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David M Clarke, Janet E McLeod, Graeme C Smith, Tom Trauer, David W Kissan. A comparison of psychosocial and physical functioning in patients with motor neurone disease and metastatic cancer. Journal of palliative care. vol 21. issue 3. 2006-02-09. PMID:16334972. |
although the beck depression scores were similar in both groups, mnd patients had significantly higher scores for demoralization, hopelessness, and suicidal ideation. |
2006-02-09 |
2023-08-12 |
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Gerald J Haffel, Lyn Y Abramson, Zachary R Voelz, Gerald I Metalsky, Lisa Halberstadt, Benjamin M Dykman, Patricia Donovan, Michael E Hogan, Benjamin L Hankin, Lauren B Allo. Negative cognitive styles, dysfunctional attitudes, and the remitted depression paradigm: a search for the elusive cognitive vulnerability to depression factor among remitted depressives. Emotion (Washington, D.C.). vol 5. issue 3. 2006-01-03. PMID:16187869. |
participants' current depressive symptoms, negative cognitive styles (hopelessness theory), dysfunctional attitudes (beck's theory), and lifetime prevalence of clinically significant depression were assessed. |
2006-01-03 |
2023-08-12 |
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Jeremy F Mills, Kate Green, John R Reddo. An evaluation of the Psychache Scale on an offender population. Suicide & life-threatening behavior. vol 35. issue 5. 2006-01-03. PMID:16268773. |
the results showed the psychache scale has a single underlying factor structure and to be strongly associated with measures of depression and hopelessness and moderately associated with psychiatric symptoms and the criterion variable of a history of prior suicide attempts. |
2006-01-03 |
2023-08-12 |
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Marnin J Heisel, Gordon L Flet. A psychometric analysis of the Geriatric Hopelessness Scale (GHS): towards improving assessment of the construct. Journal of affective disorders. vol 87. issue 2-3. 2005-12-15. PMID:16005981. |
hopelessness increases vulnerability to late-life depression and risk for suicide. |
2005-12-15 |
2023-08-12 |
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Marnin J Heisel, Gordon L Flet. A psychometric analysis of the Geriatric Hopelessness Scale (GHS): towards improving assessment of the construct. Journal of affective disorders. vol 87. issue 2-3. 2005-12-15. PMID:16005981. |
the present study examined the psychometric properties of the geriatric hopelessness scale (ghs; fry, 1984) among a heterogeneous sample of older adults and its association with depression and suicide ideation. |
2005-12-15 |
2023-08-12 |
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Richard R J Lewin. Social class of origin, lost potential, and hopelessness in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia research. vol 76. issue 2-3. 2005-11-08. PMID:15949665. |
eighteen young, white, unemployed male schizophrenia patients were asked to indicate what job they thought they would have before the onset of schizophrenia and completed depression and hopelessness questionnaires. |
2005-11-08 |
2023-08-12 |
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Richard R J Lewin. Social class of origin, lost potential, and hopelessness in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia research. vol 76. issue 2-3. 2005-11-08. PMID:15949665. |
the results suggest that job expectation was significantly positively correlated with socioeconomic status of family of origin and patients' depression and hopelessness. |
2005-11-08 |
2023-08-12 |
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A J Esbensen, B A Benso. Cognitive variables and depressed mood in adults with intellectual disability. Journal of intellectual disability research : JIDR. vol 49. issue Pt 7. 2005-11-08. PMID:15966955. |
the current study examined cognitive variables of automatic thoughts, cognitive triad, hopelessness, attributions and self-esteem associated with two cognitive theories of depression: beck's cognitive triad theory and the hopelessness theory of depression. |
2005-11-08 |
2023-08-12 |
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Anne E M Speckens, Keith Hawto. Social problem solving in adolescents with suicidal behavior: a systematic review. Suicide & life-threatening behavior. vol 35. issue 4. 2005-11-08. PMID:16178693. |
most of these studies, which compared adolescent patients with suicide attempts versus either nonsuicidal psychiatric or normal controls, found evidence for problem-solving deficits in the attempters; however, few of the differences remain after controlling for depression and/or hopelessness. |
2005-11-08 |
2023-08-12 |
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Eugene Kinyanda, Heidi Hjelmeland, Seggane Musis. Psychological factors in deliberate self-harm as seen in a urban African population in Uganda: a case-control study. Suicide & life-threatening behavior. vol 35. issue 4. 2005-11-08. PMID:16178699. |
both depression and hopelessness were significantly associated with suicidal intent independent of each other. |
2005-11-08 |
2023-08-12 |
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Eugene Kinyanda, Heidi Hjelmeland, Seggane Musis. Psychological factors in deliberate self-harm as seen in a urban African population in Uganda: a case-control study. Suicide & life-threatening behavior. vol 35. issue 4. 2005-11-08. PMID:16178699. |
