All Relations between Radiculopathy and lumbar

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Andreas T Kouyialis, Efstathios J Boviatsis, Stefanos Korfias, Damianos E Saka. Lumbar synovial cyst as a cause of low back pain and acute radiculopathy: a case report. Southern medical journal. vol 98. issue 2. 2005-05-18. PMID:15759954. lumbar synovial cyst as a cause of low back pain and acute radiculopathy: a case report. 2005-05-18 2023-08-12 Not clear
Michael L LaCroix-Fralish, Vivianne L Tawfik, Joyce A DeLe. The organizational and activational effects of sex hormones on tactile and thermal hypersensitivity following lumbar nerve root injury in male and female rats. Pain. vol 114. issue 1-2. 2005-05-16. PMID:15733633. in the present study, we sought to determine whether sex differences in pain sensitivity are observed using a lumbar radiculopathy model of low back pain in the rat and whether removal or alteration of gonadal hormones at specific timepoints can modulate these sex differences. 2005-05-16 2023-08-12 human
b' M\\xc3\\xa1rcia Cristina da Paix\\xc3\\xa3o Rodrigues Miranda de S\\xc3\\xa1, Renato Carlos Ferreira Leite Miranda de S\\xc3\\xa. [Tarlov cysts: report of four cases]. Arquivos de neuro-psiquiatria. vol 62. issue 3A. 2005-05-10. PMID:15334232.' tarlov's cysts should be considered as a differential diagnosis of sacral radiculopathy, sacral or lumbar pain syndromes and mainly to the lumbar disc prolapse. 2005-05-10 2023-08-12 Not clear
Gabriel C Tender, Richard V Baratta, Rand M Voorhie. Unilateral removal of pars interarticularis. Journal of neurosurgery. Spine. vol 2. issue 3. 2005-04-20. PMID:15796352. lumbar radiculopathy secondary to foraminal entrapment can be treated by unilateral removal of the overlying pars interarticularis. 2005-04-20 2023-08-12 Not clear
Gabriel C Tender, Scott Kutz, Richard Baratta, Rand M Voorhie. Unilateral progressive alterations in the lumbar spine: a biomechanical study. Journal of neurosurgery. Spine. vol 2. issue 3. 2005-04-20. PMID:15796354. lumbar radiculopathy secondary to foraminal stenosis can be treated by unilateral removal of the overlying pars interarticularis. 2005-04-20 2023-08-12 Not clear
Myron M Laban, Barinder S Maha. Intraspinal dural distraction inciting spinal radiculopathy: cranial to caudal and caudal to cranial. American journal of physical medicine & rehabilitation. vol 84. issue 2. 2005-03-07. PMID:15668563. laban previously described the precipitous onset of lumbar radiculopathy in 12 patients who were receiving therapeutic, intermittent cervical traction for a primary complaint of cervical radiculopathy. 2005-03-07 2023-08-12 Not clear
Myron M Laban, Barinder S Maha. Intraspinal dural distraction inciting spinal radiculopathy: cranial to caudal and caudal to cranial. American journal of physical medicine & rehabilitation. vol 84. issue 2. 2005-03-07. PMID:15668563. cranial-to-caudal traction of the intraspinal pia with cervical spine distraction was cited as the dynamic link believed to have provoked the lumbar radiculopathy. 2005-03-07 2023-08-12 Not clear
Paul C McAfe. The indications for lumbar and cervical disc replacement. The spine journal : official journal of the North American Spine Society. vol 4. issue 6 Suppl. 2005-02-08. PMID:15541664. lumbar disc arthroplasty is indicated for one- or two-level discogenic mechanical back pain primarily in the absence of radiculopathy. 2005-02-08 2023-08-12 Not clear
Paul C McAfe. The indications for lumbar and cervical disc replacement. The spine journal : official journal of the North American Spine Society. vol 4. issue 6 Suppl. 2005-02-08. PMID:15541664. at the current time radiculopathy is an exclusion criteria for the four prospective investigational device exemption (ide) food and drug administration (fda) studies on lumbar disc replacement, whereas cervical radiculopathy is an inclusion criteria for the major ide fda investigations of cervical arthroplasties. 2005-02-08 2023-08-12 Not clear
Ismail H Tekkök, Gökhan Akpinar, Yücel Günge. Extradural lumbosacral cavernous hemangioma. European spine journal : official publication of the European Spine Society, the European Spinal Deformity Society, and the European Section of the Cervical Spine Research Society. vol 13. issue 5. 2004-11-06. PMID:14689287. cavernous hemangioma should be considered in the differential diagnosis of an enhancing extradural periradicular mass causing chronic lumbar radiculopathy especially in fertile women. 2004-11-06 2023-08-12 Not clear
