All Relations between Depression and social relationships

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Gordon Josephson, Valerie Whiffe. An integrated model of gay men's depressive symptoms. American journal of men's health. vol 1. issue 1. 2010-01-15. PMID:19482783. a model of depressive symptoms in gay men is tested that links gender-related personality traits (agency and unmitigated communion) to peer harassment, self-discrepancies in agency, and cold-submissive interpersonal behavior, all of which were reported in previous research to contribute to depression. 2010-01-15 2023-08-12 Not clear
Susan M Meffert, Charles R Marma. Darfur refugees in Cairo: mental health and interpersonal conflict in the aftermath of genocide. Journal of interpersonal violence. vol 24. issue 11. 2010-01-06. PMID:18945917. there is moderate to severe emotional distress among many darfur refugees, including symptoms of depression and trauma, and interpersonal conflict, both domestic violence and broader community conflict, elevated relative to pregenocide levels. 2010-01-06 2023-08-12 Not clear
Ben T Reeb, Katherine J Conge. The unique effect of paternal depressive symptoms on adolescent functioning: associations with gender and father-adolescent relationship closeness. Journal of family psychology : JFP : journal of the Division of Family Psychology of the American Psychological Association (Division 43). vol 23. issue 5. 2010-01-06. PMID:19803611. these findings add to a growing literature on the interpersonal mechanisms through which depression runs in families, highlighting the need for future investigation of paternal mental health, adolescent gender, and intrafamily relationship quality in relation to adolescent development. 2010-01-06 2023-08-12 Not clear
Colleen Lewy, C Wayne Sells, Jennifer Gilhooly, Robert McKelve. Adolescent depression: evaluating pediatric residents' knowledge, confidence, and interpersonal skills using standardized patients. Academic psychiatry : the journal of the American Association of Directors of Psychiatric Residency Training and the Association for Academic Psychiatry. vol 33. issue 5. 2009-12-30. PMID:19828852. adolescent depression: evaluating pediatric residents' knowledge, confidence, and interpersonal skills using standardized patients. 2009-12-30 2023-08-12 Not clear
Erkki Isometsä, Pekka Jousilahti, Olavi Lindfors, Sinikka Luutonen, Mauri Marttunen, Sami Pirkola, Jouko K Salminen, Elina Kinnunen, Iris Pasternack, Erkka Syvälahti, Maria Vuorileht. [Update on current care guidelines. Depression, current care guideline]. Duodecim; laaketieteellinen aikakauskirja. vol 125. issue 16. 2009-12-08. PMID:19839194. in the acute phase of treatment, brief psychotherapies (cognitive, interpersonal, psychodynamic or problem-solving) are effective in cases of mild to moderate depression. 2009-12-08 2023-08-12 Not clear
Tiffany Field, Osvelia Deeds, Miguel Diego, Maria Hernandez-Reif, Andy Gauler, Susan Sullivan, Donna Wilson, Graciela Nearin. Benefits of combining massage therapy with group interpersonal psychotherapy in prenatally depressed women. Journal of bodywork and movement therapies. vol 13. issue 4. 2009-12-07. PMID:19761951. thus, the data highlight the effectiveness of group interpersonal psychotherapy and particularly when combined with massage therapy for reducing prenatal depression. 2009-12-07 2023-08-12 Not clear
b' Ulla Leskel\\xc3\\xa4, Tarja Melartin, Heikki Ryts\\xc3\\xa4l\\xc3\\xa4, Pekka Jylh\\xc3\\xa4, Petteri Sokero, Paula Lestel\\xc3\\xa4-Mielonen, Erkki Isomets\\xc3\\xa. Influence of personality on objective and subjective social support among patients with major depressive disorder: a prospective study. The Journal of nervous and mental disease. vol 197. issue 10. 2009-10-29. PMID:19829200.' in the vantaa depression study, we assessed neuroticism and extraversion with the eysenck personality inventory, objective ss with the interview measure of social relationships, and subjective ss with the perceived social support scale-revised at baseline, at 6 and 18 months among 193 major depressive disorder patients diagnosed according to the fourth edition of diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (dms-iv). 2009-10-29 2023-08-12 Not clear
Ellen K K Jepsen, Tron Svagaard, Mona I Thelle, Leigh McCullough, Egil W Martinse. Inpatient treatment for adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse: a preliminary outcome study. Journal of trauma & dissociation : the official journal of the International Society for the Study of Dissociation (ISSD). vol 10. issue 3. 2009-10-08. PMID:19585339. levels of posttraumatic, depressive, and general psychiatric symptoms and interpersonal problems were assessed at pre-care evaluation, admission, discharge, and 1-year follow-up using the impact of event scale, the beck depression inventory, the symptom check list 90 revised, and the inventory of interpersonal problems. 2009-10-08 2023-08-12 Not clear
Chris Evan. Review: interpersonal psychotherapy is slightly better and supportive therapy is worse than other therapies for depression. Evidence-based medicine. vol 14. issue 4. 2009-09-30. PMID:19648432. review: interpersonal psychotherapy is slightly better and supportive therapy is worse than other therapies for depression. 2009-09-30 2023-08-12 Not clear
