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Kristyna Vrbova, Jan Prasko, Marie Ociskova, Klara Latalova, Michaela Holubova, Ales Grambal, Milos Slepeck. Insight in schizophrenia - a double-edged sword? Neuro endocrinology letters. vol 38. issue 7. 2018-05-03. PMID:29369595. |
increased insight in schizophrenia has been associated not only with benefits, but also bring trouble in the form of self-stigma, low self-esteem, reduced patient's hope, diminished quality of life, and increased suicidality. |
2018-05-03 |
2023-08-13 |
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Alessandro Rossi, Silvana Galderisi, Paola Rocca, Alessandro Bertolino, Paola Rucci, Dino Gibertoni, Paolo Stratta, Paola Bucci, Armida Mucci, Eugenio Aguglia, Giovanni Amodeo, Mario Amore, Antonello Bellomo, Roberto Brugnoli, Grazia Caforio, Bernardo Carpiniello, Liliana Dell'Osso, Fabio di Fabio, Massimo di Giannantonio, Carlo Marchesi, Palmiero Monteleone, Cristiana Montemagni, Lucio Oldani, Rita Roncone, Emilio Sacchetti, Paolo Santonastaso, Alberto Siracusano, Patrizia Zeppegno, Mario Ma. Personal resources and depression in schizophrenia: The role of self-esteem, resilience and internalized stigma. Psychiatry research. vol 256. 2018-05-02. PMID:28686933. |
personal resources and depression in schizophrenia: the role of self-esteem, resilience and internalized stigma. |
2018-05-02 |
2023-08-13 |
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Jie Li, Yang-Bo Guo, Yuan-Guang Huang, Jing-Wen Liu, Wen Chen, Xiang-Yang Zhang, Sara Evans-Lacko, Graham Thornicrof. Stigma and discrimination experienced by people with schizophrenia living in the community in Guangzhou, China. Psychiatry research. vol 255. 2018-03-20. PMID:28582718. |
a total of 384 people with schizophrenia were randomly recruited from four districts of guangzhou and completed the scales and questionnaires: internalized stigma of mental illness scale (ismi), self-esteem scale (ses), discrimination and stigma scale (disc-12), brief psychiatric rating scale (bprs), panss negative scale (panss-n), global assessment of functioning (gaf) and schizophrenia quality of life scale (sqls). |
2018-03-20 |
2023-08-13 |
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EunJung Oh, EunJu Song, JungEun Shi. Individual Factors Affecting Self-esteem, and Relationships Among Self-esteem, Body Mass Index, and Body Image in Patients With Schizophrenia. Archives of psychiatric nursing. vol 31. issue 6. 2018-02-05. PMID:29179826. |
individual factors affecting self-esteem, and relationships among self-esteem, body mass index, and body image in patients with schizophrenia. |
2018-02-05 |
2023-08-13 |
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EunJung Oh, EunJu Song, JungEun Shi. Individual Factors Affecting Self-esteem, and Relationships Among Self-esteem, Body Mass Index, and Body Image in Patients With Schizophrenia. Archives of psychiatric nursing. vol 31. issue 6. 2018-02-05. PMID:29179826. |
the purposes of this study were to identify correlations between body mass index, body image, and self-esteem in patients with schizophrenia and to analyse the specific factors affecting self-esteem. |
2018-02-05 |
2023-08-13 |
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EunJung Oh, EunJu Song, JungEun Shi. Individual Factors Affecting Self-esteem, and Relationships Among Self-esteem, Body Mass Index, and Body Image in Patients With Schizophrenia. Archives of psychiatric nursing. vol 31. issue 6. 2018-02-05. PMID:29179826. |
the self-esteem of patients with schizophrenia was influenced by body mass index and body image. |
2018-02-05 |
2023-08-13 |
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EunJung Oh, EunJu Song, JungEun Shi. Individual Factors Affecting Self-esteem, and Relationships Among Self-esteem, Body Mass Index, and Body Image in Patients With Schizophrenia. Archives of psychiatric nursing. vol 31. issue 6. 2018-02-05. PMID:29179826. |
thus, psychiatric nurses should develop education and care programs that contribute to the positive body image and self-esteem of patients with schizophrenia. |
2018-02-05 |
2023-08-13 |
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F Wartelsteiner, Y Mizuno, B Frajo-Apor, G Kemmler, S Pardeller, C Sondermann, A Welte, W W Fleischhacker, H Uchida, A Hofe. Quality of life in stabilized patients with schizophrenia is mainly associated with resilience and self-esteem. Acta psychiatrica Scandinavica. vol 134. issue 4. 2017-09-14. PMID:27497263. |
quality of life in stabilized patients with schizophrenia is mainly associated with resilience and self-esteem. |
2017-09-14 |
2023-08-13 |
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Sibel Asi Karakaş, Ayşe Okanlı, Emine Yılma. The Effect of Internalized Stigma on the Self Esteem in Patients with Schizophrenia. Archives of psychiatric nursing. vol 30. issue 6. 2017-08-22. PMID:27888954. |
this study has been conducted to determine the relationship between internalized stigma and self-esteem in patients with schizophrenia. |
2017-08-22 |
2023-08-13 |
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Chih-Cheng Chang, Cheng-Fang Yen, Fong-Lin Jang, Jian-An Su, Chung-Ying Li. Comparing Affiliate Stigma Between Family Caregivers of People With Different Severe Mental Illness in Taiwan. The Journal of nervous and mental disease. vol 205. issue 7. 2017-07-19. PMID:28291058. |
each caregiver of family members with schizophrenia (n = 215), bipolar disorder (n = 85), and major depressive disorder (n = 159) completed the affiliate stigma scale, rosenberg self-esteem scale, caregiver burden inventory, taiwanese depression questionnaire, and beck anxiety inventory. |
