All Relations between olfactory and hippocampus

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N V Shchetinina, A N Vernigora, M T Gengi. [Basic carboxypeptidase activity in rats of both sexes]. Ukrainskii biokhimicheskii zhurnal (1978). vol 69. issue 3. 1998-04-15. PMID:9505372. pmsf-inhibited activity of carboxypeptidase was significantly higher in females than in males in pituitary gland, adrenal gland, olfactory bulbus, optic and auditory bills, cerebellum, hippocampus, striatum, cerebral hemispheres and spleen. 1998-04-15 2023-08-12 rat
S R Hansson, E Mezey, B J Hoffma. Serotonin transporter messenger RNA in the developing rat brain: early expression in serotonergic neurons and transient expression in non-serotonergic neurons. Neuroscience. vol 83. issue 4. 1998-04-14. PMID:9502257. septum, olfactory areas and the developing hippocampus contained serotonin transporter messenger rna early in the developing brain. 1998-04-14 2023-08-12 rat
M L Shapiro, H Tanila, H Eichenbau. Cues that hippocampal place cells encode: dynamic and hierarchical representation of local and distal stimuli. Hippocampus. vol 7. issue 6. 1998-03-05. PMID:9443059. hippocampal place fields were recorded as rats explored a four-arm radial maze surrounded by curtains holding distal stimuli and with distinct local tactile, olfactory, and visual cues covering each arm. 1998-03-05 2023-08-12 rat
P K Panegyres, J Hughe. The anticonvulsant properties of antisense c-fos oligodeoxynucleotides in kainic acid-induced seizures. Journal of the neurological sciences. vol 153. issue 1. 1998-03-05. PMID:9455972. the anticonvulsant effects were associated with reduction of both fos and ngfi-a immunoreactivity and neuroprotection in the hippocampus, thalamus and primary olfactory cortex-amygdaloid region. 1998-03-05 2023-08-12 rat
L Molinengo, P Gh. Behavioral and neurochemical effects induced by subchronic l-deprenyl administration. Pharmacology, biochemistry, and behavior. vol 58. issue 3. 1998-02-06. PMID:9329054. in the same range of doses, the subchronic administration of (-)deprenyl did not modify the levels of norepinephrine, 5-hydroxytryptamine, 5-hydroxyindolacetic acid or the density and affinity of alpha-noradrenergic receptors in the cortex, olfactory system, hippocampus and striatum. 1998-02-06 2023-08-12 rat
L Molinengo, P Gh. Behavioral and neurochemical effects induced by subchronic l-deprenyl administration. Pharmacology, biochemistry, and behavior. vol 58. issue 3. 1998-02-06. PMID:9329054. only at 1.0 mg/kg/day did (-)deprenyl increase the acetylcholine (ach) levels in the olfactory system, hippocampus and striatum. 1998-02-06 2023-08-12 rat
S Nomoto, K Adachi, L X Yang, Y Hirata, S Muraguchi, K Kiuch. Distribution of RGS4 mRNA in mouse brain shown by in situ hybridization. Biochemical and biophysical research communications. vol 241. issue 2. 1998-01-26. PMID:9425263. in situ hybridization of mouse brain showed rgs4 mrna mainly in the cerebral cortex, hippocampus, anterior olfactory nucleus, piriform cortex, olfactory tubercle, caudate-putamen, nucleus accumbens, islands of calleja, substantia nigra, amygdala, the granular layer of cerebellum, middle cerebellar peduncle, and perifacial zone. 1998-01-26 2023-08-12 mouse
G R Phillips, L A Krushel, K L Crossi. Developmental expression of two rat sialyltransferases that modify the neural cell adhesion molecule, N-CAM. Brain research. Developmental brain research. vol 102. issue 2. 1998-01-13. PMID:9352097. in the adult brain, stx expression was reduced relative to pst and expression of both mrnas was restricted to subsets of cells in areas undergoing constant synaptic rearrangement including hippocampus and olfactory system. 1998-01-13 2023-08-12 rat
G Flügge, O Ahrens, E Fuch. Beta-adrenoceptors in the tree shrew brain. II. Time-dependent effects of chronic psychosocial stress on [125I]iodocyanopindolol bindings sites. Cellular and molecular neurobiology. vol 17. issue 4. 1998-01-08. PMID:9262868. beta 1-adrenoceptors were transiently down-regulated after 2 days of pss in the prefrontal cortex and in the olfactory area and were decreased after 28 days of pss in the parietal cortex and the hippocampus. 1998-01-08 2023-08-12 Not clear
A Kapur, R A Pearce, W W Lytton, L B Haberl. GABAA-mediated IPSCs in piriform cortex have fast and slow components with different properties and locations on pyramidal cells. Journal of neurophysiology. vol 78. issue 5. 1997-12-22. PMID:9356403. a recent study in piriform (olfactory) cortex provided evidence that, as in hippocampus and neocortex, gamma-aminobutyric acid-a (gabaa)-mediated inhibition is generated in dendrites of pyramidal cells, not just in the somatic region as previously believed. 1997-12-22 2023-08-12 Not clear