Kee D Kim, Jeffrey C Wang, Daniel P Robertson, Darrel S Brodke, Mohammed BenDebba, Kathleen M Block, Gere S diZereg. Reduction of leg pain and lower-extremity weakness for 1 year with Oxiplex/SP gel following laminectomy, laminotomy, and discectomy. Neurosurgical focus. vol 17. issue 1. 2004-10-22. PMID:15264777. this study is a 12-month evaluation of the safety and effectiveness of oxiplex/sp gel (fziomed, inc., san luis obispo, ca) in the reduction of pain and radiculopathy after lumbar discectomy. 2004-10-22 2023-08-12 Not clear
Tomonori Yano, Minoru Doita, Tetsuhiro Iguchi, Akira Kurihara, Koichi Kasahara, Kotaro Nishida, Shinichi Yoshiy. Radiculopathy due to ossification of the yellow ligament at the lower lumbar spine. Spine. vol 28. issue 19. 2004-10-13. PMID:14520053. radiculopathy due to ossification of the yellow ligament at the lower lumbar spine. 2004-10-13 2023-08-12 Not clear
J G Burke, R W G Watson, D Conhyea, D McCormack, F E Dowling, M G Walsh, J M Fitzpatric. Human nucleus pulposis can respond to a pro-inflammatory stimulus. Spine. vol 28. issue 24. 2004-10-13. PMID:14673370. disc tissue obtained from patients undergoing surgery for scoliosis, lumbar radiculopathy, and discogenic pain was cultured under basal and lipopolysaccharide-stimulated conditions and the medium analyzed for production of a range of pro-inflammatory mediators. 2004-10-13 2023-08-12 human
Keigo Yasui, Yoshihisa Kotani, Yasushi Takeda, Akio Minam. Migration of intracranial hemostatic clip into the lumbar spinal canal causing sacral radiculopathy: a case report. Spine. vol 28. issue 24. 2004-10-13. PMID:14673377. migration of intracranial hemostatic clip into the lumbar spinal canal causing sacral radiculopathy: a case report. 2004-10-13 2023-08-12 Not clear
Yong-gang Zhang, Wen-zhi Zhang, Duo-sai Lü, Die-ji Lu, Yan Wang, Zhi-ren Lian. [Long-term follow-up on disc renarrowing after anterior lumbar interbody fusion with autogenous tricortical iliac crest graft]. Zhonghua wai ke za zhi [Chinese journal of surgery]. vol 42. issue 6. 2004-10-07. PMID:15144684. to have a retrospective review of the patients undergoing anterior lumbar interbody fusion (alif) with clinical and radiological assessment, and observe changing of graft after procedure and assess correlation between graft collapse and recurrence of radiculopathy. 2004-10-07 2023-08-12 Not clear
D Dive, X Giffro. [Somatosensory evoked potentials: clinical applications in peripheral neuropathies]. Revue medicale de Liege. vol 59 Suppl 1. 2004-09-20. PMID:15244172. some specific diseases, like lumbar or cervical radiculopathies or brachial plexopathies, have been extensively studied and large series have been reported in the literature. 2004-09-20 2023-08-12 Not clear
Scott F Nadler, Gerard A Malanga, Donald S Ciccon. Positive straight-leg raising in lumbar radiculopathy: is documentation affected by insurance coverage? Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation. vol 85. issue 8. 2004-09-14. PMID:15295761. positive straight-leg raising in lumbar radiculopathy: is documentation affected by insurance coverage? 2004-09-14 2023-08-12 Not clear
Julie T Lin, Gregory E Lut. Postpartum sacral fracture presenting as lumbar radiculopathy: a case report. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation. vol 85. issue 8. 2004-09-14. PMID:15295766. postpartum sacral fracture presenting as lumbar radiculopathy: a case report. 2004-09-14 2023-08-12 Not clear
Julie T Lin, Gregory E Lut. Postpartum sacral fracture presenting as lumbar radiculopathy: a case report. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation. vol 85. issue 8. 2004-09-14. PMID:15295766. this case illustrates that clinicians should have a high index of suspicion for sacral stress fracture in athletic pregnant or postpartum women presenting with lbp and/or lumbar radiculopathy. 2004-09-14 2023-08-12 Not clear
L C L Ng, P Sel. Predictive value of the duration of sciatica for lumbar discectomy. A prospective cohort study. The Journal of bone and joint surgery. British volume. vol 86. issue 4. 2004-08-10. PMID:15174551. we have investigated a number of prognostic factors in relation to the outcome of radiculopathy after lumbar discectomy. 2004-08-10 2023-08-12 Not clear