All Relations between olfactory and hippocampus

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R G Northcutt, J H Kaa. The emergence and evolution of mammalian neocortex. Trends in neurosciences. vol 18. issue 9. 1995-12-26. PMID:7482801. cortical variation in mammals and other terrestrial vertebrates, re-examined by current comparative methodology (out-group analysis), indicates that separate lateral (olfactory), dorsal and medial (hippocampal) pallial or cortical formations arose with the origin of vertebrates. 1995-12-26 2023-08-12 Not clear
A Holownia, M Ledig, J C Copin, G Thole. The effect of ethanol on HSP70 in cultured rat glial cells and in brain areas of rat pups exposed to ethanol in utero. Neurochemical research. vol 20. issue 7. 1995-12-15. PMID:7477682. chronic maternal ethanol consumption resulted in increased hsp70 in the following regions of developing brain: hippocampus, cerebellum, olfactory bulbs, frontal cortex and septum. 1995-12-15 2023-08-12 rat
N G Burdett, D K Menon, T A Carpenter, J G Jones, L D Hal. Visualisation of changes in regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) produced by ketamine using long TE gradient-echo sequences: preliminary results. Magnetic resonance imaging. vol 13. issue 4. 1995-10-19. PMID:7674850. autoradiographic studies have shown that low dose ketamine produces increases in regional glucose utilisation and blood flow in the hippocampus, cerebral cortex, and olfactory lobe in the rat brain, probably due to antagonism at the nmda receptor. 1995-10-19 2023-08-12 rat
N G Burdett, D K Menon, T A Carpenter, J G Jones, L D Hal. Visualisation of changes in regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) produced by ketamine using long TE gradient-echo sequences: preliminary results. Magnetic resonance imaging. vol 13. issue 4. 1995-10-19. PMID:7674850. images from rats in the ffm group showed a 10-14% increase in signal intensity in the hippocampus, cerebral cortex, and olfactory lobe following either a single bolus or a low dose infusion of ketamine (p < .05). 1995-10-19 2023-08-12 rat
P Engels, S Abdel'Al, P Hulley, H Lübber. Brain distribution of four rat homologues of the Drosophila dunce cAMP phosphodiesterase. Journal of neuroscience research. vol 41. issue 2. 1995-09-27. PMID:7650752. distinct but overlapping expression patterns were observed for rpdeiv-a, rpdeiv-b, and rpdeiv-d. abundant expression of these subtypes was observed in the olfactory system, the hippocampus and the cerebellum, while no specific signals could be detected in most areas of the brain for the subtype rpdeiv-c. 1995-09-27 2023-08-12 rat
F M Inglis, H C Fibige. Increases in hippocampal and frontal cortical acetylcholine release associated with presentation of sensory stimuli. Neuroscience. vol 66. issue 1. 1995-09-11. PMID:7637877. all of the stimuli increased acetylcholine release in both the hippocampus and cortex: in the hippocampus, this increase was statistically significant with all except the olfactory stimulus, whereas in the cortex all but the visual stimulus resulted in significant increases. 1995-09-11 2023-08-12 rat
M C Langub, R E Watson, J P Herma. Distribution of natriuretic peptide precursor mRNAs in the rat brain. The Journal of comparative neurology. vol 356. issue 2. 1995-09-07. PMID:7629314. results indicate that anp mrna is highly expressed in anterior olfactory nuclei, limbic cortices, dorsal endopiriform nucleus, hippocampal subfield ca1, cortical amygdaloid nuclei, medial habenula, anteroventral periventricular and arcuate nuclei, periventricular stratum, zona incerta, mammillary nuclei, inferior olive, nucleus ambiguus, and pontine paragigantocellular nuclei. 1995-09-07 2023-08-12 rat
M C Langub, R E Watson, J P Herma. Distribution of natriuretic peptide precursor mRNAs in the rat brain. The Journal of comparative neurology. vol 356. issue 2. 1995-09-07. PMID:7629314. cnp mrna is expressed at highest levels in olfactory nuclei, limbic cortices, dorsal endopiriform nucleus, hippocampal subfields ca1-3, anteroventral periventricular and arcuate nuclei, and numerous brainstem regions (including the pontine, lateral reticular, solitary tract, prepositus hypoglossal, and spinal trigeminal nuclei). 1995-09-07 2023-08-12 rat
M C Langub, R E Watson, J P Herma. Distribution of natriuretic peptide precursor mRNAs in the rat brain. The Journal of comparative neurology. vol 356. issue 2. 1995-09-07. PMID:7629314. the extensive localization of anp and/or cnp mrna in olfactory nuclei, limbic cortex, hippocampus, amygdala and diencephalic limbic relays further indicate a putative role for anp and cnp as neuromodulators of olfactory/limbic information processing. 1995-09-07 2023-08-12 rat
U S Hess, G Lynch, C M Gal. Changes in c-fos mRNA expression in rat brain during odor discrimination learning: differential involvement of hippocampal subfields CA1 and CA3. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. vol 15. issue 7 Pt 1. 1995-08-28. PMID:7623110. levels of c-fos mrna were measured with in situ hybridization to test for behaviorally dependent changes in neuronal activity in three subdivisions of hippocampus and in components of the olfactory and visual systems. 1995-08-28 2023-08-12 rat
