All Relations between Gambling and belief

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Tess Armstrong, Matthew Rockloff, Matthew Browne, Alexander Blaszczynsk. Beliefs About Gambling Mediate the Effect of Cognitive Style on Gambling Problems. Journal of gambling studies. vol 36. issue 3. 2020-12-11. PMID:32215774. the current study explored whether people's cognitive styles are an important factor in the development of specific beliefs about gambling that in-turn contribute to gambling problems. 2020-12-11 2023-08-13 human
Tess Armstrong, Matthew Rockloff, Matthew Browne, Alexander Blaszczynsk. Beliefs About Gambling Mediate the Effect of Cognitive Style on Gambling Problems. Journal of gambling studies. vol 36. issue 3. 2020-12-11. PMID:32215774. participants completed a survey assessing cognitive style, problem gambling severity, and measures of protective and erroneous beliefs. 2020-12-11 2023-08-13 human
Tess Armstrong, Matthew Rockloff, Matthew Browne, Alexander Blaszczynsk. Beliefs About Gambling Mediate the Effect of Cognitive Style on Gambling Problems. Journal of gambling studies. vol 36. issue 3. 2020-12-11. PMID:32215774. in a path model, greater analytical thinking and lower intuitive thinking was associated with fewer erroneous gambling beliefs, which in turn were related to fewer gambling problems. 2020-12-11 2023-08-13 human
Tess Armstrong, Matthew Rockloff, Matthew Browne, Alexander Blaszczynsk. Beliefs About Gambling Mediate the Effect of Cognitive Style on Gambling Problems. Journal of gambling studies. vol 36. issue 3. 2020-12-11. PMID:32215774. a second model showed that protective beliefs also mediated the relationship between cognitive style and gambling, demonstrating that greater analytical thinking and lower intuitive thinking was associated with protective beliefs that similarly reduced problem gambling severity. 2020-12-11 2023-08-13 human
Tess Armstrong, Matthew Rockloff, Matthew Browne, Alexander Blaszczynsk. Beliefs About Gambling Mediate the Effect of Cognitive Style on Gambling Problems. Journal of gambling studies. vol 36. issue 3. 2020-12-11. PMID:32215774. results suggest that a person's cognitive style influences peoples gambling by contributing to the endorsement of irrational or unsafe beliefs about gambling. 2020-12-11 2023-08-13 human
Tess Armstrong, Matthew Rockloff, Matthew Browne, Alexander Blaszczynsk. Beliefs About Gambling Mediate the Effect of Cognitive Style on Gambling Problems. Journal of gambling studies. vol 36. issue 3. 2020-12-11. PMID:32215774. encouraging people to think more analytically may be useful in reducing erroneous beliefs about gambling that promote problematic gambling behaviour. 2020-12-11 2023-08-13 human
Laura Zaikauskaite, Xinyu Chen, Dimitrios Tsivriko. The effects of idealism and relativism on the moral judgement of social vs. environmental issues, and their relation to self-reported pro-environmental behaviours. PloS one. vol 15. issue 10. 2020-11-23. PMID:33104691. many studies have demonstrated that moral philosophies, such as idealism and relativism, could be used as robust predictors of judgements and behaviours related to common moral issues, such as business ethics, unethical beliefs, workplace deviance, marketing practices, gambling, etc. 2020-11-23 2023-08-13 human
Saee Paliwal, Philip E Mosley, Michael Breakspear, Terry Coyne, Peter Silburn, Eduardo Aponte, Christoph Mathys, Klaas E Stepha. Subjective estimates of uncertainty during gambling and impulsivity after subthalamic deep brain stimulation for Parkinson's disease. Scientific reports. vol 9. issue 1. 2020-11-09. PMID:31616015. the hgf was superior in accounting for the behaviour of our participants, suggesting that participants incorporated beliefs about environmental uncertainty when updating their beliefs about gambling outcome and translating these beliefs into action. 2020-11-09 2023-08-13 human
Gabriel A Brooks, Luke Clar. Associations between loot box use, problematic gaming and gambling, and gambling-related cognitions. Addictive behaviors. vol 96. 2020-10-19. PMID:31030176. these results demonstrate that besides the surface similarity of loot boxes to gambling, loot box engagement is correlated with gambling beliefs and problematic gambling behaviour in adult gamers. 2020-10-19 2023-08-13 human
Joshua B Grubbs, Joseph A Rosansk. Problem gambling, coping motivations, and positive expectancies: A longitudinal survey study. Psychology of addictive behaviors : journal of the Society of Psychologists in Addictive Behaviors. vol 34. issue 2. 2020-10-05. PMID:31670526. the present work sought to examine whether beliefs about gambling, such as positive expectations for gambling, may be related to coping motivations for gambling over time and how both might be related to problem gambling behavior. 2020-10-05 2023-08-13 human
