All Relations between domain-generality and cerebral cortex

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Peter Lakatos, Monica N O'Connell, Annamaria Barczak, Aimee Mills, Daniel C Javitt, Charles E Schroede. The leading sense: supramodal control of neurophysiological context by attention. Neuron. vol 64. issue 3. 2009-12-07. PMID:19914189. these findings outline a supramodal mechanism by which attention can control neurophysiological context, thus determining the representation of specific sensory content in primary sensory cortex. 2009-12-07 2023-08-12 Not clear
M Natasha Rajah, Blaine Ames, Mark D'Esposit. Prefrontal contributions to domain-general executive control processes during temporal context retrieval. Neuropsychologia. vol 46. issue 4. 2008-06-12. PMID:18155254. across domains, increasing stimulus number, while maintaining response numbers, caused greater right lateral premotor cortex (ba 6/8) activity; whereas increasing response number, while maintaining stimulus number, caused greater domain-general left dlpfc (ba 9) and vlpfc (ba 44/45) activity. 2008-06-12 2023-08-12 human
Maja Cepanec, Milos Juda. [The past and present status of "motor speech area": from classical modular "center" to nodal and supramodal component of multiple neuronal networks]. Lijecnicki vjesnik. vol 129. issue 12. 2008-05-27. PMID:18383743. in addition, the fronto-opercular cortex is not a simple motor centre, but part of supramodal (executive) frontal system with a number of language and non-language functions. 2008-05-27 2023-08-12 human
Iroise Dumontheil, Paul W Burgess, Sarah-Jayne Blakemor. Development of rostral prefrontal cortex and cognitive and behavioural disorders. Developmental medicine and child neurology. vol 50. issue 3. 2008-04-22. PMID:18190537. it also has a large number of dendritic spines per cell and numerous connections to the supramodal cortex. 2008-04-22 2023-08-12 Not clear
Emiliano Ricciardi, Nicola Vanello, Lorenzo Sani, Claudio Gentili, Enzo Pasquale Scilingo, Luigi Landini, Mario Guazzelli, Antonio Bicchi, James V Haxby, Pietro Pietrin. The effect of visual experience on the development of functional architecture in hMT+. Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991). vol 17. issue 12. 2008-01-23. PMID:17372275. we investigated whether the visual hmt+ cortex plays a role in supramodal representation of sensory flow, not mediated by visual mental imagery. 2008-01-23 2023-08-12 human
David E J Linde. The working memory networks of the human brain. The Neuroscientist : a review journal bringing neurobiology, neurology and psychiatry. vol 13. issue 3. 2007-07-17. PMID:17519368. sensory stores in the visual, auditory, and somatosensory cortex play a role in short-term memory, but supramodal parietal and frontal areas are often recruited as well. 2007-07-17 2023-08-12 human
Victor A Vorobyev, Kimmo Alho, Svyatoslav V Medvedev, Sergey V Pakhomov, Marina S Roudas, Julia M Rutkovskaya, Mari Tervaniemi, Titia L Van Zuijen, Risto Näätäne. Linguistic processing in visual and modality-nonspecific brain areas: PET recordings during selective attention. Brain research. Cognitive brain research. vol 20. issue 2. 2004-08-17. PMID:15183402. furthermore, the present data suggest that the left occipito-temporal cortex (ba 18, 20, 37, 21) can be subdivided into three functionally distinct regions in the posterior-anterior direction on the basis of their activation during attentive processing of sublexical orthography, visual word form, and supramodal higher-level aspects of language. 2004-08-17 2023-08-12 human
Evelyn Eger, Philipp Sterzer, Michael O Russ, Anne-Lise Giraud, Andreas Kleinschmid. A supramodal number representation in human intraparietal cortex. Neuron. vol 37. issue 4. 2003-03-07. PMID:12597867. a supramodal number representation in human intraparietal cortex. 2003-03-07 2023-08-12 human
Alessandra Schiavetto, Stefan Köhler, Cheryl L Grady, Gordon Winocur, Morris Moscovitc. Neural correlates of memory for object identity and object location: effects of aging. Neuropsychologia. vol 40. issue 8. 2002-09-03. PMID:11931947. the purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of aging on memory for object identity and object location to determine whether aging affects both posterior neocortical areas that are domain-specific and other brain regions, such as pre-frontal cortex, that are involved in encoding and retrieval regardless of the information that is processed (domain-general). 2002-09-03 2023-08-12 human
Alessandra Schiavetto, Stefan Köhler, Cheryl L Grady, Gordon Winocur, Morris Moscovitc. Neural correlates of memory for object identity and object location: effects of aging. Neuropsychologia. vol 40. issue 8. 2002-09-03. PMID:11931947. this decreased specificity in the older adults was accompanied by greater domain-general activation in right prefrontal and premotor cortex during perceptual encoding than during retrieval. 2002-09-03 2023-08-12 human
B Jacobs, M Schall, M Prather, E Kapler, L Driscoll, S Baca, J Jacobs, K Ford, M Wainwright, M Trem. Regional dendritic and spine variation in human cerebral cortex: a quantitative golgi study. Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991). vol 11. issue 6. 2001-07-12. PMID:11375917. specifically, the basilar dendrites/spines of supragranular pyramidal cells were examined in eight brodmann's areas (ba) arranged according to benson's (1993, behav neurol 6:75-81) functional hierarchy: primary cortex (somatosensory, ba3-1-2; motor, ba4), unimodal cortex (wernicke's area, ba22; broca's area, ba44), heteromodal cortex (supple- mentary motor area, ba6beta; angular gyrus, ba39) and supramodal cortex (superior frontopolar zone, ba10; inferior frontopolar zone, ba11). 2001-07-12 2023-08-12 human
R B Banati, G W Goerres, C Tjoa, J P Aggleton, P Grasb. The functional anatomy of visual-tactile integration in man: a study using positron emission tomography. Neuropsychologia. vol 38. issue 2. 2000-02-29. PMID:10660224. the pattern of brain activation is congruent with areas of heteromodal and supramodal cortex and indicates that activation of multimodal areas is required to solve the crossmodal problem. 2000-02-29 2023-08-12 human
P Belin, S McAdams, B Smith, S Savel, L Thivard, S Samson, Y Samso. The functional anatomy of sound intensity discrimination. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. vol 18. issue 16. 1998-09-09. PMID:9698330. these findings suggest that discrimination of sound intensity involves two different cortical networks: a supramodal right frontoparietal network responsible for allocation of sensory attentional resources, and a region of secondary auditory cortex specifically involved in sensory computation of sound intensity differences. 1998-09-09 2023-08-12 human
A M Raymer, A L Foundas, L M Maher, M L Greenwald, M Morris, L J Rothi, K M Heilma. Cognitive neuropsychological analysis and neuroanatomic correlates in a case of acute anomia. Brain and language. vol 58. issue 1. 1997-08-12. PMID:9184100. these deficits were associated with a lesion in the posterior portion of the middle temporal gyrus or area 37, an area of supramodal association cortex that is uniquely suited as a substrate for the multimodal deficit in naming. 1997-08-12 2023-08-12 Not clear