All Relations between Depression and self-efficacy

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Alina Bruhns, Anna Baumeister, Georgios Demeroutis, Holger Jahn, Bastian Willenborg, Athif Shaffy, Steffen Moritz, Lara Bücke. A mobile-based aftercare intervention to increase self-esteem in inpatients diagnosed with depression: A randomized controlled trial. Psychotherapy research : journal of the Society for Psychotherapy Research. 2023-01-11. PMID:36628469. a mobile-based aftercare intervention to increase self-esteem in inpatients diagnosed with depression: a randomized controlled trial. 2023-01-11 2023-08-14 Not clear
Wu Chong-Wen, Li Sha-Sha, E X. Mediating effects of self-esteem on the relationship between mindful parenting and social anxiety level in Chinese adolescents. Medicine. vol 101. issue 49. 2023-01-10. PMID:36626511. a total of 302 adolescents and their main caregivers were investigated by using the chinese version of the mindful parenting scale, self-esteem scale and the center for epidemiological studies depression scale and the social anxiety scale. 2023-01-10 2023-08-14 Not clear
Thomas McLaren, Lina-Jolien Peter, Samuel Tomczyk, Holger Muehlan, Georg Schomerus, Silke Schmid. The Seeking Mental Health Care model: prediction of help-seeking for depressive symptoms by stigma and mental illness representations. BMC public health. vol 23. issue 1. 2023-01-10. PMID:36627597. the model includes empirical influences on the help-seeking process to predict actual behaviour and incorporates superordinate (stigma, treatment experiences) as well as intermediate attitudinal variables (continuum and causal beliefs, depression literacy and self-efficacy). 2023-01-10 2023-08-14 Not clear
Corrigendum to Actor-partner effects of well-being, hope and self-esteem on depression in stroke survivor-caregiver dyads: A randomised controlled trial. Clinical rehabilitation. 2023-01-09. PMID:36617726. corrigendum to actor-partner effects of well-being, hope and self-esteem on depression in stroke survivor-caregiver dyads: a randomised controlled trial. 2023-01-09 2023-08-14 Not clear
Jian Jiao, Chris Segri. Moderating the Association Between Overparenting and Mental Health: Open Family Communication and Emerging Adult Children's Trait Autonomy. Journal of child and family studies. 2023-01-09. PMID:36619607. the present study aims to examine if open family communication and child trait autonomy alter the associations between overparenting and emerging adult children's general self-efficacy, environmental mastery, anxiety, and depression. 2023-01-09 2023-08-14 Not clear
Kira S van Hof, Arta Hoesseini, Irma M Verdonck-de Leeuw, Femke Jansen, C René Leemans, Robert P Takes, Chris H J Terhaard, Robert J Baatenburg de Jong, Aniel Sewnaik, Marinella P J Offerma. Self-efficacy and coping style in relation to psychological distress and quality of life in informal caregivers of patients with head and neck cancer: a longitudinal study. Supportive care in cancer : official journal of the Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer. vol 31. issue 2. 2023-01-09. PMID:36622506. in order to understand how informal caregivers of head and neck cancer (hnc) patients deal with the consequences of the disease, we investigated their self-efficacy and coping style in relation to symptoms of anxiety and depression (distress) and quality of life (qol) over time. 2023-01-09 2023-08-14 Not clear
Annika Theodoulou, Jamie Hartmann-Boyce, Jordan Gorenberg, Jason L Oke, Ailsa R Butler, Anastasios Bastounis, Susan A Jebb, Paul Aveyar. Weight regain and mental health outcomes following behavioural weight management programmes: A systematic review with meta-analyses. Clinical obesity. 2023-01-09. PMID:36623842. when comparing bwmps (diet and/or exercise) to control, most estimates included the possibility of no difference, but pooled estimates for psychological wellbeing, self-esteem and mental-health composite scores at programme-end, anxiety at 1-6 months, and depression at 7-12 months after programme-end suggested improvements in intervention arms relative to control, with 95% cis excluding no difference. 2023-01-09 2023-08-14 Not clear
