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Jun Zhong, Shi-Ting Li, Shun-Qing Xu, Liang Wan, Xuhui Wan. Management of petrosal veins during microvascular decompression for trigeminal neuralgia. Neurological research. vol 30. issue 7. 2008-12-02. PMID:18631430. |
venous compression might be the main cause of incomplete decompression and symptom recurrence after microvascular decompression (mvd) in patients with trigeminal neuralgia. |
2008-12-02 |
2023-08-12 |
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F Alberione, A Arena, R Mater. [Microvascular descompression for trigeminal neuralgia: prognostic [corrected] factors]. Neurocirugia (Asturias, Spain). vol 19. issue 3. 2008-10-16. PMID:18654723. |
we describe our experience of the mvd in the typical trigeminal neuralgia and identify the prognostic factors. |
2008-10-16 |
2023-08-12 |
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C A Pagni, L Fariselli, S Zem. Trigeminal neuralgia. Non-invasive techniques versus microvascular decompression. It is really available any further improvement? Acta neurochirurgica. Supplement. vol 101. 2008-09-24. PMID:18642630. |
srs and ckr are less effective than mvd which, in spite of the risks it entails, remains the choice treatment for typical trigeminal neuralgia. |
2008-09-24 |
2023-08-12 |
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Nelly Amador, Bruce E Polloc. Repeat posterior fossa exploration for patients with persistent or recurrent idiopathic trigeminal neuralgia. Journal of neurosurgery. vol 108. issue 5. 2008-06-24. PMID:18447706. |
patients with trigeminal neuralgia (tn) and persistent or recurrent facial pain after microvascular decompression (mvd) typically undergo less invasive procedures in the hope of providing pain relief. |
2008-06-24 |
2023-08-12 |
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Raymond F Sekula, Edward M Marchan, Lynn H Fletcher, Kenneth F Casey, Peter J Jannett. Microvascular decompression for trigeminal neuralgia in elderly patients. Journal of neurosurgery. vol 108. issue 4. 2008-05-09. PMID:18377247. |
although microvascular decompression (mvd) for patients with medically refractory trigeminal neuralgia (tn) is widely accepted as the treatment of choice, other "second-tier" treatments are frequently offered to elderly patients due to concerns regarding fitness for surgery. |
2008-05-09 |
2023-08-12 |
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Keisuke Onoda, Takashi Agari, Isao Dat. [Microvascular decompression for trigeminal neuralgia in older patients]. No shinkei geka. Neurological surgery. vol 36. issue 1. 2008-04-01. PMID:18232320. |
microvascular decompression (mvd) is an effective form of surgery for the treatment of trigeminal neuralgia (tn), and is superior to other procedures utilized in the treatment of this condition. |
2008-04-01 |
2023-08-12 |
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Keisuke Onoda, Takashi Agari, Isao Dat. [Microvascular decompression for trigeminal neuralgia in older patients]. No shinkei geka. Neurological surgery. vol 36. issue 1. 2008-04-01. PMID:18232320. |
in cases of trigeminal neuralgia in which medical therapy has failed to produce beneficial results, we encourage elderly patients to undergo mvd if their general condition is stable. |
2008-04-01 |
2023-08-12 |
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Aage R Møller, Margareta B Mølle. Microvascular decompression operations. Progress in brain research. vol 166. 2008-01-10. PMID:17956804. |
this operation, known as microvascular decompression (mvd) is in general use to treat other hyperactive disorders such as hemifacial spasm (hfs) and trigeminal neuralgia (tgn) where the operation has a success rate of approximately 85%. |
2008-01-10 |
2023-08-12 |
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Dirk De Ridder, Karin Heijneman, Benno Haarman, Elsa van der Lo. Tinnitus in vascular conflict of the eighth cranial nerve: a surgical pathophysiological approach to ABR changes. Progress in brain research. vol 166. 2008-01-10. PMID:17956805. |
the outcome of operations for tinnitus, moving the blood vessel off the nerve (microvascular decompression operations, mvd) is less successful than microvascular decompression operations for other vascular conflict syndromes (hemifacial spasm, hfs, and trigeminal neuralgia, tgn). |
2008-01-10 |
2023-08-12 |
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Marc Sindou, José Leston, Evelyne Decullier, François Chapui. Microvascular decompression for primary trigeminal neuralgia: long-term effectiveness and prognostic factors in a series of 362 consecutive patients with clear-cut neurovascular conflicts who underwent pure decompression. Journal of neurosurgery. vol 107. issue 6. 2008-01-03. PMID:18077952. |
the purpose of this study was to evaluate the long-term efficacy of microvascular decompression (mvd) and to identify the factors affecting outcome in patients treated for primary trigeminal neuralgia (tn). |
2008-01-03 |
2023-08-12 |
