All Relations between consolidation and hippocampus

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Sören Enge, Monika Fleischhauer, Anne Gärtner, Andreas Reif, Klaus-Peter Lesch, Matthias Kliegel, Alexander Strobe. Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (Val66Met) and Serotonin Transporter (5-HTTLPR) Polymorphisms Modulate Plasticity in Inhibitory Control Performance Over Time but Independent of Inhibitory Control Training. Frontiers in human neuroscience. vol 10. 2016-08-15. PMID:27524961. in line with ample evidence on bdnf and bdnf-5-ht system interactions to induce (rapid) plasticity especially in hippocampal regions and in response to environmental demands, the findings may reflect genotype-dependent differences in the acquisition and consolidation of task-relevant information, thereby facilitating a more adaptive responding to task-specific requirements. 2016-08-15 2023-08-13 Not clear
Irene Suárez-Pereira, Ángel M Carrió. Updating stored memory requires adult hippocampal neurogenesis. Scientific reports. vol 5. 2016-08-10. PMID:26358557. while adult hippocampal neurogenesis is known to be involved in hippocampal-dependent learning and consolidation processes, the role of such immature neurons in memory reconsolidation, a process involved in the modification of stored memories, remains unclear. 2016-08-10 2023-08-13 Not clear
T Bartsch, P Wulf. The hippocampus in aging and disease: From plasticity to vulnerability. Neuroscience. vol 309. 2016-08-09. PMID:26241337. the hippocampus has a pivotal role in learning and in the formation and consolidation of memory and is critically involved in the regulation of emotion, fear, anxiety, and stress. 2016-08-09 2023-08-13 human
Ning Xu, Wen-Juan Zhou, Yue Wang, Shu-Hong Huang, Xian Li, Zhe-Yu Che. Hippocampal Wnt3a is Necessary and Sufficient for Contextual Fear Memory Acquisition and Consolidation. Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991). vol 25. issue 11. 2016-07-14. PMID:24904070. hippocampal wnt3a is necessary and sufficient for contextual fear memory acquisition and consolidation. 2016-07-14 2023-08-13 mouse
Matthias J Gruber, Maureen Ritchey, Shao-Fang Wang, Manoj K Doss, Charan Ranganat. Post-learning Hippocampal Dynamics Promote Preferential Retention of Rewarding Events. Neuron. vol 89. issue 5. 2016-07-13. PMID:26875624. these findings indicate that reward motivation alters offline post-learning dynamics between the sn/vta and hippocampus, providing novel evidence for a potential mechanism by which reward could influence memory consolidation. 2016-07-13 2023-08-13 human
Brad K Hulse, Laurent C Moreaux, Evgueniy V Lubenov, Athanassios G Siapa. Membrane Potential Dynamics of CA1 Pyramidal Neurons during Hippocampal Ripples in Awake Mice. Neuron. vol 89. issue 4. 2016-06-28. PMID:26889811. ripples are high-frequency oscillations associated with population bursts in area ca1 of the hippocampus that play a prominent role in theories of memory consolidation. 2016-06-28 2023-08-13 mouse
Jan-Willem Thielen, Atsuko Takashima, Femke Rutters, Indira Tendolkar, Guillén Fernánde. Transient relay function of midline thalamic nuclei during long-term memory consolidation in humans. Learning & memory (Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y.). vol 22. issue 10. 2016-06-23. PMID:26373833. these findings support a model in which thalamic midline nuclei serve as a hub linking hippocampus, mpfc, and posterior representational areas during memory retrieval at an early (2 h) stage of consolidation, extending classical systems consolidation models by attributing a transient role to midline thalamic nuclei. 2016-06-23 2023-08-13 Not clear
Cristiane R G Furini, Jociane de C Myskiw, Bianca E Schmidt, Carolina G Zinn, Patricia B Peixoto, Luiza D Pereira, Ivan Izquierd. The relationship between protein synthesis and protein degradation in object recognition memory. Behavioural brain research. vol 294. 2016-06-14. PMID:26200717. here we investigate in the ca1 region of the dorsal hippocampus the involvement of ups-mediated protein degradation in consolidation and reconsolidation of object recognition memory. 2016-06-14 2023-08-13 Not clear
György Buzsák. Hippocampal sharp wave-ripple: A cognitive biomarker for episodic memory and planning. Hippocampus. vol 25. issue 10. 2016-06-01. PMID:26135716. spw-rs assist in transferring this compressed hippocampal representation to distributed circuits to support memory consolidation; selective disruption of spw-rs interferes with memory. 2016-06-01 2023-08-13 Not clear
Laura J Batterink, Jessica D Creery, Ken A Palle. Phase of Spontaneous Slow Oscillations during Sleep Influences Memory-Related Processing of Auditory Cues. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. vol 36. issue 4. 2016-06-01. PMID:26818525. slow oscillations during slow-wave sleep (sws) may facilitate memory consolidation by regulating interactions between hippocampal and cortical networks. 2016-06-01 2023-08-13 human
