All Relations between Depression and social relationships

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Jami F Young, Heather B Makover, Joseph R Cohen, Laura Mufson, Robert J Gallop, Jessica S Bena. Interpersonal psychotherapy-adolescent skills training: anxiety outcomes and impact of comorbidity. Journal of clinical child and adolescent psychology : the official journal for the Society of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, American Psychological Association, Division 53. vol 41. issue 5. 2013-03-14. PMID:22891881. this article reports on pooled anxiety and depression data from two randomized trials of interpersonal psychotherapy-adolescent skills training (ipt-ast), a depression prevention program. 2013-03-14 2023-08-12 Not clear
Colleen M Jacobson, Laura Mufso. Interpersonal psychotherapy for depressed adolescents adapted for self-injury (IPT-ASI): rationale, overview, and case summary. American journal of psychotherapy. vol 66. issue 4. 2013-03-12. PMID:23393993. the current paper describes an adaptation of interpersonal psychotherapy for depressed adolescents (ipt-a) to be used with adolescents who have symptoms of depression and are engaging in nssi. 2013-03-12 2023-08-12 Not clear
Christopher C Conway, Constance Hammen, Patricia A Brenna. Expanding stress generation theory: test of a transdiagnostic model. Journal of abnormal psychology. vol 121. issue 3. 2013-02-11. PMID:22428789. at the syndrome level, once variance due to the internalizing factor was partialed out, unipolar depression contributed incrementally to the generation of interpersonal dependent stress. 2013-02-11 2023-08-12 Not clear
Rebecca K Blais, Keith D Rensha. The association of biological and psychological attributions for depression with social support seeking intentions in individuals with depressive symptoms. Behavioural and cognitive psychotherapy. vol 40. issue 5. 2013-02-08. PMID:22643059. research suggests that biological and psychological attributions for depression are related to professional help-seeking, but the association of these attributions with informal support seeking in social relationships is unknown. 2013-02-08 2023-08-12 Not clear
Ling-ling Gao, Shu-yuan Luo, Sally Wai-chi Cha. Interpersonal psychotherapy-oriented program for Chinese pregnant women: delivery, content, and personal impact. Nursing & health sciences. vol 14. issue 3. 2013-02-05. PMID:22950613. the interpersonal psychotherapy-oriented childbirth education program has the potential to promote social support and maternal role competence and prevent postpartum depression in chinese women. 2013-02-05 2023-08-12 human
Nicole E Caporino, Marc S Karve. The acceptability of treatments for depression to a community sample of adolescent girls. Journal of adolescence. vol 35. issue 5. 2013-01-24. PMID:22622004. all participants read a vignette describing a depressed adolescent and rated the acceptability of four single treatments for depression (cognitive-behavioral therapy, interpersonal therapy, family therapy, and pharmacotherapy) and three treatment combinations. 2013-01-24 2023-08-12 human
Nicole E Caporino, Marc S Karve. The acceptability of treatments for depression to a community sample of adolescent girls. Journal of adolescence. vol 35. issue 5. 2013-01-24. PMID:22622004. for interpersonal therapy and family therapy only, treatment acceptability was related to perceived causes of depression. 2013-01-24 2023-08-12 human
Ornit Freudenstein, Avi Valevski, Alan Apter, Ada Zohar, Gal Shoval, Eitan Nahshoni, Abraham Weizman, Gil Zalsma. Perfectionism, narcissism, and depression in suicidal and nonsuicidal adolescent inpatients. Comprehensive psychiatry. vol 53. issue 6. 2013-01-11. PMID:22364727. the aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between 2 psychological profiles: (a) the intrapersonal profile, involving self-critical depression, self-oriented perfectionism, and narcissism, and (b) the interpersonal profile, involving dependent depression and socially prescribed perfectionism, and the association of these 2 profiles with suicidal behavior among adolescent inpatients. 2013-01-11 2023-08-12 Not clear
Gwenolé Loas, Emmanuelle Defélic. Absolute and relative short-term stability of interpersonal dependency in suicide attempters. The Journal of nervous and mental disease. vol 200. issue 10. 2013-01-11. PMID:23034575. the subjects filled in the interpersonal dependency inventory (idi) and the beck depression inventory-ii (bdi-ii). 2013-01-11 2023-08-12 human
Kyung Ran Kim, Hyun Cheol Chung, Eun Lee, Se Joo Kim, Kee Namkoon. Body image, sexual function and depression in Korean patients with breast cancer: modification by 5-HTT polymorphism. Supportive care in cancer : official journal of the Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer. vol 20. issue 9. 2013-01-09. PMID:22134442. the purpose of this study was to clarify how psychosocial factors (body image, sexuality, and social relationships) and genetic factors (functional polymorphism of the serotonin transporter-linked promoter region) influence depression. 2013-01-09 2023-08-12 Not clear
Renee C Edwards, Matthew J Thullen, Nucha Isarowong, Cheng-Shi Shiu, Linda Henson, Sydney L Han. Supportive relationships and the trajectory of depressive symptoms among young, African American mothers. Journal of family psychology : JFP : journal of the Division of Family Psychology of the American Psychological Association (Division 43). vol 26. issue 4. 2013-01-07. PMID:22888784. these findings suggest that screening and interventions for depression in young mothers should begin during pregnancy and include a focus on her proximal social relationships. 2013-01-07 2023-08-12 Not clear
