All Relations between Depression and affective value

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R Rajkumar, R Mahes. Assessing the neuronal serotonergic target-based antidepressant stratagem: impact of in vivo interaction studies and knockout models. Current neuropharmacology. vol 6. issue 3. 2010-06-18. PMID:19506722. depression remains a challenge in the field of affective neuroscience, despite a steady research progress. 2010-06-18 2023-08-12 Not clear
Ofilio Vigil, Carolina Posada, Steven Paul Woods, J Hampton Atkinson, Robert K Heaton, William Perry, Tarek I Hassanein, Igor Grant, Scott L Letendr. Impairments in fine-motor coordination and speed of information processing predict declines in everyday functioning in hepatitis C infection. Journal of clinical and experimental neuropsychology. vol 30. issue 7. 2010-06-08. PMID:18608687. in a series of regression analyses, impaired speed of information processing and depressive symptoms (as measured by the beck depression inventory) were the only independent predictors of iadl declines, whereas general affective distress (as measured by the profile of mood states), sex, and fine-motor coordination impairment were predictive of declines in padls. 2010-06-08 2023-08-12 human
Ofilio Vigil, Carolina Posada, Steven Paul Woods, J Hampton Atkinson, Robert K Heaton, William Perry, Tarek I Hassanein, Igor Grant, Scott L Letendr. Impairments in fine-motor coordination and speed of information processing predict declines in everyday functioning in hepatitis C infection. Journal of clinical and experimental neuropsychology. vol 30. issue 7. 2010-06-08. PMID:18608687. although the clinical assessment of hcv typically emphasizes both affective (e.g., depression) and physical factors, findings from the present study suggest that cognitive impairment is an important contributor to everyday functioning in persons living with hcv infection and therefore warrants consideration in clinical and research evaluations. 2010-06-08 2023-08-12 human
Rudi De Raedt, Ernst H W Koster, Jutta Joorman. Attentional control in depression: A translational affective neuroscience approach. Cognitive, affective & behavioral neuroscience. vol 10. issue 1. 2010-06-07. PMID:20233951. attentional control in depression: a translational affective neuroscience approach. 2010-06-07 2023-08-12 Not clear
Rudi De Raedt, Ernst H W Koster, Jutta Joorman. Attentional control in depression: A translational affective neuroscience approach. Cognitive, affective & behavioral neuroscience. vol 10. issue 1. 2010-06-07. PMID:20233951. this special issue of cognitive, affective, & behavioral neuroscience seeks to explore and integrate some of the most promising findings offered by recent cognitive and affective neuroscience studies in hopes of filling the gap between basic and applied research, thereby heightening our understanding of vulnerability for depression. 2010-06-07 2023-08-12 Not clear
W Hewer, H-W Star. [Psychiatric disorders in elderly patients caused by disturbed calcium metabolism]. Fortschritte der Neurologie-Psychiatrie. vol 78. issue 3. 2010-06-02. PMID:20213582. we report on three patients admitted to psychiatric hospital due to mental disorder in the context of marked pathology of calcium metabolism: a 69 years old male patient with known major depression developed pronounced deterioration of his mental state with distinct hypercalcemia due to parathyroid adenoma, a 90 years old male patient came to treatment with organic affective und delirious symptomatology caused by severe hypercalcemia due to bronchial carcinoma, and a 79 years old female patient was admitted for mixed depressive and anxiety syndrome with profound hypocalcemia and -magnesaemia originating in malabsorption syndrome due to crohn's disease. 2010-06-02 2023-08-12 Not clear
Carmen R Green, Tamera Hart-Johnso. The impact of chronic pain on the health of black and white men. Journal of the National Medical Association. vol 102. issue 4. 2010-05-26. PMID:20437739. black men also had higher pain (affective and miscellaneous), disability, and depression. 2010-05-26 2023-08-12 Not clear
Greg J Siegle, Ruth Condray, Michael E Thase, Matcheri Keshavan, Stuart R Steinhaue. Sustained gamma-band EEG following negative words in depression and schizophrenia. International journal of psychophysiology : official journal of the International Organization of Psychophysiology. vol 75. issue 2. 2010-05-13. PMID:20005267. sustained and elaborative emotional information processing in depression and decreased affective elaboration in schizophrenia are considered hallmarks of these disorders but have not been directly measured. 2010-05-13 2023-08-12 Not clear
Annamária Rihmer, Simon Szilágyi, Sándor Rózsa, Xénia Gonda, Gábor Faludi, Zoltán Rihme. [The role of childhood abuse in adult suicidal behaviour]. Neuropsychopharmacologia Hungarica : a Magyar Pszichofarmakologiai Egyesulet lapja = official journal of the Hungarian Association of Psychopharmacology. vol 11. issue 4. 2010-05-07. PMID:20150661. in our present study we have analysed the influence of childhood abuse on affective temperament-types and gotland male depression scale scores in 150 nonviolent suicide attempters. 2010-05-07 2023-08-12 Not clear
