All Relations between Depression and trait anxiety

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Katarzyna Prochwicz, Łukasz Gawęd. Depression and anxiety mediate the relationship between temperament and character and psychotic-like experiences in healthy subjects. Psychiatry research. vol 246. 2017-11-30. PMID:27718469. the community assessment of psychic experiences (cape) scale, temperament and character inventory (tci), beck depression inventory (bdi) and state and trait anxiety inventory (stai) were administered to 492 healthy individuals. 2017-11-30 2023-08-13 human
Suat Ekinci, Hanife Uğur Kura. Distress intolerance in the parents of substance dependent patients. Psychiatry research. vol 251. 2017-11-30. PMID:28214780. all study participants completed a sociodemographic data form and the beck depression inventory, the beck anxiety inventory, the state & trait anxiety inventory, and the distress tolerance scale. 2017-11-30 2023-08-13 human
Melanie P J Schellekens, Desiree G M van den Hurk, Judith B Prins, Johan Molema, Miep A van der Drift, Anne E M Specken. The suitability of the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, Distress Thermometer and other instruments to screen for psychiatric disorders in both lung cancer patients and their partners. Journal of affective disorders. vol 203. 2017-11-28. PMID:27295374. this study examined the suitability of the hospital anxiety and depression scale (hads), distress thermometer (dt), beck depression inventory (bdi-ii) and state subscale of state trait anxiety inventory (stai-s) to screen for psychiatric disorders in lung cancer patients and partners. 2017-11-28 2023-08-13 Not clear
Shang-Chee Chong, Birit Fp Broekman, Anqi Qiu, Izzuddin M Aris, Yiong Huak Chan, Anne Rifkin-Graboi, Evelyn Law, Cornelia Yin Ing Chee, Yap-Seng Chong, Kenneth Y C Kwek, Seang Mei Saw, Peter D Gluckman, Michael J Meaney, Helen Che. ANXIETY AND DEPRESSION DURING PREGNANCY AND TEMPERAMENT IN EARLY INFANCY: FINDINGS FROM A MULTI-ETHNIC, ASIAN, PROSPECTIVE BIRTH COHORT STUDY. Infant mental health journal. vol 37. issue 5. 2017-11-22. PMID:27548536. maternal antenatal state-anxiety, p < .001, and trait anxiety, p = .005, were associated with negative emotionality and poor attentional regulation, especially among chinese, whereas depression was not, p = .090. 2017-11-22 2023-08-13 Not clear
Sakineh Mohammad-Alizadeh Charandabi, Mojgan Mirghafourvand, Fovzieh Sanaat. The Effect of Life Style Based Education on the Fathers' Anxiety and Depression During Pregnancy and Postpartum Periods: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Community mental health journal. vol 53. issue 4. 2017-11-16. PMID:28197749. compared with the control group, there was a significant decrease in depression (adjusted difference: -1.6; 95% ci -2.8 to -0.5), state anxiety (-5.7; -8.6 to -2.9) and trait anxiety (-5.0; -7.8 to -2.2) scores at 8 weeks after intervention as well as postnatal depression (-3.3; -5.0 to -1.5); postnatal state anxiety (-7.5; -11.6 to -3.4), and postnatal trait anxiety (-8.3; -12.2 to -4.4) in the intervention group. 2017-11-16 2023-08-13 human
Lotte Kok, Milou S Sep, Dieuwke S Veldhuijzen, Sandra Cornelisse, Arno P Nierich, Joost van der Maaten, Peter M Rosseel, Jan Hofland, Jan M Dieleman, Christiaan H Vinkers, Marian Joëls, Diederik van Dijk, Manon H Hilleger. Trait anxiety mediates the effect of stress exposure on post-traumatic stress disorder and depression risk in cardiac surgery patients. Journal of affective disorders. vol 206. 2017-11-13. PMID:27479534. trait anxiety mediates the effect of stress exposure on post-traumatic stress disorder and depression risk in cardiac surgery patients. 2017-11-13 2023-08-13 Not clear
