All Relations between Depression and social evaluation

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Ashley N Howell, R Nicholas Carleton, Samantha C Horswill, Holly A Parkerson, Justin W Weeks, Gordon J G Asmundso. Intolerance of uncertainty moderates the relations among religiosity and motives for religion, depression, and social evaluation fears. Journal of clinical psychology. vol 75. issue 1. 2020-03-11. PMID:30238465. it was hypothesized that iu would moderate the relations between coping motives for being religious, as well as religiosity, and common psychological disorder symptoms: depression and social evaluation fears. 2020-03-11 2023-08-13 Not clear
Autumn Kujawa, Katie L Burkhous. Vulnerability to Depression in Youth: Advances from Affective Neuroscience. Biological psychiatry. Cognitive neuroscience and neuroimaging. vol 2. issue 1. 2019-11-20. PMID:28497126. within the social processes domain, preliminary evidence indicates that neural processing of social feedback, including heightened reactivity to exclusion and blunted response to social reward, may be related to depression vulnerability. 2019-11-20 2023-08-13 Not clear
Justin D Caouette, Amanda E Guye. Cognitive distortions mediate depression and affective response to social acceptance and rejection. Journal of affective disorders. vol 190. 2016-08-26. PMID:26625091. furthermore, we aimed to identify cognitive mechanisms linking depression with affective response to social feedback. 2016-08-26 2023-08-13 Not clear
Jina Choo, Melanie T Turk, Sae Young Jae, Il Han Cho. Factors associated with health-related quality of life among overweight and obese Korean women. Women & health. vol 55. issue 2. 2015-06-15. PMID:25706685. the weight efficacy lifestyle, beck depression inventory-ii, interpersonal social evaluation list, and impact of weight on quality of life (iwqol)-lite scales were used to measure self-efficacy for weight control, depressive symptoms, social support, and hrqol, respectively. 2015-06-15 2023-08-13 Not clear
Katarina Dedovic, Annie Duchesne, Veronika Engert, Sonja Damika Lue, Julie Andrews, Simona I Efanov, Thomas Beaudry, Jens C Pruessne. Psychological, endocrine and neural responses to social evaluation in subclinical depression. Social cognitive and affective neuroscience. vol 9. issue 10. 2015-06-03. PMID:24078020. psychological, endocrine and neural responses to social evaluation in subclinical depression. 2015-06-03 2023-08-12 human
Mattie Tops, Harriëtte Riese, Albertine J Oldehinkel, Frühling V Rijsdijk, Johan Orme. Rejection sensitivity relates to hypocortisolism and depressed mood state in young women. Psychoneuroendocrinology. vol 33. issue 5. 2008-07-08. PMID:18329181. rejection sensitivity and the associated fear of negative social evaluation (fnse) trait are characteristics of hypocortisolemic syndromes such as atypical depression. 2008-07-08 2023-08-12 Not clear
Alicja Klich-Raczka, Marzena Dubiel, Joanna Sulicka, Jolanta Zyczkowska, Melania Pituch. [Comprehensive geriatric assessment in hospitalized patients aged 80 years and more]. Przeglad lekarski. vol 63. issue 3. 2007-01-04. PMID:16967696. we examined patients using geriatric assessment chart which consisted of barthel index (used to determinate motor activity), mmse, gds (geriatric depression scale), abbreviated tinetti test, waterlow index (used to determine the risk of pressure sore development), delirium risk factors scale, and social evaluation. 2007-01-04 2023-08-12 Not clear
Karen D Rudolph, Colleen S Conle. The socioemotional costs and benefits of social-evaluative concerns: do girls care too much? Journal of personality. vol 73. issue 1. 2005-05-17. PMID:15660675. this research investigated the hypothesis that girls' heightened concerns about social evaluation contribute to sex differences in depression and interpersonal competence during early adolescence. 2005-05-17 2023-08-12 Not clear
O Taieb, M-F Flament, S Chevret, P Jeammet, J-F Allilaire, P Mazet, D Cohe. Clinical relevance of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) in adolescents with severe mood disorder: evidence from a follow-up study. European psychiatry : the journal of the Association of European Psychiatrists. vol 17. issue 4. 2002-11-07. PMID:12231266. eleven subjects treated during adolescence with bilateral ect for psychotic depression (n = 6) or mania (n = 5), and ten psychiatric controls matched for sex, age, school level, and clinical diagnosis, completed at least 1 year after treatment a clinical and social evaluation. 2002-11-07 2023-08-12 human
F Davies, R M Norman, L Cortese, A K Mall. The relationship between types of anxiety and depression. The Journal of nervous and mental disease. vol 183. issue 1. 1995-02-01. PMID:7807067. we report the results of a study of the differential relationship of anxiety related to three sources (social evaluation, physical danger, and unfamiliar situations) to both self-report and clinician-rated levels of depression in a sample of 117 psychiatric outpatients. 1995-02-01 2023-08-12 Not clear
F Davies, R M Norman, L Cortese, A K Mall. The relationship between types of anxiety and depression. The Journal of nervous and mental disease. vol 183. issue 1. 1995-02-01. PMID:7807067. the results indicate that anxiety concerning social evaluation and unfamiliar situations was more highly related to depression than anxiety about physical danger. 1995-02-01 2023-08-12 Not clear
L B Alloy, A J Lipma. Depression and selection of positive and negative social feedback: motivated preference or cognitive balance? Journal of abnormal psychology. vol 101. issue 2. 1992-06-18. PMID:1583224. depression and selection of positive and negative social feedback: motivated preference or cognitive balance? 1992-06-18 2023-08-11 human
J D Herbert, R O Nelson-Gray, D L Herber. The effects of feedback on the behavior of depressed inpatients in two structured interactions. Behavior modification. vol 16. issue 1. 1992-04-01. PMID:1540124. this study examined the responsivity of depressives' behavior to contingent social feedback within the framework of coyne's and lewinsohn's models of depression. 1992-04-01 2023-08-11 human