Paul D Werner, Alan J Swope, Frederick J Heid. Ethnicity, music experience, and depression. Journal of music therapy. vol 46. issue 4. 2010-05-07. PMID:20394134. statistically significant differences across groups were found on depression as well as on the meq factor for subjective/physical reactions to music and on meq scales for commitment to music, affective reactions, positive psychotropic effects, and reactive musical behavior. 2010-05-07 2023-08-12 human
Paul D Werner, Alan J Swope, Frederick J Heid. Ethnicity, music experience, and depression. Journal of music therapy. vol 46. issue 4. 2010-05-07. PMID:20394134. in particular, among asian americans there were negative correlations between depression and the meq subjective/ physical reactions factor as well as the affective reactions scale. 2010-05-07 2023-08-12 human
R Canbeyl. Sensorimotor modulation of mood and depression: an integrative review. Behavioural brain research. vol 207. issue 2. 2010-04-13. PMID:19913058. several lines of research on mood disorders reveal that depression involves a dysfunction in an affective fronto-limbic circuitry that involves the prefrontal cortices, the cingulate cortex, several limbic structures including the amygdala and the hippocampus, lower brainstem structures and the basal ganglia. 2010-04-13 2023-08-12 Not clear
R Canbeyl. Sensorimotor modulation of mood and depression: an integrative review. Behavioural brain research. vol 207. issue 2. 2010-04-13. PMID:19913058. the paper also cites evidence that activation of the affective circuitry by central manipulations such as by means of deep brain stimulation has similar modulatory effects as peripheral stimulation on mood and depression. 2010-04-13 2023-08-12 Not clear
Quentin Regestein, Viji Natarajan, Milena Pavlova, Susan Kawasaki, Ray Gleason, Elissa Kof. Sleep debt and depression in female college students. Psychiatry research. vol 176. issue 1. 2010-04-12. PMID:20079935. pilot study data were collected about sleep schedules, related factors and depression in female college students to find whether their sleep schedules correlate with affective symptoms. 2010-04-12 2023-08-12 Not clear
Emmanuelle Pourcher, Sophie Rémillard, Henri Cohe. Affect in Parkinson's disease: validation of the two-factor approach. Journal of the neurological sciences. vol 289. issue 1-2. 2010-04-05. PMID:19747694. the dimensional approach to depression symptomatology may thus be of heuristic value in probing aminergic modulation of mood in ipd and establishing new correlations between affective and motor symptoms. 2010-04-05 2023-08-12 Not clear
Tore Nielse. Nightmares associated with the eveningness chronotype. Journal of biological rhythms. vol 25. issue 1. 2010-04-01. PMID:20075301. findings are consistent with the possibility that nightmares are the expression of a more general pathological factor that is characteristic of eveningness and that is responsible for affective symptoms such as neuroticism and depression. 2010-04-01 2023-08-12 human
Jess G Fiedorowicz, Narasimha M Palagummi, Ole Behrendtsen, William H Coryel. Cholesterol and affective morbidity. Psychiatry research. vol 175. issue 1-2. 2010-03-16. PMID:19969372. depression and mania have been linked with low cholesterol though there has been limited prospective study of cholesterol and subsequent course of affective illness. 2010-03-16 2023-08-12 human
Thomas Frodl, Johanna Scheuerecker, Jessica Albrecht, Anna Maria Kleemann, Steffanie Müller-Schunk, Nikolaos Koutsouleris, Hans-Jürgen Möller, Hartmut Brückmann, Martin Wiesmann, Eva Meisenzah. Neuronal correlates of emotional processing in patients with major depression. The world journal of biological psychiatry : the official journal of the World Federation of Societies of Biological Psychiatry. vol 10. issue 3. 2010-02-02. PMID:17965984. affective facial processing is an important component of interpersonal relationships, which is altered in patients with major depression. 2010-02-02 2023-08-12 human
James P Seghers, Nancy M Dochert. Cognitive impairments, emotion, stress, and language in schizophrenia. Psychiatry research. vol 170. issue 2-3. 2010-01-21. PMID:19879653. as predicted, baseline depression and sensitivity to interpersonal stressors were related to affective reactivity of speech, with stress sensitivity mediating the relationship between depression and speech reactivity. 2010-01-21 2023-08-12 Not clear
Michael E Thas. Atypical depression: useful concept, but it's time to revise the DSM-IV criteria. Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology. vol 34. issue 13. 2010-01-19. PMID:19741592. despite these limitations in classification, many of the features associated with atypical depression are linked to an early onset of affective illness, including trait-like interpersonal sensitivity, comorbid social anxiety and agoraphobia, a history of childhood physical or sexual trauma, and indicators of the 'soft' side of the bipolar spectrum. 2010-01-19 2023-08-12 Not clear