All Relations between Coma and consciousness

Publication Sentence Publish Date Extraction Date Species
Michael Oberholzer, René M Mür. Neurorehabilitation of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI): A Clinical Review. Medical sciences (Basel, Switzerland). vol 7. issue 3. 2020-10-01. PMID:30889900. in severe tbi, clinical course often follows a typical initial sequence of coma; followed by disturbed consciousness; later, post-traumatic agitation and amnesia; and finally, recovery of function occurs. 2020-10-01 2023-08-13 Not clear
Robert G Shulman, Douglas L Rothma. A Non-cognitive Behavioral Model for Interpreting Functional Neuroimaging Studies. Frontiers in human neuroscience. vol 13. 2020-10-01. PMID:30914933. in one, the nbm use of the total functional imaging signal (not just the differences between states) provides a stronger correlation of neural activity with the behavioral state of consciousness than the scm approach in both anesthesia and coma. 2020-10-01 2023-08-13 human
John K Yue, Caitlin K Robinson, Ethan A Winkler, Pavan S Upadhyayula, John F Burke, Romain Pirracchio, Catherine G Suen, Hansen Deng, Laura B Ngwenya, Sanjay S Dhall, Geoffrey T Manley, Phiroz E Tarapor. Circadian variability of the initial Glasgow Coma Scale score in traumatic brain injury patients. Neurobiology of sleep and circadian rhythms. vol 2. 2020-10-01. PMID:31236497. the glasgow coma scale (gcs) score is the primary method of assessing consciousness after traumatic brain injury (tbi), and the clinical standard for classifying tbi severity. 2020-10-01 2023-08-13 Not clear
Cyriel M A Pennartz, Michele Farisco, Kathinka Ever. Indicators and Criteria of Consciousness in Animals and Intelligent Machines: An Inside-Out Approach. Frontiers in systems neuroscience. vol 13. 2020-10-01. PMID:31379521. the integration of scores on the various indicators yields an overall, graded criterion for consciousness, somewhat comparable to the glasgow coma scale for unresponsive patients. 2020-10-01 2023-08-13 human
Ahmad Nawid Latifi, Vanitha Gopal, Sina Raiss. Focal Neurological Deficit Secondary to Severe Hyponatraemia Mimicking Stroke. European journal of case reports in internal medicine. vol 6. issue 10. 2020-10-01. PMID:31742200. neurological manifestations of hyponatraemia range from nausea and malaise, with a mild reduction in the serum sodium, to lethargy, decreased level of consciousness, headache, seizures and coma in extreme cases. 2020-10-01 2023-08-13 Not clear
Sina Khanmohammadi, Terrance T Kummer, ShiNung Chin. Identifying Disruptions in Intrinsic Brain Dynamics due to Severe Brain Injury. Conference record. Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems & Computers. vol 2017. 2020-10-01. PMID:31896930. our findings suggest that intrinsic dynamics extracted from resting state eeg signals can differentiate various levels of consciousness in severe cases of coma. 2020-10-01 2023-08-13 Not clear
G Bazoukis, A Spiliopoulou, K Mourouzis, P Grigoropoulou, A Yalouri. Non-cardiogenic pulmonary edema, rhabdomyolysis and myocardial injury following heroin inhalation: a case report. Hippokratia. vol 20. issue 1. 2020-09-30. PMID:27895451. description of the case: a 17-year-old male was transferred to the emergency department unconscious (glasgow coma scale: 6/15) after heroin inhalation. 2020-09-30 2023-08-13 Not clear
Peter Ferenc. Hepatic encephalopathy. Gastroenterology report. vol 5. issue 2. 2020-09-30. PMID:28533911. clinically overt he includes personality changes, alterations in consciousness progressive disorientation in time and space, somnolence, stupor and, finally, coma. 2020-09-30 2023-08-13 Not clear
Yelena G Bodien, Joseph T Giacino, Brian L Edlo. Functional MRI Motor Imagery Tasks to Detect Command Following in Traumatic Disorders of Consciousness. Frontiers in neurology. vol 8. 2020-09-30. PMID:29326648. here, we compare the rate of covert consciousness detection by hand squeezing and tennis playing motor imagery paradigms in 10 patients with traumatic disorders of consciousness [six male, six acute, mean ± sd age = 27.9 ± 9.1 years, one coma, four unresponsive wakefulness syndrome, two minimally conscious without language function, and three minimally conscious with language function, per bedside examination with the coma recovery scale-revised (crs-r)]. 2020-09-30 2023-08-13 human
Francesca Pistoia, Giulia Mattiacci, Marco Sarà, Luca Padua, Claudio Macchi, Simona Sacc. Development of the Italian Version of the Near-Death Experience Scale. Frontiers in human neuroscience. vol 12. 2020-09-30. PMID:29479314. later, the scale was administered to a convenience sample of patients who had experienced a condition of coma and were, at the time of assessment, fully conscious and able to provide information as requested by the scale. 2020-09-30 2023-08-13 Not clear
Hyoungkyu Kim, Anthony G Hudetz, Joseph Lee, George A Mashour, UnCheol Le. Estimating the Integrated Information Measure Phi from High-Density Electroencephalography during States of Consciousness in Humans. Frontiers in human neuroscience. vol 12. 2020-09-30. PMID:29503611. the association of Φ with eeg connectivity during clinically defined anesthetic states represents a new practical approach to the application of iit, which may be used to characterize various physiological (sleep), pharmacological (anesthesia), and pathological (coma) states of consciousness in the human brain. 2020-09-30 2023-08-13 human
