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Yang Yu, Xianshan Shen, Fangyong Wang, Yongfeng Hon. Characteristic brain functional activation and connectivity during actual and imaginary right-handed grasp. Brain research. 2024-08-09. PMID:39122137. |
we used 34-channel functional near infrared spectroscopy to investigate and compare changes in oxyhemoglobin concentration of brain networks in bilateral prefrontal cortex, sensorimotor cortex, and occipital lobe of 22 right-handed healthy adults during executive right-handed grasp (motor execution task) and imagined right-handed grasp (motor imagery task). |
2024-08-09 |
2024-08-13 |
Not clear |
Yuki Fukumoto, Marina Todo, Makoto Suzuki, Daisuke Kimura, Toshiaki Suzuk. Changes in spinal motoneuron excitability during the improvement of fingertip dexterity by actual execution combined with motor imagery practice. Heliyon. vol 10. issue 9. 2024-05-06. PMID:38707302. |
this suggests that motor imagery is involved in the degree of the increase of spinal motoneuron excitability based on the real-time prediction of motor execution and that there may be no need for an increase in excitability during motor skill control. |
2024-05-06 |
2024-05-08 |
human |
Dongju Guo, Jinglu Hu, Dezheng Wang, Chongfeng Wang, Shouwei Yue, Fangzhou Xu, Yang Zhan. Variation in brain connectivity during motor imagery and motor execution in stroke patients based on electroencephalography. Frontiers in neuroscience. vol 18. 2024-02-19. PMID:38370433. |
variation in brain connectivity during motor imagery and motor execution in stroke patients based on electroencephalography. |
2024-02-19 |
2024-02-21 |
Not clear |
Dongju Guo, Jinglu Hu, Dezheng Wang, Chongfeng Wang, Shouwei Yue, Fangzhou Xu, Yang Zhan. Variation in brain connectivity during motor imagery and motor execution in stroke patients based on electroencephalography. Frontiers in neuroscience. vol 18. 2024-02-19. PMID:38370433. |
the objective of this study was to analyze the changes in connectivity between motor imagery (mi) and motor execution (me) in the premotor area (pma) and primary motor cortex (ma) of the brain, aiming to explore suitable forms of treatment and potential therapeutic targets. |
2024-02-19 |
2024-02-21 |
Not clear |
Brian M Dekleva, Raeed H Chowdhury, Aaron P Batista, Steven M Chase, Byron M Yu, Michael L Boninger, Jennifer L Collinge. Motor cortex retains and reorients neural dynamics during motor imagery. Nature human behaviour. 2024-01-29. PMID:38287177. |
despite decades of behavioural and imaging studies, it is unknown how the specific activity patterns and temporal dynamics in motor cortex during covert motor imagery relate to those during motor execution. |
2024-01-29 |
2024-02-01 |
Not clear |
Andrea Tacchino, Ludovico Pedullà, Jessica Podda, Margherita Monti Bragadin, Mario Alberto Battaglia, Ambra Bisio, Marco Bove, Giampaolo Brichett. Motor imagery has a priming effect on motor execution in people with multiple sclerosis. Frontiers in human neuroscience. vol 17. 2023-09-25. PMID:37746058. |
motor imagery has a priming effect on motor execution in people with multiple sclerosis. |
2023-09-25 |
2023-10-07 |
human |
Katsuya Sakai, Yuichiro Hosoi, Yusuke Harada, Yumi Iked. Estimation Error Consisting of Motor Imagery and Motor Execution in Patients with Stroke. Journal of motor behavior. 2023-06-12. PMID:37308465. |
estimation error consisting of motor imagery and motor execution in patients with stroke. |
2023-06-12 |
2023-08-14 |
human |
Tarri B Jessey, Beier Lin, Soumyaa V Subramanium, Sarah N Kraeutne. Disrupting somatosensory processing impairs motor execution but not motor imagery. Human movement science. vol 90. 2023-05-29. PMID:37247540. |
disrupting somatosensory processing impairs motor execution but not motor imagery. |
2023-05-29 |
2023-08-14 |
human |
Brian M Dekleva, Raeed H Chowdhury, Aaron P Batista, Steven M Chase, Byron M Yu, Michael L Boninger, Jennifer L Collinge. Motor cortex retains and reorients neural dynamics during motor imagery. bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology. 2023-01-30. PMID:36711675. |
despite decades of behavioral and imaging studies, it is unknown how the specific activity patterns and temporal dynamics within motor cortex during covert motor imagery relate to those during motor execution. |
2023-01-30 |
2023-08-14 |
Not clear |
Yue Zhang, Weihai Chen, Chun-Liang Lin, Zhongcai Pei, Jianer Chen, Daming Wan. Synchronous analyses between electroencephalogram and surface electromyogram based on motor imagery and motor execution. The Review of scientific instruments. vol 93. issue 11. 2022-12-03. PMID:36461556. |
we collected the eeg and semg data of left- or right-hand motor imagery and motor execution from six healthy subjects and six stroke patients. |
2022-12-03 |
2023-08-14 |
human |
Yue Zhang, Weihai Chen, Chun-Liang Lin, Zhongcai Pei, Jianer Chen, Daming Wan. Synchronous analyses between electroencephalogram and surface electromyogram based on motor imagery and motor execution. The Review of scientific instruments. vol 93. issue 11. 2022-12-03. PMID:36461556. |
in the task of motor imagery, the significant eeg-semg coherence is mainly in the imagination process with the frequency distribution of the alpha and beta frequency bands; in the task of motor execution, the significant eeg-semg coherence mainly concentrates before and during the task with the frequency distribution of the alpha, beta, and gamma frequency bands. |
