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Cecilia Bonnet, Emmanuelle Apartis, Mathieu Anheim, Andre P Legrand, Jose F Baizabal-Carvallo, Anne M Bonnet, Alexandra Durr, Marie Vidailhe. Tremor-spectrum in spinocerebellar ataxia type 3. Journal of neurology. vol 259. issue 11. 2013-08-22. PMID:22592286. |
we identified two different tremor-types in 6/72 patients with sca3 mutations, a "fast" (6.5-8 hz) action, postural or tremor in orthostatism (initial symptom), which became slower over time with associated parkinsonism with a follow-up of 10 years and a "slow" rest, action and intention tremor (3-4 hz) with distal and proximal component (including axial tremor in orthostatism). |
2013-08-22 |
2023-08-12 |
Not clear |
Ke Zou, Wanjun Guo, Gongshun Tang, Bo Zheng, Zhong Zhen. A Case of early onset Parkinson's disease after major stress. Neuropsychiatric disease and treatment. vol 9. 2013-08-16. PMID:23950648. |
a 38-year-old woman experienced sudden onset of rest tremor in the left forearm 1 week after learning that her deeply loved husband was involved in an affair. |
2013-08-16 |
2023-08-12 |
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Marianna Selikhova, Peter A Kempster, Tamas Revesz, Janice L Holton, Andrew J Lee. Neuropathological findings in benign tremulous parkinsonism. Movement disorders : official journal of the Movement Disorder Society. vol 28. issue 2. 2013-08-06. PMID:23239469. |
the only consistent distinguishing feature of the 5 pathologically disproved cases, who may have had either essential tremor with associated rest tremor or dystonic tremor, was a failure to develop unequivocal bradykinesia within a decade of onset of tremor at rest. |
2013-08-06 |
2023-08-12 |
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M de Verdal, D Renard, L Collombier, V Boudousq, P O Kotzki, P Labauge, G Castelnov. I123-FP-CIT single-photon emission tomography in patients with long-standing mixed tremor. European journal of neurology. vol 20. issue 2. 2013-07-18. PMID:23043318. |
in some essential tremor patients, rest tremor (rt) is observed but it is not clear if this rt is a feature of essential tremor or a symptom of parkinson's disease (pd). |
2013-07-18 |
2023-08-12 |
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Roberto Erro, Nial P Quinn, Susanne A Schneider, Kailash P Bhati. Does rest tremor exclude the diagnosis of adult-onset primary dystonia? Journal of neurology, neurosurgery, and psychiatry. vol 84. issue 6. 2013-07-12. PMID:23408067. |
does rest tremor exclude the diagnosis of adult-onset primary dystonia? |
2013-07-12 |
2023-08-12 |
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Rahul T Chakor, N S Santhos. Severe neuropsychiatric presentation of Wilson's disease. Indian journal of psychiatry. vol 53. issue 2. 2013-07-04. PMID:21772656. |
on examination, he had mild rest and postural tremors and a kf ring was seen. |
2013-07-04 |
2023-08-12 |
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Pablo Martinez-Martin, Carmen Rodriguez-Blazquez, Mario Alvarez-Sanchez, Tomoko Arakaki, Alberto Bergareche-Yarza, Anabel Chade, Nelida Garretto, Oscar Gershanik, Monica M Kurtis, Juan Carlos Martinez-Castrillo, Amelia Mendoza-Rodriguez, Henry P Moore, Mayela Rodriguez-Violante, Carlos Singer, Barbara C Tilley, Jing Huang, Glenn T Stebbins, Christopher G Goet. Expanded and independent validation of the Movement Disorder Society-Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (MDS-UPDRS). Journal of neurology. vol 260. issue 1. 2013-06-14. PMID:22865238. |
test-retest reliability was adequate with only two sub-scores of the item 3.17, rest tremor amplitude, reaching κ values lower than 0.60. |
2013-06-14 |
2023-08-12 |
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Stanley C Flavel, Jenna D Koch, Jason M White, Gabrielle Tod. Illicit stimulant use in humans is associated with a long-term increase in tremor. PloS one. vol 7. issue 12. 2013-06-10. PMID:23272201. |
thus, the aim of the current study was to investigate the long-term effect of stimulant use on human tremor during rest and movement. |
2013-06-10 |
2023-08-12 |
human |
Stanley C Flavel, Jenna D Koch, Jason M White, Gabrielle Tod. Illicit stimulant use in humans is associated with a long-term increase in tremor. PloS one. vol 7. issue 12. 2013-06-10. PMID:23272201. |
we hypothesized that individuals with a history of stimulant use would exhibit abnormally large tremor during rest and movement. |
2013-06-10 |
2023-08-12 |
