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G Splendiani, M Tancredi, M Daniele, U Giammari. Treatment of acute liver failure with hemodetoxification techniques. The International journal of artificial organs. vol 13. issue 6. 1990-09-11. PMID:2379971. |
in conclusion we can say that artificial support improves hepatic coma and state of consciousness. |
1990-09-11 |
2023-08-11 |
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W Oder, P Dal Bianco, H Kollegger, K Zeiler, H Binder, L Deeck. Spontaneous subarachnoid hemorrhage. Prognostic factors for social readjustment. Scandinavian journal of rehabilitation medicine. vol 22. issue 2. 1990-08-06. PMID:2363029. |
other clinical variables in the acute stage, however, including source of bleeding, sex, age, interval between sah and admission, level of consciousness, cognitive functions, as well as initial hunt and hess grading and glasgow coma scale scoring, did not influence the long-term social prognosis. |
1990-08-06 |
2023-08-11 |
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M Bergeron, M S Swain, T A Reader, L Grondin, R F Butterwort. Effect of ammonia on brain serotonin metabolism in relation to function in the portacaval shunted rat. Journal of neurochemistry. vol 55. issue 1. 1990-07-20. PMID:1693945. |
administration of ammonium acetate (nh4ac) to rats with pca precipitates severe signs of hepatic encephalopathy (he) (loss of righting reflex progressing to loss of consciousness and ultimately deep coma). |
1990-07-20 |
2023-08-11 |
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Y Suzuki, S Kamei, M Tamura, S Sawai, T Takas. [Cytomegalovirus encephalitis in immunologically normal adults]. Rinsho shinkeigaku = Clinical neurology. vol 30. issue 2. 1990-07-19. PMID:2161721. |
consciousness level was worsened and two courses of acyclovir (acv) treatment were started on the 59th and on the 93rd day after onset, but consciousness level went down to coma and she died. |
1990-07-19 |
2023-08-11 |
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W A Dauch, S Baue. Circadian rhythms in the body temperatures of intensive care patients with brain lesions. Journal of neurology, neurosurgery, and psychiatry. vol 53. issue 4. 1990-06-25. PMID:2341850. |
evidence for the existence or nonexistence of circadian rhythms in these patients was found to be associated with diagnosis (acute versus chronic lesions), with the level of consciousness, and with neurological findings (such as best motor response and pupillary reaction), but not with heart rate, corneal reflex, initial glasgow coma score (gcs), or outcome. |
1990-06-25 |
2023-08-11 |
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J H Gear, J M Wagner, J C Dyssell, S A Hulton, S D Wehd. Severe tick-bite fever in young children. A report of 3 cases. South African medical journal = Suid-Afrikaanse tydskrif vir geneeskunde. vol 77. issue 8. 1990-05-31. PMID:2330527. |
that it may assume a severe form is illustrated by the occurrence of 3 cases admitted to johannesburg hospital within 1 week in which 2 patients, 3 and 5 years old respectively, had severe involvement of the central nervous system with epileptiform fits and deep coma and loss of power of speech on recovering consciousness. |
1990-05-31 |
2023-08-11 |
dog |
S C Stein, S E Ros. The value of computed tomographic scans in patients with low-risk head injuries. Neurosurgery. vol 26. issue 4. 1990-05-29. PMID:2330085. |
our study included 658 patients admitted to cooper hospital for a mild head injury, who had a glasgow coma scale score of 13 to 15 on admission, and who experienced a brief loss of consciousness or amnesia after the injury. |
1990-05-29 |
2023-08-11 |
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J Nolla Salas, E Balaguer Martínez, G Carrasco Gómez, J Llovet Tàpies, J Solé Llena. [Pneumoencephalos: etiology, pathologic significance and diagnosis. Apropos of 13 observations]. Neurologia (Barcelona, Spain). vol 4. issue 1. 1990-05-21. PMID:2631801. |
in the initial period, the most frequent clinical features were impairment of level of consciousness and psychomotor agitation (84%), whereas in the established period, deep coma (glasgow scale less than or equal to 7) predominated in 69% of patients. |
1990-05-21 |
2023-08-11 |
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G M Szpakowa, E Tarnowska-Dziduszko, B Iwińska-Buksowic. [Aspergillosis of the brain in a patient with pancytopenia]. Neuropatologia polska. vol 27. issue 2. 1990-04-04. PMID:2626181. |
seven days before her death she developed severe headaches and visual disorders, rapidly increasing disturbances of consciousness and a temperature of 40 degrees c. the course of the disease was violent with meningeal syndrome and cerebral coma. |
1990-04-04 |
2023-08-11 |
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N Ujihira, M Ohya, C Mabuchi, T Indo, Y Hashizum. [An autopsied case of type II citrullinemia--transient effectiveness with either citrate or benzoate to the consciousness disturbance]. Rinsho shinkeigaku = Clinical neurology. vol 29. issue 4. 1990-03-12. PMID:2692930. |
