All Relations between emotion and somatosensory

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André Weinreich, Jakob Maria Funck. Embodied simulation as part of affective evaluation processes: task dependence of valence concordant EMG activity. Cognition & emotion. vol 28. issue 4. 2014-11-18. PMID:24191961. the embodied emotion account predicts that valence concordant emg is more likely to occur if the task necessitates a somatosensory simulation of the evaluative meaning of stimuli. 2014-11-18 2023-08-12 human
Akinori Nakamura, Burkhard Maess, Thomas R Knösche, Angela D Friederic. Different hemispheric roles in recognition of happy expressions. PloS one. vol 9. issue 2. 2014-10-13. PMID:24520407. the dorsal brain regions showed a right predominance when participants paid attention to facial expressions: the right parietofrontal regions, including the somatosensory, motor/premotor, and inferior frontal cortices showed significantly increased activation in the emotion discrimination task, compared to in the categorization task, in latencies of 350 to 550 ms, while no activation was found in their left hemispheric counterparts. 2014-10-13 2023-08-12 human
Darby E Saxbe, Xiao-Fei Yang, Larissa A Borofsky, Mary Helen Immordino-Yan. The embodiment of emotion: language use during the feeling of social emotions predicts cortical somatosensory activity. Social cognitive and affective neuroscience. vol 8. issue 7. 2014-06-18. PMID:22798396. the embodiment of emotion: language use during the feeling of social emotions predicts cortical somatosensory activity. 2014-06-18 2023-08-12 human
Darby E Saxbe, Xiao-Fei Yang, Larissa A Borofsky, Mary Helen Immordino-Yan. The embodiment of emotion: language use during the feeling of social emotions predicts cortical somatosensory activity. Social cognitive and affective neuroscience. vol 8. issue 7. 2014-06-18. PMID:22798396. we hypothesized that individuals' descriptions of their feelings during a semi-structured emotion induction interview would reveal two distinct psychological styles-a more abstract, cognitive style and a more body-based, affective style-and that these would be associated with somatosensory neural activity. 2014-06-18 2023-08-12 human
Marie Arsalidou, Emma G Duerden, Margot J Taylo. The centre of the brain: topographical model of motor, cognitive, affective, and somatosensory functions of the basal ganglia. Human brain mapping. vol 34. issue 11. 2014-05-28. PMID:22711692. using quantitative meta-analysis methods we assessed the functional subdivisions of basal ganglia nuclei in relation to motor (body and eye movements), cognitive (working-memory and executive), affective (emotion and reward) and somatosensory functions in healthy participants. 2014-05-28 2023-08-12 human
Alejandra Sel, Bettina Forster, Beatriz Calvo-Merin. The emotional homunculus: ERP evidence for independent somatosensory responses during facial emotional processing. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. vol 34. issue 9. 2014-04-22. PMID:24573285. the emotional homunculus: erp evidence for independent somatosensory responses during facial emotional processing. 2014-04-22 2023-08-12 human
Alejandra Sel, Bettina Forster, Beatriz Calvo-Merin. The emotional homunculus: ERP evidence for independent somatosensory responses during facial emotional processing. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. vol 34. issue 9. 2014-04-22. PMID:24573285. current models of face perception propose that initial visual processing is followed by activation of nonvisual somatosensory areas that contributes to emotion recognition. 2014-04-22 2023-08-12 human
Alejandra Sel, Bettina Forster, Beatriz Calvo-Merin. The emotional homunculus: ERP evidence for independent somatosensory responses during facial emotional processing. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. vol 34. issue 9. 2014-04-22. PMID:24573285. to test whether there is a pure and independent involvement of somatosensory cortex (scx) during face processing over and above visual responses, we directly measured participants' somatosensory-evoked activity by tactually probing (105 ms postvisual facial stimuli) the state of scx during an emotion discrimination task while controlling for visual effects. 2014-04-22 2023-08-12 human
Paul R King, Michael J Wade, Gregory P Beehle. Health service and medication use among veterans with persistent postconcussive symptoms. The Journal of nervous and mental disease. vol 202. issue 3. 2014-04-18. PMID:24566509. persistent postconcussive symptoms (ppcs) are noted when a series of cognitive, emotional, and somatosensory complaints persist for months after a concussion. 2014-04-18 2023-08-12 Not clear
Lauri Nummenmaa, Enrico Glerean, Riitta Hari, Jari K Hietane. Bodily maps of emotions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. vol 111. issue 2. 2014-03-25. PMID:24379370. emotions are often felt in the body, and somatosensory feedback has been proposed to trigger conscious emotional experiences. 2014-03-25 2023-08-12 human