U S Hess, G Lynch, C M Gal. Changes in c-fos mRNA expression in rat brain during odor discrimination learning: differential involvement of hippocampal subfields CA1 and CA3. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. vol 15. issue 7 Pt 1. 1995-08-28. PMID:7623110. thus, c-fos mrna levels in cage-control rats appeared to be regulated by some generalized factor acting throughout much of the brain (e.g., arousal), while odor-discrimination performance changed the pattern of expression within hippocampus, and allowed for a differentiated response by olfactory regions to emerge. 1995-08-28 2023-08-12 rat
O Tanaka, H Sakagami, H Kond. Localization of mRNAs of voltage-dependent Ca(2+)-channels: four subtypes of alpha 1- and beta-subunits in developing and mature rat brain. Brain research. Molecular brain research. vol 30. issue 1. 1995-08-17. PMID:7609630. in the adult rat brain the gene expression for a- and b-subtypes was predominant in the cerebellar cortex and hippocampal neuronal layers, with the a-subtype expressed most intensely in the purkinje cells, while the expression for c- and d-subtypes was predominant in the olfactory mitral and granule cells and the dentate granule cells. 1995-08-17 2023-08-12 rat
O Tanaka, H Sakagami, H Kond. Localization of mRNAs of voltage-dependent Ca(2+)-channels: four subtypes of alpha 1- and beta-subunits in developing and mature rat brain. Brain research. Molecular brain research. vol 30. issue 1. 1995-08-17. PMID:7609630. the expression of beta 1-mrna was prominent in the olfactory mitral cells and dentate granule cells whereas that of beta 2-mrna was evident in the hippocampal neuronal layers and cerebellar purkinje cells. 1995-08-17 2023-08-12 rat
S Lopes da Silva, J J Cox, L J Jonk, W Kruijer, J P Burbac. Localization of transcripts of the related nuclear orphan receptors COUP-TF I and ARP-1 in the adult mouse brain. Brain research. Molecular brain research. vol 30. issue 1. 1995-08-17. PMID:7609634. high expression of coup-tf i was detected in the olfactory nucleus, in neocortex layers i/ii and v/vl, in the dentate gyrus and in areas ca1/ca3/ca4 of the hippocampus, and in the granular layer of the cerebellum. 1995-08-17 2023-08-12 mouse
I Fried, D D Spencer, S S Spence. The anatomy of epileptic auras: focal pathology and surgical outcome. Journal of neurosurgery. vol 83. issue 1. 1995-07-20. PMID:7782851. epigastric auras as well as gustatory and olfactory auras were significantly more frequent in patients with hippocampal sclerosis than in those with temporal or extratemporal lesions. 1995-07-20 2023-08-12 Not clear
L I Serova, E V Naumenk. [The characteristics of the change in the catecholamine content of the brain in inbred mouse strains under zoosocial stress]. Zhurnal vysshei nervnoi deiatelnosti imeni I P Pavlova. vol 41. issue 6. 1995-07-12. PMID:1369575. significant changes of na level were found in the olfactory bulbs and in the medulla oblongata and of da in the hypothalamus and the hippocampus. 1995-07-12 2023-08-11 mouse
H Hosoya, K Shimazaki, S Kobayashi, H Takahashi, T Shirasawa, T Takenawa, K Watanab. Developmental expression of the neural adhesion molecule F3 in the rat brain. Neuroscience letters. vol 186. issue 2-3. 1995-07-10. PMID:7777204. during postnatal development of the rat brain, cells expressing f3 mrna appeared in the cortex, hippocampus, superior and inferior colliculi, anterior olfactory nucleus, olfactory bulb and cerebellum, whereas little was observed at postnatal day 1 (p1). 1995-07-10 2023-08-12 rat
M J Schell, M E Molliver, S H Snyde. D-serine, an endogenous synaptic modulator: localization to astrocytes and glutamate-stimulated release. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. vol 92. issue 9. 1995-06-01. PMID:7732010. highest levels of d-serine immunoreactivity occur in the gray matter of the cerebral cortex, hippocampus, anterior olfactory nucleus, olfactory tubercle, and amygdala. 1995-06-01 2023-08-12 rat
G Elliso. Competitive and non-competitive NMDA antagonists induce similar limbic degeneration. Neuroreport. vol 5. issue 18. 1995-05-04. PMID:7696633. considerable degeneration was also observed in entorhinal cortex and its principal output, dentate gyrus of hippocampus, and in olfactory regions such as olfactory tubercle and tenia tecta, and in piriform cortex. 1995-05-04 2023-08-12 Not clear
U Stäubli, F B X. Effects of 5-HT3 receptor antagonism on hippocampal theta rhythm, memory, and LTP induction in the freely moving rat. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. vol 15. issue 3 Pt 2. 1995-04-17. PMID:7891179. the effects of ondansetron, a potent and selective antagonist of the 5-ht3 receptor, were examined on (1) frequency of the hippocampal theta rhythm, (2) induction of ltp in field ca1 of freely moving rats, and (3) retention of olfactory and spatial memory in tasks known to depend on an intact hippocampus. 1995-04-17 2023-08-12 rat