Jeongok G Logan, Debra J Barksdale, Sherman A James, Lung-Chang Chie. John Henryism Active Coping, Acculturation, and Psychological Health in Korean Immigrants. Journal of transcultural nursing : official journal of the Transcultural Nursing Society. vol 28. issue 2. 2017-11-02. PMID:26596776. in 102 korean immigrants, jh active coping was measured by the jh scale; acculturation by the bidimensional acculturation scale; perceived stress by the perceived stress scale; acculturative stress by the social, attitudinal, familial, and environmental scale; anxiety by the state anxiety subscale of the spielberger state-trait anxiety inventory; and depression by the center for epidemiological studies depression scale. 2017-11-02 2023-08-13 Not clear
Vassiliki Lyra, Maria Kallergi, Emmanouil Rizos, Georgios Lamprakopoulos, Sofia N Chatziioanno. The effect of patient anxiety and depression on motion during myocardial perfusion SPECT imaging. BMC medical imaging. vol 16. issue 1. 2017-10-17. PMID:27550022. the aim of this study was to investigate the impact of state anxiety (patient's reaction to exam-related stress), trait anxiety (patient's personality characteristic) and depression on patient motion during mpi. 2017-10-17 2023-08-13 Not clear
Sheila F Castañeda, Christina Buelna, Rebeca Espinoza Giacinto, Linda C Gallo, Daniela Sotres-Alvarez, Patricia Gonzalez, Addie L Fortmann, Sylvia Wassertheil-Smoller, Marc D Gellman, Aida L Giachello, Gregory A Talaver. Cardiovascular disease risk factors and psychological distress among Hispanics/Latinos: The Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos (HCHS/SOL). Preventive medicine. vol 87. 2017-09-25. PMID:26921653. psychological distress (i.e., 10-item center for epidemiological studies depression scale, 10 item spielberger trait anxiety scale, and a combined depression/anxiety score), socio-demographics (i.e., age, education, income, insurance, sex, and hispanic/latino background), acculturation (i.e., country of birth and language preference), and traditional cvd risk factors (i.e., dyslipidemia, obesity, current cigarette smoking, diabetes, and hypertension) were assessed at baseline. 2017-09-25 2023-08-13 Not clear
Phil Reed, Michela Romano, Federica Re, Alessandra Roaro, Lisa A Osborne, Caterina Viganò, Roberto Truzol. Differential physiological changes following internet exposure in higher and lower problematic internet users. PloS one. vol 12. issue 5. 2017-09-11. PMID:28542470. individuals also completed a psychometric examination relating to their usage of the internet, as well as their levels of depression and trait anxiety. 2017-09-11 2023-08-13 human
Phil Reed, Michela Romano, Federica Re, Alessandra Roaro, Lisa A Osborne, Caterina Viganò, Roberto Truzol. Differential physiological changes following internet exposure in higher and lower problematic internet users. PloS one. vol 12. issue 5. 2017-09-11. PMID:28542470. these changes were independent of levels of depression and trait anxiety. 2017-09-11 2023-08-13 human
Barbora Prokopova, Natasa Hlavacova, Miroslav Vlcek, Adela Penesova, Lucia Grunnerova, Alexandra Garafova, Peter Turcani, Branislav Kollar, Daniela Jezov. Early cognitive impairment along with decreased stress-induced BDNF in male and female patients with newly diagnosed multiple sclerosis. Journal of neuroimmunology. vol 302. 2017-08-14. PMID:27979325. present results showed increased state anxiety, depression scores and poorer performance in the stroop test in the group of patients compared to healthy subjects. 2017-08-14 2023-08-13 human
Burcu Serim Demirgoren, Aylin Ozbek, Murat Ormen, Canem Kavurma, Esra Ozer, Adem Aydı. Do mothers with high sodium levels in their breast milk have high depression and anxiety scores? The Journal of international medical research. vol 45. issue 2. 2017-08-14. PMID:28351282. these mothers scored significantly higher on the scales of postnatal depression and state anxiety ( p = 0.018 and p = 0.048, respectively). 2017-08-14 2023-08-13 Not clear
