All Relations between Multiple Sclerosis and brainstem

Publication Sentence Publish Date Extraction Date Species
I E Ormerod, D H Miller, W I McDonald, E P du Boulay, P Rudge, B E Kendall, I F Moseley, G Johnson, P S Tofts, A M Hallida. The role of NMR imaging in the assessment of multiple sclerosis and isolated neurological lesions. A quantitative study. Brain : a journal of neurology. vol 110 ( Pt 6). 1988-03-07. PMID:3427402. the form and distribution of mri abnormalities in 114 patients with clinically definite multiple sclerosis (ms) have been compared with observations on 53 apparently healthy individuals, 129 patients with isolated focal neurological lesions with which ms often presents (51 patients with optic neuritis, 44 with isolated brainstem lesions and 34 with isolated spinal cord syndromes) and 105 patients with disorders which may be confused clinically or radiologically with ms. 1988-03-07 2023-08-11 Not clear
B Pollingher, F Stefanache, L Pendefunda, S Cărăuleanu, R Prodan, N Zaineldi. [Encephalitis of the brain stem: a nosological entity or an evolutionary stage of multiple sclerosis? A catamnestic study of 228 cases]. Revista de medicina interna, neurologie, psihiatrie, neurochirurgie, dermato-venerologie. Neurologie, psihiatrie, neurochirurgie. vol 32. issue 3. 1988-02-25. PMID:2962257. [encephalitis of the brain stem: a nosological entity or an evolutionary stage of multiple sclerosis? 1988-02-25 2023-08-11 Not clear
R W Keith, Y Garza-Holquin, L Smolak, M L Pensa. Acoustic reflex dynamics and auditory brain stem responses in multiple sclerosis. The American journal of otology. vol 8. issue 5. 1987-12-22. PMID:3688198. acoustic reflex dynamics and auditory brain stem responses in multiple sclerosis. 1987-12-22 2023-08-11 human
R W Keith, Y Garza-Holquin, L Smolak, M L Pensa. Acoustic reflex dynamics and auditory brain stem responses in multiple sclerosis. The American journal of otology. vol 8. issue 5. 1987-12-22. PMID:3688198. onset latency, rise time, and amplitude measures of the acoustic reflex and auditory brain stem responses (abrs) to clicks were elicited from normal subjects and subjects with multiple sclerosis (ms). 1987-12-22 2023-08-11 human
A Kalisch, R Sasama, W Schroede. [The square search test in connection with acoustic evoked brain stem potentials]. Psychiatrie, Neurologie, und medizinische Psychologie. vol 39. issue 6. 1987-10-26. PMID:3659192. a random sample of 15 patients suffering from multiple sclerosis without acute episodes and at least partially able to work, shows to a high degree of statistical certainty that reduction in amplitude of acoustically evoked brain stem potentials (baep) is closely linked with beta-weighted performance value of the square search test (qsp). 1987-10-26 2023-08-11 Not clear
W Tackmann, P Voge. Brainstem auditory evoked potentials evoked by clicks of different polarity in multiple sclerosis patients. European neurology. vol 26. issue 4. 1987-08-07. PMID:3595656. brainstem auditory evoked potentials evoked by clicks of different polarity in multiple sclerosis patients. 1987-08-07 2023-08-11 Not clear
W Tackmann, P Voge. Brainstem auditory evoked potentials evoked by clicks of different polarity in multiple sclerosis patients. European neurology. vol 26. issue 4. 1987-08-07. PMID:3595656. brainstem auditory evoked potentials (baep) evoked by condensation, rarefaction clicks and clicks of alternating polarity were examined in 52 controls and in 95 patients with a certain or presumed diagnosis of multiple sclerosis. 1987-08-07 2023-08-11 Not clear
J G McLeod, R R Tuc. Disorders of the autonomic nervous system: Part 1. Pathophysiology and clinical features. Annals of neurology. vol 21. issue 5. 1987-07-14. PMID:3035997. the most common pathogenesis of disturbed autonomic function in central nervous system diseases is degeneration of the intermediolateral cell columns (progressive autonomic failure) or disease or damage to descending pathways that synapse on the intermediolateral column cells (spinal cord lesions, cerebrovascular disease, brainstem tumors, multiple sclerosis). 1987-07-14 2023-08-11 Not clear
J T Jacobson, T J Murray, U Depp. The effects of ABR stimulus repetition rate in multiple sclerosis. Ear and hearing. vol 8. issue 2. 1987-07-08. PMID:3582803. the purpose of this study was to monitor the effects of auditory brain stem response (abr) repetition rate in previously confirmed multiple sclerosis (ms) patients. 1987-07-08 2023-08-11 Not clear
J F Jerger, T A Oliver, R A Chmiel, V M River. Patterns of auditory abnormality in multiple sclerosis. Audiology : official organ of the International Society of Audiology. vol 25. issue 4-5. 1987-05-07. PMID:3566629. an auditory test battery consisting of the acoustic reflex (ar), the auditory brainstem response (abr), the masking level difference (mld) and speech audiometry (sa) was administered to 62 patients with diagnosed 'definite' multiple sclerosis. 1987-05-07 2023-08-11 Not clear
