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David Bunce, Rowena Handley, Stanley O Gaine. Depression, anxiety, and within-person variability in adults aged 18 to 85 years. Psychology and aging. vol 23. issue 4. 2009-03-23. PMID:19140655. |
mild depression and anxiety were investigated in relation to measures of within-person (wp) variability and mean reaction time from psychomotor, executive function, visual search, and word recognition tasks in a continuous age range (18-85 years, m=50.33, sd=20.37) of 300 community-dwelling adults. |
2009-03-23 |
2023-08-12 |
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David Bunce, Rowena Handley, Stanley O Gaine. Depression, anxiety, and within-person variability in adults aged 18 to 85 years. Psychology and aging. vol 23. issue 4. 2009-03-23. PMID:19140655. |
wp variability in executive function and other cognitive constructs covaried, and the significant age x depression interaction with visual search was accounted for by wp variability in executive control. |
2009-03-23 |
2023-08-12 |
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Tyler J Story, Guy G Potter, Deborah K Attix, Kathleen A Welsh-Bohmer, David C Steffen. Neurocognitive correlates of response to treatment in late-life depression. The American journal of geriatric psychiatry : official journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry. vol 16. issue 9. 2009-03-04. PMID:18697883. |
depression is often associated with neurocognitive deficits in older adults, particularly in the domains of information processing speed, episodic memory, and executive functions. |
2009-03-04 |
2023-08-12 |
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Lars Vedel Kessin. [Feeling for affective psychosis]. Ugeskrift for laeger. vol 171. issue 7. 2009-02-13. PMID:19210937. |
ongoing studies aim to identify biomarkers for depression and mania, and results from recent research suggest that neuroticism, abnormal response to the dex-crh test, increased frontotemporal serotonine 2a binding, abnormal emotional processing and deceased executive function may be candidates for such biomarkers. |
2009-02-13 |
2023-08-12 |
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Kecia Watari, Virginia Elderkin-Thompson, Olu Ajilore, Ebrahim Haroon, Christine Darwin, Daniel Pham, Anand Kuma. Neuroanatomical correlates of executive functioning in depressed adults with type 2 diabetes. Journal of clinical and experimental neuropsychology. vol 30. issue 4. 2009-01-23. PMID:18938677. |
the aim of this study was to examine the relationship of orbitofrontal and anterior cingulate volumes with executive functioning and attention/processing speed in type 2 diabetic participants with and without major depression. |
2009-01-23 |
2023-08-12 |
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Kecia Watari, Virginia Elderkin-Thompson, Olu Ajilore, Ebrahim Haroon, Christine Darwin, Daniel Pham, Anand Kuma. Neuroanatomical correlates of executive functioning in depressed adults with type 2 diabetes. Journal of clinical and experimental neuropsychology. vol 30. issue 4. 2009-01-23. PMID:18938677. |
partial correlations suggested a significant positive relationship between right orbitofrontal regions and executive functioning in the group with diabetes and depression only, indicating that neurobiological changes in the orbitofrontal region may contribute to observed cognitive dysfunction. |
2009-01-23 |
2023-08-12 |
human |
Jennifer Uekermann, Mona Abdel-Hamid, Caroline Lehmkämper, Wolfgang Vollmoeller, Irene Dau. Perception of affective prosody in major depression: a link to executive functions? Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society : JINS. vol 14. issue 4. 2009-01-15. PMID:18577284. |
perception of affective prosody in major depression: a link to executive functions? |
2009-01-15 |
2023-08-12 |
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Jennifer Uekermann, Mona Abdel-Hamid, Caroline Lehmkämper, Wolfgang Vollmoeller, Irene Dau. Perception of affective prosody in major depression: a link to executive functions? Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society : JINS. vol 14. issue 4. 2009-01-15. PMID:18577284. |
major depression is associated with impairments of executive functions and affect perception deficits, both being linked to dysfunction of fronto-subcortical networks. |
2009-01-15 |
2023-08-12 |
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Jennifer Uekermann, Mona Abdel-Hamid, Caroline Lehmkämper, Wolfgang Vollmoeller, Irene Dau. Perception of affective prosody in major depression: a link to executive functions? Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society : JINS. vol 14. issue 4. 2009-01-15. PMID:18577284. |
in the present investigation, affect perception and executive functions were assessed in 29 patients with a diagnosis of major depression (dep) and 29 healthy controls (hc). |
2009-01-15 |
2023-08-12 |
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S Solís-Ortiz, M Corsi-Cabrer. Sustained attention is favored by progesterone during early luteal phase and visuo-spatial memory by estrogens during ovulatory phase in young women. Psychoneuroendocrinology. vol 33. issue 7. 2008-11-13. PMID:18644678. |
neuropsychological test scores of sustained attention, executive functions, manual coordination, visuo-spatial memory, verbal fluency, spatial ability, anxiety and depression were obtained and submitted to a principal components analysis (pca). |
2008-11-13 |
2023-08-12 |
