All Relations between consolidation and hippocampus

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Ted Abel, Robbert Havekes, Jared M Saletin, Matthew P Walke. Sleep, plasticity and memory from molecules to whole-brain networks. Current biology : CB. vol 23. issue 17. 2014-04-30. PMID:24028961. moreover, the same cortical nrem oscillations associated with replay in rodents also promote human hippocampal memory consolidation, and this process can be manipulated using exogenous reactivation cues during sleep. 2014-04-30 2023-08-12 human
Elise Morice, Séverine Farley, Roseline Poirier, Glenn Dallerac, Carine Chagneau, Solange Pannetier, André Hanauer, Sabrina Davis, Cyrille Vaillend, Serge Laroch. Defective synaptic transmission and structure in the dentate gyrus and selective fear memory impairment in the Rsk2 mutant mouse model of Coffin-Lowry syndrome. Neurobiology of disease. vol 58. 2014-04-23. PMID:23742761. in the current study, we examined the performance of rsk2 knockout mice in cued, trace and contextual fear memory paradigms and identified selective deficits in the consolidation and reconsolidation of hippocampal-dependent fear memories as task difficulty and hippocampal demand increase. 2014-04-23 2023-08-12 mouse
Harvey J Armbrecht, Akbar M Siddiqui, Michael Green, Susan A Farr, Vijaya B Kumar, William A Banks, Ping Patrick, Gul N Shah, John E Morle. SAMP8 mice have altered hippocampal gene expression in long term potentiation, phosphatidylinositol signaling, and endocytosis pathways. Neurobiology of aging. vol 35. issue 1. 2014-04-23. PMID:23969180. in summary, these studies demonstrate altered gene expression in 3 samp8 hippocampal pathways associated with memory formation and consolidation. 2014-04-23 2023-08-12 mouse
Junfeng Zhang, Xiaoli Zhang, Wei Jian. Propofol impairs spatial memory consolidation and prevents learning-induced increase in hippocampal matrix metalloproteinase-9 levels in rat. Neuroreport. vol 24. issue 15. 2014-04-18. PMID:24025764. propofol impairs spatial memory consolidation and prevents learning-induced increase in hippocampal matrix metalloproteinase-9 levels in rat. 2014-04-18 2023-08-12 rat
Junfeng Zhang, Xiaoli Zhang, Wei Jian. Propofol impairs spatial memory consolidation and prevents learning-induced increase in hippocampal matrix metalloproteinase-9 levels in rat. Neuroreport. vol 24. issue 15. 2014-04-18. PMID:24025764. collectively, these findings indicate that the amnesic effect of propofol stems at least partially from its impairment of memory consolidation, which parallels with reduced activity of hippocampal mmp-9. 2014-04-18 2023-08-12 rat
Antoine Besnard, Jocelyne Caboche, Serge Laroch. Recall and reconsolidation of contextual fear memory: differential control by ERK and Zif268 expression dosage. PloS one. vol 8. issue 8. 2014-04-08. PMID:23977192. for instance, a double dissociation has been reported between hippocampal extracellular-regulated kinase-1/2 (erk1/2) activity being necessary for contextual fear conditioning (cfc) consolidation but not reconsolidation. 2014-04-08 2023-08-12 mouse
Antoine Besnard, Jocelyne Caboche, Serge Laroch. Recall and reconsolidation of contextual fear memory: differential control by ERK and Zif268 expression dosage. PloS one. vol 8. issue 8. 2014-04-08. PMID:23977192. conversely, hippocampal expression of the immediate early gene zif268 is necessary for cfc reconsolidation but not consolidation. 2014-04-08 2023-08-12 mouse
C P Fitzsimons, L W A van Hooijdonk, M Schouten, I Zalachoras, V Brinks, T Zheng, T G Schouten, D J Saaltink, T Dijkmans, D A Steindler, J Verhaagen, F J Verbeek, P J Lucassen, E R de Kloet, O C Meijer, H Karst, M Joels, M S Oitzl, E Vreugdenhi. Knockdown of the glucocorticoid receptor alters functional integration of newborn neurons in the adult hippocampus and impairs fear-motivated behavior. Molecular psychiatry. vol 18. issue 9. 2014-03-25. PMID:22925833. together, our data demonstrate a key role for the gr in newborn hippocampal cells in mediating their synaptic connectivity and structural as well as functional integration into mature hippocampal circuits involved in fear memory consolidation. 2014-03-25 2023-08-12 Not clear
Erik J Kaestner, John T Wixted, Sara C Mednic. Pharmacologically increasing sleep spindles enhances recognition for negative and high-arousal memories. Journal of cognitive neuroscience. vol 25. issue 10. 2014-03-25. PMID:23767926. this is despite the fact that sleep spindles are implicated in declarative memory as well as neural models of memory consolidation (e.g., hippocampal neural replay). 2014-03-25 2023-08-12 Not clear
Ying Liao, Yan-Wei Shi, Qiu-Ling Liu, Hu Zha. Glucocorticoid-induced enhancement of contextual fear memory consolidation in rats: Involvement of D1 receptor activity of hippocampal area CA1. Brain research. vol 1524. 2014-03-14. PMID:23727402. glucocorticoid-induced enhancement of contextual fear memory consolidation in rats: involvement of d1 receptor activity of hippocampal area ca1. 2014-03-14 2023-08-12 rat