V E Golimbet, B A Volel, G I Korovaitseva, S V Kasparov, N V Kondratiev, F Yu Kopylo. [Association of inflammatory genes with neuroticism, anxiety and depression in male patients with coronary heart disease]. Zhurnal nevrologii i psikhiatrii imeni S.S. Korsakova. vol 117. issue 3. 2017-08-14. PMID:28399100. to explore the relationship of depression and its endophenotypes (neuroticism and trait anxiety) with inflammatory genes in patients with coronary heart disease (chd). 2017-08-14 2023-08-13 Not clear
Chutima Roomruangwong, Buranee Kanchanatawan, Sunee Sirivichayakul, George Anderson, André F Carvalho, Sebastien Duleu, Michel Geffard, Michael Mae. IgA/IgM responses to tryptophan and tryptophan catabolites (TRYCATs) are differently associated with prenatal depression, physio-somatic symptoms at the end of term and premenstrual syndrome. Molecular neurobiology. vol 54. issue 4. 2017-07-07. PMID:27037573. we examine the associations between end of term serum igm and iga responses to tryptophan and 9 trycats in relation to zinc, c-reactive protein (crp), and haptoglobin and prenatal physio-somatic (previously known as psychosomatic) symptoms (fatigue, back pain, muscle pain, dyspepsia, obstipation) and prenatal and postnatal depression and anxiety symptoms as measured using the edinburgh postnatal depression scale (epds), hamilton depression rating scale (hamd), and spielberger's state anxiety inventory (stai). 2017-07-07 2023-08-13 Not clear
Matthew Swan, Nancy Doan, Robert A Ortega, Matthew Barrett, William Nichols, Laurie Ozelius, Jeannie Soto-Valencia, Sarah Boschung, Andres Deik, Harini Sarva, Jose Cabassa, Brooke Johannes, Deborah Raymond, Karen Marder, Nir Giladi, Joan Miravite, William Severt, Rivka Sachdev, Vicki Shanker, Susan Bressman, Rachel Saunders-Pullma. Neuropsychiatric characteristics of GBA-associated Parkinson disease. Journal of the neurological sciences. vol 370. 2017-06-12. PMID:27772789. post-hoc analysis stratified by sex showed that, among men, gba-pd had a higher burden of trait anxiety and depression than ipd; this finding was sustained in multivariate models. 2017-06-12 2023-08-13 human
Cillian P McDowell, Ciaran MacDonncha, Matthew P Herrin. Brief report: Associations of physical activity with anxiety and depression symptoms and status among adolescents. Journal of adolescence. vol 55. 2017-06-05. PMID:27988443. anxiety and depressive symptoms were higher for low pa (60 min/d, 0-2 d/wk) compared to moderate (60 min/d, 3-4 d/wk) and high (60 min/d, 5-7 d/wk) pa. after adjustment for relevant covariates, reduced odds of depression were 30% and 56% for moderate and high pa, respectively; reduced odds of high trait anxiety were 46% and 47% for moderate and high pa, respectively. 2017-06-05 2023-08-13 Not clear
Cillian P McDowell, Ciaran MacDonncha, Matthew P Herrin. Brief report: Associations of physical activity with anxiety and depression symptoms and status among adolescents. Journal of adolescence. vol 55. 2017-06-05. PMID:27988443. these findings support the need for adolescents to engage in moderate pa, with potential for increased benefits with increased pa. to conclude, moderate and high pa are inversely associated with anxiety and depressive symptoms, and risk of depression and high trait anxiety in adolescents. 2017-06-05 2023-08-13 Not clear
B N Kyle, D W McNeil, B Weaver, T Wilso. Recall of Dental Pain and Anxiety in a Cohort of Oral Surgery Patients. Journal of dental research. vol 95. issue 6. 2017-05-22. PMID:26908629. dental patients generally recall more pain than they originally report, with ratings of pain related to state anxiety and dental fear, but the role of depression in recall of dental pain remains uncertain. 2017-05-22 2023-08-13 Not clear
B N Kyle, D W McNeil, B Weaver, T Wilso. Recall of Dental Pain and Anxiety in a Cohort of Oral Surgery Patients. Journal of dental research. vol 95. issue 6. 2017-05-22. PMID:26908629. in addition, patients were divided into high and low dental fear and depression groups and compared on ratings of pain and state anxiety across time. 2017-05-22 2023-08-13 Not clear