All Relations between olfactory and hippocampus

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Barbara Cerf-Ducastel, Claire Murph. Neural substrates of cross-modal olfactory recognition memory: an fMRI study. NeuroImage. vol 31. issue 1. 2006-09-25. PMID:16414279. region of interest analysis showed that degree of activation significantly decreased from run 1 to run 3 in the right hippocampus, fusiform gyrus, lingual gyrus, parahippocampal gyrus and middle frontal gyrus but not in other regions, suggesting that these regions sustain a specific function in olfactory recognition memory that attenuates as foils become more familiar with repeated presentation. 2006-09-25 2023-08-12 human
S A Joseph, E Lynd-Balta, M K O'Banion, P M Rappold, J Daschner, A Allen, J Padowsk. Enhanced cyclooxygenase-2 expression in olfactory-limbic forebrain following kainate-induced seizures. Neuroscience. vol 140. issue 3. 2006-09-08. PMID:16677768. impressive enhanced cyclooxygenase-2 immunoreactivity was localized in anterior olfactory nucleus, tenia tecta, nucleus of the lateral olfactory tract, piriform cortex, lateral and basolateral amygdala, orbital frontal cortex, nucleus accumbens (shell) and associated areas of ventral striatum, entorhinal cortex, dentate gyrus granule cells and hilar neurons, hippocampal ca subfields and subiculum. 2006-09-08 2023-08-12 Not clear
Célia Ribeiro Duarte, Burkhard Schütz, Andreas Zimme. Incongruent pattern of neurokinin B expression in rat and mouse brains. Cell and tissue research. vol 323. issue 1. 2006-09-07. PMID:16160861. however, mice expressed tac2 mrna neither in the hippocampus nor in the nucleus of the lateral olfactory tract, in contrast to rats. 2006-09-07 2023-08-12 mouse
Gerburg Keilhoff, Axel Becker, Gisela Grecksch, Hans-Gert Bernstein, Gerald Wol. Cell proliferation is influenced by bulbectomy and normalized by imipramine treatment in a region-specific manner. Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology. vol 31. issue 6. 2006-08-07. PMID:16205774. the present study seeks to determine out whether cell proliferation is altered in the hippocampus, subventricular zone (svz), and basolateral amygdala of adult rats exposed to bilateral olfactory bulbectomy, another established model of depression and, if so, how imipramine effects bulbectomy-induced changes of cell genesis. 2006-08-07 2023-08-12 rat
Valerie R Jackson, Steven H Lin, Zhiwei Wang, Hans-Peter Nothacker, Olivier Civell. A study of the rat neuropeptide B/neuropeptide W system using in situ techniques. The Journal of comparative neurology. vol 497. issue 3. 2006-08-01. PMID:16736466. although the npb precursor is mostly expressed at low levels in the brain, moderate expression is seen in anterior olfactory nucleus, piriform cortex, median preoptic nucleus, basolateral amygdala, hippocampus, medial tuberal nucleus, substantia nigra, dorsal raphe nucleus, edinger-westphal nucleus, and the locus coeruleus. 2006-08-01 2023-08-12 rat
Tim Otto, Patrick Poo. Dorsal hippocampal contributions to unimodal contextual conditioning. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. vol 26. issue 24. 2006-07-11. PMID:16775148. to further characterize the potential role of the hippocampus in contextual fear conditioning, the present experiments examined the effect of excitotoxic lesions of dorsal hippocampus on the acquisition of a novel contextual fear conditioning paradigm in which a unimodal (olfactory) cue served to disambiguate discrete "contexts" within a single behavioral training chamber. 2006-07-11 2023-08-12 Not clear
Tim Otto, Patrick Poo. Dorsal hippocampal contributions to unimodal contextual conditioning. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. vol 26. issue 24. 2006-07-11. PMID:16775148. selective lesions of dorsal hippocampus severely attenuated olfactory contextual conditioning without affecting conditioning to an explicit auditory or olfactory cs. 2006-07-11 2023-08-12 Not clear
Yasuro Atoji, J Martin Wil. Anatomy of the avian hippocampal formation. Reviews in the neurosciences. vol 17. issue 1-2. 2006-06-22. PMID:16703939. sensory inputs from higher order visual and olfactory stations enter dl and dm, are modified or integrated by intrinsic hippocampal circuitry, and the outputs are sent, via dl and dm, to various telencephalic nuclei, septum, and hypothalamus. 2006-06-22 2023-08-12 pigeon
Shigeki Moriguchi, Feng Han, Osamu Nakagawasai, Takeshi Tadano, Kohji Fukunag. Decreased calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II and protein kinase C activities mediate impairment of hippocampal long-term potentiation in the olfactory bulbectomized mice. Journal of neurochemistry. vol 97. issue 1. 2006-05-18. PMID:16515554. decreased calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase ii and protein kinase c activities mediate impairment of hippocampal long-term potentiation in the olfactory bulbectomized mice. 2006-05-18 2023-08-12 mouse
Itay Zelcer, Hagit Cohen, Gal Richter-Levin, Tom Lebiosn, Tomer Grossberger, Edi Barka. A cellular correlate of learning-induced metaplasticity in the hippocampus. Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991). vol 16. issue 4. 2006-05-10. PMID:15958777. such olfactory learning-induced increased excitability in hippocampal neurons enhances the rats' learning capability in another hippocampus-dependent task, the morris water maze. 2006-05-10 2023-08-12 rat
