All Relations between episodic memory and amygdala

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Sonal Agrawal, Lei Yu, Sue E Leurgans, Alifiya Kapasi, Lisa L Barnes, David A Bennett, Patricia A Boyle, Julie A Schneide. Grey matter ageing-related tau astrogliopathy: associations with brain pathologies and cognitive decline. Brain : a journal of neurology. 2024-07-24. PMID:39045644. in fully adjusted models that controlled for demographics, ad, and common age-related pathologies, an increase in severity of grey matter artag pathology in the superior frontal cortex, but not in the amygdala or the anterior temporal tip, was associated with higher odds of alzheimer's dementia and faster decline in global cognition, episodic memory, and semantic memory. 2024-07-24 2024-07-26 human
Michael A Rosario, Razan Alotaibi, Alan O Espinal-Martinez, Amara Ayoub, Aletha Baumann, Uraina Clark, Yvette Cozier, Karin Scho. Personal Mastery Attenuates the Association between Greater Perceived Discrimination and Lower Amygdala and Anterior Hippocampal Volume in a Diverse Sample of Older Adults. bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology. 2024-01-31. PMID:38293042. there is limited research investigating whether perceived discrimination influences brain structures that subserve episodic memory, namely the hippocampus and amygdala. 2024-01-31 2024-02-02 Not clear
Anne Bierbrauer, Marie-Christin Fellner, Rebekka Heinen, Oliver T Wolf, Nikolai Axmache. The memory trace of a stressful episode. Current biology : CB. vol 31. issue 23. 2021-12-08. PMID:34653359. stress influences episodic memory formation via noradrenaline and glucocorticoid effects on amygdala and hippocampus. 2021-12-08 2023-08-13 Not clear
Fei Yu, Jianxin Zhang, Jing Luo, Wencai Zhan. Enhanced insightfulness and neural activation induced by metaphorical solutions to appropriate mental distress problems. Psychophysiology. vol 58. issue 10. 2021-11-12. PMID:34173239. our findings indicate that solutions with high novelty and appropriateness generate the highest levels of therapeutic insightfulness as well as the strongest activation in the hippocampus and amygdala, which may be involved in episodic memory encoding. 2021-11-12 2023-08-13 human
Rafael Roesler, Marise B Parent, Ryan T LaLumiere, Christa K McIntyr. Amygdala-hippocampal interactions in synaptic plasticity and memory formation. Neurobiology of learning and memory. vol 184. 2021-10-08. PMID:34302951. episodic memory is a kind of declarative memory that depends upon the hippocampus, and studies suggest that the basolateral complex of the amygdala (bla) modulates episodic memory consolidation through interactions with the hippocampus. 2021-10-08 2023-08-13 Not clear
Tracy L Fabri, Ritobrato Datta, Julia O'Mahony, Emily Barlow-Krelina, Elisea De Somma, Giulia Longoni, Raquel E Gur, Ruben C Gur, Micky Bacchus, E Ann Yeh, Brenda L Banwell, Christine Til. Memory, processing of emotional stimuli, and volume of limbic structures in pediatric-onset multiple sclerosis. NeuroImage. Clinical. vol 31. 2021-09-13. PMID:34273791. we measured volume of the hippocampus, amygdala, and thalamus, and assessed their relative contribution to episodic memory and emotion identification in poms. 2021-09-13 2023-08-13 Not clear
Olga Abramova, Yana Zorkina, Valeria Ushakova, Eugene Zubkov, Anna Morozova, Vladimir Chekhoni. The role of oxytocin and vasopressin dysfunction in cognitive impairment and mental disorders. Neuropeptides. vol 83. 2021-07-16. PMID:32839007. this review presents the evidence that the oxt/avp systems are involved in the formation of social, working, spatial and episodic memory, mediated by such brain structures as the hippocampal ca2 and ca3 regions, amygdala and prefrontal cortex. 2021-07-16 2023-08-13 mouse
Kristina Dahlgren, Charles Ferris, Stephan Haman. Neural correlates of successful emotional episodic encoding and retrieval: An SDM meta-analysis of neuroimaging studies. Neuropsychologia. vol 143. 2021-06-24. PMID:32416099. for successful emotional episodic memory retrieval, sdm activations were observed in the medial temporal lobe (bilateral amygdala, left hippocampus, and left entorhinal cortex and perirhinal cortex), visual processing regions (bilateral occipital cortex and right middle temporal gyrus), prefrontal cortex (bilateral orbitofrontal cortex, bilateral inferior frontal gyrus, bilateral precentral gyrus, left middle frontal gyrus, right frontal pole) and other regions in the left hemisphere including the temporal pole, insula, putamen, angular gyrus, and parietal opercular cortex. 2021-06-24 2023-08-13 Not clear
Kristina Dahlgren, Charles Ferris, Stephan Haman. Neural correlates of successful emotional episodic encoding and retrieval: An SDM meta-analysis of neuroimaging studies. Neuropsychologia. vol 143. 2021-06-24. PMID:32416099. the current findings add to current understanding of the role of the amygdala, hippocampus, and neocortical regions in the successful encoding and retrieval of emotional episodic memory, clarify and provide an important summary of the current literature in this area, and have implications for current theories of emotional episodic memory encoding and retrieval. 2021-06-24 2023-08-13 Not clear
Angelica Staniloiu, Hans J Markowitsc. Episodic memory is emotionally laden memory, requiring amygdala involvement. The Behavioral and brain sciences. vol 42. 2020-01-06. PMID:31896373. episodic memory is emotionally laden memory, requiring amygdala involvement. 2020-01-06 2023-08-13 Not clear
