All Relations between emotion and cannabis

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Kaeli Zimmermann, Christina Walz, Raissa T Derckx, Keith M Kendrick, Bernd Weber, Bruce Dore, Kevin N Ochsner, René Hurlemann, Benjamin Becke. Emotion regulation deficits in regular marijuana users. Human brain mapping. vol 38. issue 8. 2018-04-02. PMID:28560818. relative to nonusing controls, marijuana users demonstrated increased neural activity in a bilateral frontal network comprising precentral, middle cingulate, and supplementary motor regions during reappraisal of negative affect (p < 0.05, fwe) and impaired emotion regulation success on the behavioral level (p < 0.05). 2018-04-02 2023-08-13 Not clear
Kaeli Zimmermann, Christina Walz, Raissa T Derckx, Keith M Kendrick, Bernd Weber, Bruce Dore, Kevin N Ochsner, René Hurlemann, Benjamin Becke. Emotion regulation deficits in regular marijuana users. Human brain mapping. vol 38. issue 8. 2018-04-02. PMID:28560818. together, the present findings could reflect an unsuccessful attempt of compensatory recruitment of additional neural resources in the context of disrupted amygdala-prefrontal interaction during volitional emotion regulation in marijuana users. 2018-04-02 2023-08-13 Not clear
Emma Childs, Joseph A Lutz, Harriet de Wi. Dose-related effects of delta-9-THC on emotional responses to acute psychosocial stress. Drug and alcohol dependence. vol 177. 2018-03-12. PMID:28599212. cannabis smokers often report that they use the drug to relax or to relieve emotional stress. 2018-03-12 2023-08-13 Not clear
Emma Childs, Joseph A Lutz, Harriet de Wi. Dose-related effects of delta-9-THC on emotional responses to acute psychosocial stress. Drug and alcohol dependence. vol 177. 2018-03-12. PMID:28599212. in this study, we sought to assess the influence of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (thc), a main active ingredient of cannabis, upon emotional responses to an acute psychosocial stressor among healthy young adults. 2018-03-12 2023-08-13 Not clear
Carrie Cuttler, Alexander Spradlin, Amy T Nusbaum, Paul Whitney, John M Hinson, Ryan J McLaughli. Blunted stress reactivity in chronic cannabis users. Psychopharmacology. vol 234. issue 15. 2018-03-06. PMID:28567696. consistent with this, cannabis users have shown reduced emotional arousal and dampened stress reactivity in response to negative imagery. 2018-03-06 2023-08-13 Not clear
Irene García-Moya, María José Ortiz Barón, Carmen Moren. Emotional and Psychosocial Factors Associated With Drunkenness and the Use of Tobacco and Cannabis in Adolescence: Independent or Interactive Effects? Substance use & misuse. vol 52. issue 8. 2018-03-05. PMID:28323506. emotional and psychosocial factors associated with drunkenness and the use of tobacco and cannabis in adolescence: independent or interactive effects? 2018-03-05 2023-08-13 Not clear
Valentina Lorenzetti, Silvia Alonso-Lana, George J Youssef, Antonio Verdejo-Garcia, Chao Suo, Janna Cousijn, Michael Takagi, Murat Yücel, Nadia Solowi. Adolescent Cannabis Use: What is the Evidence for Functional Brain Alteration? Current pharmaceutical design. vol 22. issue 42. 2017-12-04. PMID:27514709. cannabis use typically commences during adolescence, a period during which the brain undergoes profound remodeling in areas that are high in cannabinoid receptors and that mediate cognitive control and emotion regulation. 2017-12-04 2023-08-13 Not clear
Aviv Weinstein, Abigail Livny, Abraham Weizma. Brain Imaging Studies on the Cognitive, Pharmacological and Neurobiological Effects of Cannabis in Humans: Evidence from Studies of Adult Users. Current pharmaceutical design. vol 22. issue 42. 2017-12-04. PMID:27549374. studies also showed different effects of Δ-9 tetrahydrocannabinol (thc) and cannabidiol (cbd) on emotion, cognition and associated brain regions in healthy volunteers, whereby cbd protects against the psychoactive effects of thc. 2017-12-04 2023-08-13 human
E Appiah-Kusi, H L Fisher, N Petros, R Wilson, V Mondelli, P A Garety, P Mcguire, S Bhattacharyy. Do cognitive schema mediate the association between childhood trauma and being at ultra-high risk for psychosis? Journal of psychiatric research. vol 88. 2017-09-19. PMID:28103519. relative to healthy controls (n = 38), uhr patients were significantly more likely to report exposure to various types of childhood trauma (emotional and sexual abuse, and emotional and physical neglect), had more negative schema and less positive schema about themselves and others, and were more likely to use cannabis more than once a month. 2017-09-19 2023-08-13 Not clear
E Appiah-Kusi, H L Fisher, N Petros, R Wilson, V Mondelli, P A Garety, P Mcguire, S Bhattacharyy. Do cognitive schema mediate the association between childhood trauma and being at ultra-high risk for psychosis? Journal of psychiatric research. vol 88. 2017-09-19. PMID:28103519. emotional neglect was found to be significantly associated with uhr status even after controlling for the effects of previous exposure to cannabis use (b = 0.262, 95% ci: 0.115-0.408), and this association was partially mediated by negative self-schema (b = 0.045, 95% ci: 0.004-0.159). 2017-09-19 2023-08-13 Not clear