Sylvie Jégou, Dorthe Cartier, Christophe Dubessy, Bruno J Gonzalez, David Chatenet, Hervé Tostivint, Elizabeth Scalbert, Jérome LePrince, Hubert Vaudry, Isabelle Lihrman. Localization of the urotensin II receptor in the rat central nervous system. The Journal of comparative neurology. vol 495. issue 1. 2006-04-28. PMID:16432902. in particular, a strong hybridization signal was observed in the olfactory system, hippocampus, olfactory and medial amygdala, hypothalamus, epithalamus, several tegmental nuclei, locus coeruleus, pontine nuclei, motor nuclei, nucleus of the solitary tract, dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus, inferior olive, cerebellum, and spinal cord. 2006-04-28 2023-08-12 rat
D L A Van den Hove, H W M Steinbusch, A Scheepens, W D J Van de Berg, L A M Kooiman, B J G Boosten, J Prickaerts, C E Blanc. Prenatal stress and neonatal rat brain development. Neuroscience. vol 137. issue 1. 2006-04-05. PMID:16242847. finally, brain-derived neurotrophic factor protein content was reduced in both the olfactory bulbs (-24.6%) and hippocampus (-28.2%) of prenatally stressed male offspring at postnatal days 1 and 5, respectively. 2006-04-05 2023-08-12 human
John Larson, Ruth E Jessen, Daniel Kim, Ananda-Kriiya S Fine, Johann du Hoffman. Age-dependent and selective impairment of long-term potentiation in the anterior piriform cortex of mice lacking the fragile X mental retardation protein. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. vol 25. issue 41. 2006-03-13. PMID:16221856. associational connections were studied in slices of anterior piriform (olfactory) cortex, and schaffer-commissural synapses were studied in slices of hippocampus. 2006-03-13 2023-08-12 mouse
Vadym Gnatkovsky, Marco de Curti. Hippocampus-mediated activation of superficial and deep layer neurons in the medial entorhinal cortex of the isolated guinea pig brain. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. vol 26. issue 3. 2006-02-15. PMID:16421307. to functionally characterize the interlaminar synaptic ec circuit entrained the by hippocampal output, we performed simultaneous intracellular recordings and laminar profile analysis in the medial ec (m-ec) of the in vitro isolated guinea pig brain after polysynaptic hippocampal activation by lateral olfactory tract (lot) stimulation. 2006-02-15 2023-08-12 Not clear
E Vidal, M Márquez, M Ordóñez, A J Raeber, T Struckmeyer, B Oesch, S Sisó, M Pumarol. Comparative study of the PrPBSE distribution in brains from BSE field cases using rapid tests. Journal of virological methods. vol 127. issue 1. 2006-02-14. PMID:15893562. each brain was dissected into 16 areas: spinal cord, medulla oblongata, pons, mesencephalon, thalamus, hippocampus, cerebellar vermis, cerebellar medulla, cerebellar hemispheres, occipital cortex, temporal cortex, parietal cortex, striatum, frontal cortex, piriform lobe and olfactory bulbs. 2006-02-14 2023-08-12 Not clear
Külli Jaako-Movits, Alexander Zharkovsk. Impaired fear memory and decreased hippocampal neurogenesis following olfactory bulbectomy in rats. The European journal of neuroscience. vol 22. issue 11. 2006-02-07. PMID:16324122. impaired fear memory and decreased hippocampal neurogenesis following olfactory bulbectomy in rats. 2006-02-07 2023-08-12 rat
Bin Hu, Elisabeth Petrasch-Parwez, Michael M Laue, Manfred W Kiliman. Molecular characterization and immunohistochemical localization of palmdelphin, a cytosolic isoform of the paralemmin protein family implicated in membrane dynamics. European journal of cell biology. vol 84. issue 11. 2006-02-06. PMID:16323283. immunohistochemical analysis of the rat brain shows a prominent localization of palmdelphin in the cerebral cortex, hippocampus, amygdala, septum, indusium griseum, piriform cortex, nucleus supraopticus, and nucleus of the lateral olfactory tract. 2006-02-06 2023-08-12 rat
Y Ma, P R Hof, S C Grant, S J Blackband, R Bennett, L Slatest, M D McGuigan, H Benvenist. A three-dimensional digital atlas database of the adult C57BL/6J mouse brain by magnetic resonance microscopy. Neuroscience. vol 135. issue 4. 2006-01-11. PMID:16165303. these structures included the neocortex, hippocampus, amygdala, olfactory bulbs, basal forebrain and septum, caudate-putamen, globus pallidus, thalamus, hypothalamus, central gray, superior colliculi, inferior colliculi, the rest of midbrain, cerebellum, brainstem, corpus callosum/external capsule, internal capsule, anterior commissure, fimbria, and ventricles. 2006-01-11 2023-08-12 mouse
Carrol D'Sa, Amelia J Eisch, Graeme B Bolger, Ronald S Duma. Differential expression and regulation of the cAMP-selective phosphodiesterase type 4A splice variants in rat brain by chronic antidepressant administration. The European journal of neuroscience. vol 22. issue 6. 2006-01-10. PMID:16190900. initial in situ hybridization studies (ish) revealed high levels of pde4a1 mrna in medial septum, diagonal band, olfactory system, hippocampus and cerebellum. 2006-01-10 2023-08-12 rat
Koutarou Inoue, Saori Akiduki, Mitsushi J Ikemot. Expression profile of addicsin/GTRAP3-18 mRNA in mouse brain. Neuroscience letters. vol 386. issue 3. 2005-10-14. PMID:16005150. in the mature brain, we found addicsin mrna to be ubiquitously expressed in neuron-like cells, but not glial cells, in various brain regions including the olfactory bulbs, hippocampus and cerebral cortex. 2005-10-14 2023-08-12 mouse