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M Sindou, J Leston, T Howeidy, E Decullier, F Chapui. Micro-vascular decompression for primary Trigeminal Neuralgia (typical or atypical). Long-term effectiveness on pain; prospective study with survival analysis in a consecutive series of 362 patients. Acta neurochirurgica. vol 148. issue 12. 2007-09-11. PMID:16804643. |
few publications on primary trigeminal neuralgia treated by micro-vascular decompression (mvd) report large series, with long-term follow-up, using kaplan-meier (k-m) analysis. |
2007-09-11 |
2023-08-12 |
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M Sindou, J Leston, T Howeidy, E Decullier, F Chapui. Micro-vascular decompression for primary Trigeminal Neuralgia (typical or atypical). Long-term effectiveness on pain; prospective study with survival analysis in a consecutive series of 362 patients. Acta neurochirurgica. vol 148. issue 12. 2007-09-11. PMID:16804643. |
none was specifically directed to the comparative study of mvd effectiveness on trigeminal neuralgia with typical (i.e., with paroxysmal pain only) and atypical features (i.e., with association of a permanent background of pain). |
2007-09-11 |
2023-08-12 |
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M N Pamir, S Peke. Microvascular decompression for trigeminal neuralgia: a long-term follow-up study. Minimally invasive neurosurgery : MIN. vol 49. issue 6. 2007-05-30. PMID:17323260. |
in this report, we present our experience with microvascular decompression (mvd) as treatment for trigeminal neuralgia (tn) and discuss factors related to recurrence after this procedure. |
2007-05-30 |
2023-08-12 |
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H Baechli, O Gratz. Microvascular decompression in trigeminal neuralgia with no vascular compression. European surgical research. Europaische chirurgische Forschung. Recherches chirurgicales europeennes. vol 39. issue 1. 2007-05-16. PMID:17204836. |
microvascular decompression (mvd) is a well-known surgical procedure with one of the best long-term results in the therapy of trigeminal neuralgia. |
2007-05-16 |
2023-08-12 |
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Ronald Brisma. Microvascular decompression vs. gamma knife radiosurgery for typical trigeminal neuralgia: preliminary findings. Stereotactic and functional neurosurgery. vol 85. issue 2-3. 2007-05-01. PMID:17167238. |
patients with typical trigeminal neuralgia were treated by one neurosurgeon with either microvascular decompression (mvd) or gamma knife radiosurgery (gkrs) and were prospectively evaluated with a uniform protocol. |
2007-05-01 |
2023-08-12 |
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Toru Satoh, Megumi Omi, Chika Ohsako, Keisuke Onoda, Isao Dat. [Assessment of neurovascular compression in patients with trigeminal neuralgia with a boundary fusion three-dimensional magnetic resonance cisternogram/angiogram]. No shinkei geka. Neurological surgery. vol 35. issue 1. 2007-02-20. PMID:17228766. |
precise assessment of the complex nerve-vessel relationship at the root entry zone (rez) the trigeminal nerve is useful for the planning of the microvascular decompression (mvd) in patients with trigeminal neuralgia. |
2007-02-20 |
2023-08-12 |
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Toru Satoh, Megumi Omi, Chika Ohsako, Keisuke Onoda, Isao Dat. [Assessment of neurovascular compression in patients with trigeminal neuralgia with a boundary fusion three-dimensional magnetic resonance cisternogram/angiogram]. No shinkei geka. Neurological surgery. vol 35. issue 1. 2007-02-20. PMID:17228766. |
the boundary fusion 3d mr cisternogram/angiogram may prove a useful adjunct for the diag nosis and decision-making process to execute the mvd in patients with trigeminal neuralgia. |
2007-02-20 |
2023-08-12 |
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Yan-jun Chong, Jian Chen, Guang-ting Zhu, De-yi Duan, Qi-long Cheng, Qi-jie Sha. [Therapeutic evaluation of microvascular decompression in patients with trigeminal neuralgia associated with hypertension]. Zhonghua wai ke za zhi [Chinese journal of surgery]. vol 43. issue 5. 2006-11-14. PMID:15842946. |
the aim of work was to evaluate the efficacy of microvascular decompression (mvd) in patients with trigeminal neuralgia (tn) associated with hypertension. |
2006-11-14 |
2023-08-12 |
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Ramin Amirnovin, Joseph S Neimat, Jane A Roberts, Emad N Eskanda. Multimodality treatment of trigeminal neuralgia. Stereotactic and functional neurosurgery. vol 83. issue 5-6. 2006-08-29. PMID:16424684. |
most trigeminal neuralgia (tn) studies focus on a single strategy, microvascular decompression (mvd) or percutaneous rhizotomy (pr). |
2006-08-29 |
2023-08-12 |
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T C Athanasiou, N K Patel, S A Renowden, H B Coakha. Some patients with multiple sclerosis have neurovascular compression causing their trigeminal neuralgia and can be treated effectively with MVD: report of five cases. British journal of neurosurgery. vol 19. issue 6. 2006-08-24. PMID:16574557. |
some patients with multiple sclerosis have neurovascular compression causing their trigeminal neuralgia and can be treated effectively with mvd: report of five cases. |
2006-08-24 |
2023-08-12 |
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