Randa Mazbouh-Moussa, Keis Ohtsuk. Cultural competence in working with the Arab Australian community: a conceptual review and the experience of the Arab Council Australia (ACA) gambling help counselling service. Asian journal of gambling issues and public health. vol 7. issue 1. 2020-10-01. PMID:29250480. from the data in annual reviews on the arab council australia gambling counselling service, it was identified that cultural beliefs and expectations influence risk-taking decisions, identification of gambling issues, and preference of help seeking within the client's social network. 2020-10-01 2023-08-13 Not clear
Angelina Pilatti, Marcos Cupani, Francisco Tuzinkievich, Walter Winfre. Confirmatory factor analysis of the Spanish version of the Gamblers' Beliefs Questionnaire in a sample of Argentinean gamblers. Addictive behaviors reports. vol 4. 2020-10-01. PMID:29511723. the gamblers' beliefs questionnaire was translated into spanish (gbq-s) but no previous study explored the structure of the gbq-s in a non-us sample with different levels of gambling involvement. 2020-10-01 2023-08-13 Not clear
Marcantonio M Spada, Adam Roart. The relative contribution of metacognitions and attentional control to the severity of gambling in problem gamblers. Addictive behaviors reports. vol 1. 2020-10-01. PMID:29531974. results revealed that negative affect, four out of five metacognitions factors (positive beliefs about worry, negative beliefs about thoughts concerning danger and uncontrollability, cognitive confidence and beliefs about the need to control thoughts), and all attentional control factors (focusing, shifting and flexible control of thought) were correlated, in the predicted directions, with the severity of gambling. 2020-10-01 2023-08-13 Not clear
Marcantonio M Spada, Adam Roart. The relative contribution of metacognitions and attentional control to the severity of gambling in problem gamblers. Addictive behaviors reports. vol 1. 2020-10-01. PMID:29531974. a hierarchical regression analysis showed that beliefs about the need to control thoughts were the only predictor of the severity of gambling controlling for negative affect. 2020-10-01 2023-08-13 Not clear
Joshua B Grubbs, Heather Chapma. Predicting Gambling Situations: The Roles of Impulsivity, Substance Use, and Post-Traumatic Stress. Substance abuse : research and treatment. vol 13. 2020-10-01. PMID:31258327. past research has suggested that symptoms of post-traumatic stress might be related to unique motivations for and beliefs about gambling. 2020-10-01 2023-08-13 Not clear
Jonas Rafi, Ekaterina Ivanova, Alexander Rozental, Petra Lindfors, Per Carlbrin. Participants' Experiences of a Workplace-Oriented Problem Gambling Prevention Program for Managers and HR Officers: A Qualitative Study. Frontiers in psychology. vol 10. 2020-10-01. PMID:31333538. the qualitative content analysis resulted in six themes: (1) expectations of the skills-development training, (2) experiences of and prior beliefs about problem gambling, (3) a good foundation, (4) the difficult conversation, (5) appreciated aspects of the training sessions, and (6) remaining obstacles. 2020-10-01 2023-08-13 human
Claudio Barbaranelli, Valerio Ghezzi, Roberta Fida, Michele Vecchion. Psychometric Characteristics of a New Scale for Measuring Self-efficacy in the Regulation of Gambling Behavior. Frontiers in psychology. vol 8. 2020-09-30. PMID:28676781. the second study confirmed the replicability of the two-factor solution and displayed high correlations among these two self-efficacy dimensions and different measures of gambling activities as well as other psychological variables related to gambling (gambling beliefs, gambling motivation, risk propensity, and impulsiveness). 2020-09-30 2023-08-13 human
Megan E Cowie, Sherry H Stewart, Joshua Salmon, Pam Collins, Mohammed Al-Hamdani, Marilisa Boffo, Elske Salemink, David de Jong, Ruby Smits, Reinout W Wier. Distorted Beliefs about Luck and Skill and Their Relation to Gambling Problems and Gambling Behavior in Dutch Gamblers. Frontiers in psychology. vol 8. 2020-09-30. PMID:29312086. distorted beliefs about luck and skill and their relation to gambling problems and gambling behavior in dutch gamblers. 2020-09-30 2023-08-13 Not clear
Megan E Cowie, Sherry H Stewart, Joshua Salmon, Pam Collins, Mohammed Al-Hamdani, Marilisa Boffo, Elske Salemink, David de Jong, Ruby Smits, Reinout W Wier. Distorted Beliefs about Luck and Skill and Their Relation to Gambling Problems and Gambling Behavior in Dutch Gamblers. Frontiers in psychology. vol 8. 2020-09-30. PMID:29312086. the gambling cognitions inventory (gci) evaluates two categories of distortions: beliefs that one is lucky (i.e., "luck/chance") and beliefs that one has special gambling-related skills (i.e., "skill/attitude"). 2020-09-30 2023-08-13 Not clear
Richard T A Wood, Michael J A Wohl, Nassim Tabri, Kahlil Philande. Measuring Responsible Gambling amongst Players: Development of the Positive Play Scale. Frontiers in psychology. vol 8. 2020-09-29. PMID:28280472. the current study fills a void in gambling operators, regulators, and researchers ability to measure rg beliefs and behavior in their player-base, with the development and validation of the positive play scale (pps). 2020-09-29 2023-08-13 Not clear