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Ioannis Michopoulos, Iannis M Zervas, Chris Pantelis, Eleftheria Tsaltas, Vassiliki-Maria Papakosta, Fotini Boufidou, Chrissoula Nikolaou, Charalambos Papageorgiou, Costas R Soldatos, Lefteris Lykoura. Neuropsychological and hypothalamic-pituitary-axis function in female patients with melancholic and non-melancholic depression. European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience. vol 258. issue 4. 2008-11-05. PMID:18297425. |
executive function deficits in depression implicate involvement of frontal-striatal circuits. |
2008-11-05 |
2023-08-12 |
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Lihong Wang, Kevin S LaBar, Moria Smoski, M Zachary Rosenthal, Florin Dolcos, Thomas R Lynch, Ranga R Krishnan, Gregory McCarth. Prefrontal mechanisms for executive control over emotional distraction are altered in major depression. Psychiatry research. vol 163. issue 2. 2008-08-22. PMID:18455373. |
a dysfunction in the interaction between executive function and mood regulation has been proposed as the pathophysiology of depression. |
2008-08-22 |
2023-08-12 |
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Pierre Philippot, Fabienne Brutou. Induced rumination dampens executive processes in dysphoric young adults. Journal of behavior therapy and experimental psychiatry. vol 39. issue 3. 2008-08-20. PMID:17698028. |
the implications for the facets of executive functioning affected by depression and by rumination are discussed. |
2008-08-20 |
2023-08-12 |
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Jennie Ponsford, Kristy Draper, Michael Schönberge. Functional outcome 10 years after traumatic brain injury: its relationship with demographic, injury severity, and cognitive and emotional status. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society : JINS. vol 14. issue 2. 2008-07-15. PMID:18282321. |
outcome was rated using the extended glasgow outcome scale (gose) for 60 participants, who also completed neuropsychological measures of attention, speed of processing, memory and executive function and the hospital anxiety and depression scale (hads). |
2008-07-15 |
2023-08-12 |
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Andrea Sárosi, Gabriella Balogh, Anna Székely, Mária Sasvári, Gábor Falud. [Markers of cognitive vulnerability in major depression]. Neuropsychopharmacologia Hungarica : a Magyar Pszichofarmakologiai Egyesulet lapja = official journal of the Hungarian Association of Psychopharmacology. vol 9. issue 4. 2008-06-26. PMID:18510262. |
patients with depression relative to controls were significantly impaired on tasks of attention, executive function, memory and psychomotor speed, but not in visuo-spatial function. |
2008-06-26 |
2023-08-12 |
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J Uekermann, S Channon, C Lehmkämper, M Abdel-Hamid, W Vollmoeller, I Dau. Executive function, mentalizing and humor in major depression. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society : JINS. vol 14. issue 1. 2008-06-20. PMID:18078531. |
executive function, mentalizing and humor in major depression. |
2008-06-20 |
2023-08-12 |
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J Uekermann, S Channon, C Lehmkämper, M Abdel-Hamid, W Vollmoeller, I Dau. Executive function, mentalizing and humor in major depression. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society : JINS. vol 14. issue 1. 2008-06-20. PMID:18078531. |
major depression is associated with cognitive deficits including memory, executive functions, and affect perception, which have been linked to dysfunction of fronto-subcortical networks. |
2008-06-20 |
2023-08-12 |
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Jens Westheide, Michael Wagner, Boris B Quednow, Christian Hoppe, Déirdre Cooper-Mahkorn, Birgitta Strater, Wolfgang Maier, Kai-Uwe Kuh. Neuropsychological performance in partly remitted unipolar depressive patients: focus on executive functioning. European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience. vol 257. issue 7. 2008-05-02. PMID:17629730. |
the role of impulsivity/orbitofrontal associated executive functioning in remitted depression has not yet been examined. |
2008-05-02 |
2023-08-12 |
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Patrícia Polgár, Márta Farkas, Orsolya Nagy, Oguz Kelemen, János Réthelyi, István Bitter, Catherine E Myers, Mark A Gluck, Szabolcs Kér. [Learning cognitive skills in depression: the effect of context-change]. Psychiatria Hungarica : A Magyar Pszichiatriai Tarsasag tudomanyos folyoirata. vol 22. issue 4. 2008-02-01. PMID:18167422. |
patients with depression show cognitive impairment, including executive function deficit, impairments in attention, declarative memory and psychomotor performance. |
2008-02-01 |
2023-08-12 |
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Jeffrey Roelofs, Costas Papageorgiou, Ralph D Gerber, Marcus Huibers, Frenk Peeters, Arnoud Arnt. On the links between self-discrepancies, rumination, metacognitions, and symptoms of depression in undergraduates. Behaviour research and therapy. vol 45. issue 6. 2007-12-19. PMID:17156745. |
the present study aimed to test the central components of papageorgiou and wells' (2003) non-clinical metacognitive model of rumination and depression that is grounded on the self-regulatory executive function (s-ref) model of emotional disorders [wells, a., & matthews, g. (1994). |
2007-12-19 |
2023-08-12 |
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