All Relations between face detection and spindle-shaped

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Frederik S Kamps, Ethan J Morris, Daniel D Dilk. A face is more than just the eyes, nose, and mouth: fMRI evidence that face-selective cortex represents external features. NeuroImage. vol 184. 2019-02-04. PMID:30217542. we then further asked how external and internal features are represented in regions of the cortical face processing system, and found a similar division of labor for both kinds of features, with the occipital face area and posterior superior temporal sulcus representing the parts of both internal and external features, and the fusiform face area representing the coherent arrangement of both internal and external features. 2019-02-04 2023-08-13 Not clear
Kayleigh Adamson, Vanessa Troian. Distinct and overlapping fusiform activation to faces and food. NeuroImage. vol 174. 2019-01-11. PMID:29578027. the fusiform cortex is a part of the ventral visual stream and is typically associated with face processing. 2019-01-11 2023-08-13 Not clear
Kayleigh Adamson, Vanessa Troian. Distinct and overlapping fusiform activation to faces and food. NeuroImage. vol 174. 2019-01-11. PMID:29578027. we present evidence that a region of the left fusiform cortex (typically associated with face processing) actually responds equally to faces and food. 2019-01-11 2023-08-13 Not clear
Kathrin N Karle, Thomas Ethofer, Heike Jacob, Carolin Brück, Michael Erb, Martin Lotze, Sophia Nizielski, Astrid Schütz, Dirk Wildgruber, Benjamin Kreifelt. Neurobiological correlates of emotional intelligence in voice and face perception networks. Social cognitive and affective neuroscience. vol 13. issue 2. 2018-11-27. PMID:29365199. conversely, in the face processing system, higher msceit scores were associated with decreased face-sensitivity and gray matter volume of the fusiform face area. 2018-11-27 2023-08-13 Not clear
Yuanfang Zhao, Zonglei Zhen, Xiqin Liu, Yiying Song, Jia Li. The neural network for face recognition: Insights from an fMRI study on developmental prosopagnosia. NeuroImage. vol 169. 2018-11-20. PMID:29242103. based on findings from individuals with normal face recognition ability, a neural model has been proposed with the occipital face area (ofa), fusiform face area (ffa), and face-selective posterior superior temporal sulcus (psts) as the core face network (cfn) and the rest of the face-responsive regions as the extended face network (efn). 2018-11-20 2023-08-13 Not clear
Andrea Albonico, Jason J S Barto. Face perception in pure alexia: Complementary contributions of the left fusiform gyrus to facial identity and facial speech processing. Cortex; a journal devoted to the study of the nervous system and behavior. vol 96. 2018-07-24. PMID:28964939. recent concepts of cerebral visual processing predict from overlapping patterns of face and word activation in cortex that left fusiform lesions will not only cause pure alexia but also lead to mild impairments of face processing. 2018-07-24 2023-08-13 human
Andrea Albonico, Jason J S Barto. Face perception in pure alexia: Complementary contributions of the left fusiform gyrus to facial identity and facial speech processing. Cortex; a journal devoted to the study of the nervous system and behavior. vol 96. 2018-07-24. PMID:28964939. our goal was to determine if alexic subjects had deficits in facial identity processing similar to those seen after right fusiform lesions, or complementary deficits affecting different aspects of face processing. 2018-07-24 2023-08-13 human
Andrea Albonico, Jason J S Barto. Face perception in pure alexia: Complementary contributions of the left fusiform gyrus to facial identity and facial speech processing. Cortex; a journal devoted to the study of the nervous system and behavior. vol 96. 2018-07-24. PMID:28964939. we studied four alexic patients whose lesions involved the left fusiform gyrus and one prosopagnosic subject with a right fusiform lesion, on standard tests of face perception and recognition. 2018-07-24 2023-08-13 human
V Siffredi, M M Spencer-Smith, P Barrouillet, M J Vaessen, R J Leventer, V Anderson, P Vuilleumie. Neural correlates of working memory in children and adolescents with agenesis of the corpus callosum: An fMRI study. Neuropsychologia. vol 106. 2018-06-29. PMID:28893526. less supramarginal activations for verbal material and less fusiform activations for face processing) and particular memory process (i.e. 2018-06-29 2023-08-13 Not clear
Stefan Frässle, Sören Krach, Frieder Michel Paulus, Andreas Janse. Handedness is related to neural mechanisms underlying hemispheric lateralization of face processing. Scientific reports. vol 6. 2018-04-26. PMID:27250879. while the right-hemispheric lateralization of the face perception network is well established, recent evidence suggests that handedness affects the cerebral lateralization of face processing at the hierarchical level of the fusiform face area (ffa). 2018-04-26 2023-08-13 Not clear
