All Relations between dl and astrocyte

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Daniela Lozano Casasbuenas, Ines Kortebi, Charles Gora, Erica Y Scott, Celeste Gomes, Markley Silva Oliveira, Tanvi Sharma, Emerson Daniele, Arman Olfat, Rachel Gibbs, Scott A Yuzwa, Emily A Gilbert, Patrick Küry, Aaron R Wheeler, Martin Lévesque, Maryam Fai. The laminar position, morphology, and gene expression profiles of cortical astrocytes are influenced by time of birth from ventricular/subventricular progenitors. Glia. 2024-06-09. PMID:38852127. here, we demonstrate that the production of sl and deep layer (dl) astrocyte populations from neural progenitor cells in the mouse is temporally regulated. 2024-06-09 2024-06-11 mouse