All Relations between Depression and social relationships

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T Donker, P J Batterham, L Warmerdam, K Bennett, A Bennett, P Cuijpers, K M Griffiths, H Christense. Predictors and moderators of response to internet-delivered Interpersonal Psychotherapy and Cognitive Behavior Therapy for depression. Journal of affective disorders. vol 151. issue 1. 2014-06-04. PMID:23953024. predictors and moderators of response to internet-delivered interpersonal psychotherapy and cognitive behavior therapy for depression. 2014-06-04 2023-08-12 Not clear
Yadollah Ghasemipour, Julie Ann Robinson, Nima Ghorban. Mindfulness and integrative self-knowledge: relationships with health-related variables. International journal of psychology : Journal international de psychologie. vol 48. issue 6. 2014-06-02. PMID:23410242. men in general population (n = 103) and coronary heart disease samples (n = 101) completed the mindful attention awareness scale, the integrative self-knowledge scale, the type 2 subscale of the interpersonal reactions inventory, the perceived stress scale, and the anxiety and depression scales. 2014-06-02 2023-08-12 Not clear
K Preiss, L Brennan, D Clark. A systematic review of variables associated with the relationship between obesity and depression. Obesity reviews : an official journal of the International Association for the Study of Obesity. vol 14. issue 11. 2014-05-26. PMID:23809142. obesity, educational attainment, body image, binge eating, physical health, psychological characteristics and interpersonal effectiveness were consistently associated with the relationship between obesity and depression. 2014-05-26 2023-08-12 Not clear
Ingrid Söchting, Erica O'Neal, Betty Third, Jenny Rogers, John S Ogrodniczu. An integrative group therapy model for depression and anxiety in later life. International journal of group psychotherapy. vol 63. issue 4. 2014-05-19. PMID:24004011. this integrated group therapy program, unlike existing programs, combines a more structured cognitive-behavior therapy (cbt) with a more process-oriented interpersonal therapy (ipt), specifically targeting the coexistence of depression and anxiety in the elderly. 2014-05-19 2023-08-12 Not clear
Nichole Egbert, Lori B Miraldi, Krishnamurti Murniad. Friends don't let friends suffer from depression: how threat, efficacy, knowledge, and empathy relate to college students'; intentions to intervene on behalf of a depressed friend. Journal of health communication. vol 19. issue 4. 2014-05-14. PMID:24377435. the effectiveness of these messages may be amplified by including an interpersonal influence component, such as encouraging individuals to intervene if they suspect a friend or family member is suffering from depression. 2014-05-14 2023-08-12 Not clear
Ulrike Dinger, Sigal Zilcha-Mano, Kevin S McCarthy, Marna S Barrett, Jacques P Barbe. Interpersonal problems as predictors of alliance, symptomatic improvement and premature termination in treatment of depression. Journal of affective disorders. vol 151. issue 2. 2014-05-13. PMID:23932793. interpersonal problems as predictors of alliance, symptomatic improvement and premature termination in treatment of depression. 2014-05-13 2023-08-12 Not clear
Ulrike Dinger, Sigal Zilcha-Mano, Kevin S McCarthy, Marna S Barrett, Jacques P Barbe. Interpersonal problems as predictors of alliance, symptomatic improvement and premature termination in treatment of depression. Journal of affective disorders. vol 151. issue 2. 2014-05-13. PMID:23932793. the current study investigates if interpersonal problems predict process and outcome of three different treatments for depression. 2014-05-13 2023-08-12 Not clear
Alessandra Del Carlo, Marzia Benvenuti, Cristina Toni, Liliana Dell'osso, Giulio Perug. Impulsivity in patients with panic disorder-agoraphobia: the role of cyclothymia. Comprehensive psychiatry. vol 54. issue 7. 2014-05-08. PMID:23746711. sixty-four subjects with pd and 44 matched controls underwent a diagnostic and symptomatological evaluations by the mini neuropsychiatric interview (m.i.n.i) plus 5.0; the bech-rafaelsen depression and mania scale (brdms), the state-trait anxiety inventory (stai), the hypomania check list (hcl-32) and the clinical global impression (cgi); the questionnaire for the affective and anxious temperament evaluation of memphis, pisa, paris and san diego-modified (temps-m), the separation anxiety sensitivity index (sasi), the interpersonal sensitivity symptoms inventory (issi). 2014-05-08 2023-08-12 human
Z Taghizadeh, M Shirmohammadi, A Feizi, M Arbab. The effect of cognitive behavioural psycho-education on premenstrual syndrome and related symptoms. Journal of psychiatric and mental health nursing. vol 20. issue 8. 2014-05-06. PMID:22957993. however, depression marginally decreased (p < 0.1) in intervention group, and interpersonal sensitivity was not statistically different between intervention and control groups. 2014-05-06 2023-08-12 human
Z Taghizadeh, M Shirmohammadi, A Feizi, M Arbab. The effect of cognitive behavioural psycho-education on premenstrual syndrome and related symptoms. Journal of psychiatric and mental health nursing. vol 20. issue 8. 2014-05-06. PMID:22957993. intervention alleviated the severity of pms and related somatization, anxiety and hostility, yet it could not change the severity of depression and interpersonal sensitivity. 2014-05-06 2023-08-12 human
