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Steven M Silverstein, Michi Hatashita-Wong, Sandra Wilkniss, Jérôme Lapasse. [Interpersonal techniques for optimizing positive outcomes in the inpatient psychiatric rehabilitation of schizophrenia]. Sante mentale au Quebec. vol 29. issue 2. 2005-10-26. PMID:15928787. |
[interpersonal techniques for optimizing positive outcomes in the inpatient psychiatric rehabilitation of schizophrenia]. |
2005-10-26 |
2023-08-12 |
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Köksal Alptekin, Sahap Erkoç, Ali K Göğüş, Savaş Kültür, Levent Mete, Alp Uçok, Kazim M Yazic. Disability in schizophrenia: clinical correlates and prediction over 1-year follow-up. Psychiatry research. vol 135. issue 2. 2005-08-25. PMID:15923043. |
schizophrenia may cause disability leading to restrictions on many domains of daily life such as hygiene, self-management, vocational and leisure activities, and family and social relationships. |
2005-08-25 |
2023-08-12 |
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Rena Kurs, Herman Farkas, Michael Ritsne. Quality of life and temperament factors in schizophrenia: comparative study of patients, their siblings and controls. Quality of life research : an international journal of quality of life aspects of treatment, care and rehabilitation. vol 14. issue 2. 2005-06-09. PMID:15892432. |
when differences between patients, their siblings and controls were adjusted for gender, age at examination, and education, anova demonstrated that temperament factors contributed to poor satisfaction with physical health, social relationships and subjective feelings in schizophrenia patients. |
2005-06-09 |
2023-08-12 |
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Goro Tanaka, Hiroyuki Inadomi, Yasuki Kikuchi, Yasuyuki Oht. Evaluating community attitudes to people with schizophrenia and mental disorders using a case vignette method. Psychiatry and clinical neurosciences. vol 59. issue 1. 2005-05-31. PMID:15679547. |
in addition, many respondents thought that schizophrenia is caused by problems in interpersonal relationships (64.8%) and represents an unstable disease (69.9%). |
2005-05-31 |
2023-08-12 |
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Max Birchwood, Paul Gilbert, Jean Gilbert, Peter Trower, Alan Meaden, Justin Hay, Eleanor Murray, Jeremy N V Mile. Interpersonal and role-related schema influence the relationship with the dominant 'voice' in schizophrenia: a comparison of three models. Psychological medicine. vol 34. issue 8. 2005-04-19. PMID:15724887. |
interpersonal and role-related schema influence the relationship with the dominant 'voice' in schizophrenia: a comparison of three models. |
2005-04-19 |
2023-08-12 |
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Herbert Y Meltze. Cognitive factors in schizophrenia: causes, impact, and treatment. CNS spectrums. vol 9. issue 10 Suppl 11. 2005-01-04. PMID:15475873. |
successful treatment of positive symptoms in patients with schizophrenia has not been shown to robustly translate into improvements in employment status or social relationships, while cognitive improvements are strongly associated with these important aspects of qol and independence. |
2005-01-04 |
2023-08-12 |
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Joseph Ventura, Keith H Nuechterlein, Kenneth L Subotnik, Michael F Green, Michael J Gitli. Self-efficacy and neurocognition may be related to coping responses in recent-onset schizophrenia. Schizophrenia research. vol 69. issue 2-3. 2004-11-15. PMID:15469206. |
using the coping responses inventory, we examined how 29 recent-onset schizophrenia outpatients and 24 demographically matched normal comparison subjects responded to a negative interpersonal life event. |
2004-11-15 |
2023-08-12 |
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Paul H Lysaker, Amanda M Wickett, Rebecca S Lancaster, Kikuko Campbell, Louanne W Davi. Heightened interpersonal dependency in schizophrenia: associations with graver impairment in neurocognition but not with negative or positive symptoms. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic. vol 68. issue 2. 2004-08-24. PMID:15262618. |
heightened interpersonal dependency in schizophrenia: associations with graver impairment in neurocognition but not with negative or positive symptoms. |
2004-08-24 |
2023-08-12 |
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Jack J Blanchard, Steven L Sayers, Lindsay M Collins, Alan S Bellac. Affectivity in the problem-solving interactions of schizophrenia patients and their family members. Schizophrenia research. vol 69. issue 1. 2004-07-29. PMID:15145476. |
the findings indicate the importance of examining domains of affect other than negativity and demonstrate that negative symptoms are related to interpersonal displays of affect in schizophrenia. |
2004-07-29 |
2023-08-12 |