Kyle J Holody, Christina Anderson, Clay Craig, Mark Flyn. "Drunk in Love": The Portrayal of Risk Behavior in Music Lyrics. Journal of health communication. vol 21. issue 10. 2017-09-12. PMID:27669104. we conducted a content analysis of the top 20 billboard songs from 2009 to 2013 in the genres of rap, country, adult contemporary, rock, r&b/hip-hop, and pop, coding for the presence of alcohol, marijuana, nonmarijuana drugs, and sex as well as the contexts intoxication, binging/addiction, partying/socializing, disregard for consequences, and emotional states. 2017-09-12 2023-08-13 Not clear
Marco Aurélio Mori, Erika Meyer, Ligia Mendes Soares, Humberto Milani, Francisco Silveira Guimarães, Rúbia Maria Weffort de Oliveir. Cannabidiol reduces neuroinflammation and promotes neuroplasticity and functional recovery after brain ischemia. Progress in neuro-psychopharmacology & biological psychiatry. vol 75. 2017-09-07. PMID:27889412. this study investigated the effects of cannabidiol (cbd), a non-psychotomimetic phytochemical present in cannabis sativa, on the cognitive and emotional impairments induced by bilateral common carotid artery occlusion (bccao) in mice. 2017-09-07 2023-08-13 mouse
Lucy J Troup, Robert D Torrence, Jeremy A Andrzejewski, Jacob T Braunwalde. Effects of cannabis use and subclinical depression on the P3 event-related potential in an emotion processing task. Medicine. vol 96. issue 12. 2017-04-12. PMID:28328830. we conclude from our study that cannabis and mood state interact to reduce the amplitude of the p3 which has been associated with attention to emotion. 2017-04-12 2023-08-13 human
Sahoo Saddichha, Gregory R Werker, Christian Schuetz, Michael R Kraus. Stimulants and Cannabis Use Among a Marginalized Population in British Columbia, Canada: Role of Trauma and Incarceration. International journal of offender therapy and comparative criminology. vol 59. issue 13. 2017-01-24. PMID:25028364. among the incarcerated, cannabis users had been subjected to greater emotional neglect (p < .05) and one in two cannabis users had a history of lifetime depressive disorders (p < .05). 2017-01-24 2023-08-13 Not clear
G Bersani, F S Bersani, E Caroti, P Russo, G Albano, G Valeriani, C Imperatori, A Minichino, G Manuali, O Corazz. Negative symptoms as key features of depression among cannabis users: a preliminary report. European review for medical and pharmacological sciences. vol 20. issue 3. 2016-10-13. PMID:26914132. cannabis use is frequent among depressed patients and may lead to the so-called "amotivational syndrome", which combines symptoms of affective flattening and loss of emotional reactivity (i.e. 2016-10-13 2023-08-13 Not clear
Michael J Wesley, Joshua A Lile, Colleen A Hanlon, Linda J Porrin. Abnormal medial prefrontal cortex activity in heavy cannabis users during conscious emotional evaluation. Psychopharmacology. vol 233. issue 6. 2016-10-12. PMID:26690589. abnormal medial prefrontal cortex activity in heavy cannabis users during conscious emotional evaluation. 2016-10-12 2023-08-13 Not clear
Tiffany T-Y Lee, Boris B Gorzalk. Evidence for a Role of Adolescent Endocannabinoid Signaling in Regulating HPA Axis Stress Responsivity and Emotional Behavior Development. International review of neurobiology. vol 125. 2016-09-14. PMID:26638764. these findings may be particularly relevant to our understanding of the development of affective disorders and the risks of adolescent cannabis consumption on emotional health and stress responsivity. 2016-09-14 2023-08-13 Not clear
Matthew T Tull, Michael J McDermott, Kim L Grat. Marijuana dependence moderates the effect of posttraumatic stress disorder on trauma cue reactivity in substance dependent patients. Drug and alcohol dependence. vol 159. 2016-09-04. PMID:26790822. thus, the purpose of this study was to explore the role of marijuana dependence in the relation between ptsd and subjective and biological emotional reactivity in response to a trauma cue. 2016-09-04 2023-08-13 Not clear
Itay Aspis, Daniel Feingold, Mark Weiser, Jurgen Rehm, Gal Shoval, Shaul Lev-Ra. Cannabis use and mental health-related quality of life among individuals with depressive disorders. Psychiatry research. vol 230. issue 2. 2016-07-06. PMID:26388103. our findings highlight the importance of taking gender and the frequency of cannabis use into account, when assessing functional and emotional aspects of cannabis use among individuals with depressive disorders. 2016-07-06 2023-08-13 Not clear
Angélica Pupin Schiavon, Jéssica Mendes Bonato, Humberto Milani, Francisco Silveira Guimarães, Rúbia Maria Weffort de Oliveir. Influence of single and repeated cannabidiol administration on emotional behavior and markers of cell proliferation and neurogenesis in non-stressed mice. Progress in neuro-psychopharmacology & biological psychiatry. vol 64. 2016-05-31. PMID:26187374. influence of single and repeated cannabidiol administration on emotional behavior and markers of cell proliferation and neurogenesis in non-stressed mice. 2016-05-31 2023-08-13 mouse