All Relations between cross-linguistic and asl

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Karen Petronio, Diane Lillo-Marti. WH-MOVEMENT AND THE POSITION OF SPEC-CP: EVIDENCE FROM AMERICAN SIGN LANGUAGE. Language. vol 73. issue 1. 2024-07-08. PMID:38974781. our analysis provides an account for a variety of asl direct and indirect wh-questions and is in accord with cross-linguistic generalizations. 2024-07-08 2024-07-11 Not clear
Megan Mott, Katherine J Midgley, Phillip J Holcomb, Karen Emmore. Cross-modal translation priming and iconicity effects in deaf signers and hearing learners of American Sign Language. Bilingualism (Cambridge, England). vol 23. issue 5. 2021-11-02. PMID:33897272. this study used erps to a) assess the neural correlates of cross-linguistic, cross-modal translation priming in hearing beginning learners of american sign language (asl) and deaf highly proficient signers and b) examine whether sign iconicity modulates these priming effects. 2021-11-02 2023-08-13 Not clear
Adam Stone, Geo Kartheiser, Peter C Hauser, Laura-Ann Petitto, Thomas E Alle. Fingerspelling as a Novel Gateway into Reading Fluency in Deaf Bilinguals. PloS one. vol 10. issue 10. 2016-06-14. PMID:26427062. studies have shown that american sign language (asl) fluency has a positive impact on deaf individuals' english reading, but the cognitive and cross-linguistic mechanisms permitting the mapping of a visual-manual language onto a sound-based language have yet to be elucidated. 2016-06-14 2023-08-13 Not clear
Adam Stone, Geo Kartheiser, Peter C Hauser, Laura-Ann Petitto, Thomas E Alle. Fingerspelling as a Novel Gateway into Reading Fluency in Deaf Bilinguals. PloS one. vol 10. issue 10. 2016-06-14. PMID:26427062. fingerspelling, which represents english orthography with 26 distinct hand configurations, is an integral part of asl and has been suggested to provide deaf bilinguals with important cross-linguistic links between sign language and orthography. 2016-06-14 2023-08-13 Not clear
Diane Brentari, Alessio Di Renzo, Jonathan Keane, Virginia Volterr. Cognitive, cultural, and linguistic sources of a handshape distinction expressing agentivity. Topics in cognitive science. vol 7. issue 1. 2015-09-29. PMID:25529989. finally, the agentive/non-agentive handshape opposition is confirmed for signers of asl and lis, but previously unreported cross-linguistic differences were also found across both adult and child sign groups. 2015-09-29 2023-08-13 human
P M Brown, S D Fischer, W Jani. Pragmatic and linguistic constraints on message formulation: a cross-linguistic study of English and ASL. Journal of speech and hearing research. vol 34. issue 6. 1992-03-23. PMID:1787717. this study provides a cross-linguistic replication, using american sign language (asl), of the brown and dell (1987) finding that when relaying an action involving an instrument, english speakers are more likely to explicitly mention the instrument if it is atypically, rather than typically, used to accomplish that action. 1992-03-23 2023-08-11 human
P M Brown, S D Fischer, W Jani. Pragmatic and linguistic constraints on message formulation: a cross-linguistic study of English and ASL. Journal of speech and hearing research. vol 34. issue 6. 1992-03-23. PMID:1787717. pragmatic and linguistic constraints on message formulation: a cross-linguistic study of english and asl. 1992-03-23 2023-08-11 human