David B Kastner, Tilo Schwalger, Lorric Ziegler, Wulfram Gerstne. A Model of Synaptic Reconsolidation. Frontiers in neuroscience. vol 10. 2016-05-31. PMID:27242410. here, we put forward a simple extension of existing computational models of synaptic consolidation to capture hippocampal slice experiments that have been interpreted as reconsolidation at the synaptic level. 2016-05-31 2023-08-13 Not clear
Monica Ricci, Armin Mohamed, Greg Savage, Laurie A Mille. Disruption of learning and long-term retention of prose passages in patients with focal epilepsy. Epilepsy & behavior : E&B. vol 51. 2016-05-26. PMID:26262938. in conclusion, the left hemisphere is involved in learning of prose material, and the hippocampus is involved in the consolidation of this material mainly for the first 24h. 2016-05-26 2023-08-13 Not clear
Kiera-Nicole Lee, Sanika Chirw. Blocking Dopaminergic Signaling Soon after Learning Impairs Memory Consolidation in Guinea Pigs. PloS one. vol 10. issue 8. 2016-05-17. PMID:26275140. remembered experiences) requires a process called consolidation which involves communication between the neocortex and hippocampus. 2016-05-17 2023-08-13 Not clear
Michael Craig, Michaela Dewar, Sergio Della Sala, Thomas Wolber. Rest boosts the long-term retention of spatial associative and temporal order information. Hippocampus. vol 25. issue 9. 2016-05-12. PMID:25620400. in rodents, rest periods promote hippocampal replay of a recently travelled route, and this replay is thought to be critical for memory consolidation and subsequent spatial navigation. 2016-05-12 2023-08-13 human
Varun Saravanan, Danial Arabali, Arthur Jochems, Anja-Xiaoxing Cui, Luise Gootjes-Dreesbach, Vassilis Cutsuridis, Motoharu Yoshid. Transition between encoding and consolidation/replay dynamics via cholinergic modulation of CAN current: A modeling study. Hippocampus. vol 25. issue 9. 2016-05-12. PMID:25678405. the two-stage model of the hippocampus suggests that neural activity during awaking supports encoding function while temporally compressed reactivation (replay) supports consolidation. 2016-05-12 2023-08-13 Not clear
Varun Saravanan, Danial Arabali, Arthur Jochems, Anja-Xiaoxing Cui, Luise Gootjes-Dreesbach, Vassilis Cutsuridis, Motoharu Yoshid. Transition between encoding and consolidation/replay dynamics via cholinergic modulation of CAN current: A modeling study. Hippocampus. vol 25. issue 9. 2016-05-12. PMID:25678405. these observations suggest that cholinergic system could adjust intrinsic network dynamics suitable for encoding and consolidation through the modulation of the can current and synaptic conductance in the hippocampus. 2016-05-12 2023-08-13 Not clear
Karyn M Fric. Molecular mechanisms underlying the memory-enhancing effects of estradiol. Hormones and behavior. vol 74. 2016-05-03. PMID:25960081. recent research has demonstrated that rapid effects of e2 on hippocampal cell signaling, epigenetic processes, and local protein synthesis are necessary for e2 to facilitate the consolidation of object recognition and spatial memories in ovariectomized female rodents. 2016-05-03 2023-08-13 Not clear
Priyamvada Rajasethupathy, Sethuraman Sankaran, James H Marshel, Christina K Kim, Emily Ferenczi, Soo Yeun Lee, Andre Berndt, Charu Ramakrishnan, Anna Jaffe, Maisie Lo, Conor Liston, Karl Deisserot. Projections from neocortex mediate top-down control of memory retrieval. Nature. vol 526. issue 7575. 2016-04-26. PMID:26436451. top-down prefrontal cortex inputs to the hippocampus have been hypothesized to be important in memory consolidation, retrieval, and the pathophysiology of major psychiatric diseases; however, no such direct projections have been identified and functionally described. 2016-04-26 2023-08-13 mouse
Sven Jahnke, Marc Timme, Raoul-Martin Memmesheime. A Unified Dynamic Model for Learning, Replay, and Sharp-Wave/Ripples. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. vol 35. issue 49. 2016-04-20. PMID:26658873. hippocampal activity is fundamental for episodic memory formation and consolidation. 2016-04-20 2023-08-13 Not clear
Micol Tomaiuolo, Cynthia Katche, Haydee Viola, Jorge H Medin. Evidence of Maintenance Tagging in the Hippocampus for the Persistence of Long-Lasting Memory Storage. Neural plasticity. vol 2015. 2016-04-19. PMID:26380116. the proposed maintenance tagging has several characteristics: (1) the tag is transient and time-dependent; (2) it sets in a late critical time window after an aversive training which induces a short-lasting ltm; (3) exposing rats to a novel environment specifically within this tag time window enables the consolidation to a long-lasting ltm; (4) a familiar environment exploration was not effective; (5) the effect of novelty on the promotion of memory persistence requires dopamine d1/d5 receptors and arc expression in the dorsal hippocampus. 2016-04-19 2023-08-13 rat