All Relations between cross-modal perception and occipital cortex

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Wengbin Pang, Zhichao Xia, Linjun Zhang, Hua Shu, Yang Zhang, Yumei Zhan. Stimulus-responsive and task-dependent activations in occipital regions during pitch perception by early blind listeners. Human brain mapping. vol 45. issue 2. 2024-02-10. PMID:38339902. although it has been established that cross-modal activations occur in the occipital cortex during auditory processing among congenitally and early blind listeners, it remains uncertain whether these activations in various occipital regions reflect sensory analysis of specific sound properties, non-perceptual cognitive operations associated with active tasks, or the interplay between sensory analysis and cognitive operations. 2024-02-10 2024-02-12 Not clear
Luca Rinaldi, Andrea Ciricugno, Lotfi B Merabet, Tomaso Vecchi, Zaira Cattane. The Effect of Blindness on Spatial Asymmetries. Brain sciences. vol 10. issue 10. 2020-10-31. PMID:32977398. this is possibly the result of the more pronounced involvement of the right parietal cortex during spatial tasks in blind individuals compared to the sighted, as well as of the additional recruitment of the right occipital cortex, which would reflect the cross-modal plastic phenomena that largely characterize the blind brain. 2020-10-31 2023-08-13 human
Elizabeth Huber, Kelly Chang, Ivan Alvarez, Aaron Hundle, Holly Bridge, Ione Fin. Early Blindness Shapes Cortical Representations of Auditory Frequency within Auditory Cortex. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. vol 39. issue 26. 2020-06-18. PMID:31010853. early loss of vision is classically linked to large-scale cross-modal plasticity within occipital cortex. 2020-06-18 2023-08-13 human
Franziska Müller, Guiomar Niso, Soheila Samiee, Maurice Ptito, Sylvain Baillet, Ron Kuper. A thalamocortical pathway for fast rerouting of tactile information to occipital cortex in congenital blindness. Nature communications. vol 10. issue 1. 2020-03-02. PMID:31727882. our results strongly suggest the contribution of a fast thalamo-cortical pathway in the cross-modal activation of the occipital cortex in congenitally blind humans. 2020-03-02 2023-08-13 human
Corinna M Bauer, Zaira Cattaneo, Lotfi B Merabe. Early blindness is associated with increased volume of the uncinate fasciculus. The European journal of neuroscience. vol 47. issue 5. 2019-10-29. PMID:29380459. for example, cross-modal sensory processing at the level of the occipital cortex appears to be associated with adaptive behaviors in the blind. 2019-10-29 2023-08-13 Not clear
N H Reislev, T B Dyrby, H R Siebner, H Lundell, M Ptito, R Kuper. Thalamocortical Connectivity and Microstructural Changes in Congenital and Late Blindness. Neural plasticity. vol 2017. 2017-08-29. PMID:28386486. it remains a debate whether the cross-modal activation of the occipital cortex is mediated through the modulation of preexisting corticocortical projections or the reorganisation of thalamocortical connectivity. 2017-08-29 2023-08-13 Not clear
Magdalene Ortmann, Pienie Zwitserlood, Arne Knief, Johanna Baare, Stephanie Brinkheetker, Antoinette Am Zehnhoff-Dinnesen, Christian Dobe. When Hearing Is Tricky: Speech Processing Strategies in Prelingually Deafened Children and Adolescents with Cochlear Implants Having Good and Poor Speech Performance. PloS one. vol 12. issue 1. 2017-08-28. PMID:28056017. poor performers showed increased activity in the left occipital cortex (220-290 ms), which may be an index for cross-modal perception. 2017-08-28 2023-08-13 human
Gaelle S L Coullon, Uzay E Emir, Ione Fine, Kate E Watkins, Holly Bridg. Neurochemical changes in the pericalcarine cortex in congenital blindness attributable to bilateral anophthalmia. Journal of neurophysiology. vol 114. issue 3. 2016-06-17. PMID:26180125. congenital blindness leads to large-scale functional and structural reorganization in the occipital cortex, but relatively little is known about the neurochemical changes underlying this cross-modal plasticity. 2016-06-17 2023-08-13 human
Gaelle S L Coullon, Uzay E Emir, Ione Fine, Kate E Watkins, Holly Bridg. Neurochemical changes in the pericalcarine cortex in congenital blindness attributable to bilateral anophthalmia. Journal of neurophysiology. vol 114. issue 3. 2016-06-17. PMID:26180125. high levels of choline and glutamate/glutamine are consistent with enhanced excitatory circuits in the anophthalmic occipital cortex, which could reflect a shift toward enhanced plasticity or sensitivity that could in turn mediate or unmask cross-modal responses. 2016-06-17 2023-08-13 human