A R Antonelli, R Bellotto, M Bertazzoli, G P Busnelli, M Nuñez Castro, G Felisati, M Romagnol. Auditory brain stem response test battery for multiple sclerosis patients: evaluation of test findings and assessment of diagnostic criteria. Audiology : official organ of the International Society of Audiology. vol 25. issue 4-5. 1987-05-07. PMID:3566631. auditory brain stem response test battery for multiple sclerosis patients: evaluation of test findings and assessment of diagnostic criteria. 1987-05-07 2023-08-11 human
A R Antonelli, R Bellotto, M Bertazzoli, G P Busnelli, M Nuñez Castro, G Felisati, M Romagnol. Auditory brain stem response test battery for multiple sclerosis patients: evaluation of test findings and assessment of diagnostic criteria. Audiology : official organ of the International Society of Audiology. vol 25. issue 4-5. 1987-05-07. PMID:3566631. a battery of auditory brain stem response (abr) tests has been used to evaluate 39 multiple sclerosis (ms) subjects (9 with probable, 8 with possible, 6 with suspected and 16 with definite ms, according to conventional classification of the disease). 1987-05-07 2023-08-11 human
C Fischer, F Mauguière, V Ibañez, J Courjo. [Visual, early auditory and somatosensory evoked potentials in multiple sclerosis (917 cases)]. Revue neurologique. vol 142. issue 5. 1987-01-09. PMID:3787054. visual (vep), brainstem auditory (baep) and somatosensory (sep) evoked potentials were recorded over a 6 year period in 917 patients with or suspected of multiple sclerosis according to mc alpine's criteria. 1987-01-09 2023-08-11 Not clear
A Quaranta, F Mininni, G Long. ABR in multiple sclerosis. Ipsi- versus contralateral derivation. Scandinavian audiology. vol 15. issue 2. 1986-10-08. PMID:3749781. brainstem auditory evoked potentials (abr) were recorded simultaneously between vertex and ear lobe, ipsi- and contralateral to the stimulated ear in 53 subjects with confirmed (19) or undefined (34) multiple sclerosis. 1986-10-08 2023-08-11 human
S R Hammond, C Yiannikas, Y W Cha. A comparison of brainstem auditory evoked responses evoked by rarefaction and condensation stimulation in control subjects and in patients with Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome and multiple sclerosis. Journal of the neurological sciences. vol 74. issue 2-3. 1986-09-17. PMID:3734836. a comparison of brainstem auditory evoked responses evoked by rarefaction and condensation stimulation in control subjects and in patients with wernicke-korsakoff syndrome and multiple sclerosis. 1986-09-17 2023-08-11 human
S R Hammond, C Yiannikas, Y W Cha. A comparison of brainstem auditory evoked responses evoked by rarefaction and condensation stimulation in control subjects and in patients with Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome and multiple sclerosis. Journal of the neurological sciences. vol 74. issue 2-3. 1986-09-17. PMID:3734836. brainstem auditory evoked responses (baer) evoked by rarefaction and condensation stimulation were compared in patients with wernicke-korsakoff syndrome (wks) and multiple sclerosis (ms) and click polarity-related differences in topodiagnosis were found in 24% of the wks and 40% of the ms patients. 1986-09-17 2023-08-11 human
T Ganes, N J Brautaset, R Nyberg-Hansen, B Vandvi. Multimodal evoked responses and cerebrospinal fluid oligoclonal immunoglobulins in patients with multiple sclerosis. Acta neurologica Scandinavica. vol 73. issue 5. 1986-08-21. PMID:3727924. one hundred patients with possible, probable and definite multiple sclerosis (ms) were examined with somatosensory (ser), visual (ver) and brain stem auditory (baer) evoked responses. 1986-08-21 2023-08-11 Not clear
S Kojima, T Yagishita, K Hirayama, N Arimizu, H Ikehira, N Fukuda, Y Taten. [Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging of the brainstem: evaluation of the normal structures and small lesions]. No to shinkei = Brain and nerve. vol 38. issue 3. 1986-07-08. PMID:3707773. the lesions within the brainstem were vaguely shown on x-ray computed tomography in 6 of 12 patients but nmr imaging using inversion recovery or spin echo sequence provided more detailed data and revealed clear small lesions, such as the demyelinated plaques of multiple sclerosis and lacunar infarcts in 9 of 12 patients. 1986-07-08 2023-08-11 Not clear
S Kojima, T Yagishita, K Hirayama, N Arimizu, H Ikehira, N Fukuda, Y Taten. [Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging of the brainstem: evaluation of the normal structures and small lesions]. No to shinkei = Brain and nerve. vol 38. issue 3. 1986-07-08. PMID:3707773. especially, in 2 of 3 multiple sclerosis patients, the plaques of the brainstem were definitely identified on nmr imaging only and the accurate localized lesion which was responsible for the facial myokymia or the foville syndrome was identified. 1986-07-08 2023-08-11 Not clear
T Yamada, T Ishida, Y Kudo, R L Rodnitzky, J Kimur. Clinical correlates of abnormal P14 in median SEPs. Neurology. vol 36. issue 6. 1986-06-25. PMID:3703283. the patients had multiple sclerosis or other brainstem or high cervical cord lesions. 1986-06-25 2023-08-11 Not clear