a 44-year-old man suffered from repeated impairment of consciousness associated with flapping tremor, myoclonus and generalized convulsions, and died in coma 6 months after admission. |
1990-03-12 |
2023-08-11 |
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A Angelo. Intracranial venous thrombosis in relation to pregnancy and delivery. Pathology, research and practice. vol 185. issue 6. 1990-03-06. PMID:2616368. |
persistent headache, haemiparesis or haemiplegia, convulsions, epileptic seizures, disturbances in consciousness and coma occurred most often. |
1990-03-06 |
2023-08-11 |
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T Takeuch. [Prognostic estimation of cerebral arterio-venous difference of oxygen content (c-AVDO2) on severe head injury patients]. No shinkei geka. Neurological surgery. vol 17. issue 12. 1990-02-27. PMID:2615894. |
cerebral arterio-venous difference in oxygen content (c-avdo2) was calculated in 10 patients suffering from severe head injury with brain contusion as the chief morbid condition [consciousness on admission: under 10 on the glasgow coma scale (gcs); 5 survived and 5 died), in order to re-evaluate the importance of c-avdo2 as a factor of prognosis evaluation in patients with severe head injury. |
1990-02-27 |
2023-08-11 |
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A Larcan, P E Bollaert, P Bauer, M Webe. [Clinical examination of the comatose patient]. La Revue du praticien. vol 39. issue 27. 1990-01-26. PMID:2602862. |
as for the coma itself, one may distinguish between disorders of consciousness or perceptivity and disorders of wakefulness. |
1990-01-26 |
2023-08-11 |
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J K Kang, C K Park, M C Kim, D S Kim, J U Son. Traumatic isolated intracerebral hemorrhage in children. Child's nervous system : ChNS : official journal of the International Society for Pediatric Neurosurgery. vol 5. issue 5. 1989-12-19. PMID:2805000. |
the level of consciousness was assessed according to the children's coma score (ccs) and ct scan was subsequently repeated to evaluate the change in tiich. |
1989-12-19 |
2023-08-11 |
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G Hamann, T Stober, K Schimrig. Has plasma renin activity a prognostic significance in subarachnoid haemorrhage? Acta neurochirurgica. vol 100. issue 1-2. 1989-12-05. PMID:2683601. |
the degree of impaired consciousness was assessed using the glasgow coma score. |
1989-12-05 |
2023-08-11 |
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V Fanelli, R Volpe, G Clement. [Clinical and therapeutic considerations on hepatic encephalopathy]. La Clinica terapeutica. vol 129. issue 5. 1989-10-12. PMID:2527670. |
impairment of consciousness in liver encephalopathy ranges from slight anomalies to clinically manifest coma. |
1989-10-12 |
2023-08-11 |
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S Nakazawa, S Kobayashi, H Yokota, T Shimur. [A clinical and pathological study of diffuse axonal injury]. No shinkei geka. Neurological surgery. vol 17. issue 3. 1989-09-25. PMID:2770962. |
the consciousness levels on admission were 6 or less on the glasgow coma scale and all cases were shown clinically to have primary brain stem injury. |
1989-09-25 |
2023-08-11 |
human |
H J Hannay, H S Levi. Visual Continuous Recognition Memory in normal and closed-head-injured adolescents. Journal of clinical and experimental neuropsychology. vol 11. issue 4. 1989-09-12. PMID:2760180. |
performance on the test varied significantly with severity of injury as measured by the glasgow coma scale score and duration of impaired consciousness. |
1989-09-12 |
2023-08-11 |
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S Biedert, W Hewer, G Zech-Ube. [Acute and subacute organic psychoses with altered consciousness. Attempt at classifying severity]. Der Nervenarzt. vol 60. issue 6. 1989-08-25. PMID:2747824. |
on the basis of an available neurological grading into "clouding of consciousness", "confusional state", "delirium", "stupor", and "coma", and from knowledge of the underlying somatic disease, we have developed prognostic criteria: disorders of heart and circulation associated with acute organic mental disorder (with altered consciousness) carry a fair prognosis for recovery of the mental disorder in approximately two-thirds of all patients affected, even in advanced age. |
1989-08-25 |
2023-08-11 |
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C W Hartzel. Sleeping beauty: a case of pickwickian syndrome. Journal of emergency nursing. vol 15. issue 1. 1989-08-17. PMID:2664315. |
the coma mnemonic, aeiou tips, (alcohol, epilepsy, insulin, overdose, uremia, trauma, infection, psychiatric, stroke) provides an excellent memory tool for the evaluation of decreased level of consciousness in the emergency setting. |
1989-08-17 |
2023-08-11 |
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