Emily Mendenhall, Alicia Fernandez, Nancy Adler, Elizabeth A Jacob. Susto, coraje, and abuse: depression and beliefs about diabetes. Culture, medicine and psychiatry. vol 36. issue 3. 2012-12-27. PMID:22539060. we used multivariate linear regression to compare the association of depression with beliefs that susto (fright), coraje (anger), and/or interpersonal abuse cause diabetes, adjusting for gender, age, income, education, diabetes duration, co-morbidities, language preference, and acculturation. 2012-12-27 2023-08-12 Not clear
Nahathai Wongpakaran, Tinakon Wongpakaran, Robert van Reeku. Social inhibition as a mediator of neuroticism and depression in the elderly. BMC geriatrics. vol 12. 2012-12-17. PMID:22856615. a number of factors, such as demographics, cognitive function, personality and interpersonal relationship) play a role in late-life depression. 2012-12-17 2023-08-12 Not clear
Laura Levin, Heather A Henderson, Jill Ehrenreich-Ma. Interpersonal predictors of early therapeutic alliance in a transdiagnostic cognitive-behavioral treatment for adolescents with anxiety and depression. Psychotherapy (Chicago, Ill.). vol 49. issue 2. 2012-11-27. PMID:22642525. interpersonal predictors of early therapeutic alliance in a transdiagnostic cognitive-behavioral treatment for adolescents with anxiety and depression. 2012-11-27 2023-08-12 Not clear
Fritz Renner, Robin B Jarrett, Jeffrey R Vittengl, Marna S Barrett, Lee Anna Clark, Michael E Thas. Interpersonal problems as predictors of therapeutic alliance and symptom improvement in cognitive therapy for depression. Journal of affective disorders. vol 138. issue 3. 2012-11-20. PMID:22306232. interpersonal problems as predictors of therapeutic alliance and symptom improvement in cognitive therapy for depression. 2012-11-20 2023-08-12 Not clear
Molly S Clark, Kate L Jansen, J Anthony Clo. Treatment of childhood and adolescent depression. American family physician. vol 86. issue 5. 2012-11-19. PMID:22963063. cognitive behavior therapy and interpersonal therapy are recommended for patients with mild depression and are appropriate adjuvant treatments to medication in those with moderate to severe depression. 2012-11-19 2023-08-12 Not clear
Nancy K Grote, Susan J Spieker, Mary Jane Lohr, Sharon L Geibel, Holly A Swartz, Ellen Frank, Patricia R Houck, Wayne Kato. Impact of childhood trauma on the outcomes of a perinatal depression trial. Depression and anxiety. vol 29. issue 7. 2012-11-16. PMID:22447637. in a small randomized controlled trial treating depression in a diverse sample of nontreatment-seeking, pregnant, low-income women, we hypothesized that childhood trauma exposure would moderate changes in symptoms and functioning over time for women assigned to usual care (uc), but not to brief interpersonal psychotherapy (ipt-b) followed by maintenance ipt. 2012-11-16 2023-08-12 Not clear
Alessandra Del Carlo, Marzia Benvenuti, Michele Fornaro, Cristina Toni, Salvatore Rizzato, Alan C Swann, Liliana Dell'Osso, Giulio Perug. Different measures of impulsivity in patients with anxiety disorders: a case control study. Psychiatry research. vol 197. issue 3. 2012-11-13. PMID:22357357. forty-seven subjects with different anxiety disorders and 45 matched controls underwent diagnostic and symptomatological evaluations by the mini neuropsychiatric interview (m.i.n.i) plus 5.0, bech-raphaelsen depression and mania scale (brdms), state-trait anxiety inventory (stai), hypomania check list (hcl-32) and the clinical global impression (cgi); temperamental evaluations by the questionnaire for the affective and anxious temperament evaluation of memphis, pisa, paris and san diego-modified (temps-m), the separation anxiety sensitivity index (sasi), the interpersonal sensitivity symptoms inventory (issi); and psychometric and a neurocognitive evaluations of impulsivity using the barratt impulsiveness scale (bis-11) and the immediate and delayed memory task (imt-dmt). 2012-11-13 2023-08-12 human
Cindy-Lee Dennis, Paula Ravitz, Sophie Grigoriadis, Melissa Jovellanos, Ellen Hodnett, Lori Ross, John Zupanci. The effect of telephone-based interpersonal psychotherapy for the treatment of postpartum depression: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials. vol 13. 2012-11-06. PMID:22515528. the effect of telephone-based interpersonal psychotherapy for the treatment of postpartum depression: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. 2012-11-06 2023-08-12 Not clear
Lynlee R Tanner Stapleton, Christine Dunkel Schetter, Erika Westling, Christine Rini, Laura M Glynn, Calvin J Hobel, Curt A Sandma. Perceived partner support in pregnancy predicts lower maternal and infant distress. Journal of family psychology : JFP : journal of the Division of Family Psychology of the American Psychological Association (Division 43). vol 26. issue 3. 2012-10-25. PMID:22662772. using a prospective longitudinal design, 272 adult pregnant women were interviewed regarding their partner support, relationship satisfaction, and interpersonal security (attachment style and willingness to seek out support), and they completed standardized measures of prenatal symptoms of depression and anxiety (distress). 2012-10-25 2023-08-12 Not clear