Nazanin Makkinejad, Julie A Schneider, Junxiao Yu, Sue E Leurgans, Aikaterini Kotrotsou, Arnold M Evia, David A Bennett, Konstantinos Arfanaki. Associations of amygdala volume and shape with transactive response DNA-binding protein 43 (TDP-43) pathology in a community cohort of older adults. Neurobiology of aging. vol 77. 2019-12-06. PMID:30784812. finally, mixed-effects models showed that amygdala volume explained an additional portion of the variance of the rate of decline in global cognition, episodic memory, semantic memory, and perceptual speed, above and beyond what was explained by demographics and neuropathologies. 2019-12-06 2023-08-13 human
R Admon, S Vaisvaser, N Erlich, T Lin, I Shapira-Lichter, E Fruchter, T Gazit, T Hendle. The role of the amygdala in enhanced remembrance of negative episodes and acquired negativity of related neutral cues. Biological psychology. vol 139. 2019-05-14. PMID:30290213. taken together our findings implicate the pcpr as a novel, naturalistic, framework for investigating the neural interface of emotional episodic memory, while highlighting the role of the amygdala in enhanced remembrance of negative episodes and acquired negativity of related neutral cues. 2019-05-14 2023-08-13 human
Furong Huang, Shuang Tang, Pei Sun, Jing Lu. Neural correlates of novelty and appropriateness processing in externally induced constraint relaxation. NeuroImage. vol 172. 2018-12-11. PMID:29408576. the results showed that novelty processing was completed by the temporoparietal junction (tpj) and regions in the executive system (dorsolateral prefrontal cortex [dlpfc]), whereas appropriateness processing was completed by the tpj and regions in the episodic memory (hippocampus), emotion (amygdala), and reward systems (orbitofrontal cortex [ofc]). 2018-12-11 2023-08-13 human
Jennifer S Stevens, Renuka Reddy, Ye Ji Kim, Sanne J H van Rooij, Timothy D Ely, Stephan Hamann, Kerry J Ressler, Tanja Jovanovi. Episodic memory after trauma exposure: Medial temporal lobe function is positively related to re-experiencing and inversely related to negative affect symptoms. NeuroImage. Clinical. vol 17. 2018-07-31. PMID:29204343. hippocampal and amygdala function were subsequently investigated in an fmri study of episodic memory formation in a subset of 54 women. 2018-07-31 2023-08-13 human
John T Wixted, Stephen D Goldinger, Larry R Squire, Joel R Kuhn, Megan H Papesh, Kris A Smith, David M Treiman, Peter N Steinmet. Coding of episodic memory in the human hippocampus. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. vol 115. issue 5. 2018-07-25. PMID:29339476. we investigated episodic memory coding in the hippocampus and amygdala by measuring single-neuron responses from 20 epilepsy patients (12 female) undergoing intracranial monitoring while they completed a continuous recognition memory task. 2018-07-25 2023-08-13 human
Ying Yang, Jian-Zhi Wan. From Structure to Behavior in Basolateral Amygdala-Hippocampus Circuits. Frontiers in neural circuits. vol 11. 2018-07-09. PMID:29163066. the amygdala is specialized for input and processing of emotion, while the hippocampus is essential for declarative or episodic memory. 2018-07-09 2023-08-13 Not clear
David Clewett, Michiko Sakaki, Ringo Huang, Shawn E Nielsen, Mara Mathe. Arousal amplifies biased competition between high and low priority memories more in women than in men: The role of elevated noradrenergic activity. Psychoneuroendocrinology. vol 80. 2018-03-14. PMID:28324703. past work also shows that ovarian hormones modulate activity in the same regions thought to support ne's effects on memory, such as the amygdala, suggesting that men and women may be differentially susceptible to arousal's dual effects on episodic memory. 2018-03-14 2023-08-13 human
Mikiko Kadohis. Effects of odor on emotion, with implications. Frontiers in systems neuroscience. vol 7. 2014-06-24. PMID:24124415. the piriform cortex and the amygdala both project to the orbitofrontal cortex (ofc) which with the amygdala is involved in emotion and associative learning, and to the entorhinal/hippocampal system which is involved in long-term memory including episodic memory. 2014-06-24 2023-08-12 human
Ekaterina Denkova, Sanda Dolcos, Florin Dolco. The Effect of Retrieval Focus and Emotional Valence on the Medial Temporal Lobe Activity during Autobiographical Recollection. Frontiers in behavioral neuroscience. vol 7. 2013-09-06. PMID:24009565. laboratory-based episodic memory studies, using micro-events (pictures/words), point to a role of the amygdala (amy), an emotion-based region, in the encoding and retrieval of emotionally valenced memories. 2013-09-06 2023-08-12 human
John P Aggleto. Multiple anatomical systems embedded within the primate medial temporal lobe: implications for hippocampal function. Neuroscience and biobehavioral reviews. vol 36. issue 7. 2012-12-19. PMID:21964564. these efferent systems and their putative memory functions are: (1) the 'extended-hippocampal system' for episodic memory, which involves the anterior thalamic nuclei, mammillary bodies and retrosplenial cortex, originates in the subicular cortices, and has a largely laminar organisation; (2) the 'rostral hippocampal system' for affective and social learning, which involves prefrontal cortex, amygdala and nucleus accumbens, has a columnar organisation, and originates from rostral ca1 and subiculum; (3) the 'reciprocal hippocampal-parahippocampal system' for sensory processing and integration, which originates from the length of ca1 and the subiculum, and is characterised by columnar, connections with reciprocal topographies. 2012-12-19 2023-08-12 Not clear