Su-Feng Chu, Hsiu-Hung Wan. Outcome Expectations and Older Adults with Knee Osteoarthritis: Their Exercise Outcome Expectations in Relation to Perceived Health, Self-Efficacy, and Fear of Falling. Healthcare (Basel, Switzerland). vol 11. issue 1. 2023-01-08. PMID:36611517. the older adults completed the outcome expectations for exercise scale (oees), the pain and physical function subscales of western ontario and mcmaster universities osteoarthritis index (womac), the perceived health status scale, the self-efficacy for exercise scale (see- c), the activities-specific balance confidence scale (abc), the geriatric depression scale (gds). 2023-01-08 2023-08-14 human
Bing Han, Guoli Du, Yashu Yang, Jiping Chen, Guoxiao Su. Relationships between physical activity, body image, BMI, depression and anxiety in Chinese college students during the COVID-19 pandemic. BMC public health. vol 23. issue 1. 2023-01-05. PMID:36604631. therefore, the study objectives were to explore the potential relationship between physical activity and depression and anxiety from the perspective of body image and body mass index (bmi), and to provide an important reference for future self-esteem education and health promotion intervention. 2023-01-05 2023-08-14 Not clear
Ercole Vellone, Paola Rebora, Paolo Iovino, Greta Ghizzardi, Marina Baricchi, Rosaria Alvaro, Alessandro Sili, Serena Barello, Davide Ausili, Alessia M Trenta, Cristina Pedroni, Federica Dellafiore, Cristina Arrigoni, Barbara Riegel, Rosario Carus. Remote motivational interviewing to improve patient self-care and caregiver contribution to self-care in heart failure (REMOTIVATE-HF): Rationale, design, and methodology for a multicentre randomized controlled trial. Research in nursing & health. 2022-12-25. PMID:36566360. the aims of this randomized controlled trial will be to evaluate whether remote mi performed via video call in patients with hf: (1) is effective at improving self-care maintenance in patients (primary outcome); (2) is effective for the following secondary outcomes: (a) for patients: self-care management, self-care monitoring, and self-efficacy; hf symptoms; generic and disease-specific quality of life; anxiety and depression; use of healthcare services; and mortality; and (b) for caregivers: contribution to self-care, self-efficacy, and preparedness. 2022-12-25 2023-08-14 Not clear
Marcin Błaszcz, Nina Prucnal, Krzysztof Wrześniewski, Szymon Pasiut, Piotr Mika, Małgorzata Kucia, Beata Stach, Marcin Woźniak, Elżbieta Mire. Physical Activity, Psychological and Functional Outcomes in Non-Ambulatory Stroke Patients during Rehabilitation-A Pilot Study. Journal of clinical medicine. vol 11. issue 24. 2022-12-23. PMID:36555878. measurements were taken on 21 participants at the beginning of and 6 weeks post-conventional rehabilitation with the barthel index (bi), berg balance scale (bbs), trunk control test (tct), stroke impact scale (sis), general self-efficacy scale, stroke self-efficacy questionnaire (sseq), the original scale of belief in own impact on recovery (bioior), hospital anxiety and depression scale, acceptance of illness scale and when the patient could walk-time up & go and 6 minute walk test. 2022-12-23 2023-08-14 human
Carmen Tabernero, Tamara Gutiérrez-Domingo, Patrizia Steca, Rosario Castillo-Mayén, Esther Cuadrado, Sebastián J Rubio, Naima Z Farhane-Medina, Bárbara Luqu. Effectiveness of Mindfulness and Positive Strengthening mHealth Interventions for the Promotion of Subjective Emotional Wellbeing and Management of Self-Efficacy for Chronic Cardiac Diseases. Journal of personalized medicine. vol 12. issue 12. 2022-12-23. PMID:36556174. the positive-negative affect and management self-efficacy for chronic and cardiovascular diseases were analyzed over time, while anxiety and depression levels were assessed at the beginning of the study. 2022-12-23 2023-08-14 human