Henk Jan Conradi, Peter de Jong. Recurrent depression and the role of adult attachment: a prospective and a retrospective study. Journal of affective disorders. vol 116. issue 1-2. 2009-09-28. PMID:19087894. recurrent depression is associated with interpersonal dysfunctioning which is related to underlying insecure attachment. 2009-09-28 2023-08-12 Not clear
W Finkenzeller, I Zobel, S Rietz, E Schramm, M Berge. [Interpersonal psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy for post-stroke depression. Feasibility and effectiveness]. Der Nervenarzt. vol 80. issue 7. 2009-09-10. PMID:19455296. [interpersonal psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy for post-stroke depression. 2009-09-10 2023-08-12 Not clear
W Finkenzeller, I Zobel, S Rietz, E Schramm, M Berge. [Interpersonal psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy for post-stroke depression. Feasibility and effectiveness]. Der Nervenarzt. vol 80. issue 7. 2009-09-10. PMID:19455296. the aim of this feasibility study was to compare interpersonal psychotherapy, pharmacotherapy, and their combination regarding depression and rehabilitation outcome. 2009-09-10 2023-08-12 Not clear
Dana M Hamann, Anna L Wonderlich-Tierney, Jillon S Vander Wa. Interpersonal sensitivity predicts bulimic symptomatology cross-sectionally and longitudinally. Eating behaviors. vol 10. issue 2. 2009-09-09. PMID:19447355. participants completed the center for epidemiological study - depression scale, brief fear of negative evaluation scale, interpersonal sensitivity measure, and the bulimia test - revised. 2009-09-09 2023-08-12 human
Ahmad Ali Noorbala, Fatemeh Ramezanzadeh, Nasrin Abedinia, Mohammad Mehdi Naghizade. Psychiatric disorders among infertile and fertile women. Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology. vol 44. issue 7. 2009-08-18. PMID:19023508. using the scl-90-r test, the highest mean scores in infertile women were found to be on the paranoid ideation, depression and interpersonal sensitivity scales, and lowest scores were found on the psychoticism and phobic anxiety scales. 2009-08-18 2023-08-12 Not clear
G Pérez-Rojo, M Izal, I Montorio, B Penhal. Risk factors of elder abuse in a community dwelling Spanish sample. Archives of gerontology and geriatrics. vol 49. issue 1. 2009-08-14. PMID:18534697. the combination of caregiving impact, frequency of aggressive behaviors by care-recipients, stress related to provocative and aggressive behaviors, the frequency of provocative behaviors, interpersonal burden, autoefficiency expectations, quantity of help received and depression classify correctly as risk factors in 90.9% of the cases. 2009-08-14 2023-08-12 Not clear
Ellen L Poleshuck, Nancy L Talbot, Haiyan Su, Xin Tu, Linda Chaudron, Stephanie Gamble, Donna E Gile. Pain as a predictor of depression treatment outcomes in women with childhood sexual abuse. Comprehensive psychiatry. vol 50. issue 3. 2009-08-14. PMID:19374964. this study examined whether clinically significant pain would be associated with worse depression and functioning outcomes among women with csa histories treated with interpersonal psychotherapy. 2009-08-14 2023-08-12 Not clear
Kate L Harkness, Jeremy G Stewar. Symptom specificity and the prospective generation of life events in adolescence. Journal of abnormal psychology. vol 118. issue 2. 2009-08-11. PMID:19413403. consistent with hypotheses, and controlling for baseline stress, cognitive-affective symptoms of depression prospectively predicted higher levels of dependent interpersonal life events. 2009-08-11 2023-08-12 Not clear
Jesse R Cougle, Heidi Resnick, Dean G Kilpatric. A prospective examination of PTSD symptoms as risk factors for subsequent exposure to potentially traumatic events among women. Journal of abnormal psychology. vol 118. issue 2. 2009-08-11. PMID:19413414. after controlling for demographic characteristics, prior exposure to ptes, and wave 1 depression and substance abuse, ptsd reexperiencing symptoms at wave 1 predicted subsequent exposure to interpersonal violence victimization (ipvv) perpetrated by a nonintimate perpetrator; however, ptsd symptoms did not predict intimate partner ipvv. 2009-08-11 2023-08-12 Not clear
J Gayle Beck, DeMond M Grant, Joshua D Clapp, Sarah A Paly. Understanding the interpersonal impact of trauma: contributions of PTSD and depression. Journal of anxiety disorders. vol 23. issue 4. 2009-08-06. PMID:18986792. understanding the interpersonal impact of trauma: contributions of ptsd and depression. 2009-08-06 2023-08-12 Not clear
J Gayle Beck, DeMond M Grant, Joshua D Clapp, Sarah A Paly. Understanding the interpersonal impact of trauma: contributions of PTSD and depression. Journal of anxiety disorders. vol 23. issue 4. 2009-08-06. PMID:18986792. to build on the growing literature on interpersonal relationships among individuals with ptsd, this study examined the separate influences of ptsd symptoms and depression on functioning with friends, romantic partners, and family. 2009-08-06 2023-08-12 Not clear