All Relations between Mutism and cerebellum

Publication Sentence Publish Date Extraction Date Species
R D'Avanzo, A Scuotto, M Natale, P Scotto, F A Cioff. Transient "cerebellar" mutism in lesions of the mesencephalic-cerebellar region. Acta neurologica. vol 15. issue 4. 1993-12-28. PMID:8249672. transient "cerebellar" mutism in lesions of the mesencephalic-cerebellar region. 1993-12-28 2023-08-12 Not clear
E Herb, U Thye. Mutism after cerebellar medulloblastoma surgery. Neuropediatrics. vol 23. issue 3. 1992-09-02. PMID:1641081. mutism after cerebellar medulloblastoma surgery. 1992-09-02 2023-08-11 Not clear
E Herb, U Thye. Mutism after cerebellar medulloblastoma surgery. Neuropediatrics. vol 23. issue 3. 1992-09-02. PMID:1641081. the case of a 9-year-old boy is presented, who developed transient mutism after removal of a medulloblastoma in the region of the cerebellar vermis. 1992-09-02 2023-08-11 Not clear
M Salvati, P Missori, P Lunardi, E R Orland. Transient cerebellar mutism after posterior cranial fossa surgery in an adult. Case report and review of the literature. Clinical neurology and neurosurgery. vol 93. issue 4. 1992-04-15. PMID:1665764. transient cerebellar mutism after posterior cranial fossa surgery in an adult. 1992-04-15 2023-08-11 Not clear
D D Dietze, J P Mickl. Cerebellar mutism after posterior fossa surgery. Pediatric neurosurgery. vol 16. issue 1. 1992-03-13. PMID:2133406. cerebellar mutism after posterior fossa surgery. 1992-03-13 2023-08-11 Not clear
D D Dietze, J P Mickl. Cerebellar mutism after posterior fossa surgery. Pediatric neurosurgery. vol 16. issue 1. 1992-03-13. PMID:2133406. a large midline posterior fossa medulluloblastoma and a cerebellar arteriovenous malformation with associated clot were moved with postoperative mutism. 1992-03-13 2023-08-11 Not clear
D D Dietze, J P Mickl. Cerebellar mutism after posterior fossa surgery. Pediatric neurosurgery. vol 16. issue 1. 1992-03-13. PMID:2133406. the more widespread the injury to the midportion of the cerebellum with dentate nuclei involvement the greater the risk of developing postoperative mutism. 1992-03-13 2023-08-11 Not clear
K Nagatani, S Waga, Y Nakagaw. Mutism after removal of a vermian medulloblastoma: cerebellar mutism. Surgical neurology. vol 36. issue 4. 1991-12-26. PMID:1948632. mutism after removal of a vermian medulloblastoma: cerebellar mutism. 1991-12-26 2023-08-11 Not clear
K Nagatani, S Waga, Y Nakagaw. Mutism after removal of a vermian medulloblastoma: cerebellar mutism. Surgical neurology. vol 36. issue 4. 1991-12-26. PMID:1948632. the mechanism of "cerebellar mutism" is briefly discussed. 1991-12-26 2023-08-11 Not clear
H Yokota, S Nakazawa, S Kobayashi, Y Taniguchi, T Yukihid. [Clinical study of two cases of traumatic cerebellar injury]. No shinkei geka. Neurological surgery. vol 18. issue 1. 1990-03-19. PMID:2406638. two cases of traumatic cerebellar injury complicated with a traumatic medial longitudinal fasciculus (mlf) syndrome or cerebellar mutism were reported, and the cause of these mechanisms was discussed: case 1: a 9-year-old boy who struck his head in the occipital region during an automobile accident was operated on for a delayed traumatic intracerebellar hematoma. 1990-03-19 2023-08-11 Not clear
H Yokota, S Nakazawa, S Kobayashi, Y Taniguchi, T Yukihid. [Clinical study of two cases of traumatic cerebellar injury]. No shinkei geka. Neurological surgery. vol 18. issue 1. 1990-03-19. PMID:2406638. a mute state (cerebellar mutism) was recognized after his recovery of consciousness. 1990-03-19 2023-08-11 Not clear
H Yokota, S Nakazawa, S Kobayashi, Y Taniguchi, T Yukihid. [Clinical study of two cases of traumatic cerebellar injury]. No shinkei geka. Neurological surgery. vol 18. issue 1. 1990-03-19. PMID:2406638. the cause of the cerebellar mutism was thought to be an injury of the cerebellar vermis or left cerebellar hemisphere. 1990-03-19 2023-08-11 Not clear
H Yokota, S Nakazawa, S Kobayashi, Y Taniguchi, T Yukihid. [Clinical study of two cases of traumatic cerebellar injury]. No shinkei geka. Neurological surgery. vol 18. issue 1. 1990-03-19. PMID:2406638. the findings of ct scan and mri in our case suggested that the cause of the cerebellar mutism was the contusion of these areas. 1990-03-19 2023-08-11 Not clear
M Ammirati, S Mirzai, M Sami. Transient mutism following removal of a cerebellar tumor. A case report and review of the literature. Child's nervous system : ChNS : official journal of the International Society for Pediatric Neurosurgery. vol 5. issue 1. 1989-05-18. PMID:2649239. transient mutism following removal of a cerebellar tumor. 1989-05-18 2023-08-11 Not clear
B F Bartecki, J Kamienowsk. [Transient focal ischemia in Fahr's disease]. Neurologia i neurochirurgia polska. vol 13. issue 4. 1979-11-21. PMID:481695. in the reported case symmetrical calcifications were found in the basal ganglia and cerebellum which connected with congenital anomalies of cerebral vessels were the cause of intermittent episodes of right-sided hemiparesis with mutism in a man aged 39 years. 1979-11-21 2023-08-11 Not clear