Carmen Tabernero, Tamara Gutiérrez-Domingo, Patrizia Steca, Rosario Castillo-Mayén, Esther Cuadrado, Sebastián J Rubio, Naima Z Farhane-Medina, Bárbara Luqu. Effectiveness of Mindfulness and Positive Strengthening mHealth Interventions for the Promotion of Subjective Emotional Wellbeing and Management of Self-Efficacy for Chronic Cardiac Diseases. Journal of personalized medicine. vol 12. issue 12. 2022-12-23. PMID:36556174. the results showed that mindfulness and positive strengthening interventions both had a positive effect on participants' affective state and management self-efficacy for the disease in comparison with the control group over time, even after controlling for baseline anxiety and depression levels. 2022-12-23 2023-08-14 human
Alessandro Alberto Rossi, Anna Panzeri, Federica Taccini, Anna Parola, Stefania Mannarin. The Rising of the Shield hero. Development of the Post-Traumatic Symptom Questionnaire (PTSQ) and Assessment of the Protective Effect of self-esteem from trauma-related Anxiety and Depression. Journal of child & adolescent trauma. 2022-12-19. PMID:36532142. development of the post-traumatic symptom questionnaire (ptsq) and assessment of the protective effect of self-esteem from trauma-related anxiety and depression. 2022-12-19 2023-08-14 Not clear
Alessandro Alberto Rossi, Anna Panzeri, Federica Taccini, Anna Parola, Stefania Mannarin. The Rising of the Shield hero. Development of the Post-Traumatic Symptom Questionnaire (PTSQ) and Assessment of the Protective Effect of self-esteem from trauma-related Anxiety and Depression. Journal of child & adolescent trauma. 2022-12-19. PMID:36532142. however, the anxiety-buffer hypothesis suggests that self-esteem could be considered a shield (buffer) against traumatic experiences and their outcomes (i.e., anxiety and depression). 2022-12-19 2023-08-14 Not clear
Alessandro Alberto Rossi, Anna Panzeri, Federica Taccini, Anna Parola, Stefania Mannarin. The Rising of the Shield hero. Development of the Post-Traumatic Symptom Questionnaire (PTSQ) and Assessment of the Protective Effect of self-esteem from trauma-related Anxiety and Depression. Journal of child & adolescent trauma. 2022-12-19. PMID:36532142. second, to test the process - triggered by covid19-related traumatic experience - in which self-esteem buffers the path that leads to anxiety and depression. 2022-12-19 2023-08-14 Not clear
Min Gao, Xian Li, Chun-Yang Lee, Honghao Ma, Tianmu Chen, Shuoxun Zhang, Yi-Chen Chian. Sleep duration and depression among adolescents: Mediation effect of collective integration. Frontiers in psychology. vol 13. 2022-12-15. PMID:36518962. firstly, collective integration strongly mediated the relationships among academic self-efficacy, parental involvement, teacher praise/criticism, sleep duration, and depression. 2022-12-15 2023-08-14 Not clear
Ivet Bayes-Marin, Maria Roura-Adserias, Iago Giné-Vázquez, Felipe Villalobos, Marta Franch-Roca, Amanda Lloret-Pineda, Aina Gabarrell-Pascuet, Yuelu He, Rachid El Hafi, Fajar Matloob Ahmed Butt, Blanca Mellor-Marsá, M Carmen Alós, Helena Sainz-Elías, Wala Ayad-Ahmed, Lola Aparicio, Mercedes Espinal Cabeza, Óscar Álvarez Bobo, Yolanda Osorio López, Josep Maria Haro, Paula Cristóbal-Narváe. Factors Associated with Depression and Anxiety Symptoms among Migrant Population in Spain during the COVID-19 Pandemic. International journal of environmental research and public health. vol 19. issue 23. 2022-12-11. PMID:36497721. conversely, older age, better self-esteem, and higher levels of social support were associated with fewer depression symptoms. 2022-12-11 2023-08-14 Not clear
Esther Ow Chow, Sai-Fu Fung, Hardev Sing. Actor-partner effects of wellbeing, hope and self-esteem on depression in stroke survivor-caregiver dyads: A randomized controlled trial. Clinical rehabilitation. 2022-12-01. PMID:36453001. actor-partner effects of wellbeing, hope and self-esteem on depression in stroke survivor-caregiver dyads: a randomized controlled trial. 2022-12-01 2023-08-14 Not clear
Esther Ow Chow, Sai-Fu Fung, Hardev Sing. Actor-partner effects of wellbeing, hope and self-esteem on depression in stroke survivor-caregiver dyads: A randomized controlled trial. Clinical rehabilitation. 2022-12-01. PMID:36453001. thus, this study aims to investigate the impacts of two interventions on hope, self-esteem and hedonic wellbeing on depression among the stroke-survivor-caregiver dyad. 2022-12-01 2023-08-14 Not clear