Francesco Gentile, Justin Ales, Bruno Rossio. Being BOLD: The neural dynamics of face perception. Human brain mapping. vol 38. issue 1. 2018-02-12. PMID:27585292. according to a non-hierarchical view of human cortical face processing, selective responses to faces may emerge in a higher-order area of the hierarchy, in the lateral part of the middle fusiform gyrus (fusiform face area [ffa]) independently from face-selective responses in the lateral inferior occipital gyrus (occipital face area [ofa]), a lower order area. 2018-02-12 2023-08-13 human
Emilie Meaux, Patrik Vuilleumie. Facing mixed emotions: Analytic and holistic perception of facial emotion expressions engages separate brain networks. NeuroImage. vol 141. 2018-01-24. PMID:27393421. in particular, regions within the face processing network differed in their sensitivity to holistic expression information, which predominantly activated fusiform, inferior occipital areas and amygdala when internal features were congruent (i.e. 2018-01-24 2023-08-13 human
b' Merim Bilali\\xc4\\x8. Revisiting the Role of the Fusiform Face Area in Expertise. Journal of cognitive neuroscience. vol 28. issue 9. 2017-11-17. PMID:27082047.' the fusiform face area (ffa) is considered to be a highly specialized brain module because of its central importance for face perception. 2017-11-17 2023-08-13 Not clear
Lily M Solomon-Harris, Sara A Rafique, Jennifer K E Steeve. Consecutive TMS-fMRI reveals remote effects of neural noise to the "occipital face area". Brain research. vol 1650. 2017-08-21. PMID:27590719. the human cortical system for face perception comprises a network of connected regions including the middle fusiform gyrus ("fusiform face area" or ffa), the inferior occipital gyrus ("occipital face area" or ofa), and the posterior superior temporal sulcus (psts). 2017-08-21 2023-08-13 human
Thackery I Brown, Melina R Uncapher, Tiffany E Chow, Jennifer L Eberhardt, Anthony D Wagne. Cognitive control, attention, and the other race effect in memory. PloS one. vol 12. issue 3. 2017-08-17. PMID:28282414. we tested a mechanistic model in which successful encoding of same- and other-race faces, indexed by subsequent memory performance, is differentially predicted by (a) engagement of frontoparietal networks subserving top-down attention and cognitive control, and (b) interactions between frontoparietal networks and fusiform cortex face processing. 2017-08-17 2023-08-13 human
Leslie Zebrowitz, Noreen Ward, Jasmine Boshyan, Angela Gutchess, Nouchine Hadjikhan. Dedifferentiated face processing in older adults is linked to lower resting state metabolic activity in fusiform face area. Brain research. vol 1644. 2017-06-29. PMID:27163722. dedifferentiated face processing in older adults is linked to lower resting state metabolic activity in fusiform face area. 2017-06-29 2023-08-13 Not clear
Jodie Davies-Thompson, Samantha Johnston, Yashar Tashakkor, Raika Pancaroglu, Jason J S Barto. The relationship between visual word and face processing lateralization in the fusiform gyri: A cross-sectional study. Brain research. vol 1644. 2017-06-29. PMID:27178362. the relationship between visual word and face processing lateralization in the fusiform gyri: a cross-sectional study. 2017-06-29 2023-08-13 human
E C Azmitia, Z T Saccomano, M F Alzoobaee, M Boldrini, P M Whitaker-Azmiti. Persistent Angiogenesis in the Autism Brain: An Immunocytochemical Study of Postmortem Cortex, Brainstem and Cerebellum. Journal of autism and developmental disorders. vol 46. issue 4. 2016-12-13. PMID:26667147. evidence of angiogenesis was seen throughout superior temporal cortex (primary auditory cortex), fusiform cortex (face recognition center), pons/midbrain and cerebellum in postmortem brains from asd patients but not control brains. 2016-12-13 2023-08-13 Not clear
Chang-Hyun Park, Hae-Kook Lee, Yong-Sil Kweon, Chung Tai Lee, Ki-Tae Kim, Young-Joo Kim, Kyoung-Uk Le. Emotion-Induced Topological Changes in Functional Brain Networks. Brain topography. vol 29. issue 1. 2016-10-05. PMID:26318849. we constructed group-wise functional brain networks for 12 face processing areas [bilateral inferior occipital gyri (iog), fusiform gyri (fg), superior temporal sulci (sts), amygdalae (amg), inferior frontal gyri (ifg), and orbitofrontal cortices (ofc)] and for 73 whole brain areas, based on partial correlation of mean activation across subjects. 2016-10-05 2023-08-13 human
Linda Henriksson, Marieke Mur, Nikolaus Kriegeskort. Faciotopy-A face-feature map with face-like topology in the human occipital face area. Cortex; a journal devoted to the study of the nervous system and behavior. vol 72. 2016-08-18. PMID:26235800. the occipital face area (ofa) and fusiform face area (ffa) are brain regions thought to be specialized for face perception. 2016-08-18 2023-08-13 human