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Stanley C Flavel, Jenna D Koch, Jason M White, Gabrielle Tod. Illicit stimulant use in humans is associated with a long-term increase in tremor. PloS one. vol 7. issue 12. 2013-06-10. PMID:23272201. |
tremor was measured with an accelerometer attached to the index finger at rest (30 s) and during flexion and extension of the index finger (30 s). |
2013-06-10 |
2023-08-12 |
human |
Robert Fekete, Jin L. Clinical differentiation of essential tremor and Parkinson's disease. Clinical medicine insights. Case reports. vol 6. 2013-05-24. PMID:23700378. |
relatively slow frequency rest tremor and bilateral upper extremity bradykinesia without decrementing amplitude were observed in the et cases, with unilaterally decreased arm swing in case 3. |
2013-05-24 |
2023-08-12 |
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Robert Fekete, Jin L. Clinical differentiation of essential tremor and Parkinson's disease. Clinical medicine insights. Case reports. vol 6. 2013-05-24. PMID:23700378. |
alternating rest tremor and re-emergent tremor with 13 second latency was confirmed in the pd case. |
2013-05-24 |
2023-08-12 |
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Robert Fekete, Jin L. Clinical differentiation of essential tremor and Parkinson's disease. Clinical medicine insights. Case reports. vol 6. 2013-05-24. PMID:23700378. |
alternating re-emergent tremor in pd provides further evidence for re-emergent tremor as an analogue of rest tremor in pd. |
2013-05-24 |
2023-08-12 |
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Mary Ann Thenganatt, Elan D Loui. Distinguishing essential tremor from Parkinson's disease: bedside tests and laboratory evaluations. Expert review of neurotherapeutics. vol 12. issue 6. 2013-04-01. PMID:22650171. |
various tremor types (rest, postural, kinetic and intention) may be seen in both essential tremor and parkinson's disease. |
2013-04-01 |
2023-08-12 |
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Marcelo M S Lima, Emerson F Martins, Ana Marci Delattre, Mariana B Proenca, Marco A Mori, Bruno Carabelli, Anete C Ferra. Motor and non-motor features of Parkinson's disease - a review of clinical and experimental studies. CNS & neurological disorders drug targets. vol 11. issue 4. 2012-12-03. PMID:22483309. |
rigidity, bradykinesia, rest tremor and postural reflex disturbance). |
2012-12-03 |
2023-08-12 |
human |
E D Louis, M Gerbin, A S Vine. Color vision: a study of essential tremor cases versus normal controls. European journal of neurology. vol 19. issue 8. 2012-11-19. PMID:22417326. |
we furthermore assessed subgroups of et cases with clinical features that might link them to pd (i.e., et cases with a family history of pd, and et cases with rest tremor) to determine whether these cases had greater color vision abnormalities than et cases without those features. |
2012-11-19 |
2023-08-12 |
Not clear |
J K Krauss, R Trankle, A Raab. Tremor and dystonia after penetrating diencephalic-mesencephalic trauma. Parkinsonism & related disorders. vol 3. issue 2. 2012-10-02. PMID:18591066. |
we report an unusual case with a 4-5 hz rest and postural tremor and focal action-induced dystonia of the left arm. |
2012-10-02 |
2023-08-12 |
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C Duval, A Beuter, S Gauthie. Fluctuations in tremor at rest and saccadic eye movements in subjects with Parkinsons disease. Parkinsonism & related disorders. vol 3. issue 4. 2012-10-02. PMID:18591076. |
fluctuations in tremor at rest and saccadic eye movements in subjects with parkinsons disease. |
2012-10-02 |
2023-08-12 |
human |
C Duval, A Beuter, S Gauthie. Fluctuations in tremor at rest and saccadic eye movements in subjects with Parkinsons disease. Parkinsonism & related disorders. vol 3. issue 4. 2012-10-02. PMID:18591076. |
in addition, subjects with pd showed more fluctuations in their tremor at rest (0.52 +/- 0.98 mm versus 0.003 +/- 0.006 mm, u = 1, p < 0.05). |
2012-10-02 |
2023-08-12 |
human |
C Duval, A Beuter, S Gauthie. Fluctuations in tremor at rest and saccadic eye movements in subjects with Parkinsons disease. Parkinsonism & related disorders. vol 3. issue 4. 2012-10-02. PMID:18591076. |
spearman's rank correlation coefficient showed no direct relationship between saccade amplitude and changes in tremor amplitude at the time of each saccade but, in general, subjects with pd who had more fluctuations in their tremor at rest had also more fluctuations in their saccade error (rho = 0.9). |
2012-10-02 |
2023-08-12 |
human |