interventions for dsh in this population should include treatments for both depression and hopelessness. |
2005-11-08 |
2023-08-12 |
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John A Tsiouri. Metabolic depression in hibernation and major depression: an explanatory theory and an animal model of depression. Medical hypotheses. vol 65. issue 5. 2005-10-27. PMID:16061329. |
the ways individuals cognitively perceive, understand, communicate, and react to the vegetative symptoms of depression, from downregulation in energy production, and in the absence of known medical causes, produce the other characteristics of depression including guilt, helplessness, hopelessness, suicidal phenomena, agitation, panic attacks, psychotic symptoms, and sudden switch to hypomanic or manic episodes. |
2005-10-27 |
2023-08-12 |
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Adele M Hayes, Christopher G Beevers, Gregory C Feldman, Jean-Philippe Laurenceau, Carol Perlma. Avoidance and processing as predictors of symptom change and positive growth in an integrative therapy for depression. International journal of behavioral medicine. vol 12. issue 2. 2005-08-09. PMID:15901220. |
peak levels of avoidance were associated with less improvement in depression and with more hopelessness and negative views of the self. |
2005-08-09 |
2023-08-12 |
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Christine D Scher, Patricia A Resic. Hopelessness as a risk factor for post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms among interpersonal violence survivors. Cognitive behaviour therapy. vol 34. issue 2. 2005-08-09. PMID:15986786. |
follow-up analyses revealed that relationships between hopelessness and symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder were due almost entirely to shared variance with depression. |
2005-08-09 |
2023-08-12 |
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Michael Dennis, Penny Wakefield, Caroline Molloy, Harry Andrews, Trevor Friedma. Self-harm in older people with depression: comparison of social factors, life events and symptoms. The British journal of psychiatry : the journal of mental science. vol 186. 2005-07-26. PMID:15928367. |
we examined social factors, life events, hopelessness and other depression symptoms in a group of 48 older people with depression referred following an episode of self-harm compared with 50 similarly aged people with depression who had no history of self-harm. |
2005-07-26 |
2023-08-12 |
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K-L Chou, L W Jun, I Ch. Assessing Chinese older adults' suicidal ideation: Chinese version of the Geriatric Suicide Ideation Scale. Aging & mental health. vol 9. issue 2. 2005-07-19. PMID:15804635. |
in terms of convergent validity, the gsis-c correlated significantly and positively with depression (assessed by ces-d), loneliness (assessed by revised ucla loneliness scale), and hopelessness (assessed by beck 'hop'elessness scale). |
2005-07-19 |
2023-08-12 |
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MarySue V Heilemann, Darcy Copelan. Sources of emotional help sought by low income women of Mexican descent. Issues in mental health nursing. vol 26. issue 2. 2005-07-12. PMID:15966112. |
from a larger convenience sample of 315 women of mexican descent, the focus of this secondary analysis of cross sectional data was a subset of 68 women who reported that they sought help for feelings of sadness, hopelessness, or depression within the last year women who sought help from professional sources had significantly higher depressive (ces-d) and ptsd (ies-r) symptoms than women who sought help from "other or multiple" sources that included friends. |
2005-07-12 |
2023-08-12 |
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Elaine Adams Thompson, James J Mazza, Jerald R Herting, Brooke P Randell, Leona L Egger. The mediating roles of anxiety depression, and hopelessness on adolescent suicidal behaviors. Suicide & life-threatening behavior. vol 35. issue 1. 2005-06-30. PMID:15843321. |
the results showed direct effects of depression and hopelessness on suicidal behaviors for males, and direct effects of hopelessness, but not depression, for females. |
2005-06-30 |
2023-08-12 |
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Elaine Adams Thompson, James J Mazza, Jerald R Herting, Brooke P Randell, Leona L Egger. The mediating roles of anxiety depression, and hopelessness on adolescent suicidal behaviors. Suicide & life-threatening behavior. vol 35. issue 1. 2005-06-30. PMID:15843321. |
for both males and females, anxiety was directly linked to depression and hopelessness; drug involvement had both direct and indirect effects on suicidal behavior. |
2005-06-30 |
2023-08-12 |
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George I Papakostas, Timothy Petersen, Dan V Iosifescu, Alana M Burns, Andrew A Nierenberg, Jonathan E Alpert, Jerrold F Rosenbaum, Maurizio Fav. Obesity among outpatients with major depressive disorder. The international journal of neuropsychopharmacology. vol 8. issue 1. 2005-06-13. PMID:15361263. |
obese patients presented with worse somatic well-being scores than non-obese mdd patients, but they did not differ with respect to depression severity, anxiety, somatic complaints, hopelessness or hostility. |
2005-06-13 |
2023-08-12 |
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