S Vandana, S Zzama. Phorate-induced enzymological alterations in mouse olfactory bulb. Brain research bulletin. vol 44. issue 3. 1997-11-06. PMID:9323438. olfactory bulb, the first processing centre after the sensory cells in the olfactory pathway, has connections with the other higher centres of the brain like hippocampus and hypothalamus. 1997-11-06 2023-08-12 mouse
R L Nussbaum, M H Polymeropoulo. Genetics of Parkinson's disease. Human molecular genetics. vol 6. issue 10. 1997-10-16. PMID:9300660. meanwhile, it also became increasingly apparent from neuropathological studies that the common, idiopathic form of parkinson's disease had, in fact, a pathological correlate, i.e., the existence of lewy bodies, an eosinophilic cytoplasmic inclusion body, distributed diffusely throughout the substantia nigra, hypothalamus, hippocampus, autonomic ganglia and olfactory tracts. 1997-10-16 2023-08-12 Not clear
T Ichikawa, K Ajiki, J Matsuura, H Misaw. Localization of two cholinergic markers, choline acetyltransferase and vesicular acetylcholine transporter in the central nervous system of the rat: in situ hybridization histochemistry and immunohistochemistry. Journal of chemical neuroanatomy. vol 13. issue 1. 1997-09-29. PMID:9271193. in the forebrain, they were present in the olfactory bulb, nucleus of the lateral olfactory tract, olfactory tubercle, lateral septal nucleus, amygdala, hippocampus, neocortex, caudate-putamen, thalamus and median eminence of the hypothalamus. 1997-09-29 2023-08-12 rat
P Liu, D K Bilke. Parallel involvement of perirhinal and lateral entorhinal cortex in the polysynaptic activation of hippocampus by olfactory inputs. Hippocampus. vol 7. issue 3. 1997-09-09. PMID:9228527. parallel involvement of perirhinal and lateral entorhinal cortex in the polysynaptic activation of hippocampus by olfactory inputs. 1997-09-09 2023-08-12 rat
P Liu, D K Bilke. Parallel involvement of perirhinal and lateral entorhinal cortex in the polysynaptic activation of hippocampus by olfactory inputs. Hippocampus. vol 7. issue 3. 1997-09-09. PMID:9228527. it has previously been shown that olfactory input to the hippocampus (hpc) is mediated polysynaptically via the lateral entorhinal cortex (lec), the site of origin of the lateral perforant pathway (lpp). 1997-09-09 2023-08-12 rat
P Liu, D K Bilke. Parallel involvement of perirhinal and lateral entorhinal cortex in the polysynaptic activation of hippocampus by olfactory inputs. Hippocampus. vol 7. issue 3. 1997-09-09. PMID:9228527. because previous anatomical studies have shown that olfactory projections also terminate in perirhinal cortex and that this latter region projects directly to the hippocampus, we investigated the role of perirhinal cortex (prc) in the mediation of the olfactory-hippocampal potential in the rat. 1997-09-09 2023-08-12 rat
P Liu, D K Bilke. Parallel involvement of perirhinal and lateral entorhinal cortex in the polysynaptic activation of hippocampus by olfactory inputs. Hippocampus. vol 7. issue 3. 1997-09-09. PMID:9228527. these data suggest, therefore, that a portion of the olfactory input to the hippocampus is mediated via polysynaptic connections routed through perirhinal cortex. 1997-09-09 2023-08-12 rat
I Merchenthaler, J L Maderdrut, P Cianchetta, P Shughrue, D Bronstei. In situ hybridization histochemical localization of prodynorphin messenger RNA in the central nervous system of the rat. The Journal of comparative neurology. vol 384. issue 2. 1997-08-29. PMID:9215719. however, the olfactory bulb, the anterior olfactory nucleus, the islands of calleja, the ca1-ca3 fields of the hippocampus, the septohippocampal nucleus, the diagonal band of broca, the basal and cortical amygdaloid nuclei, the entopeduncular nucleus, the subthalamic nucleus, the superior colliculus, the edinger-westphal nucleus, the dentate nucleus, the raphes linearis and pontis, the dorsal cochlear nucleus, the medial vestibular nucleus, the inferior olive, and the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus nerve also contained preprodynorphin messenger rna-synthesizing perikarya. 1997-08-29 2023-08-12 rat
C P Chang, S I Dworetzky, J Wang, M E Goldstei. Differential expression of the alpha and beta subunits of the large-conductance calcium-activated potassium channel: implication for channel diversity. Brain research. Molecular brain research. vol 45. issue 1. 1997-08-27. PMID:9105668. in the adult brain, bk alpha expression is robust and widespread throughout all areas of the neo-, olfactory and hippocampal cortices, habenula and cerebellum. 1997-08-27 2023-08-12 rat
Z Sarnyai, G L Kovác. Role of oxytocin in the neuroadaptation to drugs of abuse. Psychoneuroendocrinology. vol 19. issue 1. 1997-08-26. PMID:9210215. local ic microinjection of oxt in physiological doses into the posterior olfactory nucleus, tuberculum olfactorium, nucleus accumbens, central amygdaloid nucleus, and the hippocampus inhibited the development of tolerance to and dependence on morphine as well as cocaine-induced sniffing behavior and tolerance to cocaine. 1997-08-26 2023-08-12 mouse