2022-12-03 |
2023-08-14 |
human |
Chun-Ren Phang, Chia-Hsin Chen, Yuan-Yang Cheng, Yi-Jen Chen, Li-Wei K. Frontoparietal Dysconnection in Covert Bipedal Activity for Enhancing the Performance of the Motor Preparation-based Brain-Computer Interface. IEEE transactions on neural systems and rehabilitation engineering : a publication of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. vol PP. 2022-10-31. PMID:36315547. |
motor-based brain-computer interfaces (bcis) were developed from the brain signals during motor imagery (mi), motor preparation (mp), and motor execution (me). |
2022-10-31 |
2023-08-14 |
human |
Franziska Klein, Stefan Debener, Karsten Witt, Cornelia Kranczioc. fMRI-based validation of continuous-wave fNIRS of supplementary motor area activation during motor execution and motor imagery. Scientific reports. vol 12. issue 1. 2022-03-05. PMID:35246563. |
fmri-based validation of continuous-wave fnirs of supplementary motor area activation during motor execution and motor imagery. |
2022-03-05 |
2023-08-13 |
human |
Yoshibumi Bunno, Toshiaki Suzuk. Thenar Muscle Motor Imagery Increases Spinal Motor Neuron Excitability of the Abductor Digiti Minimi Muscle. Frontiers in human neuroscience. vol 15. 2021-12-20. PMID:34924979. |
given that motor imagery (mi) and motor execution (me) share a common neural foundation, we hypothesized that the enslaving effect on the spinal motor neuron excitability occurs during mi. |
2021-12-20 |
2023-08-13 |
human |
Nabila Brihmat, Mohamed Tarri, David Gasq, Philippe Marque, Evelyne Castel-Lacanal, Isabelle Loubinou. Cross-Modal Functional Connectivity of the Premotor Cortex Reflects Residual Motor Output After Stroke. Brain connectivity. vol 10. issue 5. 2021-08-10. PMID:32414294. |
twenty-four stroke patients (23 right handed, mean age = 52.4 ± 12.6 years) with varying levels of motor deficits underwent functional magnetic resonance imaging while performing different motor tasks (passive mobilization, motor execution, and motor imagery of an extension movement of the unaffected hand [uh] or affected hand [ah]). |
2021-08-10 |
2023-08-13 |
Not clear |
Minji Lee, Ji-Hoon Jeong, Yun-Hee Kim, Seong-Whan Le. Decoding Finger Tapping With the Affected Hand in Chronic Stroke Patients During Motor Imagery and Execution. IEEE transactions on neural systems and rehabilitation engineering : a publication of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. vol 29. 2021-06-30. PMID:34101595. |
the subjects performed a finger tapping task during motor execution, and motor imagery was performed with the dominant and affected hands in the healthy controls and stroke patients, respectively. |
2021-06-30 |
2023-08-13 |
human |
Minji Lee, Ji-Hoon Jeong, Yun-Hee Kim, Seong-Whan Le. Decoding Finger Tapping With the Affected Hand in Chronic Stroke Patients During Motor Imagery and Execution. IEEE transactions on neural systems and rehabilitation engineering : a publication of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. vol 29. 2021-06-30. PMID:34101595. |
the averaged four-class accuracies during motor execution and motor imagery were 53.16 ± 8.42% and 46.94 ± 5.99% for the healthy controls and 53.17 ± 14.09% and 66.00 ± 14.96% for the stroke patients, respectively. |
2021-06-30 |
2023-08-13 |
human |
Hana Burianová, Lars Marstaller, Anina N Rich, Mark A Williams, Greg Savage, Margaret Ryan, Paul F Sowma. Motor neuroplasticity: A MEG-fMRI study of motor imagery and execution in healthy ageing. Neuropsychologia. vol 146. 2021-06-22. PMID:32629033. |
we used meg to assess age-related changes in beta band oscillations in primary motor cortices, fmri to localize age-related changes in brain activity, and the finger configuration task to measure task performance during overt and covert motor processing: motor execution (me) and motor imagery (mi). |
2021-06-22 |
2023-08-13 |
Not clear |
Yoshiyuki Suzuki, Naotsugu Kaneko, Atsushi Sasaki, Fumiya Tanaka, Kimitaka Nakazawa, Taishin Nomura, Matija Milosevi. Muscle-specific movement-phase-dependent modulation of corticospinal excitability during upper-limb motor execution and motor imagery combined with virtual action observation. Neuroscience letters. vol 755. 2021-06-08. PMID:33887382. |
responses were compared between: (1) motor imagery combined with virtual action observation (mi + ao; first-person virtual wrist movements shown on a computer display, while participants remained at rest and imagined these movements); and (2) motor execution (me; participants extended or flexed their wrist). |
2021-06-08 |
2023-08-13 |
human |
Moemi Matsuo, Naoki Iso, Kengo Fujiwara, Takefumi Moriuchi, Daiki Matsuda, Wataru Mitsunaga, Akira Nakashima, Toshio Higash. Comparison of cerebral activation between motor execution and motor imagery of self-feeding activity. Neural regeneration research. vol 16. issue 4. 2021-04-29. PMID:33063742. |
the self-feeding activity task comprised either motor imagery or motor execution of eating sliced cucumber pickles with chopsticks to examine eight regions of interest: pre-supplementary motor area, supplementary motor area, bilateral prefrontal cortex, premotor area, and sensorimotor cortex. |
2021-04-29 |
2023-08-13 |
human |