2017-07-19 |
2023-08-13 |
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Ellen M A Horsselenberg, Jooske T van Busschbach, Andre Aleman, Gerdine H M Pijnenbor. Self-Stigma and Its Relationship with Victimization, Psychotic Symptoms and Self-Esteem among People with Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders. PloS one. vol 11. issue 10. 2017-06-14. PMID:27783677. |
self-stigma is highly prevalent in schizophrenia and can be seen as an important factor leading to low self-esteem. |
2017-06-14 |
2023-08-13 |
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Nidhi Malhotra, Parmanand Kulhara, Subho Chakrabarti, Sandeep Grove. Lifestyle related factors & impact of metabolic syndrome on quality of life, level of functioning & self-esteem in patients with bipolar disorder & schizophrenia. The Indian journal of medical research. vol 143. issue 4. 2017-05-29. PMID:27377499. |
lifestyle related factors & impact of metabolic syndrome on quality of life, level of functioning & self-esteem in patients with bipolar disorder & schizophrenia. |
2017-05-29 |
2023-08-13 |
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Se Youn An, Gyung Hee Kim, Ji Young Ki. Effectiveness of Shared Decision-Making Training Program in People With Schizophrenia in South Korea. Perspectives in psychiatric care. vol 53. issue 2. 2017-05-10. PMID:26601913. |
this study aimed to investigate the effects of shared decision-making (sdm) training program on self-esteem, problem-solving ability, and quality of life in people with schizophrenia. |
2017-05-10 |
2023-08-13 |
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J Aust, T Bradsha. Mindfulness interventions for psychosis: a systematic review of the literature. Journal of psychiatric and mental health nursing. vol 24. issue 1. 2017-05-10. PMID:27928859. |
: psychosis and the more specific diagnosis of schizophrenia constitute a major psychiatric disorder which impacts heavily on the self-esteem, functioning and quality of life of those affected. |
2017-05-10 |
2023-08-13 |
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Kyungun Jhung, Jin Young Park, Yun Young Song, Jee In Kang, Eun Lee, Suk Kyoon A. Experiential pleasure deficits in the prodrome: A study of emotional experiences in individuals at ultra-high risk for psychosis and recent-onset schizophrenia. Comprehensive psychiatry. vol 68. 2017-04-12. PMID:27234204. |
this study investigated noncurrent and current pleasure experiences and its relationship with neurocognitive function and self-esteem in ultra-high risk (uhr) for psychosis and recent-onset schizophrenia (rospr). |
2017-04-12 |
2023-08-13 |
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Alex Hofer, Yuya Mizuno, Beatrice Frajo-Apor, Georg Kemmler, Takefumi Suzuki, Silvia Pardeller, Anna-Sophia Welte, Catherine Sondermann, Masaru Mimura, Fabienne Wartelsteiner, W Wolfgang Fleischhacker, Hiroyuki Uchid. Resilience, internalized stigma, self-esteem, and hopelessness among people with schizophrenia: Cultural comparison in Austria and Japan. Schizophrenia research. vol 171. issue 1-3. 2016-12-13. PMID:26805413. |
resilience, internalized stigma, self-esteem, and hopelessness among people with schizophrenia: cultural comparison in austria and japan. |
2016-12-13 |
2023-08-13 |
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b' Domagoj Vidovi\\xc4\\x87, Petrana Breci\\xc4\\x87, Maja Vilibi\\xc4\\x87, Vlado Juki\\xc4\\x8. INSIGHT AND SELF-STIGMA IN PATIENTS WITH SCHIZOPHRENIA. Acta clinica Croatica. vol 55. issue 1. 2016-07-21. PMID:27333714.' |
poor insight and high level of self-stigma are often present among patients with schizophrenia and are related to poorer treatment adherence, poorer social function and rehabilitation, aggressive behavior, higher level of depression, social anxiety, lower quality of life and self-esteem. |
2016-07-21 |
2023-08-13 |
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Chien-Yi Ow, Boon-Ooi Le. Relationships between perceived stigma, coping orientations, self-esteem, and quality of life in patients with schizophrenia. Asia-Pacific journal of public health. vol 27. issue 2. 2016-05-17. PMID:23239750. |
relationships between perceived stigma, coping orientations, self-esteem, and quality of life in patients with schizophrenia. |
2016-05-17 |
2023-08-12 |
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Anthony Fulginiti, John S Brekk. Escape from Discrepancy: Self-Esteem and Quality of Life as Predictors of Current Suicidal Ideation Among Individuals with Schizophrenia. Community mental health journal. vol 51. issue 6. 2016-04-18. PMID:25682283. |
escape from discrepancy: self-esteem and quality of life as predictors of current suicidal ideation among individuals with schizophrenia. |
2016-04-18 |
2023-08-13 |
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Carmen Valiente, Maria Provencio, Regina Espinosa, Almudena Duque, Franziska Evert. Insight in paranoia: The role of experiential avoidance and internalized stigma. Schizophrenia research. vol 164. issue 1-3. 2016-03-28. PMID:25823400. |
we investigated the patterns of association of insight with satisfaction with life, self-esteem, depression, anxiety and psychotic psychopathology as moderated by self-stigmatizing beliefs and experiential avoidance, in a sample of 47 participants with persecutory beliefs and diagnosed with schizophrenia or other psychotic disorder. |
2016-03-28 |
2023-08-13 |
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