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Hiroshi Suwa, Eisuke Matsushima, Katsuya Ohta, Katsumi Mor. Attention disorders in schizophrenia. Psychiatry and clinical neurosciences. vol 58. issue 3. 2004-07-27. PMID:15149289. |
omission was found to act as a state-dependent index of schizophrenia in relation to inattentiveness in clinical settings and emotional disturbance in interpersonal situations. |
2004-07-27 |
2023-08-12 |
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Paul H Lysaker, Louanne W Davi. Social function in schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder: associations with personality, symptoms and neurocognition. Health and quality of life outcomes. vol 2. 2004-05-03. PMID:15025789. |
less is known about how closely individual differences in personality are uniquely related to levels of social relationships, a domain of dysfunction in schizophrenia more often linked in the literature with symptoms and neurocognitive deficits. |
2004-05-03 |
2023-08-12 |
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Gerald Goldstein, Nancy J Minshew, Daniel N Allen, Brent E Seato. High-functioning autism and schizophrenia: a comparison of an early and late onset neurodevelopmental disorder. Archives of clinical neuropsychology : the official journal of the National Academy of Neuropsychologists. vol 17. issue 5. 2004-01-15. PMID:14592000. |
autism and schizophrenia are separate neurodevelopmental disorders that share a number of interpersonal and cognitive deficits. |
2004-01-15 |
2023-08-12 |
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Kimmy S Kee, Michael F Green, Jim Mintz, John S Brekk. Is emotion processing a predictor of functional outcome in schizophrenia? Schizophrenia bulletin. vol 29. issue 3. 2004-01-14. PMID:14609242. |
this prospective study examined cross-sectional and longitudinal relationships between perception of emotion and aspects of psychosocial functioning, including family relationships, social relationships, work functioning, and independent living/self-care in 94 clinically stabilized schizophrenia outpatients from five community-based rehabilitation programs. |
2004-01-14 |
2023-08-12 |
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Minu A Aghevli, Jack J Blanchard, William P Hora. The expression and experience of emotion in schizophrenia: a study of social interactions. Psychiatry research. vol 119. issue 3. 2003-12-10. PMID:12914897. |
however, it is unclear if this disjunction between emotional experience and expression in schizophrenia extends to the interpersonal domain. |
2003-12-10 |
2023-08-12 |
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Glenn Shean, Eva Abel, Carla DeSalv. Interpersonal aspects of the syndromes of schizophrenia. Psychopathology. vol 36. issue 1. 2003-08-19. PMID:12679587. |
interpersonal aspects of the syndromes of schizophrenia. |
2003-08-19 |
2023-08-12 |
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Francisco J Vaz, Agustín Béjar, Mariano Casad. Insight, psychopathology, and interpersonal relationships in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia bulletin. vol 28. issue 2. 2003-05-01. PMID:12693436. |
insight, psychopathology, and interpersonal relationships in schizophrenia. |
2003-05-01 |
2023-08-12 |
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Anne K Wuerker, Jeffrey D Long, Gretchen L Haas, Alan S Bellac. Interpersonal control, expressed emotion, and change in symptoms in families of persons with schizophrenia. Schizophrenia research. vol 58. issue 2-3. 2003-03-21. PMID:12409169. |
interpersonal control, expressed emotion, and change in symptoms in families of persons with schizophrenia. |
2003-03-21 |
2023-08-12 |
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Carmel M Loughland, Leanne M Williams, Evian Gordo. Schizophrenia and affective disorder show different visual scanning behavior for faces: a trait versus state-based distinction? Biological psychiatry. vol 52. issue 4. 2002-11-22. PMID:12208641. |
abnormal visual scanpaths to faces and facial expressions in schizophrenia may underlie schizophrenic subjects' disturbed interpersonal communication. |
2002-11-22 |
2023-08-12 |
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A K Wuerker, G L Haas, A S Bellac. Interpersonal control and expressed emotion in families of persons with schizophrenia: change over time. Schizophrenia bulletin. vol 27. issue 4. 2002-07-31. PMID:11824493. |
interpersonal control and expressed emotion in families of persons with schizophrenia: change over time. |
2002-07-31 |
2023-08-12 |
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Anne K Wuerker, Vincent Kang Fu, Gretchen L Haas, Alan S Bellac. Age, expressed emotion, and interpersonal control patterning in families of persons with schizophrenia. Psychiatry research. vol 109. issue 2. 2002-06-19. PMID:11927141. |
age, expressed emotion, and interpersonal control patterning in families of persons with schizophrenia. |
2002-06-19 |
2023-08-12 |
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