Olivier Collignon, Giulia Dormal, Adelaide de Heering, Franco Lepore, Terri L Lewis, Daphne Maure. Long-Lasting Crossmodal Cortical Reorganization Triggered by Brief Postnatal Visual Deprivation. Current biology : CB. vol 25. issue 18. 2016-06-17. PMID:26299512. while it is acknowledged that early-onset and longstanding blindness leads the occipital cortex to respond to non-visual stimulation, it remains unknown whether a short and transient period of postnatal visual deprivation is sufficient to trigger crossmodal reorganization that persists after years of visual experience. 2016-06-17 2023-08-13 human
Susanne Dietrich, Ingo Hertrich, Vinod Kumar, Hermann Ackerman. Experience-related structural changes of degenerated occipital white matter in late-blind humans - a diffusion tensor imaging study. PloS one. vol 10. issue 4. 2016-02-01. PMID:25830371. thus, the observed functional cross-modal recruitment of occipital cortex might facilitate ultra-fast speech processing in these individuals. 2016-02-01 2023-08-13 human
L Gagnon, R Kupers, M Ptit. Neural correlates of taste perception in congenital blindness. Neuropsychologia. vol 70. 2016-01-04. PMID:25708174. in sharp contrast with results of multiple other sensory processing studies in congenitally blind subjects, including touch, audition and smell, the occipital cortex was not recruited during taste processing, suggesting the absence of taste-related compensatory crossmodal responses in the occipital cortex. 2016-01-04 2023-08-13 human
Lizette Heine, Mohamed A Bahri, Carlo Cavaliere, Andrea Soddu, Steven Laureys, Maurice Ptito, Ron Kuper. Prevalence of increases in functional connectivity in visual, somatosensory and language areas in congenital blindness. Frontiers in neuroanatomy. vol 9. 2015-07-20. PMID:26190978. the observed group differences underscore the extent of the cross-modal reorganization in the brain and the supra-modal function of the occipital cortex in congenitally blind individuals. 2015-07-20 2023-08-13 human
Nicolas Burra, Dirk Kerzel, Beatrice de Gelder, Alan J Pegn. Lack of automatic attentional orienting by gaze cues following a bilateral loss of visual cortex. Neuropsychologia. vol 58. 2014-12-24. PMID:24732381. we presented a cross-modal version of the posner cueing paradigm to a patient (tn) with bilateral lesions of occipital cortex (burra et al., 2013; pegna, khateb, lazeyras, & seghier, 2005). 2014-12-24 2023-08-13 human
Nadia Bolognini, Silvia Convento, Martina Fusaro, Giuseppe Valla. The sound-induced phosphene illusion. Experimental brain research. vol 231. issue 4. 2014-07-14. PMID:24091771. in conclusion, an auditory stimulation may bring about a phenomenological change in the conscious visual experience produced by the transcranial stimulation of the occipital cortex, which reveals crossmodal binding mechanisms within early stages of visual processing. 2014-07-14 2023-08-12 human
Pegah Afra, Jeffrey Anderson, Michael Funke, Michael Johnson, Fumisuke Matsuo, Tawnya Constantino, Judith Warne. Neurophysiological investigation of idiopathic acquired auditory-visual synesthesia. Neurocase. vol 18. issue 4. 2012-12-14. PMID:22060011. the activation of occipital cortex following auditory stimuli may represent recruitment of existing cross-modal sensory pathways. 2012-12-14 2023-08-12 Not clear
Harold Burton, Robert J Sinclair, Alvin Agat. Recognition memory for Braille or spoken words: an fMRI study in early blind. Brain research. vol 1438. 2012-07-17. PMID:22251836. the uniqueness of a memory role for occipital cortex is in its cross-modal responses to coding tactile properties of braille. 2012-07-17 2023-08-12 human
A Seemüller, E M Müller, F Rösle. EEG-power and -coherence changes in a unimodal and a crossmodal working memory task with visual and kinesthetic stimuli. International journal of psychophysiology : official journal of the International Organization of Psychophysiology. vol 83. issue 1. 2012-05-07. PMID:22079828. there, coherence in the theta-band increased between electrode sites over left central and occipital cortex areas in the crossmodal compared to the unimodal conditions. 2012-05-07 2023-08-12 Not clear
Lior Reich, Marcin Szwed, Laurent Cohen, Amir Amed. A ventral visual stream reading center independent of visual experience. Current biology : CB. vol 21. issue 5. 2011-07-12. PMID:21333539. one would expect this area to be at either parietal or bilateral occipital cortex, reflecting the tactile nature of the task and crossmodal plasticity, respectively. 2011-07-12 2023-08-12 Not clear
Lindsay B Lewis, Melissa Saenz, Ione Fin. Mechanisms of cross-modal plasticity in early-blind subjects. Journal of neurophysiology. vol 104. issue 6. 2011-05-09. PMID:20668272. within both blind and sighted subject groups, we found patterns of cross-modal activity that were remarkably similar across tasks: a large proportion of cross-modal responses within occipital cortex are neither task nor stimulus specific. 2011-05-09 2023-08-12 human