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Oskar Dieter Peter Schönknecht, Aoife Hunt, Pablo Toro, Thomas Guenther, Marcus Henze, Uwe Haberkorn, Johannes Schröde. Bihemispheric cerebral FDG PET correlates of cognitive dysfunction as assessed by the CERAD in Alzheimer's disease. Clinical EEG and neuroscience. vol 42. issue 2. 2011-07-12. PMID:21675596. |
measures of severity of dementia in ad as well as delayed episodic memory performance in mild cognitive impairment significantly correlated with bihemispheric cerebral glucose hypometabolism. |
2011-07-12 |
2023-08-12 |
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Lorena Rami, Juan Fortea, Beatriz Bosch, Cristina Solé-Padullés, Albert Lladó, Alex Iranzo, Raquel Sánchez-Valle, Jose Luis Molinuev. Cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers and memory present distinct associations along the continuum from healthy subjects to AD patients. Journal of Alzheimer's disease : JAD. vol 23. issue 2. 2011-05-12. PMID:21098971. |
this suggests that in the continuum from healthy aging to ad, memory performance is first related with aβ(1-42) levels and then with t-tau or p-tau, before becoming independent of biomarker levels in the dementia stage. |
2011-05-12 |
2023-08-12 |
human |
Anna Stigsdotter Neely, Sofia Vikstrom, Staffan Josephsso. Collaborative memory intervention in dementia: caregiver participation matters. Neuropsychological rehabilitation. vol 19. issue 5. 2010-06-03. PMID:19294562. |
the results also showed that the persons with dementia in the collaborative group improved their individually assessed episodic memory performance as compared to the persons with dementia in the other two groups. |
2010-06-03 |
2023-08-12 |
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Jin-Ling Huang, Shou-Ting Fu, Yuan-Ying Jiang, Yong-Bing Cao, Mei-Li Guo, Yan Wang, Zheng X. Protective effects of Nicotiflorin on reducing memory dysfunction, energy metabolism failure and oxidative stress in multi-infarct dementia model rats. Pharmacology, biochemistry, and behavior. vol 86. issue 4. 2007-08-20. PMID:17448528. |
each nicotiflorin group showed much better spatial memory performance in morris water maze tests and eight-arm radial maze task compared with the vehicle-treated multi-infarct dementia group, significantly attenuated the elevation of lactic acid and malondialdehyde (mda) contents and the decrease in lactate dehydrogenase (ldh), na(+)k(+)atpase, ca(2+)mg(2+)atpase and superoxide dismutase (sod) activity in the brain tissue which was composed of striatum, cortex and hippocampus of the ischemia hemisphere at day 3 after ischemia operation. |
2007-08-20 |
2023-08-12 |
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Asena Akdmir, Banu Cangöz, Sibel Orsel, Kaynak Selekle. [A comparison of implicit memory performance in mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer type dementia patients]. Turk psikiyatri dergisi = Turkish journal of psychiatry. vol 18. issue 2. 2007-07-26. PMID:17566877. |
[a comparison of implicit memory performance in mild cognitive impairment and alzheimer type dementia patients]. |
2007-07-26 |
2023-08-12 |
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Asena Akdmir, Banu Cangöz, Sibel Orsel, Kaynak Selekle. [A comparison of implicit memory performance in mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer type dementia patients]. Turk psikiyatri dergisi = Turkish journal of psychiatry. vol 18. issue 2. 2007-07-26. PMID:17566877. |
in the present study, the implicit memory performance of patients with mild cognitive impairment (mci) and alzheimer's type dementia (atd) (different stages) were compared to healthy controls. |
2007-07-26 |
2023-08-12 |
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Janet M Duchek, David A Balota, Michael Cortes. Prospective memory and apolipoprotein E in healthy aging and early stage Alzheimer's disease. Neuropsychology. vol 20. issue 6. 2007-01-10. PMID:17100508. |
the present study examined whether prospective memory performance discriminates healthy aging from very mild dementia of the alzheimer type (dat) and individuals at risk for dat because of the presence of the apolipoprotein e (apoe) epsilon4 allele. |
2007-01-10 |
2023-08-12 |
human |
Stephanie McDermid Vaz, R Walter Heinrich. Stability and validity of memory-based subtypes of schizophrenia. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society : JINS. vol 12. issue 6. 2006-12-20. PMID:17064442. |
the temporal stability, cognitive and clinical validity of: (a) a putatively cortical-subcortical-normative typology derived from dementia patients' scores on the cvlt and (b) a memory performance dichotomy based on a psychometric criterion and 1 cvlt summary score were evaluated. |
2006-12-20 |
2023-08-12 |
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Margaret C McKinnon, Sandra E Black, Bruce Miller, Morris Moscovitch, Brian Levin. Autobiographical memory in semantic dementia: implication for theories of limbic-neocortical interaction in remote memory. Neuropsychologia. vol 44. issue 12. 2006-09-26. PMID:16765999. |
we examined autobiographical memory performance in two patients with semantic dementia using a novel measure, the autobiographical interview [levine, svoboda, hay, winocur, & moscovitch (2002). |
2006-09-26 |
2023-08-12 |