Ernest James, Michele McCarthy Larzeler. Behavioral interventions for office-based care: depressive disorders. FP essentials. vol 418. 2014-05-06. PMID:24628012. evidence also supports the use of problem-solving therapy and components of cognitive behavioral therapy and interpersonal psychotherapy provided by primary care physicians for patients with depression. 2014-05-06 2023-08-12 Not clear
Jeffrey C Eisen, Monika Marko-Holguin, Joshua Fogel, Alonso Cardenas, My Bahn, Nathan Bradford, Blake Fagan, Peggy Wiedmann, Benjamin W Van Voorhee. Pilot Study of Implementation of an Internet-Based Depression Prevention Intervention (CATCH-IT) for Adolescents in 12 US Primary Care Practices: Clinical and Management/Organizational Behavioral Perspectives. The primary care companion for CNS disorders. vol 15. issue 6. 2014-05-06. PMID:24800110. to explore the implementation of catch-it (competent adulthood transition with cognitive-behavioral humanistic and interpersonal training), an internet-based depression intervention program in 12 primary care sites, occurring as part of a randomized clinical trial comparing 2 versions of the intervention (motivational interview + internet program versus brief advice + internet program) in 83 adolescents aged 14 to 21 years recruited from february 1, 2007, to november 31, 2007. 2014-05-06 2023-08-13 Not clear
Peter M McEvoy, Melissa M Burgess, Paula Natha. The relationship between interpersonal problems, negative cognitions, and outcomes from cognitive behavioral group therapy for depression. Journal of affective disorders. vol 150. issue 2. 2014-05-05. PMID:23668899. the relationship between interpersonal problems, negative cognitions, and outcomes from cognitive behavioral group therapy for depression. 2014-05-05 2023-08-12 Not clear
J P De Santis, R M Gonzalez-Guarda, E P Vasque. Psychosocial and cultural correlates of depression among Hispanic men with HIV infection: a pilot study. Journal of psychiatric and mental health nursing. vol 19. issue 10. 2014-04-29. PMID:22295937. depression influences quality of life, social relationships and adherence to medication therapy. 2014-04-29 2023-08-12 human
Peter M McEvoy, Melissa M Burgess, Paula Natha. The relationship between interpersonal problems, therapeutic alliance, and outcomes following group and individual cognitive behaviour therapy. Journal of affective disorders. vol 157. 2014-04-25. PMID:24581824. the main aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between interpersonal problems, alliance, dropout and outcomes for a clinical sample receiving either individual or group cbt for anxiety or depression in a community clinic. 2014-04-25 2023-08-12 Not clear
Andreas Chatzittofis, Peter Nordström, Christer Hellström, Stefan Arver, Marie Åsberg, Jussi Jokine. CSF 5-HIAA, cortisol and DHEAS levels in suicide attempters. European neuropsychopharmacology : the journal of the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology. vol 23. issue 10. 2014-04-24. PMID:23453639. exposure to interpersonal violence as a child showed a negative correlation with csf cortisol/dheas ratio adjusted for age, gender and depression severity in a regression analysis. 2014-04-24 2023-08-12 human
Kathryn L Humphreys, Shaina J Katz, Steve S Lee, Constance Hammen, Patricia A Brennan, Jake M Najma. The association of ADHD and depression: mediation by peer problems and parent-child difficulties in two complementary samples. Journal of abnormal psychology. vol 122. issue 3. 2014-04-09. PMID:24016021. implications include support for interventions that target interpersonal competence, which may effectively reduce the risk of depression among children with adhd. 2014-04-09 2023-08-12 Not clear
Sindes Dawood, Katherine M Thomas, Aidan G C Wright, Christopher J Hopwoo. Heterogeneity of interpersonal problems among depressed young adults: associations with substance abuse and pathological personality traits. Journal of personality assessment. vol 95. issue 5. 2014-04-08. PMID:23560433. this study extended previous theory and research on interpersonal heterogeneity in depression by identifying groups of depressed young adults who differ in their type and degree of interpersonal problems, and by examining patterns of pathological personality traits and alcohol abuse among these groups. 2014-04-08 2023-08-12 Not clear
Sindes Dawood, Katherine M Thomas, Aidan G C Wright, Christopher J Hopwoo. Heterogeneity of interpersonal problems among depressed young adults: associations with substance abuse and pathological personality traits. Journal of personality assessment. vol 95. issue 5. 2014-04-08. PMID:23560433. we examined the interpersonal problems, personality traits, and alcohol-related problems of 172 college students with at least moderate levels of self-reported depression on the patient health questionnaire (spitzer, kroenke, & williams, 1999). 2014-04-08 2023-08-12 Not clear
Sindes Dawood, Katherine M Thomas, Aidan G C Wright, Christopher J Hopwoo. Heterogeneity of interpersonal problems among depressed young adults: associations with substance abuse and pathological personality traits. Journal of personality assessment. vol 95. issue 5. 2014-04-08. PMID:23560433. the presence of clinically meaningful interpersonal heterogeneity in depression could have important implications for designing more individualized treatments and prevention efforts for depression that target diverse associated interpersonal problems. 2014-04-08 2023-08-12 Not clear