory. Progress in brain research. vol 208. 2015-04-02. PMID:24767488. the unique anatomical organization of the olfactory system, including its intimate overlap with limbic systems mediating emotion and memory, and the lack of a requisite thalamic intermediary between the nasal periphery and olfactory cortex, suggests that odors may have privileged access to the brain during sleep. 2015-04-02 2023-08-13 human
Douglas W Ethel. Disruption of cerebrospinal fluid flow through the olfactory system may contribute to Alzheimer's disease pathogenesis. Journal of Alzheimer's disease : JAD. vol 41. issue 4. 2015-03-30. PMID:24769627. this olfactory csf conduit (occ) runs from the medial temporal lobe (mtl) along the lateral olfactory stria, through the olfactory trigone, and down the olfactory tract to the olfactory bulb, where csf seeps through the cribriform plate to the nasal submucosa. 2015-03-30 2023-08-13 Not clear
John D Hoekman, Pramod Srivastava, Rodney J Y H. Aerosol-stable peptide-coated liposome nanoparticles: a proof-of-concept study with opioid fentanyl in enhancing analgesic effects and reducing plasma drug exposure. Journal of pharmaceutical sciences. vol 103. issue 8. 2015-03-30. PMID:24909764. previously, we reported a novel pressurized olfactory drug (pod) delivery device that deposits aerosolized drug preferentially to upper nasal cavity. 2015-03-30 2023-08-13 rat
Kent Lam, David B Conley, Kevin Liu, Robert C Kern, Bruce K Tan, Claus-Peter Richte. Effect of ionic compositions in nasal irrigations on human olfactory thresholds. The Laryngoscope. vol 125. issue 2. 2015-03-25. PMID:25267347. effect of ionic compositions in nasal irrigations on human olfactory thresholds. 2015-03-25 2023-08-13 human
Sonja Oberland, Eva Maria Neuhau. Whole mount labeling of cilia in the main olfactory system of mice. Journal of visualized experiments : JoVE. issue 94. 2015-03-09. PMID:25590569. the mouse olfactory system comprises 6-10 million olfactory sensory neurons in the epithelium lining the nasal cavity. 2015-03-09 2023-08-13 mouse
A B Cengiz, E Cömert, A Onursever, B B Demirel, U Tunçe. Respiratory epithelial adenomatoid hamartoma (REAH) of the nasopharynx with high 18F-FDG uptake on PET/CT. B-ENT. vol 10. issue 3. 2015-03-04. PMID:25675670. respiratory epithelial adenomatoid hamartoma (reah) is a rare benign non-neoplastic sinonasal lesion that usually presents in the nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses, or olfactory cleft. 2015-03-04 2023-08-13 Not clear