All Relations between attitudes and cannabis

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S Sussman, C W Den. One-year prospective prediction of marijuana use cessation among youth at continuation high schools. Addictive behaviors. vol 24. issue 3. 1999-08-26. PMID:10400279. social, attitude, intrapersonal, violence-related, drug-use-related, and demographic baseline measures served as predictors of whether or not 566 current marijuana users reported having quit use 1 year later. 1999-08-26 2023-08-12 Not clear
A M Somlai, J A Kelly, D A Wagstaff, D P Whitso. Patterns, predictors, and situational contexts of HIV risk behaviors among homeless men and women. Social work. vol 43. issue 1. 1998-03-13. PMID:9465788. women at high risk of hiv infection had greater life dissatisfaction; were less optimistic and held more fatalistic views about the future; held more negative condom attitudes; perceived themselves to be at risk; and frequently used alcohol, marijuana, and crack cocaine. 1998-03-13 2023-08-12 Not clear
W Hal. The recent Australian debate about the prohibition on cannabis use. Addiction (Abingdon, England). vol 92. issue 9. 1997-12-09. PMID:9374007. in the long term, the outcome of the debate may depend more upon trends in cannabis use and social attitudes among young adults than upon the persuasiveness of the arguments for a relaxation of the prohibition of cannabis. 1997-12-09 2023-08-12 Not clear
N G Harrington, L Donohe. Jump start: a targeted substance abuse prevention program. Health education & behavior : the official publication of the Society for Public Health Education. vol 24. issue 5. 1997-11-18. PMID:9307894. outcome evaluation indicated that significant pretest differences between high and low sensation seekers were neutralized for liquor and marijuana in both years of the program and for attitude toward drugs in the first year of the program. 1997-11-18 2023-08-12 human
R Tricker, D Connoll. Drugs and the college athlete: an analysis of the attitudes of student athletes at risk. Journal of drug education. vol 27. issue 2. 1997-09-09. PMID:9270209. this study was designed to examine the relative importance of selected attitude variables in describing a profile of athletes who were at risk for using anabolic steroids, human grown hormone, amphetamines, cocaine, and marijuana. 1997-09-09 2023-08-12 human
C C Lo, G Globett. The effects of internal and external control factors on college students' marijuana use and cessation of use. Journal of drug education. vol 25. issue 4. 1997-03-13. PMID:8907406. external control is indicated by factors including the number of extra-curricular activities in which an individual is involved; place of residence; the availability of marijuana; peer attitudes toward marijuana use; the number of an individual's friends who use marijuana; and the number of occasions on which an individual has observed others using marijuana. 1997-03-13 2023-08-12 Not clear
S K Lo, D Blaze-Temple, C W Binns, C Ovende. Adolescent cigarette consumption: the influence of attitudes and peer drug use. The International journal of the addictions. vol 28. issue 14. 1994-03-15. PMID:8307663. when current smokers are compared to past or never smokers, pro-tobacco attitudes are always the most important predictor variable followed by friends' use of marijuana and own use of marijuana, suggesting that pro-tobacco attitudes are responsible for maintaining tobacco consumption. 1994-03-15 2023-08-12 Not clear
L J Francis, K Mulle. Religiosity and attitudes towards drug use among 13-15 year olds in England. Addiction (Abingdon, England). vol 88. issue 5. 1993-07-28. PMID:8518717. a sample of 4753 13-15 year olds attending the third and fourth year classes of 29 secondary schools completed a questionnaire concerned with attitudes towards the use of alcohol, butane gas, glue, heroin, marijuana and tobacco, together with indices of religious affiliation, belief and practice. 1993-07-28 2023-08-12 Not clear
T L St Pierre, D L Kaltreider, M M Mark, K J Aiki. Drug prevention in a community setting: a longitudinal study of the relative effectiveness of a three-year primary prevention program in boys & girls clubs across the nation. American journal of community psychology. vol 20. issue 6. 1993-06-10. PMID:1302446. the stay smart program with the booster programs produced additional effects for alcohol attitudes and marijuana attitudes after each year of booster programs. 1993-06-10 2023-08-11 Not clear