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Christiane Reitz, Jose A Luchsinger, Ming-Xin Tang, Jennifer Manly, Richard Mayeu. Stroke and memory performance in elderly persons without dementia. Archives of neurology. vol 63. issue 4. 2006-05-22. PMID:16606771. |
stroke and memory performance in elderly persons without dementia. |
2006-05-22 |
2023-08-12 |
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M Marti. [Memory and planning]. Therapeutische Umschau. Revue therapeutique. vol 62. issue 12. 2006-02-09. PMID:16405284. |
persons may also start worrying if observed changes in their memory performance are still in the range of normal functioning or if they may represent early indications of dementia. |
2006-02-09 |
2023-08-12 |
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C Reitz, J Luchsinger, M-X Tang, J Manly, R Mayeu. Impact of plasma lipids and time on memory performance in healthy elderly without dementia. Neurology. vol 64. issue 8. 2006-01-20. PMID:15851727. |
impact of plasma lipids and time on memory performance in healthy elderly without dementia. |
2006-01-20 |
2023-08-12 |
human |
Céline Souchay, Michel Isingrini, Bernard Pillon, Roger Gi. Metamemory accuracy in Alzheimer's disease and frontotemporal lobe dementia. Neurocase. vol 9. issue 6. 2005-10-31. PMID:16210230. |
the ability to monitor memory performance accurately was examined in 16 patients with alzheimer's disease (ad), 6 patients with frontotemporal lobe dementia (ftd) and 16 elderly subjects. |
2005-10-31 |
2023-08-12 |
human |
Motohide Miyahar. Effects on memory of verbal labeling for hand movements in persons with Alzheimer's disease. American journal of Alzheimer's disease and other dementias. vol 18. issue 6. 2004-03-30. PMID:14682083. |
this study examined 1) whether patients diagnosed with dementia of the alzheimer type spontaneously form verbal labels to remember nonmeaningful sequences of hand movements, 2) whether an instruction for a verbal labeling (vl) strategy could enhance memory performance, and 3) whether a relationship exists between the memory span for hand movements and a score on the mini-mental state examination (mmse). |
2004-03-30 |
2023-08-12 |
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Donald R Royall, Raymond Palmer, Laura K Chiodo, Marsha J Pol. Decline in learning ability best predicts future dementia type: the Freedom House Study. Experimental aging research. vol 29. issue 4. 2004-01-05. PMID:12959874. |
these data suggest that baseline memory performance in noninstitutionalized elderly retirees does not predict future dementia type independently of the dynamic rate of change in memory measures. |
2004-01-05 |
2023-08-12 |
human |
Bruce I Turetsky, Paul J Moberg, Lyn Harper Mozley, Stephen T Moelter, Rachel N Agrin, Ruben C Gur, Raquel E Gu. Memory-delineated subtypes of schizophrenia: relationship to clinical, neuroanatomical, and neurophysiological measures. Neuropsychology. vol 16. issue 4. 2003-02-21. PMID:12382987. |
memory performance was examined in patients with schizophrenia to determine whether subgroups conforming to cortical and subcortical dementias could be identified and, if so, whether subgroups differed on clinical, neuroanatomical, and neurophysiological measures. |
2003-02-21 |
2023-08-12 |
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Kejal Kantarci, Glenn E Smith, Robert J Ivnik, Ronald C Petersen, Bradley F Boeve, David S Knopman, Eric G Tangalos, Clifford R Jac. 1H magnetic resonance spectroscopy, cognitive function, and apolipoprotein E genotype in normal aging, mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society : JINS. vol 8. issue 7. 2002-11-26. PMID:12405545. |
we used the dementia rating scale total score (drstot) as a measure of general cognitive function and the total learning from the auditory verbal learning test (avtot) as a measure of memory performance. |
2002-11-26 |
2023-08-12 |
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T Bernhardt, K Maurer, L Frölic. [Effect of daily living-related cognitive training on attention and memory performance of persons with dementia]. Zeitschrift fur Gerontologie und Geriatrie. vol 35. issue 1. 2002-08-19. PMID:11974514. |
[effect of daily living-related cognitive training on attention and memory performance of persons with dementia]. |
2002-08-19 |
2023-08-12 |
human |
J J Sramek, A E Veroff, N R Cutle. The status of ongoing trials for mild cognitive impairment. Expert opinion on investigational drugs. vol 10. issue 4. 2001-08-16. PMID:11281823. |
despite the high conversion rate, mci cannot be used synonymously with early or mild ad, as patients with ad are impaired not only in memory performance but in other cognitive domains as well; they meet diagnostic criteria for dementia. |
2001-08-16 |
2023-08-12 |
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J W Newcomer, S Craft, R Fucetola, S O Moldin, G Selke, L Paras, R Mille. Glucose-induced increase in memory performance in patients with schizophrenia. Schizophrenia bulletin. vol 25. issue 2. 1999-09-24. PMID:10416734. |
previous investigations have found that increasing circulating glucose availability can increase memory performance in rodents, healthy humans, and individuals with dementia of the alzheimer's type. |
1999-09-24 |
2023-08-12 |
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