Lauri Nummenmaa, Enrico Glerean, Riitta Hari, Jari K Hietane. Bodily maps of emotions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. vol 111. issue 2. 2014-03-25. PMID:24379370. we propose that emotions are represented in the somatosensory system as culturally universal categorical somatotopic maps. 2014-03-25 2023-08-12 human
Glenn R Fox, Mona Sobhani, Lisa Aziz-Zade. Witnessing hateful people in pain modulates brain activity in regions associated with physical pain and reward. Frontiers in psychology. vol 4. 2013-10-29. PMID:24167496. the results showed that, compared with viewing liked people, viewing hateful people in pain elicited increased responses in regions associated with observation of physical pain (the insular cortex, the anterior cingulate cortex (acc), and the somatosensory cortex), reward processing (the striatum), and frontal regions associated with emotion regulation. 2013-10-29 2023-08-12 human
Robert N Jamison, Robert R Edward. Risk factor assessment for problematic use of opioids for chronic pain. The Clinical neuropsychologist. vol 27. issue 1. 2013-08-30. PMID:22935011. the assessment of different domains using semi-structured interviews, sensory and neuropsychological testing, and standardized self-report measures permits identification of somatosensory, emotional, cognitive, behavioral, and social issues in order to facilitate treatment planning. 2013-08-30 2023-08-12 Not clear
Lara Maister, Eleni Tsiakkas, Manos Tsakiri. I feel your fear: shared touch between faces facilitates recognition of fearful facial expressions. Emotion (Washington, D.C.). vol 13. issue 1. 2013-08-01. PMID:23356565. embodied simulation accounts of emotion recognition claim that we vicariously activate somatosensory representations to simulate, and eventually understand, how others feel. 2013-08-01 2023-08-12 human
Hong Liang Tey, Joanna Wallengren, Gil Yosipovitc. Psychosomatic factors in pruritus. Clinics in dermatology. vol 31. issue 1. 2013-06-11. PMID:23245971. management of chronic pruritus is directed at treating the underlying causes and adopting a multidisciplinary approach to address the dermatologic, somatosensory, cognitive, and emotional aspects. 2013-06-11 2023-08-12 Not clear
Yvonne Höller, Aljoscha Thomschewski, Elisabeth Verena Schmid, Peter Höller, Julia Sophia Crone, Eugen Trink. Individual brain-frequency responses to self-selected music. International journal of psychophysiology : official journal of the International Organization of Psychophysiology. vol 86. issue 3. 2013-05-10. PMID:23000014. we found interindividual differences in the response patterns even though the stimuli provoked comparable subjective emotions (relaxation, activation), and even if the stimulus was the same for all subjects (somatosensory stimulation). 2013-05-10 2023-08-12 human
Lukas Heydrich, Olaf Blank. Distinct illusory own-body perceptions caused by damage to posterior insula and extrastriate cortex. Brain : a journal of neurology. vol 136. issue Pt 3. 2013-04-23. PMID:23423672. based on the symptoms and deficits in patients with heautoscopy and the implication of the left posterior insula, we suggest that abnormal bodily self-consciousness during heautoscopy is caused by a breakdown of self-other discrimination regarding affective somatosensory experience due to a disintegration of visuo-somatosensory signals with emotional (and/or interoceptive) bodily signals. 2013-04-23 2023-08-12 human
Marios Politis, Clare Loane, Kit Wu, Sean S O'Sullivan, Zoe Woodhead, Lorenzo Kiferle, Andrew D Lawrence, Andrew J Lees, Paola Piccin. Neural response to visual sexual cues in dopamine treatment-linked hypersexuality in Parkinson's disease. Brain : a journal of neurology. vol 136. issue Pt 2. 2013-04-10. PMID:23378222. these behavioural changes corresponded to significant blood oxygen level-dependent signal changes in regions within limbic, paralimbic, temporal, occipital, somatosensory and prefrontal cortices that correspond to emotional, cognitive, autonomic, visual and motivational processes. 2013-04-10 2023-08-12 human
Flavia Cardini, Caterina Bertini, Andrea Serino, Elisabetta Ladava. Emotional modulation of visual remapping of touch. Emotion (Washington, D.C.). vol 12. issue 5. 2013-03-21. PMID:22390704. results of the present experiments are interpreted in light of different mechanisms underlying different emotions recognition, with a specific involvement of the somatosensory system when viewing a fearful expression and a resulting fear-specific modulation of the vrt effect. 2013-03-21 2023-08-12 human
Brice Beffara, Marc Ouellet, Nicolas Vermeulen, Anamitra Basu, Tiffany Morisseau, Martial Mermillo. Enhanced embodied response following ambiguous emotional processing. Cognitive processing. vol 13 Suppl 1. 2013-01-25. PMID:22802035. in contrast, however, "embodied simulation" theory states that the perception of an emotional signal can trigger a simulation of the related state in the motor, somatosensory, and affective systems. 2013-01-25 2023-08-12 human