R J McDermott, P D Sarvela, P N Hoalt, S M Bajracharya, P J Marty, E M Emer. Multiple correlates of cigarette use among high school students. The Journal of school health. vol 62. issue 4. 1992-09-23. PMID:1507867. a more parsimonious regression model (r2 = .28), using variables from the initial regression analysis with significance levels of .01 or less, indicated the most important predictors of cigarette use were ethnic group, attitude toward females who smoke, close friends' use of cigarettes, personal use of marijuana, best friend's use of cigarettes, personal use of alcohol, and school self-esteem. 1992-09-23 2023-08-11 Not clear
R E Doblin, M A Kleima. Marijuana as antiemetic medicine: a survey of oncologists' experiences and attitudes. Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology. vol 9. issue 7. 1991-07-18. PMID:2045870. marijuana as antiemetic medicine: a survey of oncologists' experiences and attitudes. 1991-07-18 2023-08-11 Not clear
R E Doblin, M A Kleima. Marijuana as antiemetic medicine: a survey of oncologists' experiences and attitudes. Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology. vol 9. issue 7. 1991-07-18. PMID:2045870. a random-sample, anonymous survey of the members of the american society of clinical oncology (asco) was conducted in spring 1990 measuring the attitudes and experiences of american oncologists concerning the antiemetic use of marijuana in cancer chemotherapy patients. 1991-07-18 2023-08-11 Not clear
S J Levy, J P Pierc. Predictors of marijuana use and uptake among teenagers in Sydney, Australia. The International journal of the addictions. vol 25. issue 10. 1991-06-04. PMID:2090622. the predictors of marijuana use were: male sex; heavier, more frequent alcohol use; use of drugs other than alcohol, tobacco, or marijuana; marijuana use by siblings, friends, and other acquaintances; attitudes and beliefs favoring drug use; the attitude that possession of marijuana should not be a criminal offense; and the attitude that marijuana is not an important drug issue. 1991-06-04 2023-08-11 Not clear
S J Levy, J P Pierc. Predictors of marijuana use and uptake among teenagers in Sydney, Australia. The International journal of the addictions. vol 25. issue 10. 1991-06-04. PMID:2090622. the predictors of uptake were: age; male sex; heavier, more frequent alcohol use; tobacco smoking; attitudes and beliefs favoring drugs use; and the attitude that marijuana smoking should be legal. 1991-06-04 2023-08-11 Not clear
P A Fried, B Watkinso. 12- and 24-month neurobehavioural follow-up of children prenatally exposed to marihuana, cigarettes and alcohol. Neurotoxicology and teratology. vol 10. issue 4. 1989-03-29. PMID:3226373. prenatal exposure to marijuana was uniquely positively associated with a series of items evaluating the child's attitudes and interests that reflect a cognitive factor. 1989-03-29 2023-08-11 Not clear
R Somme. Two decades of marijuana attitudes: the more it changes, the more it is the same. Journal of psychoactive drugs. vol 20. issue 1. 1988-08-17. PMID:3392633. two decades of marijuana attitudes: the more it changes, the more it is the same. 1988-08-17 2023-08-11 Not clear
P M Brown, E W Skiffingto. Patterns of marijuana and alcohol use attitudes for Pennsylvania 11th graders. The International journal of the addictions. vol 22. issue 6. 1988-01-05. PMID:3679629. patterns of marijuana and alcohol use attitudes for pennsylvania 11th graders. 1988-01-05 2023-08-11 Not clear
K H Beck, T G Summon. Police officer attitudes toward marijuana: a replication and confirmation. The American journal of drug and alcohol abuse. vol 10. issue 4. 1985-06-05. PMID:6335949. police officer attitudes toward marijuana: a replication and confirmation. 1985-06-05 2023-08-12 Not clear
K H Beck, T G Summon. Police officer attitudes toward marijuana: a replication and confirmation. The American journal of drug and alcohol abuse. vol 10. issue 4. 1985-06-05. PMID:6335949. a replication of the original survey of police attitudes toward marijuana was conducted in an adjacent county. 1985-06-05 2023-08-12 Not clear
W C Cockerham, J M Alste. A comparison of marijuana use among Mexican-American and Anglo rural youth utilizing a matched-set analysis. The International journal of the addictions. vol 18. issue 6. 1983-12-20. PMID:6605312. on all measures, mexican-american youth were found to have significantly more positive attitudes toward marijuana and more extensive marijuana use. 1983-12-20 2023-08-12 Not clear