Ying Liao, Yan-Wei Shi, Qiu-Ling Liu, Hu Zha. Glucocorticoid-induced enhancement of contextual fear memory consolidation in rats: Involvement of D1 receptor activity of hippocampal area CA1. Brain research. vol 1524. 2014-03-14. PMID:23727402. this study investigated the role of dopamine (da) receptors in area ca1 of the hippocampus in modulating the effects of glucocorticoids on the contextual fear memory consolidation. 2014-03-14 2023-08-12 rat
Ying Liao, Yan-Wei Shi, Qiu-Ling Liu, Hu Zha. Glucocorticoid-induced enhancement of contextual fear memory consolidation in rats: Involvement of D1 receptor activity of hippocampal area CA1. Brain research. vol 1524. 2014-03-14. PMID:23727402. these findings provide evidence for the involvement of hippocampal d1 receptor activity in area ca1 in cort-induced enhancement of contextual fear memory consolidation. 2014-03-14 2023-08-12 rat
Garvin Brod, Markus Werkle-Bergner, Yee Lee Shin. The influence of prior knowledge on memory: a developmental cognitive neuroscience perspective. Frontiers in behavioral neuroscience. vol 7. 2014-03-10. PMID:24115923. recent neuroscience findings point to a prominent role of the medial prefrontal cortex (mpfc) and of the hippocampus (hc) in the emergence of prior knowledge and in its application during the processes of successful memory encoding, consolidation, and retrieval. 2014-03-10 2023-08-12 Not clear
Victor Briz, Michel Baudr. Estrogen Regulates Protein Synthesis and Actin Polymerization in Hippocampal Neurons through Different Molecular Mechanisms. Frontiers in endocrinology. vol 5. 2014-03-10. PMID:24611062. reorganization of the actin cytoskeleton and stimulation of mammalian target of rapamycin (mtor)-mediated protein synthesis are two major events required for the consolidation of hippocampal long-term potentiation and memory. 2014-03-10 2023-08-12 rat
Guang-yan Wu, Juan Yao, Bo Hu, Hui-ming Zhang, Yi-ding Li, Xuan Li, Qiong Li, Jian-feng Su. Reevaluating the role of the hippocampus in delay eyeblink conditioning. PloS one. vol 8. issue 8. 2014-03-03. PMID:23951119. interestingly, when a soft tone was used as a cs, electrolytic lesions of the hippocampus significantly retarded acquisition of the conditioned response (cr), and muscimol infusions into hippocampus distinctly inhibited the acquisition and expression of cr, but had no significant effect on consolidation of well-learned cr. 2014-03-03 2023-08-12 Not clear
Gerard ILL-Raga, Cristiano Köhler, Andressa Radiske, Ramón H Lima, Mark D Rosen, Francisco J Muñoz, Martín Cammarot. Consolidation of object recognition memory requires HRI kinase-dependent phosphorylation of eIF2α in the hippocampus. Hippocampus. vol 23. issue 6. 2014-02-10. PMID:23418065. consolidation of object recognition memory requires hri kinase-dependent phosphorylation of eif2α in the hippocampus. 2014-02-10 2023-08-12 rat
Huang Nie, Zhengwu Peng, Ning Lao, Hailong Dong, Lize Xion. Effects of sevoflurane on self-renewal capacity and differentiation of cultured neural stem cells. Neurochemical research. vol 38. issue 8. 2014-02-06. PMID:23756731. the hippocampus is critical for memory consolidation and is one of only two mammalian brain regions where neural stem cells (nscs) are renewed continuously throughout life. 2014-02-06 2023-08-12 rat
Nasim Maleki, Lino Becerra, Jennifer Brawn, Bruce McEwen, Rami Burstein, David Borsoo. Common hippocampal structural and functional changes in migraine. Brain structure & function. vol 218. issue 4. 2014-02-03. PMID:22760159. the hippocampus is classically involved in memory consolidation, spatial navigation and is involved in the stress response. 2014-02-03 2023-08-12 Not clear
Osnat Hadad-Ophir, Anne Albrecht, Oliver Stork, Gal Richter-Levi. Amygdala activation and GABAergic gene expression in hippocampal sub-regions at the interplay of stress and spatial learning. Frontiers in behavioral neuroscience. vol 8. 2014-01-30. PMID:24478650. altered gabaergic function in the bla may thus contribute to memory consolidation in the hippocampus, in relation to levels of stress and emotionality associated with the experience. 2014-01-30 2023-08-12 rat
Arielle Tambini, Lila Davach. Persistence of hippocampal multivoxel patterns into postencoding rest is related to memory. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. vol 110. issue 48. 2014-01-27. PMID:24218550. taken together, these results provide strong evidence for hippocampal reactivation in humans, which was measured by the persistence of hippocampal encoding patterns into immediate postencoding rest periods, and importantly, provide a possible link between this persistence and memory consolidation. 2014-01-27 2023-08-12 Not clear