Maenia Scarpino, Giovanni Lanzo, Francesco Lolli, Antonello Gripp. From the diagnosis to the therapeutic management: cerebral fat embolism, a clinical challenge. International journal of general medicine. vol 12. 2020-09-30. PMID:30655686. neurological manifestations are mainly characterized by headache, confusion, seizures, focal deficit, and alteration of the consciousness state up to coma onset. 2020-09-30 2023-08-13 Not clear
Michał Lech, Michał T Kucewicz, Andrzej Czyżewsk. Human Computer Interface for Tracking Eye Movements Improves Assessment and Diagnosis of Patients With Acquired Brain Injuries. Frontiers in neurology. vol 10. 2020-09-30. PMID:30728799. glasgow coma scale (gcs) is one of the most commonly used diagnostic tools for acute phase assessment of the level of consciousness, together with a neurological examination. 2020-09-30 2023-08-13 human
Siddartha Reddy Musali, Srikrishnaditya Manne, Nagarjuna Butkuri, Prakash Rao Gollapudi, Thatikonda Satish Kuma. Contrecoup Extradural Hematoma Without Fracture: A Case Report and Review of Literature. Asian journal of neurosurgery. vol 14. issue 1. 2020-09-30. PMID:30937066. on examination, the patient was conscious and coherent with a glasgow coma scale score of 15/15 and a laceration on the right frontotemporal region which was sutured. 2020-09-30 2023-08-13 Not clear
Liudmila Legostaeva, Alexandra Poydasheva, Elizaveta Iazeva, Dmitry Sinitsyn, Dmitry Sergeev, Ilya Bakulin, Dmitry Lagoda, Elena Kremneva, Sofya Morozova, Yulia Ryabinkina, Natalia Suponeva, Michael Pirado. Stimulation of the Angular Gyrus Improves the Level of Consciousness. Brain sciences. vol 9. issue 5. 2020-09-30. PMID:31064138. our study aimed to explore the effect of rtms of the angular gyrus as a new approach for disorders of consciousness (doc) treatment; methods: a 10-session 2-week high-frequency rtms protocol was delivered over the left angular gyrus in 38 doc patients with repeated neurobehavioral assessments obtained at baseline and in 2 days after the stimulation course was complete; results: 20 hz-rtms over left angular gyrus improved the coma recovery scale revised (crs-r) total score in minimally conscious state (mcs) patients. 2020-09-30 2023-08-13 Not clear
Jiajie Zhu, Yifan Yan, Wei Zhou, Yajun Lin, Zheying Shen, Xuanting Mou, Yan Ren, Xiaohua Hu, Haibo D. Clinical Research: Auditory Stimulation in the Disorders of Consciousness. Frontiers in human neuroscience. vol 13. 2020-09-30. PMID:31616268. at present, the main clinical diagnostic method to assess the conscious state of a doc patient is the use of a relevant behavior scale like the coma recovery scale-revised (crs-r). 2020-09-30 2023-08-13 Not clear
Francesca Pistoia, Antonio Carolei, Yelena G Bodien, Sheldon Greenfield, Sherrie Kaplan, Simona Sacco, Caterina Pistarini, Alfonsina Casalena, Antonio De Tanti, Benedetta Cazzulani, Gianluca Bellaviti, Marco Sarà, Joseph Giacin. The Comorbidities Coma Scale (CoCoS): Psychometric Properties and Clinical Usefulness in Patients With Disorders of Consciousness. Frontiers in neurology. vol 10. 2020-09-30. PMID:31681139. the comorbidities coma scale (cocos): psychometric properties and clinical usefulness in patients with disorders of consciousness. 2020-09-30 2023-08-13 Not clear
Hiromichi Ohsaka, Kei Jitsuiki, Youichi Yanagaw. Delayed Sudden Respiratory Arrest After a High-energy Motorcycle Accident. Cureus. vol 11. issue 12. 2020-09-30. PMID:31970036. this is a rare case of sudden-onset coma with respiratory arrest in the er after a traffic accident due to occlusion of the right vertebral artery despite a clear consciousness on arrival. physicians should closely monitor high-energy traffic accident victims, even when the patient has a clear consciousness and only minor physiological findings. 2020-09-30 2023-08-13 Not clear
Matthew A Koenig, Peter W Kapla. Measuring Depth in Still Water: Electrophysiologic Indicators of Residual Consciousness in the Unresponsive Patient. Epilepsy currents. vol 18. issue 3. 2020-09-29. PMID:29950932. serial bedside electrophysiologic testing can probe for higher order cortical responses temporally and spatially propagated through cortical networks, while long-latency event-related potentials may help differentiate patients with coma or vegetative state from a state of residual consciousness. 2020-09-29 2023-08-13 Not clear
Mauro Oddo, Serge Bracard, Alain Cariou, Gérald Chanques, Giuseppe Citerio, Béatrix Clerckx, Bertrand Godeau, Anne Godier, Janneke Horn, Samir Jaber, Boris Jung, Khaldoun Kuteifan, Marc Leone, Alexandra Mailles, Mikael Mazighi, Bruno Mégarbane, Hervé Outin, Louis Puybasset, Tarek Sharshar, Claudio Sandroni, Romain Sonneville, Nicolas Weiss, Fabio Silvio Taccon. Update in Neurocritical Care: a summary of the 2018 Paris international conference of the French Society of Intensive Care. Annals of intensive care. vol 9. issue 1. 2020-09-29. PMID:30993550. this 2-day post-graduate educational symposium comprised several chapters, aiming first to provide all-board intensivists with current standards for the clinical assessment of altered consciousness states (including coma and delirium) and peripheral nervous system in critically ill patients, monitoring of brain function (specifically, electro-encephalography) and best practices for sedation-analgesia-delirium management. 2020-09-29 2023-08-13 Not clear